#unus anuus


happy (belated) pocky day ! :]

wanted to make somethin nice before the end . this was real fun to make while frantically binge watching videos because i only started watching 2 weeks ago o(-<

below are some other versions :3c

ALSO . close ups of the pocky boxes because i think they look pretty neat !

i’m making one last drawing during the stream but this will still be the most polished thing i have LMAO . memento mori <3

Memento Mori… Unus Annus…

Memento Mori… Unus Annus…

Post link

To Unus Annus,

Thank you both so much for being around this year, of all years. I think you two were the best thing to happen in this horrible time that has been 2020. A constant light through the darkness. It’s been one of the only things keeping me going though the days; seeing another video being posted, new memories, stories, and shenanigans. I will always remember this channel as one that spread love, hope, joy, and laughter to the people who were apart of it. I have made many friends through the shared love of your channel, lasting friendships that I know I wouldn’t have made without your help. Thank you.

Memento Mori

Unus Annus

Thank you, Unus Annus, for teaching me to value every little moment.

Just one last sketch before the end.


I don’t know if anyone has said this before but Denki Kaminari is literally Ethan Nestor like wtff??? They’re???? The same???? In every???? Possible??? Way???❤️


I’ve seen a lot of people wonder when merch will drop. Well it looks like some Cloakbrand has that covered! ISWM merch drops tomorrow at 9 AM PST! Finally!

Well that’s disappointing. Heist merch was affordable.. Cloak is an unethical overpriced sweatshop that takes forever to ship anything and stuff gets crammed into the packaging so badly it often splits open during shipping. Their customer service is rude as hell and they ignore you until you complain with proof on social media.

I wish they had gone with SecondCity again. The Unus Annus merch was top tier and the customer service was excellent!
