#beomgyu x reader


You didn’t even know why you were here. Truthfully you’d rather stay home and cry yourself to sleep, but hey, that’s pitiful so you got your sorry ass up, put on the shortest, tightest outfit you had, did you hair and makeup and showed up to your friend’s New Year’s party.

You had downed two double shots of vodka in one go a few minutes ago, which did wonders for your tolerance. Now, all you needed was a cute guy to keep you entertained.

“Yeji, I need a guy”, you tell your friend who’s vaping right next to you, “This dress is tight as fuck and I need someone to take it off of me”.

“Okay”, laughs Yeji, “Girl, we’ll find you someone, don’t worry.”

You pout at the third glass of neat vodka in front of you, “I hate vodka”

“I’ll get you a mixer?”


“Babe, promise me you’ll mingle with someone in the meanwhile. You’re leaving tonight with a guy, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, that’ what I’m here for”

“Okay, be right back!”

However, you were upset and it showed. You had just broken up with Yeonjun a few days ago, and no shit, you weren’t over it. However, screw that guy. You didn’t need him, you could easily get another guy if you wanted to. You sat there for a while, mulling over your tragic love life when your thoughts were interrupted.

“Y/N! Let’s dance!”, a deep voice came from over you.

You look up to find Beomgyu reaching out, wanting to drag you into the free space in the living room where people were now dancing.

“Yeah. No”, you reply, “I am way too sober to be dancing right now”, you tell him.

“Hmm”, he smirks, “You know what you need?”, he grabs a bottle of vodka from the table and brings it over to you, “Okay, open up”, he instructs.

“Um, hello, I do not chug, okay. I am a lady and I drink like one. So, pour the drink into my glass”

‘Oh god. Fine”, Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

Next thing you know, you were dancing in the living room with your deep voiced friend. You had your body sloppily thrown over him, his hands on your waist and yours around his neck. The two of you looked drunk out of your minds. You could barely stand and he was trying his best to keep you from falling to the ground.

At one point, you even thought you saw Yeonjun twirling some other girl near you - which both Beomgyu and you decided to imitate for the fun of it. The two of confused to who was going to twirl whom and hence ended up taking turns to twirl each other.

This went one for an hour or two, until finally, the pair of giggling mess, decided to make way to the couch. He took a seat on one end of it, patting on the space beside him for you to sit down.

“I’m sitting on you lap”, you announce, facing him.

“You don’t want to sit on the couch?”, he slurs at you, ‘Okay, come here then”, replies Beomgyu as he pulled you onto his lap, his arms going around to hold you against him.

Unbeknownst to you, Yeonjun was watching the entire interaction from the opposite couch with a seemingly seething expression on his face. Unfortunately, you were way past drunk to notice his presence in the room anymore. You wanted to be under someone tonight, and if that someone was going to Beomgyu, that’s even better! Beomgyu was as hot as hookups get, and this was just perfect.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a couple of your friends, including Yeji came over to click pictures with you. You had your arms around Beomgyu for most of them and when they were gone, you couldn’t help but want to get away from all the crowd and the music.

“You wanna get out of here for a while?”, you ask Beomgyu.

You had spent the entire night, latched onto him. The guy being no expection to the behavior himself. If this was going anywhere, the both of you knew where exactly that would be.

“Um, sure. Bedroom?”, he breathes heavily, his eyes shifting from yours to your lips.

“Okay”, you reply.


You got off him and the two of you stand up and make your way towards the room at the other end of the hallway. You open up the door and as soon as you get in, Beomgyu closes it and pushes you against the table nearby, latching his lips flush onto yours.

His hand pushes you closer by your waist, while the other slithered down to squeeze your butt cheeks. You had you hands against his chest, which you moved to tug onto his hair as his lips, seeming to have a mind of their own, traces patterns downwards to your neck.


You slightly pull back from Beomgyu.

Knock. Knock,

“I’ll get it”, he says

He steps away from you to open the door. On the other side of it stood an an extremely unimpressed, seemingly irritated Yeonjun. He looks past the boy and into the room to glare at you.

“I think you’ve had too much to drink”, he states, before he walks in and drags you out the room with him.



