

Apps Closed!!

Thank you to everyone who applied - applications are now closed and we will be making our way through the talented list of applicants and sending out emails within the next few days!

Happy Days received a total of 140 incredible applicants!

Best of luck to all who applied, we look forward to creating an incredible calendar/zine with you! 

Three more days to apply to Happy Days, a BNHA girls charity calendar! We’re seeking artists and gra

Three more days to apply to Happy Days, a BNHA girls charity calendar! We’re seeking artists and graphic artists to help create a retro-themed calendar for a great cause!



Post link



Made me so happy seeing Swedish influencer Alice Stenlöf and rapper Jireel go public with their relationship. They look so good together


More of them

Few more ✨

I’m ten days late on donating what we made from Swim On this year, but here it is! The final tI’m ten days late on donating what we made from Swim On this year, but here it is! The final t

I’m ten days late on donating what we made from Swim On this year, but here it is! The final tally for this year!


Since Swim On is available for purchasing year round I’m keeping it easy on myself and donating everything in one go annually on September 30th.

Swim On is still available for sale over on Gumroad. Pick up some shark zines and it all goes to Wild Aid’s Shark Savers program!

Post link



So I dink around a lot on the internet, so I won’t just be disappearing immediately from tumblr because, well, I have nowhere else to go to waste time rn, but honestly I don’t plan on sticking around. My dash is so empty. So many friends are gone. So many good tags were just completely deleted. Everything I post/reblog, I’m just scared and waiting for tumblr to flag it. I’m feeling very unwelcome on this site with tumblr staff outright acknowledging being called out for anti-trans language and laughing about it and ignoring us, continuing to use the disgusting phrase they’ve coined. I don’t know where else to go yet, but the atmosphere of tumblr has definitely changed. This site was indeed a hellsite and a mess before, but there was a community. Tumblr has managed to completely rip that apart and there is no longer really any heart or spirit here.

My twitter is @TripleASock if anybody is interested in a secondary form of contact with me. For my handful of mutuals and regular followers, let me know if you want my email.

I do still want to write again someday, so I’ll probably actually get my ao3 account up and running here at some point, which I’ll share when I do.

So between how dead my dash is and tumblr starting to flag posts because a reblog may be inappropriate and tumblr letting porn bots hack legit accounts (and the fact that I’m STILL having to block porn blogs that follow me)… tumblr just isn’t right. It’s not fun or relaxing to be here. There’s no real community at the moment. I’m not as informed on current happenings either. I hate the idea of leaving my likes built up, so I think I’m going to try and finish those up, then pretty much be gone unless tumblr bucks up and does things right (HAH) again. I do have another obligation for a blog that I’ll probably come back in Jan/Feb for, and I’ll probably check up on some individual’s blogs, but I’ll be pretty much going silent here soon. But if you need to contact me, please do so because you should be able to reach me even if it takes a bit for me to see.

It sucks because there’s still people here I love and I haven’t really figured out where else to go, but tumblr really is just doing their best to push us all away, and there’s a lot going on I don’t want to have to put up with. =\

If I get my ao3 up and running, I will let y’all know, and I will come back and post where else to find me if I pick another place. 

I’ve gone through all my likes, so I’m hoping my activity will go down here as I find other places to be and other things to do.

Hello everyone!

This is just a quick remidner that you are required in the sign-up form to list 3-5 characters and ships (combined, for a total of 3-5). You are also asked to submit the ships/characters in a specific way.


If you do not follow the requirements it may be difficult to match you, so please try your best to do so for the rest of the sign-up period!

Also, please note that the participants list is up to date. The Google form is set to automatically email everyone who submits, so if your name is not on the list or you didn’t receive an email, please email me and then sign up again!








Things have slowed down, even reblogs. Please, please keep reblogging and consider giving if it won’t put you in a bad place. I am chronically ill, suffer crippling chronic pain, and am usually bed-bound because of these things and more. 

I’m not going to get better, I medically cannot, and homelessness in this state could cost me dearly. 

