#unexpected gifts


Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: We’ve made it! This is the final chapter in this story. I am so happy I’ve made it to the end. I’m thinking about an epilogue just not 100% sure on it yet. Thank you to those who have been following this story and showing your support! I love y’all!



It was the night before your wedding day. You always thought you would be nervous and stressed the night before your wedding, but you were the complete opposite. You felt happy and relaxed. You trusted that Jessica had everything done for the big day.  You, Scarlett, Rose and Olivia were having a relaxing night at Lisa’s. 

You asked Scarlett to be your only bridesmaid and Rose to be a flower girl with Olivia. Chris asked Scott to be his best man and his nephew, Miles, to be the ring bearer. 

You chose to spend the night at Lisa’s and let Chris and Scott have your house. You were just hoping it was in one piece when you got back.

Olivia was nearing two years old, and you couldn’t believe it. She talked non-stop, it didn’t always make since but that didn’t stop her. Olivia had started calling Chris, dada. 


You finish unpacking the last box and sigh in relief. Chris comes up with Olivia in his arms. “Mama!” She reaches for you. 

You smile and take her from Chris. When you look at Chris, you realize Olivia has never called him anything. As the wheels in your head turn, you start to wonder if Olivia should call him dad. Chris is the only father figure Olivia has, to you, it only makes sense that she should call him dad.

“Chris, don’t you think we should be teaching her to call you something?” You ask him. 

“Yeah, I guess. What were you thinking? Like just Chris or?” He looks down at you. 

“I was thinking more along the lines of daddy, but it’s up to you.” You smile. 

It takes a second for it to register in Chris’s head what you just said. “Wait! You mean it? You would be ok with her calling me that?” 

“You’re basically already her dad. You act like it.” You say with a laugh. 

“Then yes, she can totally call me daddy.” He leans down and kisses you then kisses Olivia’s cheeks. 

“Livie, can you say Dada?” You look at her. “Da-da.” You point to Chris.

She giggles. “Daaaada!” 

Chris smiles widely and takes her from you kissing her all over her face.

~end flashback~

It was finally the morning of the wedding, you woke up with small feeling of anxiousness. People started going in and out of the house starting at 8 o’clock that morning. It was some what chaotic. 

Lisa brought breakfast to you, Scarlett, and the girls. You all sat in the queen sized bed eating French toast, fruit, and bacon. 

Jessica hired a photographer, and she was there taking pictures of you and the girls enjoying your breakfast. You watched as she took a picture of Olivia shoving a strawberry in her mouth. You laughed and couldn’t wait to have all these pictures to look back on. 

The ceremony wasn’t until 5 in the evening. It was just passed nine when Jessica showed up. You went down stairs to meet her. 

“Are you ready?” She asked with a beaming smile. 

“So ready!” You smiled. 

She started talking you through everything that was happening and what was supposed to arrive at what time. You watched as Lisa’s backyard was set up for the day. It was better than anything you could have ever dreamed. 


Just before lunch, your parents walked into the house. Your mom wrapped you up in a hug and squeezed you. You then hugged your dad. Your anxiousness was lessening now that your mom was there. 

The hair stylist and makeup artist arrived to start on all the girls. Your mom, and Lisa were first then they went to get dressed. After them, it was Scarlett, then Rose and Olivia. Scarlett took Rose and Olivia to get dressed while you were getting ready. 


Once you were finished with your hair and makeup, Scarlett came back in to help you put on your dress. She helped you into your dress and then helped you with your jewelry. 

Scarlett stepped back to look at you. “Wow!” She smiled at you. “You look stunning!” 

Your smile was beaming across your face. You stepped in front of the mirror and gasped. You were amazed at how everything came together. 


After taking yourself in, you were ready to show everyone. Scarlett walked in front of you and opened the door to let your parents in. 

Your mother was in awe. She started to cry as well as your dad, which in turn made you tear up. Your mom gently wiped your tears before kissing your cheeks. 

Finally, it was time. All 30 guest had arrived and were seated. Soft music was playing as Chris went down the aisle. Once he was at the end, he took a breath to steady his nerves. You may not have been nervous, but Chris was. Chris just wanted to be married to you. 

Scarlett and Scott were next. Miles walked down with the rings and stood next to Scott. Rose and Olivia walked down the aisle sprinkling flower petals. Once they made it down the aisle and stood by Scarlett the music changed. Everyone stood and waited for your entrance. 

The back doors opened, revealing you and your dad. Chris immediately teared up. You were stunning. He turned away to wipe his tears then looked back at you. You smiled at him with all the love in the world. There was nowhere else you would have wanted to be. 

Your dad gave you away to Chris. “You look beautiful!” Chris whispered in your ear. 

“Not to shabby yourself!” You replied. 

The ceremony continued on. Chris said his vows and slipped the diamond band onto your finger. You did the same and slipped a silver band onto his. 

“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The officiant smiled. “You may now kiss the bride!” 

Chris pulled you into him and kissed you sweetly. The kiss lasted for a few seconds while everyone cheered. You both pull away with beaming smiles. 

“I love you, Mr. Evans!” You whispered to him. 

“I love you more, Mrs. Evans!” He pecked your lips one more time before, he scooped up Olivia and you all exited down the aisle. 

Sometimes gifts are better when they are unexpected. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow​  @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32​  @natalia-romanovas-world​  @fangirlfree​  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95​  @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen​  @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney​  @peakyrazor​  @veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood​  @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading​  @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy​​@leclerc-stan​​@lexeeehhh​​@mrspeacem1nusone​​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala​​

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:This chapter covers a lot of ground. I feel like this chapter may be all over the place, I don’t know. Y’all let me know what you think. I don’t think this is the best chapter. I am also going to try and get out another chapter today.



For the next several days, Yours and Chris’s phones didn’t seem to stop ringing. They were overloaded with notifications. Your went from 1,000 followers to over 10,000 in just a few days. Everything seemed so surreal. 

You waited for a million ugly comments to start rolling in, but they never did. Of course, there were some, but it was nothing compared to what you were expecting. It was a relief for you and Chris. 

His fans seemed to be responding well to the the news, and that was important. People started to post their congratulations to you both, making your heart swell. Even his co-stars and fellow actors were posting congratulations.

You, Olivia, and Chris were back in L.A. and finally things seemed to be calming down. You and Chris were on the couch while Olivia played in the floor. 

“Don’t you think you should be finding a wedding planner?” Chris asked. 

You turn your head to look at him. “I’ll do it tomorrow.” You laughed softly. 

Chris looked at you. “Where do you think we should have the wedding?”

“I don’t know. I think it depends on how many people we want to invite.” You told him. “Because if we keep it small, just family and really close friends then we can have it wherever, but if you want to go big then I would say either in Boston or Atlanta.” 

Chris nodded. “I was thinking just family and close friends. Like Scarlett, Robert, Chris, Renner, Mackie, Seb and a few other people for me. And of course who ever your close friends are.” 

You laughed a little. “We kind of share the same close friends. My invites will be family.” 

“I guess you’re right.” He laughed. 

“What if we had it in your mom’s backyard?” You sat up and looked at Chris. “It is plenty big enough and it’s so pretty.” 

“If that’s what you want to do then let’s do it!” He smiled. 

The next day you called around and found a great wedding planner out of Boston, her name was Jessica Jones. She told you that she was honored to be yours and Chris’s wedding planner. 