Guys, I ran out of time. I got finals tomorrow. Lemme know what you think. Part 2? -M

pairing: beomgyu x reader

genre: fluff

word count: 0.4k

warnings & notes: there’s like one kinda suggestive mention but it’s very brief lmao, sorry aish I had to- I haven’t written in a long ass time, so this sucks and I didn’t proofread anything :D oh also hi, lmao, you probably didn’t except this.

happy birthday to one of the best people I’ve met @scintillasofbeomgyu . no words are enough to express how much you mean to me, I hope you know that no matter how little or a lot I say, you’re one of the best things to have come out of my life in tumblr. I love you.

You could feel Beomgyu looking at you.

Staring at you with those love filled eyes under his long eyelashes. You didn’t turn to face him, not yet prepared for this moment to end and another one to begin, so you kept your eyes on the starry sky you could see from your bedside window and let your boyfriend continue his staring.

The way he looked at you always made you feel warm inside. It’s almost like his eyes held entire galaxies and every single one of the stars in them were only directed at you. You were his one and only, his best friend and his lover, his one true soulmate. Everything you were to him, he was to you and more. He made you feel loved and cared for; treating you with the gentlest of intentions, lightest of kisses and roughest of- well, that wasn’t a subject appropriate for this train of thought.

”Y/n”, his voice was deep when he whispered and you could already feel the smile on his face as he spoke out your name. You stared at the sky for a bit longer before turning to him, seeing him there in his element.

An oversized hoodie and sweatpants hung around his figure, long-ish brown hair with blond highlights tied into a small ponytail behind his head. He was staring at you with that smile that made him look so young and playful, but the way he presented himself was only serious. There was no joking in this moment, only the heartfelt feeling of love coating the entire room.

He leaned over to you and no matter how many times you experienced it, your heart still did somersaults inside your chest every single time. His lips met yours in a sweet exchange, lips slightly chapped because of the evergrowing cold weather. But it still tasted better than any pastry you’d ever had the pleasure of tasting.

Your eyes were closed when he leaned back, a chuckle escaping past his lips as he was presumably looking at your starstruck expression. Right as you were about to let your eyes meet with his again, he pecked you again, this time shorter but filled with just as much meaning.

”Happy birthday, Y/n”, he smiled at you, one of his hands coming over to wrap around your shoulders as he turned you two to face the window again.

No shooting stars were in sight, but that was okay. You already had everything you could ever wish for.

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fifteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fifteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

wc: <1000 , no warnings, just kind of angst bc rip the growing bond between beomgyu and star

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A knock on your door brought you out of your thoughts as you got up off of your couch to open the door. If you were to have any bad morals, you would’ve instantly shut the door in their face had the person not been your mother. You could already feel it in the pit of your stomach that she was only here for no good, but nevertheless you let her in as if you had a say in what she was truly here for, watching as she strode along to the middle of your living room with a look of intent written on her face. 

“Did you do it yet?”

Those five words alone made you want to throw yourself across the room, almost tearing up at her wanting for you to break your soulmate bond with your supposed other half. However, the words cannot form on your tongue at this very moment as her eyes were shooting daggers of glares in your direction, sending chills up your spine as you wanted to know why she had wanted for you to break yours so badly.

“Mom, I-”

“That boy will be nothing but trouble for you, Y/N, and you need to stop yourself before you even find out,” She says, walking over to where you were still standing by your front door just seconds until she had grabbed your wrist into her hands.

“This mark will be the best blessing, but also the worst curse of your life.” 

She shows you a newly formed tattoo on your ring finger that you had yet to notice these last few weeks, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as to when it had gotten there? Was it present due to the fact that you haven’t been able to dream of your soulmate for weeks now? Your stomach churns at the sight of it, wondering what this had meant on your end about who your soulmate was until you locked eyes with her. 

“So you want me to get the tattoo removed, and possibly harm whoever is on the other side of mine?” You slowly say, as if you were talking to a child, just as she tightens her grip that was on your wrist before releasing it to leave without whispering her last words to you. 

The moment that the door shuts behind you is when tears start streaming down your face unknowingly, making your heart feel heavier in your chest as you stare at the tattoo on your finger. There was a small outline of a star on your finger, and you think that it was mainly there because of the fact that people had often called you star. However, the tattoo itself seemed familiar as if you had seen it before, making you furrow your eyebrows in confusion while hiccups left your lips. 

