#type outsider

SAINTThe path to sainthood is a difficult one, requiring years of sacrifice, self-reflection and utt


The path to sainthood is a difficult one, requiring years of sacrifice, self-reflection and utter dedication to your holy path. Though sainthood is not the same as godhood, it does grant abilities to the saint that allow them to stay alive for longer to spread the word of their god.

“Saint” isn’t a creature, really, but a template that can be added onto any PC after level 6. Feels like that’s kinda early to get the holiness required to be a saint but whatever. It’s kinda up to the DM’s discretion whether you qualify for the template anyway, and it does essentially require you to sacrifice two levels of progression for the sake of power balance. But you do get a lot of abilities that are essentially free that make you really hard to kill, so there’s that.

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LOGOKRON DEVILMuch like certain angelic beings use truename magic, so do some devils. As one might i


Much like certain angelic beings use truename magic, so do some devils. As one might imagine, the logokron devil’s use of truemagic is meant to cause pain. Their long tongues are marked all over with magic symbols which are painful to look at, causing one to seize up and shake with insurmountable agony. Other devils are unaffected by this symbol, allowing the logokron to incapacitate enemies whilst bolstering the other soldiers in its army.

The know the true words of agony and wounding, and blending them with a person’s name can cause that person to be forever tormented, long after the devil has left their sight.

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