#twst translation


Episode 5-11 Rhythmic Episode


Jamil:Alright, show me just how much your dancing has improved.

Jamil:Try to dance along with me and Kalim as best as you can.

Ace:Hey, Deuce. Don’t mess up today, ‘kay?

Deuce:Obviously. Now that they showed me the ropes, I totally got this down!

Kalim:Hey, Deuce, you’re all tense again. Just relax and let’s have some fun!


Kalim: Woah! You guys have really improved, haven’t you? Awesome!

Kalim:Oh yeah, what if you tried this kind of choreography too?

Deuce: W-wow! How did you do that movement just now!?

Kalim:You gotta go BAM! on the ground with your hands and then throw your legs up like WHAM! Super easy, right?

Ace:I’m not gonna get it if you’re just gonna explain like that…


Ace:Hey, wait? Kalim-senpai. That movement right there, isn’t that from a later part of the dance?

Kalim: Oops, my bad!

Kalim: Whenever I get into it, I can’t help getting too far ahead in the song. Ahaha!

Grim: Man, he’s always such a carefree guy…

Jamil: Seriously… How does it help if the one teaching makes the mistakes…?


Grim:Yay! I got the final pose down perfectly too!

Deuce:Viper-senpai… H-How was that?

Jamil:Well, let’s see, I suppose you did well, considering you were able to dance with the rhythm.

Jamil:You did fairly well in this short period of time. Well done.

Kalim:Oooh! See, you guys can do it. Great job!


Deuce: Haah, haah… Viper-senpai, how was our dancing?

Jamil:Your steps are still a little too sloppy.

Kalim: But hey, at least they’ve gotten to the point where they can keep dancing without stopping, right? Don’t sweat the details so much!

Jamil: I suppose… I guess we could say their dancing is just passable.

Jamil: For the present, not bad on learning this much, at least. Well done.

Episode 5-8 Rhythmic Story


Ace: ‘Kay. Guess we should try dancing the assigned song.

Ace: Grim, I bet you don’t have any dancing experience, you even know how?

Grim: Heheh. I’ll show you my fancy hind-leg footwork!

Deuce: I-I’ve been preparing for this, but I wonder if i can actually do it…

Deuce:Oh hey, Prefect, keep time for us by clapping along, please!


Ace:Nice, it’s all easy peasy so far ♪

Deuce: I gotta stick out my right hand and take a step back… Wait, which leg do I step back with again?

Grim: Funya, we gotta do a peace sign here? I can’t do that with my front paws…

Ace:Heh. C'mon, guys, we haven’t even gotten to the hard stuff yet. What’re y'all even doing?

Deuce: Grr… Just watch, I’ll get it right soon!


Grim: Ace~ You stuck out the wrong hand there~

Ace: Shut up already. I don’t want to hear that from someone who can’t even dance a single part of the song at all.

Grim:Whaddusay!? I’m doing my best to practice, yanno!

Deuce:Seriously, guys… How are you so energetic enough to keep fighting even during all this?

Deuce:C'mon, let’s get back to practice. Prefect, continue playing the song for us, please.


Deuce:Urk… I can’t figure out these complicated steps at all…

Grim:Ace, what do I gotta do to dance better~?

Ace: If you beg me and say, “Ace-sama, please teach me,” maybe I’ll think about helping you out.

Grim: Funyaaa! You’re being so annoying, just cause you can dance a bit!

Deuce:Just watch…! I’ll get good enough at dancing that I won’t need to rely on your help!


Ace:Dammit, I messed up! This choreography is harder than I thought…

Grim: Deuce! You stepped on my tail during that last set!

Deuce: S-sorry. I can’t watch my feet at all…

Grim: Urrh, my tail still hurts, yanno…

Deuce:Urk, I never realized how hard dancing really was…!

R Ortho Shroud College Gear Voice Lines

Summon Line: I’m Ortho Shroud of Ignihyde. Fufu, I look forward to being your classmate from here on out.

Groooovy!!: I really can’t wait to finally enjoy school life as a student of Night Raven College.

Home: I’m going to do my best today, too!

Home Idle 1: Getting scolded for speaking out of turn, or falling asleep in class… Those are pretty standard events in games and anime, so I want to give it a shot too!

Home Idle 2: When I’m talking to others at school, I’m able to gather information that I wouldn’t be able to find on the internet. For example… super exciting rumors about people!

Home Idle 3: I have compiled all the data from the books I need to use to write my report, but… It’s actually pretty hard to put all this into my own words.

Home Idle - Login: Retrofit Complete. Proceeding with the advanced learning attachment… Just kidding~ Let’s have another great day today!

Home Tap 1: Studying is really fun. There’s really a different level of excitement from taking class rather than just receiving data.

Home Tap 2: Ah, if you’re heading to your next class, let’s go together! Did you finish your homework? …I always wanted to say those things. Heheh!

Home Tap 3: My brother made this body to resemble the school uniform. If only he’d wear the uniform jacket properly, too…

Home Tap 4: I’ve always wanted to go to school. One of my childhood dreams finally came true!

Home Tap 5: Are you inviting me to lunch? Of course I want to! I can tell you the rankings of all the popular dishes in the cafeteria later.