You told her that you and Chris wanted to do it in his mom’s backyard, and she thought that was the sweetest and cutest idea. 

Jessica said she didn’t want to get to into the planning just yet because she wanted to meet with you and Chris first. You, of course, had to get back with her on a date that you and Chris could get back to Boston. 

You went to talk to Chris about when he would be free to go back. 

“Why don’t we just move to Boston?” He groaned from the couch. 

“Are you serious or just complaining?” You raised your eyebrow at him. 

“We could by a house and move then when we get married we can just go home and not worry about flying back here to L.A. where we still live in separate apartments.” Chris went on. 

“Ok.” You said. Chris looked at you shocked that you agreed so easily to his statement that was really supposed to be a complaint. “You make some valid points.” You shrugged.

“Ok then.” He laughed. “We are moving to Boston!” 

“We are moving to Boston!” You smiled at him. 

Chris picked up Olivia. “Do you want to move to Boston?” He asked her. 

Olivia clapped and wiggled in his arms. “I think that’s a yes.” You smiled. 

You and Chris had lots of details to work through over the next several days. You decided to keep Chris’s apartment in L.A. so, if you were in town, you didn’t have to fuss with a hotel.

 As you started to look at you work schedule to see when would be best to make another trip to Boston, you noticed an email from the Marvel Executives. You were confused. You never emailed them directly, that was always your boss of the stunt company you worked for. You showed Chris the unopened email. 

“Well, open it.” He said.

You opened it and began to read through it. “No way!” You whispered in utter shock. 

“What?” Chris looked over you shoulder. 

“They are offering me a job as a full time stunt coordinator for upcoming Marvel projects!” You excitedly told him. 

“That’s great baby!” Chris smiled and kissed your head. “Are you going to take it?” He asked. 

“I’d be crazy not to!” You looked up at him. “They are offering to pay me triple what I make now.” 

You stood up from your desk and wrapped your arms around Chris. “Everything that is happening right now is just so unreal.” You smiled widely at him. “I mean, we are engaged, we are planning to move across the country, and now I get an amazing job offer.” 

Chris rubbed his hands up and down your back. “I know baby, a lot has happened in just a few weeks.” He leaned down and pecked your lips. 

You couldn’t have been more happy in that moment if you tried. You were marrying your best friend, moving and were going to accept an amazing job offer. 

It took some planning, but you and Chris finally had your schedules arranged so you were able to make a trip to Boston to do two things. The first was to meet with Jessica and start planning. The second was meeting with a realtor to look at some a few houses in Boston and the surrounding areas. You left Olivia with Lisa while you two were out.

You met Jessica at her office one morning. She greeted you when you walked through the door. 

“Hi, it’s great to finally meet you two!” Jessica shook both yours and Chris’s hand then lead you into a private meeting room. “Ok, I know since your time here is limited, I’ve got a lot for us to go over. And we aren’t in a rush, you two are my only clients for the day.” 

You sat down at the large conference table that was covered with lots of things, magazines, fabrics, color swatches, and much more. It was a little overwhelming at first glance for both you and Chris, but as Jessica started explaining, the feelings of being overwhelmed started to dissipate. 

“Ok, first thing we need is a date.” Jessica said as she opened a large binder. “Now obviously, if you plan to do the ceremony and reception outside, we need a warmer month.” 

You and Chris discussed and decided to have the wedding in September. The weather was warm, but not too hot and it definitely wouldn’t be freezing. From there the details fell into place. You picked the color scheme, an invitation design, the flowers, an arch way for the ceremony, and lots more. The biggest details left to decide were the cake, the menu for the reception, your dress, bridesmaid’s dress, and the tuxes. 

By the time your meeting with Jessica was finished, it was well into the afternoon. You and Chris decided to grab a bite to eat before heading back to his mom’s house. 

You went into a small Italian restaurant. The hostess seated you at a table and handed you menus. Before either of you can open your menus, a little boy, around five years old runs over to your table. 

“You’re Captain America!” He exclaimed. “You are my favorite, after Falcon!” The boy said with a grin. 

You couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped when the boy said Falcon was his #1 favorite. 

Chris glanced at you then back to the boy. “Well, I will make sure Falcon knows that I met his #1 fan today.” Chris said with a smile. 

Before their conversation could continue, the boy’s mom rushed over. “I am so sorry!” She apologized. 

“Mama, look it’s Captain America!” He smiled up at his mom. 

“I see, but we have to let him enjoy his meal with his friend.” She told him. She apologized one more time before she began to walk away. 

“Wait, why don’t we take a picture before you go?” Chris offered. 

The mother turned around. “That’s really not necessary. I hate to bother you anymore.” 

“Nonsense, I insist.” Chris stood and picked the boy up and allowed for his mom to take a quick picture.

“Thank you so much, and again I’m so sorry he ran over here.” She said one last time before they walked away. 

“You are great with kids, you know that right?” You questioned Chris as he picked up his menu. 

“Yeah, I’ve been told I have a way with children.” He smiled. 

The rest of you lunch was peaceful. You went back to Lisa’s house and spent what was left of your day lounging around.

The next morning, you met with a realtor to look at a few houses in and around the Boston area. When you talked with the realtor, you and Chris both told him you didn’t want to be in the middle of town.

The realtor showed you several houses, but most of them were in packed neighborhoods where there was only ten feet between two houses. 

Finally, the last house he showed you and Chris was out from town and not squished between two other houses. It was in a new neighborhood, that only had a few other houses, but the closest one was a quarter of a mile. It had plenty of room and space. The house was large, with an open concept. It was two stories, stained wood floors, tall ceilings, marble counter tops, built in appliances, five bedrooms, five and a half baths, with an office space, and a three car garage. It was perfect. 

After touring the house, you looked up at Chris. He could see it in your eyes that you were in love with the house, and he was too. 


Chris turned to the realtor. “We’ll take it!” He smiled. 

After finishing up with the realtor, you felt as if you were on cloud nine. Chris could tell by looking at you. It was as if you were glowing. You were in your own little bubble of happiness. 

Before leaving Boston, you took Olivia back to the house, just to show her around. You put her down and let her walk around the empty house. She babbled as she walked around the first floor. 

Chris wrapped his arms around you as you both watched Olivia. “I think she likes it.” He whispered in your ear then kissed your neck softly. 

“I think so too.” You smiled. You giggled softly feeling Chris’s beard against your neck. “Now, I just can’t wait to be here.” 

“Me either.” Chris agreed. “Not much longer.” 

Once Christmas passed, you started the moving process. You packed up your apartment then packed up parts of Chris’s. It took about a week to get everything boxed up and shipped to Boston. Once everything was shipped and all the ends were tied up in L.A., you headed for Boston to start a new chapter. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor @veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:this was not proof read!



Monday morning came way too fast. You woke up filled with anxiety, Chris did as well. You were both anxious about calling Chris’s agent and announcing your engagement. You were trying to put on a brave face, but inside you really weren’t ready for the reaction of Chris’s fans. You were so uncertain of what they may comment and post. 

After breakfast, you and Chris went to the back porch to video chat with his agent. Of course, you had met his agent, Megan. She knew of your relationship. She was a big reason you were able to keep it a secret.