Do it, before I have someone do it for you.

You hated how your mother was very controlling of your life, making you wonder why you hadn’t been emancipated yet. But besides that very thought invading your mind, you couldn’t help but think of where you had seen this tattoo before. 

It wasn’t until you saw your phone screen light up to a text message from the boy next door, the same one that had slowly found his way into your heart with no intent of falling for you, with a question asking if you were okay. Your stomach churns at the sight of the text message, realizing why it had looked so familiar and your heart drops. There was no way that it could’ve been him… right? 

And in a blink of an eye, all of the memories from your dreams come back to you as you finally connect the dots, sending a shiver down your back. You didn’t want to believe that Beomgyu had been the answer to every single dream that you had, but were you crazy enough to believe that the universe would make you go through two different bonds all for that one person?

Scarily enough, yes, and you had to get rid of it.

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel@yurikkiri@bluesoobinnie@chaersfluff@veno-mous​ (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @xoxozainab @luv-ivi

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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’v

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter fourteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn  @noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel @yurikkiri (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag:@i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @luv-ivi


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’vYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’v

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter thirteen

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism@ahnneyong@melodymyangel (add yourself to the taglisthereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27 @luv-ivi


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelvesummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter twelve

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers @butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc@kurosism (add yourself to the taglisthereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter elevensummary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter eleven

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu@99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi@noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow @kpoploverforever27


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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter tensummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve se

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ten

summary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

wc: <1000 | warnings: mentions about insomnia, argument with a parent



You felt as though everything had crumbled apart in front of you. 

Just a while ago, your mother had just left your humble apartment as she decided that a surprise visit to your place was ideal because she was ‘right in the area’. Your heart was pounding in your chest while you stared at the blank wall in front of you, breathing labored as you were trying to process what had just happened throughout the duration that she was here. 

You couldn’t really remember much, only remembering how you could only see red the entire time that she was here, listening to her ramble about how you were wasting your life away as if you weren’t in college at the moment. Everything was just a blur as you could recall arguing with her about the fact that you were fine without her, bringing up the fact that you had left the house ages ago for the reason that she was here, and it was just mushes of memories all piled into one singular argument. 


The sound of a knock on the door, accompanied by a familiar voice makes you break out of your slight trance as your eyes widened at the fact that someone must’ve heard the whole thing. You forgot that your walls were thin, and the fact that it was Beomgyu who had been at the door made it even more embarrassing as you could feel your ears burning at the thought of it. 

Scrambling to get off the floor, you get up to slowly open the door and slightly peek past it to see him awkwardly standing in front of you and you knew what he was thinking about. He had been at his place for the entirety of your argument with your mom, trying to sleep and possibly find his soulmate that he hasn’t seen in weeks when he could hear what had been going on next door. 

He felt guilty for those times that he must’ve irritated you, making him want to come over and at least try to distract your mind so that he could at least distract himself from the fact that he was about to be borderline insomniac. With the fact that he hasn’t met his soulmate in a while, he was restless where he could’ve sworn that he was insomniac, but he didn’t want to test it and at least try to sleep for a bit; that was before he showed up at your front door with an awkward smile on his face. 

“Do you want to get away for a while? I can drive us to the hill again and we don’t have to talk.” He offers, holding up his car keys with the opportunity for you to collect your thoughts without even talking to him. 

It was really appealing for a moment. 

“Do you want to just come in?”

Your offer caught him off guard, making him question why you were doing so when everything that had happened with your mother had just happened in the same place. He could never do that, and would rather find a getaway place as he stepped foot into your apartment that was almost parallel to his own, structure-wise. You hide back into your kitchen to grab him a glass of water as he found himself comfortable on your couch, but he couldn’t help but wonder what you might’ve been hiding behind your door with only your thoughts to yourself. 

“Sorry that everything looks messy, I-”

“You don’t have to explain yourself, Star, it’s okay,” He interrupts you, making you nod in response as you sit on the other side of him with your thoughts occupying your mind. 

“Are you okay though?” 

He could tell that your mind was elsewhere, making him hesitantly reach out to hold your hand gently into his and you don’t pull away from the slight touch at all. Instead, you hold onto his hand and squeeze it lightly to assure him that you were still present to hear him, but you weren’t sure what to tell him considering the last time that you properly opened up to him was on the hill, where you were both more vulnerable. 

