
The Devil’s In The Details“…And here we are!” The dark robbed woman holding

The Devil’s In The Details

“…And here we are!” The dark robbed woman holding Mary’s shoulder exclaimed with a nervous excitement as they reached the large bonfire where everyone had gathered.

“I uh, didn’t realize it was a costume party.” Mary scanned the crowd of people, the firelight casting light in a way that made the pointed hoods obscure their faces, though she could feel the eyes watching her. “Adam never said anything about robes.”

“Yes… Adam.” The older woman waved her arm, dark billowing fabric trailing with it as she gestured to one of the figures, who gave the slightest bow. “Adam has been crucial in this year’s festivities, his recruitment techniques are the reason we were able to finally gather enough for the ceremony, he did fill you in on the details of the ceremony right?”

“Ceremony?” Mary questioned. “I thought this was a party, what is going o-”

The older woman hushed her and sighed. “Now now, I’ll explain everything. I do apologize for the cloak and dagger routine, it’s a tradition you see. Complete transparency though, this isn’t as much a party, as a ceremony to celebrate the season. We…” she gestured to the figures circling the large bonfire. “Are all here to celebrate the gifts of our dark lord.”

“D-dark lord, what the hell is-”

“Hell indeed. Now, if you could kindly wait a moment, I’ll explain. This is a dark ritual, with intent to curry favor with the dark energies from the afterlife, and yes, your participation is compulsory. Technically, a soul is only able to be given willingly, so your immortal spirit is in no danger. Physically, you will be blessed by the powers of darkness, and some sort of change is inevitable.”

Mary blinked, the speech from the older hooded figure was surreal, she sounded like she was trying to talk her into buying a timeshare, not joining them in this hellish ritual sacrifice.

“While you will physically become a demon technically… we can’t actually force you to give up your human soul. I do encourage you to relinquish your soul, but the choice is ultimately yours. Either way, you will possess wondrous new powers enough mystical power to at least be able to hide your form with a glamour, so this doesn’t need to change anything. I mean, I do encourage you to embrace the fiery embrace of our dark lord, but consider this just an introduction with benefits. Now, if you will please stand here on this platform.”

She ushered her onto a small raised stone dais, and two of the more burly hooded figures stood to either side of her in case she tried to escape. Did she really need to escape though? Maybe it was the soothing timbre of the elderly woman’s voice or the pleasant warmth of the bonfire on the cold Halloween night, but this didn’t feel nearly as demonic as it ought to.

Mary stood there in a trance, watching as the older woman read aloud from a book bound in what she hoped was not human skin, waiting as the gathering of disciples chanted back what she spoke in a feverish chorus of adoration. Eventually, the ritual seemed ready to draw to a close, and Mary was caught off guard when the woman approached her and then pushed her backwards into the fire.

It should have burned.

It should have been burning her, but other than the discomfort of landing on the stack of wood, there was no pain. In fact, the discomfort of the wood vanished rather quickly, a burning warmth engulfed her, and she felt herself lift from her physical form.

The group was silent, waiting with hushed breaths. They had never actually gathered enough disciples for this ritual, and none were sure how it was supposed to go exactly. Enough time passed that they had started to get nervous, and it was only the truly faithful who kept in bowed submission.

Suddenly the flames shot upwards, the bonfire blasting out a wave of heat the knocked those skeptical initiates from their feet and left those worshiping to bask in a moment of the warmth of the hellish flames. From the flames emerged a burning shape, and as the flames surrounding it died, the now nude shape of Mary stepped out.

It wasn’t the same Mary that had been tossed on to the fire though, Mary’s eyes burned with a red light as intense as the flames as she looked at those before her. Twin horns broke free from her tangle of blonde curls, pointing upwards to the sky like accusational fingers, and a long spade-tipped tail curled around her leg. She ran her clawed hand up her torso, dragging her claws across both sets of breasts.

The old woman had not lied, Mary could hear the group speaking in reverent tones with her large pointed ears. Grinning, Mary stretched and two huge leathery wings unfolded from behind her, she felt… powerful. She maneuvered new muscles and with a series of heavy flaps he lifted off the ground and ascended into the moonlit sky above the gathering of awestruck figures.

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Just doing some speed TFing based off a prompt. 1200 words in 25 minutes.

Jason flipped through the pages of the mutantur liber while his wife peeked over his shoulder in curiosity. Grace twirled a lock of her long blonde hair as he studied the pages. She knew he was supposed to be working on translating the book for the university, but something about the tome fascinated her. It looked so old and authentic, thick leather binding with burnished clasps and a swirling text that while meaningless to her, he assured her said mutantur liber in Latin. The Changing Book, recovered recently from a tomb uncovered during road construction. It had been sent to the university for study, and he was the one charged with transcribing it. Normally they wouldn’t have let it out of the building, but Jason had earned a lot of trust with the higher ups and they let him work from home on occasion.

Grace studied the Illuminated manuscript, the elaborate lettering and drawing were equally as detailed as the writing must be. “So.. what is this changing book about anyhow jay?”

“H-huh? Oh… well It’s supposed to be a book of arcane ritual practices dating back to the-”

“english please.”

Jason adjusted his glasses and smiled. “It’s a magic book.”

“I knew it! I mean look at this monster, any book that big and old has to be a book of spells.” She laughed and flipped the page to Jason’s dismay as he lost his place. The next page had a diagram of a human and a cat, and below it more Latin. “What’s this page say.”

“Hun, I’m trying to get some work done, I don’t mind you watching but-”

“Dear.” She said with a mocking tone. “You said you would take a break to watch our show at nine and it’s ten thirty, I think you owe me a little fun.”

“Shit… your right… Okay… well, this page is about a ritual to..” He skimmed through the text. “It’s an incantation said to give a person agility, flexibility, gifted sight and… well the powers of a cat.”

“A cat, that sounds kinda cool. Hey, do you think it works?”

“Works? You mean magic?” He laughed a hearty laugh and took his reading glasses off. “I don’t really think magic is real, it’s mostly just superstitious ceremony than sorcery. I tell you what though. I’ll translate the page tonight and you can cast the spell while I’m at work tomorrow, if I come home to a wife with whiskers then I guess it works.”


Grace woke up the next morning well after 10 AM, Jason had gone to work hours ago and she had drifted back to sleep and overslept since the alarm had already gone off. She slowly got out of bed and stretched with a yawn as she wandered toward the bathroom. She looked herself over in the mirror, she had a cute tussled bedhead look going on, she didn’t feel like showering quite yet though and finished up her morning business and went to sit in the living room. As she sat down on the couch and flicked on the weather she saw a note tapped to the TV.