You and Chris sat at the patio table in front of his laptop, waiting. Your anxiety had skyrocketed at this point. You and Chris both took a deep breath as the call from his agent came through. Chris accepted the call and her face pooped up. 

“Hey guys!” Megan smiled. “So, what is the reason for this video chat?” She questioned. 

You smiled as Chris grabbed your hand and raised it into the view of the camera. “Well, I may have done something.” He joked. 

“Oh my gosh!” Megan was shocked to say the least. She was happy, but as soon as she processed it, she started to think of all the articles and interviews that were going to want to be done and how Chris’s fanbase would react. 

“Congratulations!” She smiled. “Are you calling because we need a cover up or because we want to make an official announcement before the tabloids?” 

“The second one.” Chris told her. You nodded in agreement. 

“Well, you have an tv appearance coming up this Friday with Jimmy Fallon. Do you want to do it then?” She asked. 

Chris looked at you. He wanted this to be as much your decision as his. “Um, yeah, I guess that’s fine.” You shrugged. 

“Y/N, we can find another way. You just have to say so.” Chris rested his hand on your leg. 

“I just didn’t think I would have to go on tv or in front of an audience.” You admitted. “But, I want to do this as soon as possible. So, if I have to go in front of a live audience then I will do it.” 

“Are you 100% sure? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable in any way.” Chris truly didn’t want to push you out of your comfort zone. He knew you weren’t used to the big audiences and the cameras in your face. You did the work off camera and that is where you were comfortable. 

You took another breath and nodded. “I’m sure.” You told him. Maybe this way there wouldn’t be as much backlash. There wouldn’t be a post to harbor all the comments, good or bad. 

“Alrighty then, I will call the producers and work out the details.” Megan smiled. “Again, congrats! Love you guys! I’ll see you in New York Friday morning!” 

You both said goodbye before Chris ended the call and closed the laptop. You were hoping that your anxiety would decrease with the call to Megan, but it only seemed to increase. 

Chris was not much better. He was stressing for you. He knew the fear of being in front of a live audience and it being broadcasted on tv. Chris turned to you and opened his arms to you. You got up and curled up in his lap. 

“We are going to be ok after this, right?” You asked as you hid your face in Chris’s neck. 

“Y/N, no matter what happens, no one can change the way I feel about you. I want you and Olivia for the rest of my life. I want to come home to you. I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives. I want Olivia to be a big sister, and I want to watch our kids run around in a big backyard.” Chris explained in a reassuring tone as he rubbed his hand up and down your back. 

You couldn’t help the tears that started to flow. Chris moved back to look at you. 

“Why are you crying, hun?” Chris asked as he wiped the tears. 

“Because, you are just too good to me. I don’t know what I would have done this last year without you.” You sniffed. 

“You would have made it work. I know you, and you are not a quitter and you don’t give up easily.” Chris brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “I know you are worried about being in front of a live audience and being in front of the cameras instead of behind them, but we are in this together, until the end.” He kissed your forehead then pulled back with a smile. 

You let out a breath and nodded. “Until the end.” You whispered. 

Chris leaned in and kissed you gently. You kissed back before you were interrupted by Lisa opening the patio door. 

“A certain one year old is awake and is wanting her mother.” She laughed. 

You stood from Chris’s lap and went inside to get Olivia. Your anxiety was still present, but it was better after Chris calmed you down. You knew things were going to get harder, but as long as you had each other, things would be ok. 

The rest of the week flew by and you were on your way to New York. Megan had a car service pick you, Olivia and Chris up and drive you to your hotel. Megan also arranged for you all to enter a side entrance instead of the main one. She led you up to your room. You stepped through the door and were greeted with the nicest hotel room you’d ever seen. You had stepped into just the living room area, there were still two bedrooms and two bathrooms to see. 

You bags were delivered to your room while Megan went over the plan for the announcement. You were sitting on the couch holding Olivia as she napped. Chris sat in the arm chair to your left. 

As Megan talked, you anxiety began to bubble up again. It had majorly decreased since Monday, but it was rising again. 

“So, Chris you will go out first and do your normal thing. Talk about your movie and what not, then we’ve told Jimmy to ask you if anything happened over the holiday or if you had any big news to share, just something along those lines.” Megan explained. “Then you will answer and Jimmy is going to ask who your mystery fiance is, you answer and then you say, ‘She’s actually here with me tonight.’ then Jimmy will say ‘lets bring her out here’ and then you will come in.” She looked to you. 

“Got it!” You nodded. 

“And I will keep Olivia backstage with me. If you want to bring her up with Jimmy, I did send him a few photos of all three of you together, but I was very clear that those should only be shown if you talk about her.” Megan continued. 

Chris looked over at you to make sure you were ok with everything. You gave him a nod to let him know you were ok.

“Everything is going to be ok.” You said with a small smile. 

Chris nodded in agreement. “You are right. We are going to make it through this.” 

You were filled with anxiety. There was so much left in the unknown. Chris was known for being a handsome bachelor. How were fans going to react to the news of him being off the market? What were people going to think of you? How would they react when they found out you had a child? These were all contributing factors to your stress. 

“Ok, I’m going to leave you three to have some peace and quiet for a little while. Stylist will be here around 4:30 to start getting you both ready for the show. I’ve got a few things to do then I’m going to pick up lunch, I’ll be back at 12:30.” Megan gathered her things and left the room. 

It was a little after 10 when Megan left, leaving you with maybe two hours to yourself. You sighed and leaned your head back against the couch. You were just trying to prepare yourself for what was to come. 

You decided you needed to let out some steam before you exploded. You laid Olivia in one of the bed and left to go to the gym. Chris looked as if he was as calm as ever, but really he was nervous. On one hand, he liked his privacy and to have things just for himself, but on the other hand, he wanted to be able to go out freely with you and Olivia and not worry about who sees or takes a picture. He knew this was for the best. 

You spent an hour in the gym. You ran two miles then spent forty minutes on the punching bag. By the time you finished, you were drenched in seat but you felt a million times better. Even though you were breathing heavy, you felt as if you could breath. You went back up to the room and headed straight to the shower. 

Megan came in with lunch just as you finished getting dressed after your shower. Olivia was up from her nap and playing with Chris in the small living room. Chris was holding her up by hands and helping her walk. When she laid eyes on you she started to walk faster. Chris let her go and she walked all by herself all the way to you. You and Chris cheered excitedly as you scooped her up. 

“Livie, you just walked! You are getting to be such a big girl!” You kissed her cheeks. 

Chris walked over and kissed her cheeks as well. He smiled at her proudly as she babbled away in your arms.

After lunch, you relaxed a little more before the stylists showed up. At 4:30, Megan let them into the room. They rolled in a clothing rack, several suitcases and more. They were followed by hair and makeup artists. 

The stylists set up in one bedroom while the hair and makeup was set up in the living room. 

You were amazed by what all was going on. This was the part of the movie world you weren’t ever apart of. The stylists started with your outfit. They brought several options. You finally made a decision on the dress, then your shoes and jewelry. Once you finished, they sent you to hair and makeup. While it was all happening, you forgot about your stress and you anxiety. You just enjoyed being the center of attention. The hair and makeup artists complimented you on your skin and your hair. The compliments brought a smile to your face. 

While your makeup was being done, Olivia wanted to sit with you. You held her in your lap as your makeup was applied. The artist occasionally brushed Olivia’s cheeks with a brush, making her giggle. 

