#ukraine chairty


Ukraine Links

A lovely individual from the Ukraine has messaged me and asked to help spread some useful links for Ukraine aid.

  1. Fundraising for Humanitarian Assistance to Ukrainians
  2. Unicef Ukraine Emergency
  3. Humanitarian and Medical Aid to Ukraine

You can volunteer as a medical worker here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf6zD2guL97DgI8-XBj9m1uQp05g56wikFGLuCCDnl-UGn0DA/viewform?edit_requeste

The person who messaged me said: “Now Ukraine has already liberated several regions from rashist troops: Kyiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, and recently Kharkov. My friends from Bucha come back home. Ukraine have some win. But it’s very big tragedy for civilization country. Our economic in hell.”