Hey hun

I’ll be a work a bit late today, but I did manage to translate the page for you, it’s in the study with my books. Hey if you could cook that salmon for dinner today that would be great, I’d love to have dinner ready by the time I get home, maybe we can curl up and watch some TV tonight.

See you latter my kitty <3

Grace clicked the TV off and wandered to the study, rummaging through his stacks of papers until she found his notes. She held the notebook it was written on up and read it. The spell sounded downright simple, a hand gesture and a few words and instant cat. She laughed as she said the words and flicked her wrist just so. This was silly but-

The lights in the room dimmed and Jason’s papers were suddenly caught in a whirlwind. The papers swirled around her and she felt her hair stand up on end as electricity coursed through her. Her vision swam. Hues began to become muted as other objects seemed sharp and in focus. She blinked and tried to stop her world from spinning but as she gripped the desk she didn’t notice the long scratch she left in the wood. She hadn’t seen the claws that were once her fingernails or the light layer of fur growing from them up her hand and on to her arm steadily. She was distracted as a feeling seemed to pull her forward. In the middle of the vortex of notes and electric energy she stretched forward, her spine cracked and popped and a sudden jolt made her cry out as her spine pushed outward and swelled into a long lithe tail. The skin covered appendage quickly grew short blonde hairs of it’s own until it was covered in fur. It lashed behind her as she clenched muscles and felt the power being infused into them.

Grace yowled in pain as she was thrown back from the study and landed in front of the couch. The magical rush of electric power seemed to flip off like a switch. As she pushed herself off the carpet with one arm she saw the study looked pristine as if nothing had happened. She mouthed what the fuck as she slowly came to her senses. She looked herself over and from what she could see though the slightly off colored but highly detailed vision was that she had fur all over her arms and legs, her shirt was being tented by what looked to be a few sets on nipples below her breasts that did not belong there. Her hands looked more like paws at this point… she could feel something under her and when she tried to get it out from under her found that it was a tail, her tail. She was freaking out at this point, had she actually turned into a cat!? She turned to the TV and looked at her reflection in the dark screen. Pointed ears, pointed teeth, short whiskers, her eyes had feline slits, her nose was pink… she looked somewhere between a girl and cat and she felt…

She felt good, oddly good. Better than she had felt in a long time. Her body was lithe and lightly muscled beneath her soft fur, every movement felt finely tuned and smooth, like she was a trained dancer. She felt another yawn overcome her and she stretched out on the floor, her claws needing into the carpet as she did. She looked a the living room clock and saw that eight hours had passed. It was already six and it wouldn’t be more than a few hours til Jason got home. She thought about the salmon fillet in the fridge and had to restrain herself from eating it all before her husband got home.

 “Okay, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, eggs, pumpkin puree, evaporated…. SHIT!”

“Okay, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, eggs, pumpkin puree, evaporated…. SHIT!” Amanda swore loudly as she pawed through the cans in the pantry looking for the can of evaporated milk to finished grandma’s homemade pumpkin pie recipe.

Sadly the can was non existent and after a few frustrated minutes of looking she gave up in defeat. She really didn’t want to drive into town, but she had already got the ingredients out and it was sort of a tradition of hers to make a pumpkin pie this time of year. The tall brown haired girl muttered under her breath as she went to go get ready.

She went to turn when she spied something in the back behind all the other cans, something that shined oddly, almost glowed, she reached in and yanked her hand back in surprise when something bit her. She brought her finger to her mouth and her eyes went wide as a small glowing figure almost floated out from the pantry.

“Hey, watch yourself big hands, you almost crushed me!” Shrieked a shrill and small voice. The figure looked up at the tall woman with a sly smile. “What, never seen a fairy before?”


“Thaaaats what I said yeah… you big ones are always a bit slow on the uptake aren’t ya? No matter… what were you looking for anyway bighands?”

“My N-names Amanda, and I was… I’m loosing my mind aren’t I, I’m talking to a pixie that fell out of my food pantry…”

“PIXIE! Well, now you have just gone and made me mad miss Amanda bighands.”

“I… I’m sorry, you just…. I just needed to find my can of evaporated milk…”

“Well how about this, I’ll make sure you never run out of milk again, and you can just evaporate it yourself!” The spiteful fairy hummed and grew bright for a moment before a cloud of sparkly dust shot straight into Amanda face. The fairy flew in close to the coughing girl who tried to swat her away as she gagged. “Next time, learn some manners instead of trying to crush and insult everything!”

Amanda was left dumbfounded and gasping as the fairy disappeared as suddenly as it had emerged. Her disappearance wasn’t what concerned her though, the tingling in her chest and the static charge that left her hair on end was what worried her. As she caught her breath she started to feel the tingle in her chest grow into a burning heat, it encompassed her breasts and a region just below them and she could only watch in dismay and shock at what was to come.

The area below her chest started to swell, started to grow large and round and, she paused, was that… did she have… She gingerly touched what for all intents and purposes seemed to be a second set of breasts. They felt like breasts, they felt just like her top breasts, hot and full. All four of her breasts gre larger and larger by the moment, and her shirt strained to contain them, strained to keep them concealed, struggle to stay dry as her breasts started to let down a small but steady drip of milk. The more time passed the stronger the flow, the more intense the pressure, the larger they grew… they also looked kind of pink beneath her shirt for that matter.

Amanda stripped her milk sodden clothes off and saw her four heavy, pinkish, milk leaking breasts under the light of the kitchen for the first time. The pressure was so much, she groaned and had to lean back on the counter, she couldn’t decide if it felt good or terrifying, but what she did know was that she felt so full of milk she couldn’t think straight.

Maybe it was the milk making it hard to think, or maybe it was just the pressure building to each side of her head, her skull felt like it was about to burst and she couldn’t stand another moment of the intense building. Eventually a quick and sharp pain brought relief and the pressure subsided, but as she moved she felt an unusual weight and she poked herself hard as she tried to find out what was happening. Her hands fumbled around something pointy and hard that seemed to be quite attached to her skull. It took Amanda a moment before she realized that poking out from her brown hair was a bovine set of horns.

She wanted to run, to flee from the kitchen, abandoning her plans to make pie and hopefully finding out this was all a dream or that the fairy was still here and willing to undo this. She took a step forward and nearly fell as her toes cracked and twisted before becoming hard and stiff. The flesh darkened and merged together and she had to quickly kick off her heels before the dark swollen lumps that were her toes ripped through the poor footwear. Amanda’s eyes went wide as she lightly clopped across the floor on shaky legs and, she closed her eyes and tried to convince herself they were real, that she didn’t have hooves.