What seemed to be many hours later, you and Chris were finally dressed and ready. 


Megan dressed Olivia for the night. Once she was dressed, you all headed down to the cars to head to the studio for the show. After you workout and being treated like a star, your anxiety and stress had dissolved. You started to realize you were working you self up over something you cannot control. You can only control your actions and emotions, not everyone else’s. 

On the ride to the studio, you let Chris in on your sudden realizations. He noticed that you seemed much calmer from this morning, which in turn helped him to calm down. By the time you reached the studio, he was much calmer and ready to take on this interview. 

You entered through the back doors and went into a green room. You sat down on a couch with Olivia as you waited to be told what to do. A crew member came in and put a microphone on him. 

The show started and was playing on a tv in the green room. Olivia saw Chris on the tv and started to make grabby hands. You and Megan laughed softly. You watch as Chris promoted his new movie and talked about different things.

 It went to a commercial break, and a crew member came to put a microphone on you. You looked at yourself in the mirror and took a calming breath. 

“So, Chris, how was your thanksgiving? Did anything exciting happen?” Jimmy questioned Chris. 

Chris chuckled and wiped his hands down his thighs. “Well, Jimmy, since you asked. Something exciting did happen.” He paused.

“Ok, come out with it. We are all on edge!” Jimmy exclaimed as if he didn’t already know. 

“I am now an engaged man.” Chris said. The audience gasped then cheered. 

“Wait, we didn’t even know you were seeing anyone.” Jimmy lied.

“Yeah, we tried to keep it that way.” Chris laughed. 

“So, who is your fiance?” Jimmy asked. 

“Y/F/N Y/L/N, she is a stunt coordinator for Marvel. That’s how we met.” Chris explained. “She’s actually here with me tonight.” He smiled. 

“What are we waiting for? Let’s get her out here.” Jimmy looked to the producers as if they were rushing to get you out there. 

A few minutes passed and the door slid open to reveal you. Chris stood from the couch walked over to you. He kissed your cheek sweetly then escorted you over to Jimmy. You reached out and shook his hand then sat down at the end of the couch Chris was previously occupying. 

“So nice to meet you, Y/N.” Jimmy smiled. 

“Nice to meet you too!” You smiled at him then glanced at Chris. 

“How long have you been keeping this relationship a secret?” Jimmy looked at you and Chris. 

“Well, we’ve been together for five months, that’s just officially as a couple.” You explained. “but, over this past year we’ve been together a lot.” As you tried to explain, you realized you would have to tell the whole story, including Olivia. 

Jimmy gave you both a questioning look. “We should probably just tell the full story.” Chris said. 

And you did. You and Chris told a shortened version of the whole story, so people didn’t think you were both rushing into being engaged. Even with the story some people probably thought you were being crazy and rushing things. 

When you talked about Olivia, they would show pictures of her with you and Chris. 

The rest of the show was great. The audience was amazing. They laughed and cheered, and that helped ease you into being in front of them. 

Once the show ended, you headed back into the green room to get Olivia. It was close to eleven at night and she was sacked out on a couch covered by your coat. 

You all made your ways out to the cars and headed for the hotel. Both of your phones were blowing up with notifications. You looked at Chris. 

“I say we just turn them off until in the morning.” You shrugged. 

“Sounds like a great plan.” He smile and kissed you. 

You both shut your phones off and put them into the pockets of your coats. There was nothing that could be said that would ruin what you and Chris had at that moment.


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N:  Y’all I really trying to get this wrapped up because I start college Monday and I know I won’t be able to give this any attention after that. So, that’s why I’ve been updating like crazy! But, IT’S FINALLY HERE! THE MOMENT WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!



You didn’t suspect a thing. Chris had done an amazing job at hiding the fact that he was going to propose in just a few days. Your mom, Lisa, Carly, and Shana helped Chris with every detail, even though there wasn’t much. Chris didn’t want it to be over the top and extravagant. He just wanted to show you how much he loved you but in a simple way. 

Chris had already picked out the ring. He went to Tiffany & Co. while he was in New York on a project. He did it even without having your parents permission because he always knew he wanted to pick his future wife’s ring from Tiffany’s. 


Chris spent a good portion of his off day looking over the extensive collection, but he finally made a decision and hoped you would be in love with it. He took the small blue box back with him to his hotel room and stuffed it into his suitcase and it had been there ever since. 

Finally, it was thanksgiving day. Chris’s stress level was through the roof. He had a gut feeling you would say yes, but there was still a tiny bit of fear in him that you would say no. 

Everyone was up and dressed for the day. You dressed very stylish but still comfortable, no one wants to be uncomfortable on thanksgiving. Olivia had a cute pumpkin outfit to wear for the day. 


Once everyone was at the house, Lisa wanted everyone to take pictures. Lisa pushed everyone out into the backyard for pictures. Chris rushed upstairs to grab the ring from his suitcase. As Chris walked outside, his heart was beating out of his chest. He took a breath before stepping out of the door.  The backyard was filled with trees that were covered in orange, yellow, and red leaves, it was beautiful. Pictures were taken of Chris’s family, your family, Chris and his siblings, you and Olivia, then you, Olivia, and Chris. 

Carly snapped what you thought was the last picture, then Shana speaks up. “Y/N, why don’t you and Chris get one by yourselves? Here, I’ll take Olivia.” Shana stepped over to take her. 

“Oh, yeah sure.” You said. 

“You don’t want to take a picture with me?” Chris faked offense. 

You rolled your eyes. “Yes, of course, I want to take a picture with you!” You both laughed.

It took a second because Olivia was being slightly clingy that morning. You turned your back to Chris as Shana pulled Olivia off of you, all while Scott was filming the whole thing. With your back turned, it allowed Chris just enough time to slip the ring from his pocket and get down onto one knee. 

Finally, you got Olivia off of you and turned back to Chris, but he was gone. You looked down and gasped. Chris was on his knee holding a Tiffany blue box in front of you. 

“Chris.” You barely whispered. 

Chris looked up at you and lost his whole speech he had planned in his head. 

“Y/N, I had this whole speech about how wonderful and amazing you are but now that I’m looking at you, I can’t even think straight.” Everyone laughed. “So, I’ll just ask you a simple question. Will you marry me?” Chris looked up at you with hope filled eyes. 

You covered your mouth as tears slowly slid down your cheeks. You nodded your head. “Yes! Yes, of course!” 

Chris stood up and wrapped his arms around you tightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Chris pulled away and slid the diamond ring onto your finger. 

“Chris, it’s beautiful!” You looked down in awe of the stunning diamonds now adorning your left hand. 

“You like it? Because if it’s too much we can-” You cut Chris off. 

“I love it!” You smiled.

Chris let out a breath of relief. It was like a thousand pounds had been removed from his shoulders. After a few more pictures, everyone went back inside where it was warm then they started to gush over your ring and the proposal. 

A few hours later around the dinner table you asked, “Ok, so who all knew?” 

Everyone around the table sported a sheepish grin but Olivia. You laughed. 

“I can’t believe you all knew!” You shook your head. 

Everyone continued to talk about the engagement then Lisa and your parents started to share stories of their earlier days in marriage. It was so sweet being able to hear the stories and spend time with so many people who loved you. 

