#tyrion being selfish i kind of get even then only kind of




Tyrion and Dany are so threatening and controversial for the fandom because they aren’t Starks and thus aren’t automatically seen as pure and moral, they conflict with or are future threats to the fandom’s universally accepted faves, they call out and rail against the biases of their society, they are extremely fallible and nuanced and complicated people who don’t just go up against cartoonish easy to hate villains and deal with politically impossible scenarios and situations and are forced to make messy choices. They are traumatized people who don’t deal with their trauma in good or acceptable or neat or flawless ways and because of their gender/ability and sexuality/status/positionality they will never be easy to empathize with for a typical fandom raised on faux woke dogmatic western puritanism and fake activism.

@wolvesqveen uhhh lol how is Dany the most selfish in her wants?

this is soooo fucking embarrassing like how do you just wholesale make shit up and not feel even a little bad