As she breathed heavily, milk dripping down her chest, hooves loud on the wooden floor, she started to notice an odd sensation. Her skin itched and tingled like it had fallen asleep, and as she opened her eyes she witnessed small white hairs beginning to grow in all over her body. Amanda groaned again, this time in a more bovine below than she intended, as her back arched and her spine clicked and cracked. Her eyes blurred and she saw stars for a moment as new vertebrae formed and pulled her spine. It didn’t take long until a long hairless shape of flesh hung behind her, and it flicked to life as it too began to be covered by the white fur.

She held her tail in her hand, it felt soft and warm and she couldn’t help but to enjoy touching it. Her nose began to itch and her nostrils flared as her lips and teeth became a bit numb. She felt her face push outwards slightly as her nose thickened and turned a shade of pink. It wasn’t but a few moments until she had a near muzzle and the tingle moved to her ears. She felt them grow in size swiftly, rapidly reaching a elongated shape that hung below her horns to each side. The last thing to change was a gradual darkening of her fur in certain areas until a cow like pattern of spots and blotches left her looking ever more like she belonged in a dairy.

Amanda nearly passed out when she caught her reflection in the metal side of her toaster, she looked more cow than girl at this point. She squeezed one of her quartets of breasts and watched it spray milk into her sink liberally. She sighed after milking herself for a few minutes and grabbed a kettle from a cabinet and turned on her stove, wondering how long it would take to make some homemade evaporated milk.

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My entry into the Photomanip Discord’s Magic Challenge  https://discord.gg/JVDrtwjMaybe it was clich

My entry into the Photomanip Discord’s Magic Challenge  


Maybe it was cliched, but October had always been her favorite time of the year. The cool weather and colorful leaves made for a beautiful season, and nobody paid mind to her dressing up like a witch all month. They just assumed she was a Halloween enthusiast, and while that wasn’t untrue, the steeple hat was as much a nod to her alewife ancestors as a not so subtle hint at her current profession. Her business was that of witchcraft, specifically brewing potions and tonics for various mundane and mystical uses.

Today she was enjoying a rather windy October first, glad to have the heat of stuffy late September blown out of her house and some fresh air in the old cottage. The smell of crisp morning air mixed with that of dried herbs and… milk? She stopped for a moment before recalling the business at hand, today she needed to brew up a potion that would help a local farmer’s dairy remain operational. This year had been a tough one, and if his cows didn’t stop under producing her might be forced to sell the farm. He had been a family friend for years and she still fondly remembered picking pumpkins out of his garden at Halloween as a kid. She smiled wistfully as she collected the ingredients she needed on to her table and started to measure of how much she needed of what.

As she separated and mixed the contents a strong gust of wind whipped through the cottage. A small opened pouch of a powder was blown into her face and she launched into a sneezing fit. Her sneezes were so violent she accidentally overturned the half completed potion she had been at work on and it’s contents splashed over her chest.

Her breasts tingled and her back hurt immediately, her eyes went wide when she realized that potion was less inert at this stage than she had imagined. The potion was clearing having some sort of effect on her and she could give a few guesses at what was going to happen. There was a sharp pinching feeling below her breasts followed by a dull ache and some pressure, she reached down and even through her clothing she could feel… was that a nipple? She felt the other side and there was a second one, slowly she lifted her shirt and groaned loudly at the sight of all four of her breasts. As soon as the fabric was lifted her breasts almost sensed the room to grow and started to swell, she tried in vain to hold them still, to push them back, but her hands rapidly filled with soft boob flesh.

As she struggled to contain her expanding bosom she didn’t notice that her nose had stayed pink from her sneezing, and the color had spread until the entire front of her nose was a rosy color. It also looked wider, thicker, from the bridge to the tip it was taking on a rather broad shape. Her ears had begun to have pins and needles, a numb feeling like they had fallen asleep and if she hadn’t been so concerned by the increasingly large and heavy breasts in her hands and arms, she might have noticed how large her ears were. They had become round and large, a light layer of fuzzy hair, fur really, had grown over them and was the same color as hers.

Her back still ached like she had slept on the ground, and the only thing that stopped her fretting over her huge breasts and there decidedly teat like nipples was the cracking and popping as her spine suddenly lengthened. She grit her teeth and saw stars, not so much in pain as just blindsided by the intense sensation. She leaned against the table to balance herself as new vertebrae formed and a long thick tail grew out from above her ass which had also grown a bit thicker and more plump. As she slowly began to process her surroundings once more she noticed the long swaying tail. It was as thick as her wrist and she could feel the weight of it as it moved. She ran her hand down the length and shivered as she felt her hand caress the new part of her for the first time. Soft skin, soft fur, a tuft of black fur at the end… she stopped touching it when she heard the sound of something dripping onto the table. It was the splatter of milk… she looked down at her chest and saw that she had indeed achieved a rather potent amount of milk production, just not for a cow. Her breasts felt almost painfully full, heavy and hot as they still swelled with milk. She tugged and pull at her many nipples trying to milk herself faster than she produced the cream, trying to do anything to stop the pressure.. at least from getting worse. Currently it actually felt a bit nicer than she was ready to admit. Tugging her four teats and spraying fine jets of milk into a nearby bucket made her face red and her loins ache.

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The young blonde haired woman got down on all four, her legs were shaky and she couldn’t manag

The young blonde haired woman got down on all four, her legs were shaky and she couldn’t manage to keep her balance on trotters yet. Trotters… she had real pig’s feet, hooves instead of digits, hard and unyieldly. It was this lack of digits currently preventing her from figuring out a way to turn herself back. Instead she was crawling around like an animal trying not to think about how porcine she looked now. A flat snout, curled tail, big floppy ears, she was as much pig as girl at this point and it was disturbing how natural it felt to be on all fours. Her mind was actively fighting against her, pig like instincts struggling to dominate her thoughts, but she wasn’t about to be stuck as a pig forever. She grit her teeth and banished the bestial thoughts from her mind and focused on that task at hand… hoof… whatever, she just needed to focus and stop squealing and oinking so loud before the neighbors heard…

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Multibreast + Udder TF

Ashley brushed her red locks from her face for the third time in irritation, she couldn’t see anything with all this hair in her way. The busty redhead pulled a hair tie from her pocket and fixed her unruly ginger curls into a loose ponytail ‘That’s better’

Ashley was digging through a large bin in a costume shop hidden away at the back of the mall. She had been invited to a costume party by a guy she had a crush on, and he didn’t know she had been hoping he would ask her out for months. She was determined to make sure this was the first of many dates, and new exactly what she needed for a costume to get him fantasizing about her as much as she did him.