Once dinner was finished and all the dishes were done, everyone started to head back to their own homes or up to their rooms. You, Olivia, and Chris went up and started to get ready for bed. You put Olivia down after putting her in her pajamas. Chris climbed into the bed clad in just his boxers. You changed and washed your face then climbed into bed next to Chris. 

“Do you think we should tell people?” You asked. “I know you like your privacy and I do too, but I feel like it would be better for us to announce it on our own terms rather than have some tabloid do it.”

Chris took a breath. “I like this not having anyone know but our families, but it’s going to get harder when all the planning starts. So, maybe it would be okay to release a statement. I just don’t want my crazy fanbase to ruin this.” He admitted. “There are some crazy people who will just comment hateful and mean things just to bring others down. I don’t want that to get to you.”

“I would love to say words can’t hurt me, but that isn’t the truth. I’ll just have to realize when it’s time to maybe step back from social media and if I let it get to me, I’ll have you to reassure me.” You smiled up at Chris then leaned in to kiss him. He returned the kiss. 

“Ok, I’ll call my agent Monday. We can release a statement, but for the next few days let’s just enjoy being engaged with just our families knowing.” Chris kissed your forehead then laid back.

“Agreed.” You laid your head against his chest. “Good night.” 

“Good night, fiance.” Chris whispered. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@ashwarren32 @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@evanshoney @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone​ @llamadelreyx @qualitynightkoala

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings:Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: another chapter in under three hours! This is pure fluff! There’s literally so much fluff! I also added pictures just for the heck of it.



After a two weeks spent in Sudbury with Chris, you and Olivia headed back to L.A. Chris insisted on coming back with you, but you talked him into staying a little while longer, since he doesn’t get much time with his family when he was working. 

Once you were back home for a few days, you started to plan Olivia’s first birthday party. Her birthday was November 25 falling two days before Thanksgiving. Olivia didn’t attend daycare so there were no children to really invite. The only children Olivia had been around for a significant amount of time were Chris’s nieces and nephews. An idea popped into your head, so you called Chris.

“Hey babe! What are you up to?” Chris asked.

“Hey. I just started thinking about Olivia’s birthday coming up. I want to plan a party for her, but the only kid’s she has really been around have been the kids in your family.” 

Before you could go on Chris interrupted you. “They would love to celebrate Livie’s birthday!” Chris said excitedly. 

“I know they would babe, but her birthday is two days before thanksgiving and that would be super hectic trying to travel from Boston to Los Angeles. And my parents are going to have to fly from Atlanta.” You let out an exasperated sigh.

“Hey, don’t stress. We will figure this out, ok?” He calmed you.

“Yeah, ok.” You leaned back against your couch. 

“I know you just got back, but what if you had Olivia’s birthday here at my mom’s house?” Chris offered. “My family could be there and it would be a lot less travel time for your parents as well. We could have it the weekend before thanksgiving that way you and your parents could get back to Atlanta to have thanksgiving as a family or we could have one big thanksgiving together, totally up to you and your family.”

“Chris, I couldn’t ask that of your family.” You shook you head even though he couldn’t see you. 

“You aren’t asking. I am offering.” Chris said, and you know he had his signature smirk on his face. “I’ll even ask my mom now if it’s ok with her.” 

Before you could put a stop to his actions, you hear him call out for his mom. You faintly heard him explain the proposition then you heard a gasp. “Oh! I would love to have Olivia’s party here and meet her family. She is such a sweetheart, I can only imagine what her parents are like.” 

“Ma, she is on the phone.” Chris told her.

“She is? Let me speak with her.” Lisa took the phone from Chris’s hand and placed it to her ear. 

“Y/N, hun, I would love to help you with Olivia’s party and have you and your parents over for thanksgiving.” Lisa happily said. 

“Thank you, Miss Lisa. I really don’t want to impose on your family during the holidays. Maybe I could celebrate with my parents then bring Olivia to Sudbury to celebrate with y’all.” You explained to Lisa. 

“I promise you wouldn’t be imposing. The more the merrier around here, but I also understand where you are coming from. Why don’t you talk it over with you parents then get back with Chris or myself?”  Lisa stated. 

“Yes ma’am, will do.” You smiled. 

Lisa bid you goodbye then gave the phone back to Chris. 

“So, how does thanksgiving in Massachusetts sound?” Chris said with a laugh. 

“Chris, I just don’t know. I feel like I’m mooching off you and your family if I take your offer.” 

“You’re not mooching.” Chris said flatly. “ My family really likes you. I don’t think they would offer that to just anyone, Y/N.” 

“Just let me talk to my parents, and I will let you know.” You told Chris. 

“Alright, I’ll talk to you later. I love you!” Chris said.

“I love you too.” You responded before ending the call. 

You let out an exaggerated sigh and through your head back. “What are we going to do Livie?”

Olivia just babbled in response. 

A little while later, you called your mom. When you explained Chris’s offer to her, she agreed that it would be a good idea. She wasn’t too sure on the thanksgiving part, but letting Olivia celebrate with both families would be best. She knew Chris had become a fundamental part of Olivia’s life and yours, so how could she not let him be apart of her first birthday. 

After your phone call with your mom, you called Chris back to tell him that your parents agreed to having Olivia’s party in Sudbury. Chris had met your parents briefly when they visited you and Olivia in New York while filming. You were still nervous for his whole family to meet them.

After a few weeks of planning, you and Lisa had everything ready for Olivia’s birthday. Lisa had the idea for the theme to be donuts, and it turned out super cute. Lisa ordered a cake for Olivia to smash, one to eat, and tons of donuts of all flavors. 

You and Olivia flew back to Boston two days before the party. The day before the party your parents flew in. You, Olivia, and Chris picked them up from the airport and took them to eat before taking them to their hotel. 

The day of the party arrived and it was all about Olivia. You couldn’t ask for anything better. Chris went to pick up your parents while you got Olivia dressed. You didn’t know there was an underlying reason for Chris wanting to go alone. 

He left earlier than needed to pick up your parents, but he had a plan. Before bringing them back to the house he stopped at a small cafe to have coffee with your parents. 

You parent’s sat down at a small table with Chris after receiving their order. 

“Chris, is there any particular reason you’ve brought us here?” Your mother, Tara, asked. 

“Yes ma’am there is.” He said. To your parents it was obvious he was nervous about something and they had an inkling of what it might be. Chris took a deep breath and wiped his hands on his jeans. “Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N, I know Y/N and I have only been officially together for a few months, but I’ve known her for several years. This year having her in my life has been the best thing I could have asked for.” He took another breath. “She is an amazing woman. She loves everyone she meets no matter what, she is loyal, kind, smart, compassionate, and beautiful. I can’t imagine the rest of my life with out her or Olivia.” He looks you father straight in the eyes. “I would like your permission to ask her marry to marry me.” 

Your parents were in awe of Chris’s speech about you. They can see the love for not only you but also for Olivia pouring out of him. They look at each other and smile. 

“You have our permission.” You father, Shane, answered. 

Chris’s smile could have split his face it was so wide. “Thank you!” He said with a sigh of relief. 

They still had some time before they needed to be back, so your mother asked. “Do you have an idea of when you would like to ask her?” 

“Well, I would really like to do it soon. I am not the best secret keeper.” He laughed softly. “I would like to ask her on thanksgiving, so I would really like it of you two joined our family for thanksgiving dinner on Thursday.” 

