#udder tf


Multibreast + Udder TF

Ashley brushed her red locks from her face for the third time in irritation, she couldn’t see anything with all this hair in her way. The busty redhead pulled a hair tie from her pocket and fixed her unruly ginger curls into a loose ponytail ‘That’s better’

Ashley was digging through a large bin in a costume shop hidden away at the back of the mall. She had been invited to a costume party by a guy she had a crush on, and he didn’t know she had been hoping he would ask her out for months. She was determined to make sure this was the first of many dates, and new exactly what she needed for a costume to get him fantasizing about her as much as she did him.

She had walked into the college computer lab and saw him browsing drawings of cowgirls. Big floppy ears, horns, udders, the whole deal. Personally she had never really thought one way or another about furry’s, but she really liked the cowgirls with a second row of breasts, and rather than be ashamed of her new fetish, she embraced it.

Ashley didn’t know if she would be able to find what she needed hear, but the shop looked like it had all kinds of weird costumes, and though the man at the counter was too busy reading to help her, she was determined to find what she wanted.

When her hand rubbed across a large smooth rubbery surface, she gave a quick yank. Her face lit up as she pulled a floppy pink udder the size of a turkey dinner from the bin. It had four teats on its front that must have been six inches long, and a thick strap to keep it in place once it was on your hips. James was gonna have a tough time not getting hard in front of everyone if she showed up looking like a scantily clad cowgirl with a realistic udder and…

“Four breasts!” She shouted triumphantly, lifting a pair of fake breasts designed to sit below a normal pair. Steve the clerk looked up from his book with a sour expression, and Ashley gave a timid apology before running to the changing booth.

She quickly took off her loose grey sweats and large pink hoodie, having worn them specifically so she could “hide” her new costume under her clothes and get out of the store without the clerk realizing she was stealing herself a costume. Smiling at her genius plan, she pulled down her panties and unclasped her bra.

'Damn girl’ Ashely mused rubbing her hands over her perky D cups and down her flat stomach, stopping just above her smooth crotch. 'But wait til he see’s me with these bad boys!’ She fitted the fake second set of breasts over her shoulders and hooked the clasp in back. It looked as if it had been made for her, the breasts were almost the exact same size as hers, and the nipples had a nearly identical shape and color. She tried not to get distracted at how hot she looked now that she had four breasts 'I gotta get this udder on before I end up making a scene in her’ She thought, giving the extra breasts a playful jiggle and appreciating how real they felt.

Ashely turned around and reach down, grabbing the large pink udder, it was attached to a pair of see through panties made of a elastic material, and it easily stretched to fit her plump butt and legs. Once she had straightened it and got herself ready, she turned and saw herself in the large mirror. With the see through straps holding it in place the udder looked as if it were actually hers, and it combined with her four breasts left her looking like a sexy cowgirl sans horns, ear, or tail. She gave a experimental “mooo.” trying out making cow noises. She giggled at herself, she felt silly, but also sexy, and she knew that James was gonna find her irresistible.

Now came the tricky part of the plan, she grabbed her baggy clothes and quickly got dressed. The over sized hoodie kept the extra breasts hidden enough, it looked like she was a little chubby, but nothing identifiable. The Fake udder sat heavily in her sweats, and the bump capped with four smaller bumps was more noticeable than she had hoped. “Well… hopefully he won’t see it past the counter” She hoped, thankful the stores counter sat high off the ground.

She quietly opened the stall’s door and peeked across the room. Steve sat on his stool, still engrossed with his magazine. She decided that it was now or never and began to walk across the room looking as nonchalant as she could. She nearly panicked as she made her way past the bins, and came close to the counter, but Steve didn’t even look up.

“Thank you for shopping, come back soon.”  He said in a monotone and rehearsed fashion not bothering to look up.

Ashley got out the front door with her heart pounding, it had been so easy to just walk out with her stolen goods she thought, hugging her new breasts. Now wasn’t the time to grope herself though, and she quickly made her way for the nearest exit, trying to avoid the curious stares of the occasional shopper as the somewhat lumpy ginger walked to the exit.

It took her only a few minuets to get out of the nearby doors and across the parkinglot to her car. Throwing the door open she plopped down roughly, unaccustomed to the weight on her chest and thighs. They felt pretty good though, the breasts weren’t too heavy at this size, and the udder must have gotten warm from her body heat, because it almost felt as if it was making her legs hot just from touching it.

She had an uneventful drive filled with pervy thoughts of being James’ sexual fantasy. Arriving home she got out of her car and pulled the tie from her hair, letting her ginger curls dangle about her face as she giddily made her way to her front door, her udder and breasts bouncing quite heavily as she did. “I gotta be careful with these, not quite used to all the extra weight.” she laughed, unlocking the door walking inside. She threw her keys onto the counter and went straight to the bathroom.

“Nothin’ like a quick shower after a fun trip to the mall.” She thought, pulling off her hoodie. “Oh shit, I gotta take these off!” Ashley groaned, not sure if they were water proof. She pulled down her sweats and reached behind her back to unclasp the special bra, but as she fumbled she couldn’t reach the hooks. “Damn bras, you’d think I was a dude with how hard this is to take off!” She gripped, switching to her udder to solve at least one of her problems.

That was not what happened, she looked and looked but didn’t see the hint of a seem, as if the thin see through plastic had melted away. She looked in the large mirror over the sink hoping to see a strap or a piece of fabric somewhere, but all she saw was four breasts and an udder, their skin seamlessly blended into her own flesh.

“You gotta be joking…” She said in disbelief, wincing as she pinched her second set of nipples and was rewarded with a sharp sting. “Owww fuck!” She cried, wishing this was a realistic dream. “This… I can’t… But… Why?!” She sputtered, her face red and flustered. Somehow she had managed to steal from a magical costume shop and get herself stuck with an extra set of tits and a big cow’s udder, of all the shops, all the costumes, she had to dress like some slutty cow.

She pulled on her large thick teats and furrowed her brow, feeling the soft warm flesh in her hands and a sensation that was really good, even better than when she played with her… four…nipples. She mimed milking herself for a moment, gently pulling her upper teats consecutively. “Wow.” She muttered with a heavy breath “I guess I can get used to this, they really do feel kinda great.” Ashley realized she might have to get used to it as she thought about how she could explain having stolen the objects to the store. All she needed was to be dragged away by some scruffy mall cops, having them poke and prod at her new udder.

Speaking of the mall, she was going to need to buy some loose skirts of dresses or something, cause those sweats didn’t quite cut it. Ashley gave her foursome of breasts a jiggles, watching as they knocked each other around heavily on her chest. “Guess I should take up sewing. I doubt they make bras in a double breasted 34 D.”

Remembering her reason for being in the bathroom, and no longer worried about weather her “costume” was waterproof she stepped into the shower and turned the heat up high. The hot water beat down on her back and the room filled with steam. She tried to unwind as she rubbed at her new body with soap. The extra curves were strange, and she didn’t know how easy they would be to hide, but at least they felt great to play with. She was busy fondling her bountiful chest when a panicked thought brought her out of the burning hot pleasure of her shower “James better not cancel…”            
