#txt beomgyu ff


You didn’t even know why you were here. Truthfully you’d rather stay home and cry yourself to sleep, but hey, that’s pitiful so you got your sorry ass up, put on the shortest, tightest outfit you had, did you hair and makeup and showed up to your friend’s New Year’s party.

You had downed two double shots of vodka in one go a few minutes ago, which did wonders for your tolerance. Now, all you needed was a cute guy to keep you entertained.

“Yeji, I need a guy”, you tell your friend who’s vaping right next to you, “This dress is tight as fuck and I need someone to take it off of me”.

“Okay”, laughs Yeji, “Girl, we’ll find you someone, don’t worry.”

You pout at the third glass of neat vodka in front of you, “I hate vodka”

“I’ll get you a mixer?”


“Babe, promise me you’ll mingle with someone in the meanwhile. You’re leaving tonight with a guy, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’ what I’m here for”

“Okay, be right back!”

However, you were upset and it showed. You had just broken up with Yeonjun a few days ago, and no shit, you weren’t over it. However, screw that guy. You didn’t need him, you could easily get another guy if you wanted to. You sat there for a while, mulling over your tragic love life when your thoughts were interrupted.

“Y/N! Let’s dance!”, a deep voice came from over you.

You look up to find Beomgyu reaching out, wanting to drag you into the free space in the living room where people were now dancing.

“Yeah. No”, you reply, “I am way too sober to be dancing right now”, you tell him.

“Hmm”, he smirks, “You know what you need?”, he grabs a bottle of vodka from the table and brings it over to you, “Okay, open up”, he instructs.

“Um, hello, I do not chug, okay. I am a lady and I drink like one. So, pour the drink into my glass”

‘Oh god. Fine”, Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

Next thing you know, you were dancing in the living room with your deep voiced friend. You had your body sloppily thrown over him, his hands on your waist and yours around his neck. The two of you looked drunk out of your minds. You could barely stand and he was trying his best to keep you from falling to the ground.

At one point, you even thought you saw Yeonjun twirling some other girl near you - which both Beomgyu and you decided to imitate for the fun of it. The two of confused to who was going to twirl whom and hence ended up taking turns to twirl each other.

This went one for an hour or two, until finally, the pair of giggling mess, decided to make way to the couch. He took a seat on one end of it, patting on the space beside him for you to sit down.

“I’m sitting on you lap”, you announce, facing him.

“You don’t want to sit on the couch?”, he slurs at you, ‘Okay, come here then”, replies Beomgyu as he pulled you onto his lap, his arms going around to hold you against him.

Unbeknownst to you, Yeonjun was watching the entire interaction from the opposite couch with a seemingly seething expression on his face. Unfortunately, you were way past drunk to notice his presence in the room anymore. You wanted to be under someone tonight, and if that someone was going to Beomgyu, that’s even better! Beomgyu was as hot as hookups get, and this was just perfect.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a couple of your friends, including Yeji came over to click pictures with you. You had your arms around Beomgyu for most of them and when they were gone, you couldn’t help but want to get away from all the crowd and the music.

“You wanna get out of here for a while?”, you ask Beomgyu.

You had spent the entire night, latched onto him. The guy being no expection to the behavior himself. If this was going anywhere, the both of you knew where exactly that would be.

“Um, sure. Bedroom?”, he breathes heavily, his eyes shifting from yours to your lips.

“Okay”, you reply.


You got off him and the two of you stand up and make your way towards the room at the other end of the hallway. You open up the door and as soon as you get in, Beomgyu closes it and pushes you against the table nearby, latching his lips flush onto yours.

His hand pushes you closer by your waist, while the other slithered down to squeeze your butt cheeks. You had you hands against his chest, which you moved to tug onto his hair as his lips, seeming to have a mind of their own, traces patterns downwards to your neck.


You slightly pull back from Beomgyu.

Knock. Knock,

“I’ll get it”, he says

He steps away from you to open the door. On the other side of it stood an an extremely unimpressed, seemingly irritated Yeonjun. He looks past the boy and into the room to glare at you.

“I think you’ve had too much to drink”, he states, before he walks in and drags you out the room with him.



Guys, I ran out of time. I got finals tomorrow. Lemme know what you think. Part 2? -M