Your mother pursued her lips. “Since you are going to propose, we will stay.” Your mom smiled. Chris smiled victoriously, his plan was coming together perfectly. 

They continued their conversation for just a few more minutes then it was time to head home for the party. 

Chris and your parents arrived forty-five minutes before the start time of the party. Lisa’s house was decorated beautifully for the occasion. Streamers and balloons were every where, along with pictures of Olivia that Lisa had acquired from Chris. 

You walked down the stairs with Olivia in your arms, she was bathed and ready for the party. She was a little cranky about the tutu she had on, but she was slowly calming down. 


Your mom gasped at Olivia’s outfit and immediately went to take her from you. You smiled and passed her over. You gave Chris a question look, he responded with a nonchalant shrug. 

Once your mom was finished gushing about Olivia’s outfit, you lead them into the kitchen to meet Lisa. 

Lisa and your parents hit it off. They fell into easy conversation as your mom started to help Lisa with the finishing touches of the decorations. 

It was finally party time and Carly and Shana both showed up with the rest of the kids. The children were in awe of all the sweets laid out in front of them. Scott arrived with armfuls of gifts. 

“Scott! You did not!” You gasped as he set the gift bags down. 

“I absolutely did!” He smirked. Scott took Olivia from Chris’s arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 

The party continued. Your mom placed the small cake on the tray of the high chair for Olivia to smash. Before you let her destroy the cake, you mom wanted a picture. You put Olivia in the high chair and stood just to the side for the picture.

“Chris get in there!” You mom motioned with her hand. 

He couldn’t help the smile that beamed across his face. He joined the picture then allowed Olivia to dig in to her cake. 

Everyone gathered around to watch Olivia smash her cake, and smashed it was. She had frosting all over her arms and face. You all snapped pictured of the happy birthday girl as she licked the cake and frosting from her hands. 

The official party ended after two or so hours. With everyone around clean up didn’t take much time. The left over food was all stored away and the decorations were taken down. All of Olivia’s gifts had been placed in the corner of the living room for her to play with later. The kids had crashed from their sugar highs and were napping in the playroom on pallets. 

All the adults gathered around the living room to enjoy the quiet. Scott, Chris and your dad watched a football game while all the women just laid around. 

“Miss Lisa, I can’t thank you enough for everything. It was absolutely beautiful!” You told her as you looked through your pictures. 

“Oh, hun, it was not a big deal! It was nice to do the planning and have the party here. It reminded me of having my own children’s parties here.” She smiled at you. 

The rest of the evening was quiet. Everyone laid around and munched on party food. You leaned against Chris not thinking of anything other than the day you had. Chris looked as if he was focused on the game on tv, but really his sole focus was planning the perfect proposal with just a few short days. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds @ashwarren32  @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen  @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama @evanshoney  @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood  @capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading  @hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh@mrspeacem1nusone@llamadelreyx 

Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started with an internship and worked your way into the position of stunt coordinator by the age of 25. Your life was finally working out, You were finishing the first week of training with the Marvel cast for “Avengers: Age of Ultron.” You had it all put together until your younger sister took her life, left you full custody of her two-month-old daughter, and you found the love of your life. (Based off Chris’s movie “Gifted”)

Pairings:Chris Evans x Reader

Series Warnings: Mentions of death/suicide/cussing

Status: complete


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader


A/N: Olivia is approaching is around 11 months in this chapter.  I just wrote this in under three hours……so. 

{Part 1}     {Part 2}     {Part 3}     {Part 4}     {Part 5}     {Part 6}     {Part 7}    {Part 8}     {Part 9}     {Part 10}


One night, Shana decided to let all the kids go over to her house and play while her mom and Chris made dinner. Carly also joined Shana while keeping the kids. Chris was out on the back patio grilling hamburgers for dinner. You finished helping Lisa with preparing the condiments and sides then you slipped out onto the back patio. 

You slowly walked up behind Chris and wrapped your arms around him. He knew it was you by your hands. 

“Hey, baby.” Chris said softly. 

“Hi.” You whispered back and laid your head against his back. 

You both stayed quiet, just enjoying the sounds of outside around you. Chris laid his spatula down and turned in your arms so you were against his chest. He wrapped his arms around your waist and looked around at the backyard he grew up in. You looked up at him then out in the same direction he we was looking. 

“It’s nice here.” You said quietly. 

“You think so?” He questioned. 

“Yeah, this seems like a good place for a family.” You said looking up at him. “It’s not quite a small town in the south, but it’s still nice.” You laughed softly. 

“Where would you rather raise your family, here is Sudbury or in Atlanta?” Chris asked. 

“Wherever I’m with you.” You smiled. 

Chris looks down at you with his eyes full of love and adoration. “I love you, Y/N.” He whispered and leaned in to kiss you. 

“I love you too.” You whispered back just before your lips met. You both pulled away with smiles on your faces.

“So, you would want to raise a family with me?” Chris gave you a questioning look. 

“Most definitely! You are amazing with Olivia. I can’t imagine what you would be like with your own children.” You said while running your hands over his shoulders and down his arms. 

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead before turning back to the burgers on the grill. You took a seat on the patio chair and watched Chris. A few minutes later the back door opened, revealing Carly holding Olivia. 

“Olivia, who is that?” Carly pointed to you. 

“Mama!” She said clearly.

You gasp and reach out for her. “Good job, baby girl!” You cheered proudly. Chris turned around to see Olivia giggling in your arms. 

“Who is it, Livie?” Chris questioned her. 

“Mama!” She said again. Chris smiled at her proudly. 

You smiled at him, you mind filling with thoughts of having children with him and him looking at them the way he was looking at Olivia. Chris looked at you before taking Olivia from your arms. He kissed her cheeks as she giggled. After holding her for a few minutes, he handed her back so he could take the hamburgers off the grill. You opened the back door for him and followed him inside the house. 

“Ma, did you hear Olivia say her first word?” Chris asked his mother as he placed the tray on the counter. 

“No, I didn’t! I want to hear.” She smiled excitedly. 

“Livie, who is that?” Chris asked her as he pointed to you. 

“Mama!” She giggled. 

“Oh my!” Lisa grinned and clapped. “Such a smart girl!” 

You kissed Olivia’s cheeks and tickled her as you held her. “Don’t blink! Before you know it she’ll be all grown up!” Lisa said with a smile. 

Soon, dinner was served and everyone gathered around the outdoor dining table. 

“So, Chris, when do you plan on popping the big question?” Scott asked his brother teasingly with a hint of seriousness. 

You nearly choked on your chip you were eating. Chris’s stared daggers into his brother. 

“Scott!” Lisa reprimanded. “That is not an appropriate question for the dinner table.” 

You took a sip of your drink to stop your coughing. 

“Ma, I was just kidding!” Scott defended himself. 

The rest of dinner was filled with mindless conversation. You stayed rather quiet until it was over. You helped Lisa wash the dishes as everyone else hung out in the living room. 

“I apologize for Scott’s behavior earlier, Y/N.” Lisa said as she dried a dish. 

“There’s no need to apologize. It was a harmless comment.” You half smiled at her. 

“I don’t mean to pry, Y/N, and I know its only been a few months since you and Chris have officially been together, but do you see a future with my son?” She set the dish down and turned her full attention to you, you followed suit. 

