#twst memes



These examples have been brought to you by: the Ghost Marriage, Ruggie Chat, Cater & Leona’s Personal Stories

Cater: You and I have known each other for quite some time, right?

Idia: Yeah, we’ve been classmates for years. What is it?

Cater: Promise me that you won’t get mad though.

Idia: I’m not the type who gets angry easily, go ahead.

Cater: What’s your name again? 

Idia: …I’m mad. 

*Ace and Deuce are sitting on a bench*

Yuu: Why do you guys look so sad?

Ace: Sit down with us so we can tell you.

Yuu:*Sits down*

Deuce: This bench is freshly painted.


Rook: Well, how is the most beautiful person on earth doing today?

Neige:*Blushes* I-

Vil, from across the room: I’m great, thanks.

Deuce: I drink to forget, but I always remember.

Ace: Man, you’re drinking orange juice.

Kalim: Is pink panther a lion? 

Jamil: …Say that again, but slower. 


Kalim: I don’t get it.

Jamil: He’s the pink panther.

Kalim: Okay-! But, is he a lion?

Jamil: Kalim, he is a panther.


Kalim: Is that like a kind of lion? 

Jamil: No. It’s a PANTHER.

Kalim: I just googled… they’re not pink tho?


Deuce: So oxygen went on a date with potassium, it went OK.

Ace: I thought oxygen was dating magnesium, OMg-

Deuce: Actually oxygen first asked nitrogen out, but nitrogen was all NO.

Epel: I thought oxygen had that double bound with the hydrogen twins?

Ace: Looks like someone’s a HO.


Crewel:I’m done with all of you.

Idia: I’ll have one magic elixir, please. Something to make me calm, focused and happy. Something to restore balance to the universe. 



*First year batch after every chapter*

Ace and Deuce: And once again, Ace, Deuce and Yuu save the day!

Jack: You two didn’t do a thing, it was all Yuu. 

Ace: We’re a package deal, everyone knows that.

Yuu: Hey is anyone else d-





Idia: Deprived of sleep? 

Yuu:…Done with today’s homework? What’s wrong with you people??

Kalim: Hey Yuu, did you know that ‘thot’ means thoughtful person? Jamil just told me when I asked him what it meant!

Yuu: It does? I didn’t know that!

*Later that night*

Yuu: Thanks for helping me with the problems again, tsunotarou. You’re a real thot!

Malleus:*Almost chokes on air* I’m a what?

Lilia: Oh please, nobody thinks that Malleus is my son!

Yuu:*Turns to the entire NRC* Raise your hands if you thought and still belive that Malleus is Lilia’s son.


Lilia: Malleus, put your hand down.

Kalim: Jamil, I got a pet snake! What should I name him?

Jamil: I’m sorry, you got a whatnow!?!?

Kalim: William Snakespear.

Lilia: Welcome to my very first show, in which I try different hair products!

Lilia:*Sprays hairspray into his mouth*


Lilia: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good! 

Floyd:*Putting honey in his tea*Hell yeah, get in that leaf juice, you sexy sexy bee sauce~

Jade: Do you take constructive criticism?

Floyd:… I absolutely fucking do not.

Vil: Epel, I’m going to need you to swear to me-

Epel: Fuck you, Vil.

Vil:… I meant like a promise.


Epel: I really hate it when Vil-senapi says “Are you even listening to me?” It’s such a random way to start a conversation…

Malleus: I feel like I can be myself around you.

Yuu: You’re weird and quiet around me.


Lilia: Oh you precious little creatures, want to see what I can do to stop you from crying?

Children:*Crying* O-…kay?

Lilia:*Jumps at them* BOO!


Children:*Run away and cry even harder*


Lilia: …Oh right, *Giggles* Now I remember, that’s for hiccups.

Vil: Why are you like this?

Leona: Like what? Charming? Devastatingly beautiful? Genius? You’ll have to be more specific.

Vil: …An asshole.