She had walked into the college computer lab and saw him browsing drawings of cowgirls. Big floppy ears, horns, udders, the whole deal. Personally she had never really thought one way or another about furry’s, but she really liked the cowgirls with a second row of breasts, and rather than be ashamed of her new fetish, she embraced it.

Ashley didn’t know if she would be able to find what she needed hear, but the shop looked like it had all kinds of weird costumes, and though the man at the counter was too busy reading to help her, she was determined to find what she wanted.

When her hand rubbed across a large smooth rubbery surface, she gave a quick yank. Her face lit up as she pulled a floppy pink udder the size of a turkey dinner from the bin. It had four teats on its front that must have been six inches long, and a thick strap to keep it in place once it was on your hips. James was gonna have a tough time not getting hard in front of everyone if she showed up looking like a scantily clad cowgirl with a realistic udder and…

“Four breasts!” She shouted triumphantly, lifting a pair of fake breasts designed to sit below a normal pair. Steve the clerk looked up from his book with a sour expression, and Ashley gave a timid apology before running to the changing booth.

She quickly took off her loose grey sweats and large pink hoodie, having worn them specifically so she could “hide” her new costume under her clothes and get out of the store without the clerk realizing she was stealing herself a costume. Smiling at her genius plan, she pulled down her panties and unclasped her bra.

'Damn girl’ Ashely mused rubbing her hands over her perky D cups and down her flat stomach, stopping just above her smooth crotch. 'But wait til he see’s me with these bad boys!’ She fitted the fake second set of breasts over her shoulders and hooked the clasp in back. It looked as if it had been made for her, the breasts were almost the exact same size as hers, and the nipples had a nearly identical shape and color. She tried not to get distracted at how hot she looked now that she had four breasts 'I gotta get this udder on before I end up making a scene in her’ She thought, giving the extra breasts a playful jiggle and appreciating how real they felt.

Ashely turned around and reach down, grabbing the large pink udder, it was attached to a pair of see through panties made of a elastic material, and it easily stretched to fit her plump butt and legs. Once she had straightened it and got herself ready, she turned and saw herself in the large mirror. With the see through straps holding it in place the udder looked as if it were actually hers, and it combined with her four breasts left her looking like a sexy cowgirl sans horns, ear, or tail. She gave a experimental “mooo.” trying out making cow noises. She giggled at herself, she felt silly, but also sexy, and she knew that James was gonna find her irresistible.

Now came the tricky part of the plan, she grabbed her baggy clothes and quickly got dressed. The over sized hoodie kept the extra breasts hidden enough, it looked like she was a little chubby, but nothing identifiable. The Fake udder sat heavily in her sweats, and the bump capped with four smaller bumps was more noticeable than she had hoped. “Well… hopefully he won’t see it past the counter” She hoped, thankful the stores counter sat high off the ground.

She quietly opened the stall’s door and peeked across the room. Steve sat on his stool, still engrossed with his magazine. She decided that it was now or never and began to walk across the room looking as nonchalant as she could. She nearly panicked as she made her way past the bins, and came close to the counter, but Steve didn’t even look up.

“Thank you for shopping, come back soon.”  He said in a monotone and rehearsed fashion not bothering to look up.

Ashley got out the front door with her heart pounding, it had been so easy to just walk out with her stolen goods she thought, hugging her new breasts. Now wasn’t the time to grope herself though, and she quickly made her way for the nearest exit, trying to avoid the curious stares of the occasional shopper as the somewhat lumpy ginger walked to the exit.

It took her only a few minuets to get out of the nearby doors and across the parkinglot to her car. Throwing the door open she plopped down roughly, unaccustomed to the weight on her chest and thighs. They felt pretty good though, the breasts weren’t too heavy at this size, and the udder must have gotten warm from her body heat, because it almost felt as if it was making her legs hot just from touching it.

She had an uneventful drive filled with pervy thoughts of being James’ sexual fantasy. Arriving home she got out of her car and pulled the tie from her hair, letting her ginger curls dangle about her face as she giddily made her way to her front door, her udder and breasts bouncing quite heavily as she did. “I gotta be careful with these, not quite used to all the extra weight.” she laughed, unlocking the door walking inside. She threw her keys onto the counter and went straight to the bathroom.

“Nothin’ like a quick shower after a fun trip to the mall.” She thought, pulling off her hoodie. “Oh shit, I gotta take these off!” Ashley groaned, not sure if they were water proof. She pulled down her sweats and reached behind her back to unclasp the special bra, but as she fumbled she couldn’t reach the hooks. “Damn bras, you’d think I was a dude with how hard this is to take off!” She gripped, switching to her udder to solve at least one of her problems.

That was not what happened, she looked and looked but didn’t see the hint of a seem, as if the thin see through plastic had melted away. She looked in the large mirror over the sink hoping to see a strap or a piece of fabric somewhere, but all she saw was four breasts and an udder, their skin seamlessly blended into her own flesh.

“You gotta be joking…” She said in disbelief, wincing as she pinched her second set of nipples and was rewarded with a sharp sting. “Owww fuck!” She cried, wishing this was a realistic dream. “This… I can’t… But… Why?!” She sputtered, her face red and flustered. Somehow she had managed to steal from a magical costume shop and get herself stuck with an extra set of tits and a big cow’s udder, of all the shops, all the costumes, she had to dress like some slutty cow.

She pulled on her large thick teats and furrowed her brow, feeling the soft warm flesh in her hands and a sensation that was really good, even better than when she played with her… four…nipples. She mimed milking herself for a moment, gently pulling her upper teats consecutively. “Wow.” She muttered with a heavy breath “I guess I can get used to this, they really do feel kinda great.” Ashley realized she might have to get used to it as she thought about how she could explain having stolen the objects to the store. All she needed was to be dragged away by some scruffy mall cops, having them poke and prod at her new udder.

Speaking of the mall, she was going to need to buy some loose skirts of dresses or something, cause those sweats didn’t quite cut it. Ashley gave her foursome of breasts a jiggles, watching as they knocked each other around heavily on her chest. “Guess I should take up sewing. I doubt they make bras in a double breasted 34 D.”