“If I’m being honest with you and myself, yes ma’am. I see myself building a life with Chris.” You started to blush. “He treats me so well, and he has always been understanding of my situation with Olivia. I think since the night I got the call about my sister, I have seen a future with him.” 

Lisa smiled brightly and pulled you into a tight hug. “Y/N, you are an amazing woman. After meeting you just a few short days ago, I’ve know that there is no one better for Chris than you.” 

You teared up at her comment. “Just promise me you will take care of him. He needs it.” She laughed softly. 

“Yes ma’am. I promise.” You laughed. 

“Hey, what’s going on in here?” You heard Chris ask from the kitchen door. 

You pulled away from Lisa and wiped the stray tears. “Nothing, just dong dishes.” You smiled at him. 

Olivia was asleep against his shoulder. “Alright then, I was going to go put Livie down, but I figured you would want to kiss her good night.” 

“Ugh this man in literally perfect”  You thought. He knew that even if Olivia was asleep, you would always kiss her and tell you loved her. 

Chris brought her over to you. You kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear. You smiled up at him before he took her to your shared bedroom. 

Once you and Lisa finished the dishes, you decided to head up to bed for the night. You went into the bedroom you and Chris were sharing. As you stepped in, Chris was closing the bathroom door. 

“I’m going to shower.” You said grabbing your pajamas and stepping into the bathroom. 

After your shower, you crawled into the bed with Chris. You curled up next to him, you head against his chest. 

“So, do you want to tell me what you and my mom were talking about?” Chris asked in a whisper as he ran his hand over your back. 

You internally debated with yourself for a moment before deciding to tell him. If things were going to really be serious, you had to be open and honest. 

“After your brother’s question at dinner, your mom asked me if I saw a future with you.” You looked up at Chris, you could just barely make out his features in the dark. “And I told her, yes I do. I know it’s only been a few months but you’ve been through a lot with me in just under a year.” You took a breath. “You’ve been my compass through times when I didn’t know which way to go. I don’t know what I would have done without you. I love you, Chris Evans.” 

Chris was lost for words at your outpour. He kissed your forehead, then your nose then your lips. “I love you too, Y/F/N Y/L/N.” 

“Do you see a future with me?” You asked shyly. You were glad it was dark because you wouldn’t have been able to make eye contact if there was light. 

“I can’t imagine one without you or Olivia.” He stated. “Thank you for letting me in and letting me help you and be your compass.” 

Chris kissed your forehead one more time before you both fell asleep. It was the best sleep you had in ages. 


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow @mybabyboytony@criticalminds@wanessalopeaqueiros@ashwarren32 @ineedhelpmovingtobostontoteach  @natalia-romanovas-world @fangirlfree @stella-swiftx  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen@wehrghyhggg@bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@pengtingcalledmadison14@evanshoney @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @gypsyxdreamer @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language @britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood@sunflowersforstyles@capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading@sxeIamind@hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu@traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh

Story Summary: After college, you moved to L.A. to begin pursuing your dream in the movie industry. You started as an intern and worked your way to leading stunt coordinator for the Marvel franchise on the set of the movie “The Avengers: Age of Ultron.” After the first week, you get a call that changes your life forever. You sister took her life, left you with her two month old daughter, and you are falling in love with one shield wielding maniac.

Pairings: Chris Evan x Reader

Warnings: None.

A/N:Ok, honestly I think this chapter is kind of sucky. It’s been sitting in my drafts and I knew i needed to finish it so i could update. So, sorry in advance if this is sucky.

{Part 1}     {Part 2}     {Part 3}     {Part 4}     {Part 5}     {Part 6}     {Part 7}     {Part 8}     {Part 9}     


Two weeks later, you, Olivia, and Chris were on your way to Boston. You had over packed both yourself and Olivia. You were just so unsure of what you would need, what the weather would be like, so you just packed every essential for just about any type of weather. Luckily, your suitcase was huge so, you and Olivia were both packed in it. You packed a carry-on with some of Olivia’s things as well. You put everything by the door as you waited for Chris. 

Chris pulled up to your apartment and headed inside to help you with your luggage. It was around six in the morning, so, only you were awake. It was always easier to get ready to leave if Olivia was asleep. Chris knocked on the door. You ran over and let him, shushing him as he entered. He gave you a questioning look. 

“Livie is still sleeping. I’d like to keep it that way.” You explained in hushed tone. 

“Well, we kind of need to be leaving, so you need to go wake her up.” He stated matter-of-factly. 

“Ok, I’ll go get her up and ready to leave.” You started to walk away, but Chris grabbed your arm and pulled you into him. “What?” 

He leaned in and kissed you softly. “Now you can go get Olivia up.” Chris smiled down at you before taking your bags down to his car. 

You quietly went into the bedroom and woke Olivia up. She was not happy with you at all. Olivia cried as you changed her diaper and put her into her onesie to travel. You were mixing a bottle when Chris walked back into the apartment. She immediately stopped crying and reached for him. 

“Oh, good morning, love bug! Are you cranky because mama woke you up?” Chris cooed at the eight month old as he took her from you. 

You rolled your eyes and handed Chris the bottle. He chuckled and took the bottle. You finished packing your carry-on then started turning off lights.

“Ok. I’m ready.” You smiled at Chris.

“Let’s hit it!” He turned off the kitchen lights and headed for the door.

You followed Chris out and shut the door. You made sure it was locked then walked down the stairs to the car.

Chris buckled Olivia into her car seat then went around to the driver side. You got in the passenger side and buckled up.

The drive to the airport was mostly quiet, the radio played creating some back ground noise.

You zoned out while looking out of the window. Your mind was filled with anxious thoughts. You had heard great things about Chris’s family, but it didn’t help the nervousness you were feeling.

You were brought out of your thoughts by Chris placing his hand on your thigh.

“You ok?” He asked.

“Yeah, I’m just nervous.” You admitted to Chris. “I know your family is probably the sweetest people on the planet, but I’m just anxious.”

“Sweetheart, it’s ok to be nervous and anxious. My family can be a bit over the top, so I’m glad you told me.” He gave your thigh a reassuring squeeze. “It’s all going to be ok.”

You smiled at him and nodded. A few minutes later you pulled into the parking garage if the airport.

Once you had Olivia strapped in the chest carrier, you help Chris get the luggage.

All the luggage was out of the car, but before you could go into the airport, Chris put on his Boston cap and a pair of dark sunglasses. You couldn’t help but laugh softly.

“What?” He looked over at you.

“You really think that fools anyone?” You asked as you grabbed the handle to your suitcase.

“I know it doesn’t but it’s all I got.” He grabbed his suitcase and locked the car.

“Well, I’ll keep my distance so no one gets suspicious.” You said jokingly, but Chris thought you were serious.

“What? No! I don’t care if people are suspicious.” He said walking over to you.

“Chris, I was only joking.” You assured him.

“Oh, good! I thought you were serious.” He blushed. 

You both went into the airport and went to check in for your flight. Once you were checked in, you and Chris found your gate and sat down. Olivia was still asleep against your chest. 

“Do you want a coffee or something to eat?” Chris asked as he placed his carryon by the chair you were sitting in.

“Coffee would be great.” You smiled at him. He nodded and went to find a coffee cart. Chris had to hold himself back from kissing you, even if all he wanted to do was give you a quick peck. He didn’t want to risk it. He didn’t want you to worry about pictures being taken and posted. 

