#uniform temptations

This is the second preview of my newest English release, Uniform Temptations. You can see the first This is the second preview of my newest English release, Uniform Temptations. You can see the first

This is the second preview of my newest English release, Uniform Temptations. You can see the first preview here.

Set in the world of the Empire, the first installment in the Empire series contains 36 full-color pages highlighting the professional lives of its female denizens. Policewomen, nurses, office ladies…this book has them all.

Please visit my previous post for more information, or check out my ongoing projects on PatreonandPixiv. Thank you.

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I am happy to announce that the English version of Uniform Temptations is now on sale! In addition,

I am happy to announce that the English version of Uniform Temptations is now on sale! In addition, I have also released the 2018 Artwork Collection. This image compilation contains all my previous works, including some which have been translated into English for the first time. 

Digital copies of Uniform Temptations and the Artwork Collection are available on the following sites: 


Dive into the world of the Empire in this three-chapter classic highlighting the professional lives of its female denizens. Policewomen, nurses, office ladies…this book has them all.

  • Gumroad
  • Hiccears
    Those who experience difficulties using Payza can visit my Pixiv Booth shop and make a purchase, then use the boost function to adjust the amount of the purchase to match the price of the product on Hiccears. Send me a mail with the name of the requested product and proof of purchase to receive the file. (PayPal not available on Pixiv Booth, credit card only)


A compilation of classic works from Pixiv and Patreon. Includes Stray Cat, Fel Lust Hound, Pocket Girlfriend, and more.


Please visit my PixivorPatreon for more information.

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