Remembering her reason for being in the bathroom, and no longer worried about weather her “costume” was waterproof she stepped into the shower and turned the heat up high. The hot water beat down on her back and the room filled with steam. She tried to unwind as she rubbed at her new body with soap. The extra curves were strange, and she didn’t know how easy they would be to hide, but at least they felt great to play with. She was busy fondling her bountiful chest when a panicked thought brought her out of the burning hot pleasure of her shower “James better not cancel…”            

The sun had only just started to rise when she woke up with a sudden jolt, a rush of adrenaline and

The sun had only just started to rise when she woke up with a sudden jolt, a rush of adrenaline and panic hitting her in a wave. Even before her eyes opened she felt like something was wrong, not just the knowledge that she wasn’t where she was supposed to be, but the heavy weight of her chest and a few other odd sensations.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was on a raised platform with a thin piece of fabric draped over it, the rest of the room was in complete darkness save a single overhead light shining down on her. The light illuminated her body and it’s… changes. Her jaw hung open as she looked herself over, suddenly she couldn’t tell if this was a dream, a nightmare, or some strange reality. It looked like she had a long tail, and four huge breasts, but… that couldn’t be true could it? She reached down and cupped one of the hanging tits, it felt hot and full, and very real. She began to notice how… full they actually felt. It felt like she was… like she was… milk? A few white droplets softly dripped from her nipples as she began to lactate

She gently pulled on one of her nipples. A soft tug rewarded her with an arc of hot cream and she frowned as she considered her breasts, which felt more like udders at this point. How was she going to get all that milk out, they were so big, and felt so full…

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 Finishing up another half completed image from a while back. This time a multibreast pig tf‘M

Finishing up another half completed image from a while back. This time a multibreast pig tf

‘Maybe a button up shirt wasn’t the smartest idea’ she thought, sighing as she gave up on trying to figure out how to put it on with her trotters. Besides, she felt more comfortable with no clothes on anyway, just another quirk to the transformation. It was the last day of her month long trial of the new 'miracle drug’ that could temporarily rewrite DNA to cause a person to display a mixed race between man and animal.

Her only complaint was the lack of hands. She didn’t mind the six large breasts, they were very sensitive, and with her increased libido, she was grateful for such a bounty of breasts to enjoy. The ears and nose were kind of cute actually, and she didn’t mind the boost to her sense of smell and hearing. The curly tail wasn’t all that noticeable unless she was looking herself over in the mirror or sat on it weirdly, but her hands.

Being stuck with trotters instead of fingers for almost a month had been a hassle in extreme. It took her quite a while to get a semblance of normalcy with them, eating was messy, brushing her teeth was challenging, answering the phone was near impossible. She was particularly proud of herself when she managed to dial the number of the drug companies office without knocking her phone on the floor this time.

“The number you have dialed has been disconnected, or is no longer in service.”

The message that played over the speaker phone hung in the air heavily. She hung up and redialed.

The same message played for a second time, and she rushed over to her computer and started to tediously type the web address of the companies website.

Error 404

The Page you are looking for can’t be found

It was like the company had up and vanished over night…

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Twice the Lady At first she just thought she had pulled a muscle or two while working out, it didn&r

Twice the Lady

At first she just thought she had pulled a muscle or two while working out, it didn’t happen often, but sometimes she overdid it. Her upper body was just so stiff and sore, she had already tried using some ice packs back at the gym, and nothing had looked swollen so she took a hot shower when she got home.

The hot water did make her feel a little better, but as she dried off she started to get strangely drowsy, and even though it wasn’t late she decided to try and sleep off some of the soreness.

As she tossed and turned in her sleep something strange began to happen, her shoulders cracked and popped and with a great strain something shifted as two short stubby shapes fought for a position with her arms. The shapes lengthened, gaining size as they took on a structure similar to her arms. Muscles stretched and contracted as they reached a size matching her original arms. The new arms even had stubby hands, whose fingers lengthened until they took matched her original pair. She gripped the bed with all four of her arms, the strain of her changing body had caused it to break out into a sweat and she moaned heavily as she moved under the covers.

Under the covers other changes had been going on, at first it had been just two spots of intense sensation on her chest below her breasts, but as her arms grew in muscles formed beneath her breasts, and then plumped as fattier flesh soften the shape. The win points of near pleasure looked red and swollen, slowly gaining detail as they softened to a lighter pink and the entire shape started to look quite similar to the shapes above them. It wasn’t long before she had a second pair of breasts that matched her original pair in everything but size. The lower pair was just slightly smaller, but as one of her four arms cupped the newly formed breasts she cried out in shock, gasping as she awoke to quite the strange predicament.

A few disbelieving moments in front of the mirror induced some rather stern pinching to try and wake herself to no avail. She moved her arms somewhat ungainly, getting used to how it felt to control all four of them separately. Once she had a handle on how to move them, she let her gaze drift down to the four shapes that jiggled and moved as she tried out her quartet of limbs. She had four breasts now, four large breasts… she cupped on in each hand and let out a soft sigh, they felt good, better than they had any right to feel, and she couldn’t help but to massage them a little.

When she eventually went back to the gym it caused quite the stir, it wasn’t every day you saw a four armed, four breasted woman working out. The gym’s owners contacted her once they heard about the unique patron of their establishment, and soon she had a personal trainer and a deal signed where she would promote the gym for free access and the best help they could provide. It was some extra cash for her, and being a gym rat, she loved the extra time she got to spend working out. All the time in the gym showed too, she hadn’t been a slouch when it came to staying in shape before, but the high protein diet and workouts left her with a rather stunning body, and truly feeling like twice the woman she had been before.

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 Fallout Girl EnhancedNothing hit the spot like a Nuka-Cola Quantum, didn’t matter if you were

Fallout Girl Enhanced

Nothing hit the spot like a Nuka-Cola Quantum, didn’t matter if you were human, a dog, or somewhere in between as Monica found herself. It had been a rough week, constant attacks from raiders, her old vault suit got torn up when she was running through a hole in a chain link fence, and to make matters worse, she looked like this now. It wasn’t like she knew that this was going to happen, the old terminal she hacked into said it was a pre-war combat enhancement formula. Maybe if she had spent a little more time reading the notes she would have seen it was a combat enhancement for military dogs, not soldiers, but with the rads ticking away from the poorly shielded fusion reactor, she had little time to check the old notes on the busted up terminal.

At first she had felt great, it was an hour or so of what seemed like unlimited stamina. Then she started to feel hot, really hot, like a sudden fever in July hot. She stripped out of her torn up blue and gold jumpsuit as she looked for a place to stay. Eventually she found a burnt out house to hide in while she figured out what was happening. The air was dusty, and the floor was strewn with scraps of junk and loose papers. Monica sat on a ratty old couch that she was none to thrilled to feel against her nude skin. The uncomfortably worn fabric was of little concern to her, she was focused on the burning itch as fur grew up the small of her back. It was in a spot she couldn’t reach, and as Monica struggled to get some relief she felt the small hairy shape of her newly forming tail in her hand. She held it for a moment in disbelief, what had she injected herself with?