Chris found a coffee cart and ordered. Once he had both coffees, he made his way back to you. When he got back, he found you holding an awake Olivia. She was bouncing around in your lap and gurgling. Chris handed you your coffee with a smile then sat down. You sipped on your coffee while you waited for your flight to board.

Forty-five minutes later, your flight started to board. You and Chris made it to your seats and got situated for the flight.

Once you were in the air, Olivia went to sleep. Six hours later and you landed in Boston at Logan International Airport. You let everyone else get off before you and Chris even attempted to get up from your seats. Chris helped you get Olivia strapped into the carrier then you grabbed your carryon. You both exited the plane and made your way to baggage claim.

Chris grabbed the the luggage and Olivia’s car seat as it went by. You checked to make sure you had everything then you followed Chris out of the airport. 

“My brother is picking us up.” Chris smiled at you. 

“Oh, I can’t wait to meet him.” You said to him. 

Once you both exited the doors of the airport, you heard Chris’s name being called. You both looked over to see his brother waving and yelling. You couldn’t help but laugh. You followed Chris over to the car. 

Chris embraced the younger man in a hug then he turned to look at you. 

“Scott, this is my girlfriend Y/N and her daughter Olivia.” Chris said proudly. 

“Nice to meet you! I’m Scott!” He reached out and shook your hand. “Well, lets get going. Everyone is really excited to meet you.” Scott said. 

You anxiety seemed to spike at that comment. Chris noticed the slightest change in your facial expression as he helped Scott load the luggage. Chris walked over and placed his hands on your shoulders.

“Hey, it’s going to be ok. There is lots of space at the house and even a small guest house, so if you and Olivia need to sneak away you can.” Chris said reassuringly. “I’ll be with you every second if you need me to be.” He smiled. 

You let out a breath and nodded. Once the car seat was put into the car, you all loaded up. Chris sat up front with Scott who was driving and you sat in the back with Olivia. 

Scott pulled away from the airport and headed for the house. Thirty minutes later, you were pulling up to a beautiful house in the Sudbury, Massachusetts. Scott parked and turned the car off. As soon as you opened the car door, the front door of the house was opening and several children came running out followed by adults.

The children immediately ran to hug Chris. He bent down and wrapped his arms around them all. The sight warmed your heart because you know just how much this man loves his family. 

You fully got out of the vehicle and began to unbuckle Olivia. She was once again sleeping, so you were being careful not to wake her. Once you had her out and against your chest, you turned around and were met with lots of eyes on you. You smiled at everyone as you held Olivia. 

Chris noticed Olivia was sleeping. “Everyone this is Y/N and Olivia.” He said quietly. “Olivia seems to be warn out from our trip here.” He chuckled. 

Chris reached over and took Olivia, so you could meet everyone. 

“Hi, I’m Lisa, Chris’s mom.” Lisa introduced herself then pulled you into a hug. You hugged her back and it was actually calming.  “This is Shana and Carly, Chris’s sisters.” She pulled away and introduced them. They both hugged you as well. 

“It’s nice to finally meet y’all! I’ve heard lots of good things.” You smiled. 

“Well, we are really glad to meet you as well hun.” Lisa smiled. “Do you mind?” Lisa asked gesturing to Olivia. 

“No, not at all.” You said. Lisa walked over and took Olivia from Chris, who pouted slightly. 

“Now, you boys bring all the luggage in.” Lisa said as she turned to walk inside the house. You laughed softly and followed Carly and Shana. 

You all went into the living room and sat down. “Y/N, she is a beautiful little girl.” Lisa complimented as her grandchildren gathered around her to look at the unfamiliar baby.

“Thank you!” You smiled. 

“So, I hope you don’t mind, but Chris explained the full story to me about how Olivia became yours.” Lisa looked at you. 

“Oh yes ma’am, it is totally fine. He asked if he could tell you.” You explained. “It was actually just recently that I allowed myself to see her as my daughter and not my niece.” 

You, Lisa, Carly, and Shana continued to talk as Scott and Chris toted the luggage to Chris’s old bedroom.

Chris joined you all a few moments later. He sat down beside his mom and admired Olivia’s sleeping form. 

“She is quite the sleeper, isn’t she ma?” Chris laughed softly. 

“I’d have to say so, the kids have been romping around and she hasn’t budged.” She agreed. 

“Man, I wish mine were like that.” Shana laughed. 

“Yeah, I got pretty lucky in that department.” You said. “We’ve only had a handful of nights that were tough.” You admitted to them. 

After a few more minutes of talking, Olivia began to wake up. Lisa cooed at her as she stretched. Once she saw Chris from the corner of her eye, she reached for him. Lisa handed her over to him and she began to coo at him. 

“Is she forming any words yet?” Lisa questioned as she watched Chris with Olivia. 

“Yes, we’ve been working on mama mostly and banana.” You said with a laugh. “Banana is mainly ‘nana’ and mama is almost there.” 

Everyone sat around for a while before it was time to start on dinner. Lisa made her way to the kitchen followed by Carly and Shana. You moved over by Chris and Olivia. Scott and Chris continued to talk while you made faces at Olivia. 

“Chris, mom wants you.” Carly stuck her head out from the kitchen. 

Chris handed Olivia to you then went into the kitchen. You sat down on the floor so Olivia could crawl around. 

Chris walked into the kitchen only to be met with three women staring at him. He raised his eyebrow in question to all of them. 

“Chris that girl is literally perfect!” Shana said in a hushed tone. 

“Agreed!” said Carly. “You need to pop the question already.” Carly added. 

“Girls.” Lisa looked at them. “That is not what I wanted to talk to you about.” She told Chris. “I just wanted to say that, I really like her. She is very kind, she loves kids and doing a lot on her own. She is also beautiful.” Lisa smiled at him as she continued to cook at the stove. “You have a good one, Chris, don’t let her slip away.”


@may-machin@leahh19@scarletbarrow​  @mybabyboytony@criticalminds​ @wanessalopeaqueiros @ashwarren32​ @ineedhelpmovingtobostontoteach  @natalia-romanovas-world​  @fangirlfree​ @stella-swiftx  @xbaambii@biebsmylife95​  @iguessweallcrazyithinktho@cristinagronk16@princess-evans-addict@mcubabydotcom@bravheart@multifandomirishqueen​ @wehrghyhggg @bval-1@itsmycorneroftheinternet@champagnesugamama@pengtingcalledmadison14@evanshoney @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @gypsyxdreamer @peakyrazor@veronicacaylen14@kelbabyblue@a-distantdreamer@themadhattersqueen@cap-just-said-language@britcoat@miss-missing-patd@4amfantasies@wintersoldierslut@introvertedmouse@ellieseymour70@ambahlouise@jennmurawski13@lovepeacefood@sunflowersforstyles@capstopavenger@vivien-1211@mery-be@im-married-to-chris-evans@mcntsee@wellfucksorrymum@wonderlandfandomkingdom@abundanceofcarolines@oliviamaries@fanaticalfantasist@denisemarieangelina@patzammit@rynabarnesrogers-reading@sxeIamind@hannahholland1811@writerwrites@ifuckedchrisevans@theladybiers@rhadigen@thevelvetseries@stopjustlovethemcu @traceyaudette@sexyvixen7@farfromtommy@leclerc-stan@lexeeehhh
