#anti sansa stans


Sansa Just Wanted To Be Queen

What if Tyrion had wanted to name Sansa Queen of the Seven Kingdoms and not Bran?

And, in such a scenario:

Do you think Sansa would have turned down the offer to remain in the North?

OR Do you think Sansa would have taken the gig, but insisted that Bran or Arya rule the North as its Sovereign because the North deserved its independence.

Or would Sansa have been fine with the idea that the North remain part of the Seven Kingdoms and under her domain?

It’s hard to imagine Sansa turning down such an offer OR accepting it but insisting the North be independent. 

She tells her own uncle whom she’s never even met before, to essentially STFU and sit while he was in the middle of a speech, embarrassing and humiliating him - a man who was held captive for years because he supported her brother, the REAL Sovereign of the North who was chosen by his people, Robb. Piece of evidence #1 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates for the job look unappealing by making him seem ridiculous and weaker than her).

She offers objection to Bran being King, saying that he can’t have children. Piece of evidence #2 that Sansa wanted to be QOT7K (making one of the candidates seem unappealing by bringing to light one of his seemingly glaring weaknesses). And, well, if Bran can’t be King, who would be next best option but his own able-bodied sister?

Sansa couldn’t take the whole cake, so she carved out a little piece and named herself the queen of it, knowing there was no way Grey Worm would allow for a scenario where Jon could return to being KITN and that Arya wouldn’t want the position anyway (she said in 7x07 that she would never make as good a Lady as Sansa), leaving herself as the only option.

Anyone who insists Sansa’s motives in S8 are pure or that she just wanted to protect her people or that she only had her people’s best interests in mind or that she really thought Dany was a tyrant, etc. etc. is lying to themselves.

One of the first things we ever hear Sansa say in the series aside from telling her sister to shut up, is that the only thing she has ever wanted was to be Queen. And the last scene we see of her is when she gets her crown and people are bowing to her. 

Sansa’s motives were always purely selfish. 



This whole bs about Sansa month being purposefully created to be at the same time of Arya month (which was announced before Sansa month) made me remember how the last Sansa week they made was so full of Dany hate. Even when they’re supposedly celebrating their fave, they have to tear down other characters in the process, be it Arya or Dany. They had a day for “antagonists” (X,X) in which they had  whole bunch of anti Dany metas, edits and shitposts. I expect we will see the same this year.

I’m sorry to have to come back with this



Tyrion and Dany are so threatening and controversial for the fandom because they aren’t Starks and thus aren’t automatically seen as pure and moral, they conflict with or are future threats to the fandom’s universally accepted faves, they call out and rail against the biases of their society, they are extremely fallible and nuanced and complicated people who don’t just go up against cartoonish easy to hate villains and deal with politically impossible scenarios and situations and are forced to make messy choices. They are traumatized people who don’t deal with their trauma in good or acceptable or neat or flawless ways and because of their gender/ability and sexuality/status/positionality they will never be easy to empathize with for a typical fandom raised on faux woke dogmatic western puritanism and fake activism.

@wolvesqveen uhhh lol how is Dany the most selfish in her wants?

this is soooo fucking embarrassing like how do you just wholesale make shit up and not feel even a little bad


what i love about dany and arya stans is that even if they might be biased towards one of them they never try to bring down neither dany nor arya for the sake of hyping one up the one they consider their ultimate fave. i’ve never seen those people speculate about the girls going “mad” and “dark”, they never steal each other elements and arcs and what’s most important is that dany and arya stans do not undermine the characters’ importance to the plot. and then there are stansas who go out of their way to push the idea of both dany and arya conveniently leaving (die/sail away) to make it easier for their fave to get all the goodies and titles at the end.

reblogging with @the-king-andthe-lionheart​ tags because they’re so true:

#it’s also funny that in order for Sansa to achieve anything #in their eyes #is for people to die and go away #like they can’t even come up with a way where Sansa #could legitimately earn a place of power in the end #but no instead they think #that in order for Sansa to rule #everyone must die or go into exile or someone has to give the position to her #through nepotism #but the thing is #we Dany and Arya stans never do this #we know where our characters strengths lie #we know their themes and symbolism inside and out #and we pay attention #and analyze and theorize organic courses for these characters #that make sense #and we know that Arya and Dany have it in them both #to achieve great things all by themselves #without people having to die to give it to them  #like I know plenty of Arya stans who would love for Arya to be #Queen in the North or Lady of Winterfell in the end #but we don’t ever actively wish or hate for Jon or Bran or Rickon to die #instead we come up with different logical conclusions #as what she could do with other positions of power #but like Sansa stans #just want Bran to stay in his tree or die #Rickon to die #Jon to either marry Sansa or exile himself or die #or Arya to die and give Sansa Nymeria #or leave Westeros and never come back


I find it funny how neutral Sansa stans (and I mean neutrals, not hardcore Dany antis or Jonsas) are like, “Dany’s story is not about ruling or training how to rule, it’s about sacrificing herself to save the world, her ruling arc is not meant to reflect her endgame, her ruling arc only matters to the present in Slaver’s Bay but it doesn’t matter to anything else”. Meanwhile, these same Sansa stans will look at Sansa and claim that she has a ruling arc (where?) and that she is training to change the system (uh, no, that’s Dany), and therefore it’s only logical that Sansa must end up in a leadership position (when has Sansa ever led anything or anyone?) and that Sansa will be one of the people “changing the system” in the endgame. Sansa’s fanon ruling arc and fanon “training to change the system” that is nowhere to be seen in the actual books are used as evidence that Sansa MUST end up in a position of leadership and political power, but Dany’s canon ruling arc and canon actions changing the system and learning how to do this through experience are dismissed and they consider that none of this matters to her endgame, the only possible endgame for her is to burn King’s Landing and die to redeem herself and save the world.