Monica was pacing back and forth in the shoddy apartment she was squatting in. The sun was shining through the hole where the roof once was, and the heat of it’s touch against her skin made her pant. Her face was red with shame, there was no way they would let her back into the compound now, she groaned as her hand brushed against a nipple that hadn’t been there before. Monica had no choice but to wait out whatever was happening to her, and she could only hope that she would still be mostly human.

It felt like ages, but by the time Monica left the apartment it had been over an hour. Fur like hair grew from Monica’s shoulders, neck, and back, trailing down until it reached her ass cheeks where a bushy dog’s tail lazily wagged. Two pointed and furred ears poked out of the top of her hair, and her slightly cool to the touch nose was now far darker and canine in shape. Monica had six breasts now, but they hadn’t really grown in size, they would be easily concealed, and if she wore a bandanna over her face and a hat, she might actually be able to pull off not being some sort of Dog-girl. That was assuming she could keep her bushy tail in her pants, it seemed to have a mind of it’s own. This also assumed she had pants, Monica remembered she had stripped off her torn up clothes before she found the building, but she couldn’t figure out where exactly. While looking for her lost clothes, she did happen upon a glowing blue light shining from under an overturned car. It took Monica a few moments, put she was eventually able to pry a relatively undamaged bottle of Quantum from under the car, and she quickly popped off the bottle cap, frowning as she realized she didn’t have pockets to put it in, and put the glass to her lips, savoring the sweet caffeinated taste of strontium and 18 fruit flavors, at least something was going right today.

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The Special Treatment May had won a coupon to a new spa that had opened up during a raffle at work.

The Special Treatment

May had won a coupon to a new spa that had opened up during a raffle at work. She wasn’t even the type to enter one of those things, let along one to get a massage from some stranger, but she had been pressured into buying a ticket for charity, and she wasn’t about to waste it, even if she thought it was a silly luxury. The place certainly looked like wasted money to her, expensive design choices and materials used in a minimalist design. It gave the place an pricey look without having to buy too much clutter, but the downside was a slight alien nature to the place. The lack of color and small amount of furniture was just too sanitized for May and it set her on edge more than calming her.

Eventually someone from behind the small front desk noticed her and waved her forward, May dragged her heels, wondering why she had come here in the first place. After a brief conversation with the woman, May was more unnerved than ever. The woman never stopped smiling, and she had these large eyes that looked like she was looking right through you.

“So, this is your first time at a spa?”

“Uh.. yeah, I’m not really the spa type, this is a.. work thing, for charity.”

“I see. So, do you have anything in mind today?”

“I uh, well I have this coupon.” May fished out the crumpled up slip from her pocket. “But I don’t really like spas, so what do you guys offer? Like mud baths, and cucumber’s on peoples eyes or some junk.” May laughed, but the counter girl didn’t join in.

For just a moment a strange expression flashed across the front desk girls face, but the smile never broke. “We have all sorts of things we do here, and I’m sure we have just the thing to take care of you. We don’t have mud baths, but I’m sure you would love our hot oil massage, it’s one of our… specialty treatments.”

May wasn’t really informed enough to make a decision so she deferred to the suggestion. “Sure, sounds great..”

“Wonderful. I promise that it will be a brand new you that walks out these doors.” The woman grinned slightly wider, and May was afraid her head was going to split in two. The counter girl pushed May gently toward the hall that lead to the spa rooms. She told her a room number, but didn’t follow her down the sterile white hall, just watched her enter further into the odd building. May glanced over her shoulder, but the visage of the eerie smile didn’t help, so she just pushed on. She passed many white doors, bereft of any design save a small number labeling them. May noticed an odd scent lingering in the air as she made her way to the end of the hall. It clouded her senses and left her feeling a bit dazed, and by the time she staggered through the door into the room she had been directed to, she was struggling to keep her eyes focused.

Once inside the small room she was guided to a long table that was covered in a soft foam like cushion. She was glad to see some potted plants, and even a brick wall from the original building, anything was better than the odd whiteness of the main office. The man guiding her didn’t say much as he quickly disrobed her and motioned her into position, she had question she was going to ask him, but her thoughts felt muddy and slow. As she laid down and his hands began to massage her muscles, all worry drifted away. It was so hot, and firm, and a wellspring of tension she didn’t even know existed was released. All the stress of her job, of her life, washed away beneath the grip of the masseuse and the hot oil. May felt like she was dreaming, and she drifted in and out of consciousness for a while as he worked her tension out, as he infused her skin with the special oils.

With her face buried in the mat she couldn’t see how pink her skin had begun to become, if she had she might have thought it was from the intense heat of the oil, a heat so warm it was like that maximum heat you could enjoy in a shower before burning yourself. It wasn’t though, even the underside of her, which hadn’t been massaged yet was the same off pink shade. The fleshy color didn’t look right, something about it didn’t look quite human, but then again, neither did having a tail.

As the masseuse massaged her lower back and the top of her ass, he applied a little extra pressure at the base of her spine, and a slight pop woke May for a moment, but she melted away into half sleep again as he resumed his regular massage, leaving her unaware of the small nub of flesh that had begun to grow. Just above her ass cheeks a small fleshy shape was growing in size, lengthening as it thickened, as small hairs grew up int’s length. Within a few short moments it was long enough it had stated to curl slightly and there was no denying that it was a tail, a tail that was firmly attached to her body, bu she remained blissfully ignorant of this development.

The masseuse’s hands roamed up and down her body, and as her rubbed her neck and shoulders he briefly diverted, going further up her neck until his hands closed over her ears and gripped with firmly for a moment. May frowned in confusion, but he let go as quickly as he had grabbed them and she couldn’t resist the firm heat of his hands working on her neck. What she didn’t know was the her ears now came to angled points, and with every moment that passed they grew in size, sticking out through her hair to each side. In tandem with her ears expanding, her muscles definition softened. She grew in size, gaining a small amount of weight, but enough that when combined with the lack of visible muscles, she now had a soft body and the beginnings of a pudgy belly and lovehandels.

May was prompted to roll over by the silent masseuse, and she was in such a daze she didn’t even bother with the modesty of covering herself. The masseuse didn’t care though, his stern expression didn’t change, and he remained singularly focused on his job of massaging and changing her body. He started by placing a warm towel gently over her face, and she felt the world close off. Sound and sight were muted, and the hazy feeling became too much again, she lay motionless under the towel as her continued to rub her body with his hot stiff hands.

May surly would have protested when he began to massage her modest chest if she had been fully there, but not even a sound of protest came from beneath the towel. The masseuse firmly gripped her breasts and while it was obvious he wasn’t groping them in any sort of sexual way, she did feel a strange and arousing heat building within her chest. He spent a long time working her breasts, but she was confused when his hands moved lower on her body, but the feeling of her breasts being massaged didn’t stop. What she couldn’t see from under the towel, was that he had stopped working on her formerly pert breasts, which now were a rather hefty size. Now he was working on a second, slightly smaller pair of tits that were still growing beneath his hands.

