



“Kill Or Be Killed” is the first true Villain Song in UNDERSONG, setting up many leitmotifs that will be used throughout the show, as well as demonstrating Flowey’s motivation and ruthlessness to its fullest extent.Featuring over 100 fully detailed panels and 7 performers! Credits & More below!


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Hey guys. It’s been a while, huh?

UNDERSONG is still fighting and clawing against the endless odds and bottomless chasm of the intensity of its production. We’re in the low single-digits in terms of panels still needed to release Kill or Be Killed in its full stage form.

We are planning to reform this process once the number releases to avoid continuing to run into these year-long pauses between full show numbers.

We are also planning, after KOBK’s release, to start uploading UNDERSONG content in a simpler, less complicated form (similar to the visual style of earlier releases, like “Guide You” or “I’ll Protect You”) in order to get more of US’ original songs released (I’ve been hiding them away for years and I want them to see the light of day sooner!) while hyping people up for the full show versions.

deltarune THE MUSICAL IMSYWU has been an unbelievable success and it still stuns me to this day how enthusiastic everyone is about it and how many people have found UNDERSONG through it. Creating it is one of the few choices I have made in my life that I have absolutely zero regrets or qualms with, and for someone as anxious as I am, that’s exceedingly rare.

I will continue releasing a new deltarune TM song every week to the best of my ability. This will not affect the production speed of UNDERSONG and has been deliberately designed not to slow it down (which is why many releases feature no original art and 90% of the work is on my end overall) so have no worries on that ground.

It’s been over 3 incredible years since I started this project, and despite its slow production and anxiety-inducing gigantic-ness, just knowing how it’s all going to play out and the excitement of sharing it with all of you gets me through the hardest and most painful of times.

Thank you for staying with US.

Our story’s with your heart.


Quick pointy pony for @aerialaim

Quick pointy pony for @aerialaim

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