
[ Note: Auto-translated from Arabic. Pictured is the Arabic translation of Yasmine Mohammed’s book “[ Note: Auto-translated from Arabic. Pictured is the Arabic translation of Yasmine Mohammed’s book “[ Note: Auto-translated from Arabic. Pictured is the Arabic translation of Yasmine Mohammed’s book “

[ Note: Auto-translated from Arabic. Pictured is the Arabic translation of Yasmine Mohammed’s book “Unveiled.” ]


It was narrated from Mu'awiyah bin Jahimah As-Sulami, that Jahimah came to the Prophet (ﷺ) and said:

“O Messenger of Allah! I want to go out and fight (in Jihad) and I have come to ask your advice.” He said: “Do you have a mother?” He said: “Yes.” He said: “Then stay with her, for Paradise is beneath her feet.”

I was just saying this recently. In a very religious household, while the father may be physically threatening, the mother is often even worse. Because her coercion will be psychological: guilt, shaming, threatening with Jahannam (hell), threatening with shunning or disownment, putting the status and reputation of the family onto the children (”what will others think?”), and based on the hadith above, the notion that it is the mother who will decide if they get into Jannah (heaven) or not.

There’s even a popular hadith - which is acknowledged to be fabricated, but that doesn’t stop people repeating it - often used to coerce girls into hijab, It says that women who don’t hijab will end up in hell, hung by their hair, with their brains boiling.

Physical abuse you can escape and leave behind. But emotional abuse stays with you longer. The betrayal by a mother, particularly of her daughter, cuts particularly deeply.

The future for an Islam-free world resides with the ex-Muslims showing the way out of it, and particularly the ex-Muslim mothers who won’t betray their sons and daughters.

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