After what felt like forever, the masseuse removed the towel from her face, and May’s eyes adjusted to the strange white lighting of the room. May yawned deeply, her pointed tusk-like teeth even more visible than they were at rest. She rubbed her wide flat nose idly as the masseuse got her back into her clothing. It took a moment, as nothing really fit that well any more. May staggered out of the small room as the masseuse gently pushed her back toward the front desk. May to heavy steps down the long sterile hall. She felt sore, and her body was heavy and her mind drowsy.

“Would you look at you!” The smiling woman grinned with an almost devious joy. “You look like a brand new woman.” She eyed May’s soft body stuffed into her now undersized clothes, she inspected her four large breasts, admiring the masseuses technique. She took extra enjoyment from the obviously porcine portions of her, short tusks, a wide pig nose, floppy ears, and that curled tail that wouldn’t stay in her pants.

May nodded sleepily and mumbled something akin to a thank you.

“Oh, and be sure to top by and let me know if you find any good mud baths around here.” She grinned evily.

May nodded again and walked to the exit as the fog in her brain slowly lifted. A mud bath did sound rather nice…

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 As soon as the cool creamy milk entered her mouth she felt her body tense. An electric charge seeme

As soon as the cool creamy milk entered her mouth she felt her body tense. An electric charge seemed to sweep over her, every nerve, every fiber of her being felt on edge. he glass clattered to the floor spilling the small remaining milk across the linoleum as she leaned against the kitchen counter. She could feel her heart beating in her ears, she shivered as waves on sensation tickled at her skin. Her muscles clench and strained and she doubled over, gasping as the intense barrage of sensations made her head swim. They weren’t unpleasant, they were… different. She had never felt like this before, this was no allergic reaction or anything like that.

She felt the bones in her hips grind painfully for a moment before her pelvis made a popping crack and began to widen. The pain was over in an instant, replaced with dizziness, and she could only watch as her hips grew wide and the gap between her legs grew. The gap didn’t remain long though, her legs felt like they had been dipped in warm water and her eyes fluttered at the sudden and pleasant sensation. She was only dimly aware of how thick her legs were getting. Her wide thighs thickened and grew, filling out until the gap between them was closed by plush womanly flesh. She could feel a similar effect happening to her ass as it too became soft and round, abusing her panties as it stretched them beyond any hope they had of remaining on her body. She was relieved when the fabric gave up it’s struggle and she was free from it’s restraint. She had only been wearing a T-Shirt and a pair of underwear, now she stood nude from the waist down.

Her back suddenly felt stiff, and she stretched and strained to get comfortable, feeling her muscles and bones popping and clicking like she was getting adjusted at a chiropractor. The shifting of her spine left her whole body numb for just long enough to cause worry, but the lack of feeling quickly faded and she was left with full sensation in her body… and her tail. She felt the long fleshy appendage resting on the plump cheeks of her substantial ass, and moving the new muscle was almost natural if a bit awkward. She could swish it bluntly, but lacked the fine motor control of it to bend it in any way that was complex, at least not consciously. As her attention was drawn elsewhere it curled around her leg reflexively.

She felt her breasts start tingle, a tight prickling sensation followed by a sharp twinge underneath them. She rubbed both her breasts and chest, trying to sooth the suddenly sore area. Her hands felt wonderful as they rubbed her aching torso, but her chest almost burned the skin of her palms it felt so hot to the touch. She stopped rubbing when she noticed something strange, it almost felt like a nipple but, she bit her lip and frowned, it wasn’t on her breast, it was on the sore area below them. She looked down at herself and could only stare blankly at the pair of A cup breasts below her original pair. She watched as both they and the top pair began to swell larger. It felt like she was an empty vessel and more warm water was being poured in as her breasts filled out. She moved her hands over her four swelling breasts and had to steady herself as the feelings mad her legs tremble. They were so sensitive and warm, she groaned lustfully.

She was distracted enough by her bountiful chest that the hot stinging feeling in her ears didn’t draw her attention, she was still unaware that they had stretched and grown into oblong lightly furred shapes that would look closer to those of a cow than a human girl. What she did notice though was how stiff her jaw was and how much her nose tingled, she felt like she had just been to the dentist and that someone her punched her square in the nose. She scrunched up her face and sniffled a little before she felt her face stretched forward. It was a disconcerting to be sure, she watched as her nose became more visible, larger, pinker, pushing forward as her face grew into a slight muzzle. She moved her tongue and opened her mouth a few times before reaching up and feeling her face with her hands. It felt both familiar and wrong and she only stopped when she had to itch the light dirty blonde fur of her shoulders and thighs as it grew in. She couldn’t quite reach the thicker trail of it along her spine. She stopped scratching herself and breath a deep sigh as all feeling of warmth and irritation left her body and she became aware of how cold the kitchen was and how tight her shirt had become. She needed to change into a looser outfit, she paused and had an idea ‘and maybe cut a hole in her pants for her new tail.’ As she walked to her bedroom her four breasts jiggled, her tail bobbed happily behind her, and her womanly hips swayed seductively. She wouldn’t mind having to get used to this…

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 Part of a small art backlog from September. A girl with bleached blonde hair a large fake breasts g

Part of a small art backlog from September. A girl with bleached blonde hair a large fake breasts gets bitten by a wolf while walking back to the sorority, now shes a bimbo werewolf.

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She was she might fall off the horse, but The Warlock fixed the problem…

She was she might fall off the horse, but The Warlock fixed the problem…

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 The pills were only supposed to help her gain a little weight, she had always been too skinny and w

The pills were only supposed to help her gain a little weight, she had always been too skinny and when her doctor told her about a safe way she could get up to a healthy weight she was more than willing to finally fill out a bra. Everything was going perfect at first, or at least it seemed that way. Little did she know that someone had switched out the pills she had taken with something similar but a little more… interesting.

She was gaining the weight faster than the doctor had said, she only wanted to gain about twenty five pounds. The doctor’s orders were to take two months of the once daily pills, that would get her up to the weight, the problem was she had gained thirty eight pounds, and it had only been three days. She stopped taking the pills and called her doctor, but he wouldn’t be able to see her til after the long holiday weekend. She spent all Friday fretting and weighing herself, it was like she was gaining a pound every hour. and she had some sort of rash. Her skin was red looking and she had hives or some sort of strange bumps of her chest and belly. Her belly was a matter of concern, it and her thighs seemed to be the primary targets of her weight gain and she had already gone from a nearly concave stomach to looking pregnant. She held her belly and frowned, her wide nostrils flaring. It was so jiggly and soft… she rubbed it a bit and had to stifle a soft moan. She let go and backed away from the mirror. Did she just… did she enjoy having a belly this big?