I don’t know how to explain how urgent this is. How scared I am, how fucking angry. Not at y’all, but at my landlord for throwing us out. I still need storage, pet sitters, and funds to stay in a motel.

Please share and if you can and want to, help me out.

I only have two days left at this motel and I can’t afford another stay. It took all the money I had for a few days, and this was the cheapest place available that allows pets. Please, if you can, donate and share so I can stay off the streets. The weather has been exceptionally nasty and we’ve been having an unseasonal heatwave as well.

One day left in the motel room. And I got a cash app!


Got a little more time thanks to a friend but I need to be able to keep paying to stay here and stay off the streets with my animals and Mom. Please continue to share, reblog, and donate as you’re able.










Things have slowed down, even reblogs. Please, please keep reblogging and consider giving if it won’t put you in a bad place. I am chronically ill, suffer crippling chronic pain, and am usually bed-bound because of these things and more. 

I’m not going to get better, I medically cannot, and homelessness in this state could cost me dearly. 

I don’t know how to explain how urgent this is. How scared I am, how fucking angry. Not at y’all, but at my landlord for throwing us out. I still need storage, pet sitters, and funds to stay in a motel.

Please share and if you can and want to, help me out.

I only have two days left at this motel and I can’t afford another stay. It took all the money I had for a few days, and this was the cheapest place available that allows pets. Please, if you can, donate and share so I can stay off the streets. The weather has been exceptionally nasty and we’ve been having an unseasonal heatwave as well.

One day left in the motel room. And I got a cash app!


Got a little more time thanks to a friend but I need to be able to keep paying to stay here and stay off the streets with my animals and Mom. Please continue to share, reblog, and donate as you’re able.










Things have slowed down, even reblogs. Please, please keep reblogging and consider giving if it won’t put you in a bad place. I am chronically ill, suffer crippling chronic pain, and am usually bed-bound because of these things and more. 

I’m not going to get better, I medically cannot, and homelessness in this state could cost me dearly. 

I don’t know how to explain how urgent this is. How scared I am, how fucking angry. Not at y’all, but at my landlord for throwing us out. I still need storage, pet sitters, and funds to stay in a motel.

Please share and if you can and want to, help me out.

I only have two days left at this motel and I can’t afford another stay. It took all the money I had for a few days, and this was the cheapest place available that allows pets. Please, if you can, donate and share so I can stay off the streets. The weather has been exceptionally nasty and we’ve been having an unseasonal heatwave as well.

One day left in the motel room. And I got a cash app!


Got a little more time thanks to a friend but I need to be able to keep paying to stay here and stay off the streets with my animals and Mom. Please continue to share, reblog, and donate as you’re able.










Things have slowed down, even reblogs. Please, please keep reblogging and consider giving if it won’t put you in a bad place. I am chronically ill, suffer crippling chronic pain, and am usually bed-bound because of these things and more. 

I’m not going to get better, I medically cannot, and homelessness in this state could cost me dearly. 

I don’t know how to explain how urgent this is. How scared I am, how fucking angry. Not at y’all, but at my landlord for throwing us out. I still need storage, pet sitters, and funds to stay in a motel.

Please share and if you can and want to, help me out.

I only have two days left at this motel and I can’t afford another stay. It took all the money I had for a few days, and this was the cheapest place available that allows pets. Please, if you can, donate and share so I can stay off the streets. The weather has been exceptionally nasty and we’ve been having an unseasonal heatwave as well.

One day left in the motel room. And I got a cash app!


Got a little more time thanks to a friend but I need to be able to keep paying to stay here and stay off the streets with my animals and Mom. Please continue to share, reblog, and donate as you’re able.




