
An emissary of Demeter reminds us that even when we cannot be together with our loved ones in person

An emissary of Demeter reminds us that even when we cannot be together with our loved ones in person, we will see them again someday, one way or another. And in the meantime, their memories keeps us warm.

Demeter (associated with Ceres in Roman polytheism) is a Greek goddess of agriculture, the harvest, the earth, and the cycle of life and death. She is often depicted with poppies or bundles of grain, and snakes are one of Her sacred animals. Her daughter is Persephone (Proserpina), Who descends every winter to the Underworld. Demeter awaits Her return, year after year.

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made my fist big and meaningful purchase in my life. what should i name her?? pls give suggestions!
