#unwhitewash the bad batch



they really changed the wholeass armour design of every TBB member but they couldn’t change the clone model huh?

you know what that’s called? racism.

The thing about what’s happening with Moses Ingram is that we’re seeing a lot of fans stand up against the blatant racism she is suffering, which is great because racism should always be called out and fought against.

You know what’s not cool? That a lot of the people supposedly standing against the racism Moses Ingram is suffering still fail to recognize the whitewashing, antisemitism, ableism, and other problems in Star Wars, particularly in the animation of TCW and TBB.

A lot of these people are the same ones calling fans of color overdramatic when they speak out about these issues, the same ones denying or even defending the whitewashing, insisting that the clones have the same skin tone as Tem (which they don’t) or that simply it isn’t mandatory for animated characters to look like their live action counterparts, or that their features are hard to animate–excuses, at the end of the day.

Racism has to be fought under all circumstances, and you can’t just ignore it when your favorite SW show comes under fire (I’m talking TBB here specifically which can be summarized in this carrd).

All I’m trying to say is that, now that we’re witnessing only some of the horrible acts performed due to racism, it is the perfect time to reflect about what we can do as fans and as a community to not continue spreading these problems.

Read the carrd, sign the petition, research and educate yourself, listen to fans of color, question your own internal biases, don’t create/share whitewashed art, don’t favor whitewashed character descriptions in writing, or stereotypes/ableist/antisemitic/etc tropes, don’t fetishize, don’t infantilize. The things you as a fan can do are not limited to these.

(disclaimer, I’m not an expert nor am I perfect, I’ve had to learn a lot too, but this time it’s my turn to help spread the word)

Everyone is capable of learning and growing past their own beliefs and becoming open to what the fandom and affected fans need. It is always the perfect time to evaluate and grow.

Just something to think about. Stay hydrated, be safe, and choose to do better <3

The heck is this? Disney starwars your telling me that’s Boba

Let’s check the on the other show-


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Times have been tough I don’t want to go into too much detail, but one of my goals is to buy in all in one tablet and finish school but with how things are going at home, I could use the help. Thank you