Yeah, sorry, we still don’t actually know 100% what causes SIDS. The enzyme found is a potential (!) biomarker, which can indicate a vulnerability but in no way definitively proves that this is the singular cause for SIDS. There are several limitations to the study, including the samples being approx. 2 years old, and more importantly, that we don’t know how many people who are healthy/don’t die of SIDS have this abnormality. This is a cool finding and definitely one that will be the basis of a lot of important research in the future, but it’s overblown and inaccurate to claim that we have finally found the singular cause of SIDS. More importantly, I see people claiming that now we can stop telling people only to let their babies sleep on their backs, without toys, etc. These are well-established recommendations whose implementation caused a notable decline in SIDS cases worldwide. Please don’t put the cart in front of the horse with this one.

Hey everyone! Dylan and I have picked our first author. This upcoming week’s author shall be:

Roald Dahl





i wanted to say, first of all, thank you to everyone who has stuck around for this past year, when the blog hasn’t been as active as it once was, there are still almost 3,000 of you all. from a combination of starting a poetry blog, working every weekday and just dealing with adult life in general the blog kind of fell to the side of things. but my recent surge in reading LGBT books has inspired me. i want to bring this blog to life again.

my goals:

  • keep the queue running with at least one post a day.
  • continue writing reviews, small or large, for any books i read with LGBT characters.
  • come up with some kind of system to improve on the navigation pages, because they’re a bit cluttered and could do with some TLC.
  • get back to answering asks properly and on time, although sadly i won’t have as much time as i used to to do all the research so some asks might be posted as a general signal boost.

so, wish me luck!



  • changing the blog icon and url to better reflect the blog, because i know some people still view “queer” as a slur and i want to be respectful of that.


i wanted to say, first of all, thank you to everyone who has stuck around for this past year, when the blog hasn’t been as active as it once was, there are still almost 3,000 of you all. from a combination of starting a poetry blog, working every weekday and just dealing with adult life in general the blog kind of fell to the side of things. but my recent surge in reading LGBT books has inspired me. i want to bring this blog to life again.

my goals:

  • keep the queue running with at least one post a day.
  • continue writing reviews, small or large, for any books i read with LGBT characters.
  • come up with some kind of system to improve on the navigation pages, because they’re a bit cluttered and could do with some TLC.
  • get back to answering asks properly and on time, although sadly i won’t have as much time as i used to to do all the research so some asks might be posted as a general signal boost.

so, wish me luck!


Minor update!! I’ve been on a hiatus of sorts through the Holiday season. I hope to be back in force soon. Currently, though, I am having a lot technical difficulties with Tumblr. I’ve gotten quite a few error messages, and I haven’t been shown messages and asks. I apologize for not responding to requests sooner! Hopefully, I can find a solution to these issues and carry on as I did before.

 With your help we raised $1,381.83 USD for the Hunger Project. The support we had for volume 1 & With your help we raised $1,381.83 USD for the Hunger Project. The support we had for volume 1 &

With your help we raised $1,381.83 USD for the Hunger Project.

The support we had for volume 1 & 2 was amazing. Thanks to everyone who supported us for the opportunity to make such a donation.

Keep a look out for what we’ll cook up next.

Post link

Woah, I hit 600 followers and I haven’t written anything in a month and a half! If not longer.

I’ll definitely be back though! I promise. My move is set for June 16th. So hopefully over the summer I’ll be able to catch up in the game, have some lovely headcannons and stories for you, and continue Kana and Solomon’s adventures together. ❤️

Everyone - it’s been CRAZY.

Between the house move (had inspection today), packing, house work, work work, child care, personal life, social stuff I’ve just been so so busy.

Asks - I promise I will answer them soon.

I’m not very good with keeping up with them, but I love to see responses and stuff in my inbox so I’ll probably keep sharing those fun ask games, even if it takes me a couple days to respond.

Writing - I’m trying. I have a couple ideas but I never seem to have time to sit down and plan them out so it’s just a bunch of notes in my phone.

But I love you all, and I promise I’m around! Just kind of silent. ❤️

SORRY FOR THE EARLY POST for anyone that saw it, the shop is not open yet, it will be opening tonight at 12:00 AM EST, there was a scheduling error for the announcement post.