Now you were in the comforts of your own home where you could kick him out at any given time right now, but you hold back against the idea. Maybe you did need some else’s presence to keep you grounded for a bit, before you could even be rational again.

“Do you want the truth, or do you want the sugar coated one that I tell everyone?” You joke slightly, but you see the serious look on his face, making you freeze up for a moment despite the fact that his hand was still in yours comfortingly. 

“Whatever you’re more comfortable with, I’m here to listen.”


taglist:@allyg-onz​​@viastro​​@bbanghoonie​​@wooyoung-a​​@pwttychannie​​@sunwoahkim​​@karsohn​​@escapewriter​​@fylithia​​@biaswreckingfics​​@awfullytiredbuthealing​​@kthpurplesyou​​@i4deonu​​@flrtsbin​​@lilyluvsgyu​​@whereisgyu​​@myluv-yeonjun​​@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach​​@summery-bat​​@allorysayshi​​@nlnkm​​@jannine00742​​@rebsmoonn​​@day6andetcetera​​@jjhmk​​@ilvaussie​​@idontwanttobehereanymore​​@beomgyugyu​​@99cyj​​@pinkheadflowers​​@rebsmoonn​​@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi​​@noempathyy​​@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn@ilovechanhee@wccycc​ (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @soobin-chois @cowboyjaehyun @iovaki @ineedaherosavemenow

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YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve sYOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter ninesummary: you know who this person is, you think. you’ve s

YOU’RE IT FOR ME: MOONLIGHT  - chapter nine

summary:you know who this person is, you think. you’ve seen him multiple times in your dreams and it’s been happening since the moment that you had turned 16. however, you have never put a name to a face at all considering you’ve only woken up to the memory of his soft hums. soulmates exist for a reason, right?

taglist:@allyg-onz@viastro@bbanghoonie@wooyoung-a@pwttychannie@sunwoahkim@karsohn@escapewriter@fylithia@biaswreckingfics@awfullytiredbuthealing@kthpurplesyou@i4deonu@flrtsbin@lilyluvsgyu@whereisgyu@myluv-yeonjun@groovybiscuitdiplomatpeach@summery-bat@allorysayshi@nlnkm@jannine00742@rebsmoonn@day6andetcetera@jjhmk@ilvaussie@idontwanttobehereanymore@beomgyugyu @99cyj@pinkheadflowers@rebsmoonn@butterflx@shawkneecaps@theoskies@biuebinnie@ja4hyvn@luv-ivi @noempathyy@msxflower@ashxxkook@ioszzn (add yourself to the taglist hereor send an ask/dm!!)

cannot tag: @i-just-woke-up-in-my-underware @brinnalaine @cowboyjaehyun @soobin-chois


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voices | choi beomgyu [f] soulmates! au, 14.2k words


s u m m a r y : after seeing your soulmate for the first time (whether in passing or by actually meeting them), you are able to hear their voice in your head—but only when they are singing. you have never been very interested in finding love, and choi beomgyu has lost all interest in singing. what happens when the two of you begin to change one another’s minds about the things you wish to avoid more than anything else?

c o n t e n t s : soulmates au, strangers to sorta enemies to lovers, guitarist! gyu, freckle gyu, college au, yeonjun is your best friend, gyu is a brat but a cute brat, very fluffy, a tiny bit of light angst

t a g l i s t : @hyuckworld@chanluster@honeyju​ @magicalstellar @yeonjuniper​ (if you’d like to be added to the taglist for future oneshots, please let me know!)

n o t e : this was requested by my dear friend alice, and i hope i did the request justice! the lyrics used in the oneshot are from genius’ english translation of “runaway.” i hope you guys enjoy the oneshot, and do kindly leave a like, comment, or reblog if you enjoyed it! that would mean the world!




As dramatic as it sounded, the day hadn’t been quite so terrible. You were sitting cross-legged in the floor of one of the many practice rooms in your university’s music department with a bag of popcorn in your lap, your head leaned back against the wall as you stifled back a yawn. Your best friend, Yeonjun, was going on and on about his most recent breakup, but the story was so similar to all the other breakups he had gone through in the past two years that you were having a difficult time staying focused. The afternoon sunlight trickled in through the windows, reflecting off the symbols of the drum set that rested in the far corner. You scooted to the side a bit so that the light wouldn’t shine in your eyes anymore as Yeonjun paced back and forth in front of you.

