#unparalleled media experience



by making destiel canon they completely relitigated the lines of curatorial fandom and transformative fandom like BECAUSE fans engaged in a transformative fandom practice that ultimately made its way explicitly into the text from a curatorial perspective the only reading of show supported by the show is that cas was is and always will be in love with dean !! you can only now watch supernatural and have that be the conclusion and ALSO the impetus textually!!


we owe the supernatural people on tumblr so much actually. that show was so mean to them and they’re still so fucking funny about it. i think jared padalecki should be in jail forever


Jail for Captain Forehead. Jail for 1000 years.


supernatural is not a show, it’s a whole ass cultural phenomenon. 100 000 fics for only one pairing on only one site. countless metas. don’t get me started on the memes. whatever the fuck is going on so many months after it ended so that it’s trending every week. unparalleled.

I’m sorry i am like absorbing spoilers through tumblr osmosis about granted the most insane show of all time but the fact that ???? the writers are back on the russian roulette of plot twists & have somehow landed on ALIEN SINKHOLE LITERALLY BURIES THE GAYS & just wrote that into the show & they still haven’t told each other they love each other????????? ALIEN QUICKSAND SINKHOLE? GAY LITERALLY BURIED UNDERGROUND? I am in hysterics. I think I’ve seen the face of g-d and he’s playing me like a sim