By midday Saturday she could tell that something was wrong with her, her nose and ears were bigger. Her nose was flatter looking than normal, but pushed forward to, and her ears were a little… pointed.. She had gained an additional sixty pounds through the night and she didn’t want to admit it, but the bumps on her chest looked an awful lot like nipples. She turned to food to distract herself from her changes, her ravenous appetite quickly demolished her fridge and cabinets stock of food and she felt a keen sense of shame that she was eating like the pig she looked like.

A pig, that’s not just what she looked like, it was what she was turning into. She must have been over two hundred and fifty pounds now, but the weight was far less concerning than the curly tail above her large fat ass, or the trotter like hooves her feet had turned into, or her eight breasts. She actually had eight breasts, she frequently rubbed them as if to remind herself that they were real. Gone was the bone thin girl she had seen in the mirror a few days prior, now she was a fat pinked skinned half pig. The changes seemed to have slowed down, three days of pills resulted in three days of transforming. She couldn’t get over how much of a pig she looked like, she was so fat now, her plump belly and thighs jiggled when she moved, and her tits were constantly rubbing against each other. She knew she should see if the doctors could figure out what had happened, why the pills had done… this… but she didn’t want to turn back… she didn’t want to be that skinny girl anymore. Being so plump and round, she loved having curves even if there were too many, even if she had to be a sow…

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 “Now who do you wanna hug? … Let’s see Bailey try and kick out from under these!

“Now who do you wanna hug? … Let’s see Bailey try and kick out from under these!”

Random Alexa Bliss Multibreast caaaussse… I was doing a multibreast sketch and Smackdown was on in the background.

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If you thought it was hard to find a bra in your size, just imagine what she had to go through to fi

If you thought it was hard to find a bra in your size, just imagine what she had to go through to find a set of sexy four breasted lingerie…

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She was going to try out for the cheer leading squad, but The Warlock thought she would be much bett

She was going to try out for the cheer leading squad, but The Warlock thought she would be much better suited as the team mascot. Go Cows!

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Miss Fox gets Foxed Two teachers sat in the faculty lounge eating their lunches when the topic of Mr

Miss Fox gets Foxed

Two teachers sat in the faculty lounge eating their lunches when the topic of Mr. Billadeau came up.

“So… Mr. Billadeau’s still hasn’t got back from vacation, guess they must have brought in some poor temp to fill in.”

“Yeah I guess. Hopefully she fares better than the last one.” The woman mad a tut tut sound of disapproval. “Billadeau’s class is particularly poorly behaved, and we still haven’t heard back from the last sub.”

“I heard she left when someone let a wild animal loose in the class, we had to call animal control to remove it before it tore the place up.”

“I heard they found her clothes in the classroom and she left her car in the employee parking.”

“There is always something weird going on in that classroom…” The older man stared down at his sandwich and frowned. “Hopefully Miss Fox has a better time of it.”

“Hopefully Billadeau gets back soon…”


The bell rang as the clock struck 2pm and the children fled out of the classroom like it was a burning building. A frustrated and frazzled Miss Fox called out the homework details and as the children disappeared and she couldn’t help but to slump down into the desk chair as the final one left. She had only been working for the school for a short time, but Billadeau’s classroom had her rethinking her career choices. Willful, sarcastic, distracted, those were the nice things she could think of to describe the class, other things were more… colorful. Miss Fox let out a deep sigh and straightened up in her seat, she was almost as eager to leave as the children had been. As she collected her belongings she noticed a apple on her desk that she swore had not been there a moment before, and for a brief moment a smile crossed her face, was there some student who actually left her a gift? Then her scowl returned as she realized it must be some prank. Miss Fox ignored the apple and went back to organizing her things, but a growling rumble in her stomach reminded her that she had forgotten to eat any lunch. Hesitantly she picked up the apple and looked it over, it looked innocent enough. She poked at it and held it to the light, eventually splitting it in half with a letter opener Mr. Billadeau kept in his desk. The inside was… normal, almost suspiciously so, but the gnawing hunger only grew at the scent of the ripe fruit and Miss Fox eventually caved and took a small bite.

As soon as the chuck of moist apple was swallowed she felt it, a lurching rush and tingling heat that almost sparked electrically. The feeling ran up and down her body and she was paralyzed for a moment as her body stiffened. Something was wrong, something was wrong with that apple. She had heard the tales of this class, of the shenanigans that went on, but she doubted that the children would go as far as too poison her. The static charged waves on energy that washed over her body and filled her with an inner heat akin to lava, made her question this belief though.

Miss fox fell from her chair and crawled across the floor, loosing her heels as the struggled to stand. Leaning over a child’s desk she tore at her clothing, the fabric was so tight, so hot, it was driving her mad to be confined by the clothes. Her shirt was soon a pile of tatters on the floor, and Miss Fox’s chest heaved as she breathed heavy ragged breaths, her eyes darting around the room as they softened from a dark brown to a light orange in color.

Miss Fox gripped the desk tightly enough to make her knuckles white and she let out a whining growl as hair grew from her neck down her back, her strawberry blonde hair turning a more true orange as the short hairs grew into a layer of fur. As the fur spread to the small of her back the bones in her lower back cracked and popped. Her tailbone lifted and changed position pushing outward into a small bump, then a short nub, and longer still until it was a short hairless tail. Her ears had changed shape and now were poking out of the hair high up on her head, they flattened back as her tail surged in size, hair growing in until it reached a full and bushy state.

Miss Fox collapsed to the floor, gasping and panting. She gripped her chest and let out a howl as the pressure in her chest centered and formed a second pair of breasts that grew in size with her top pair until both were a hefty cup size. The now redheaded substitute crawled toward the door, away from the apparently cursed apple and scrambled to her feet as she duck out into the hall and toward the parking lot.

When the other teachers saw Miss Fox’s car peel out of the parking lot they suspected something had gone wrong, but all they found in the classroom was a half eaten apple, a torn shirt, and Miss Fox’s papers strewn across the room.


“Looks like we lost another one.” Said the female teacher

The older male walked out of the room, muttering “eugh… Billadeau’s classroom… it’s almost like it’s cursed.”

The female teacher grabbed the untouched apple half on the desk and took a large bite. Swallowing she replied “It’s… certainly unique… whoa… does it feel weirdly hot in here or is just me?”

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