“And then she just stopped talking to me,” He said, running his hands through his hair. “Out of nowhere too! Things had been going so well, but then it was weird. Next thing I know, she’s breaking up with me—get this—over text.”

You tossed a piece of popcorn into your mouth. “Tragic.”

“I know you’re being sarcastic, but yes, it was tragic.” He finally stopped pacing and collapsed to the ground beside of you, leaning his head against your shoulder. “Love is so hard. You meet someone, you think it’s going to work and that you’ll spend a long, happy life together. Next thing you know, you’re single and stuck with your best friend in a stinky music room, waiting for some club meeting to start—or whatever it is we’re in here for.”

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i actually really enjoyed this


Be The LO♡︎ER To This LO$ER - Choi Beomgyu

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎You were the right person, at the right time… but at the wrong universe.

᯾ sypnosis: beomgyu is an online streamer who streams to escape from his painful life — that was until he was humiliated that brought more chaos into his life. with nothing else to do, he destroys the things he considered his life until he finds a mysterious phone number under a vinyl. with not knowing whose number it is, he would be messaging someone from a parallel universe.

᯾ pairing: choi beomgyu x reader

᯾ genre(s): social media au, parallel universe au, fluff, humor, angst, university/college au

᯾ warning(s): swearing/cursing, abuse, running away from home, injuries;cuts/scars are mentioned, more will be added…

᯾ other(s): memes are used, visible confusion, two members of txt members (except beomgyu)…

᯾ status: finished.

᯾ schedule: undecided :(

᯾ taglist: (send me an ask!)


1.Dial it ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎2.Serial killer ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎3.BYESTALKER₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎4.Doesn’t exist₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎5.That’s impossible ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 6.Refuse to believe ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 7.Out of your reach ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 8.I’m not ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 9.King and his kingdom₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 10.Connections! ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 11.Throw a rock₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 12.I’m so lost₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎13.Yn starved₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 14.I need you ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 15.Fieldtrip₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 16.Consequences suck₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎17.POG? ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 18.She’s joking ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎19.Things for love ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 20.You love me though ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎21.YOU GO YN!₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 22.What goes on₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎23.Sussy baka ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 24.I love him ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎25.Why, why, just why ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎26.No ♥️ ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎27.Oh oop ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎28.Genius ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎29.Funny business ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎30.Do it for them ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎31.Half siblings ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎32.Reverse card ig ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎33.It’s showtime ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 34.Paint it out ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎35.It sounds amazing ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎36.Do I tell them now?₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎ 37.asdfghjkl ₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☺︎︎☹︎38.Blue hour

₊· ͟͟͞͞ ☻︎☺︎︎epilogue.I’m The LO♡︎ER To This LO$ER

this was literally the most plot i’ve ever read in one sitting ‍

maybe ever

the substance of the story was so nice and full ✨


Voices - hearing your soulmate’s singing [14.2k]

The Prince and the Jackal - prince n a metal bender [11.8k]

Amortentia - hogwarts AU, gryffindor and a slytherin [11k]

Love Love - why is he so upset over your date [3.8k]

You’re Arranged to Marry Beomgyu, the Son of Hades[3.7k]

Journey with You - wandering merchant with a secret [3.1k]

Sunny Day Confessions - you to make the next move [2.4k]

Into the Cold Water - drunkenly kissing your friend [2.3k]

You’re the One That I Want - Beomgyu was endearing [2k]

Just Call Me - when you have a particularly bad day [1.7k]

Plushie Thief - the intern he knew that looked familiar [1.6k]

Needed Silence - “just shut up and let it happen” [1.5k]

Reminiscence - old guitar in his childhood bedroom [1.3k]

Secret Glances - he builds the courage to ask you out [1.2k]

5 Types of Kisses


[main masterlist] [txt masterlist] updated 7-23-21


feel good ♡.

pairing: sub!beomgyu x softdom!reader

word count: 1.7k | soft smut

contains:degradation, petnames (pup/puppy/baby), nipple play, overstimulation, some crying, mirror (let me know if i missed anything, pls ♡)



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