#unless its a hc that is very harmful and phobic in some way


Another highlight I’ve decided to talk about is one of the questions I’ve gotten! Since the release, I’ve gotten simple questions such as what sort of creature some of the designs are (for example, Tash is based on an Ant Lion!) and who the mysterious voice is (that’s a secret).

However, one question I got most of all was:why does Sena change to a red attire on day two? This one requires a proper post, especially considering how it doesn’t go into the why in-game.


Picture above are all the color options you’ll be getting in the game (outside of spells). As you can see above, there are two red versions, and two blue – some in which haven’t been in the demo.

This is because I was still going through some thoughts about how to approach the matter, but after a lot of thought, this is the result I’ve decided on! To clear any misconceptions and other oddities – your local protagonist is canonly genderfluid, with blue associating with male, and red with female.

Being genderfluid myself,I’ve tried to think how to represent it in the game without it being in someone’s face too much. With this, I feel it works well! After all, this is not a game about exploring gender and expression – but itis a game about perception. To Sena, this is how he presents himself!

So what does this mean for the player? Not much! Sena only uses he/she pronouns (he primary), but I’m not out to fault anyone who makes a mistake or two? Just have a good knowledge of it. Thank you!

P.S: While Sena doesn’t use they pronouns, there are several characters planned to be nonbinary. Overall though, the characters are free to be interpreted as you like! Go wild! I accept all the hc’s. All of them.*
