#coming up



Working on chapter 2 of wisteria and moonlight, I think I may have finally passed the wall I hit - updated

Then diving into the Moon in May masterlist bc I can’t wait to read all about wolves today. I was too depleted yesterday, but I’ll start later today.


gravity falls 10 year anniversary in a few days 

I’m loving all these Charlie and the Chocolate Factory outfits Dylan!

Since we’re on a Roald Dahl kick, I’ve been inspired to create outfits from James and the Giant Peach. Everyone cool with that? Expect outfits later today!


Hey everyone! Dylan and I have picked our first author. This upcoming week’s author shall be:

Roald Dahl



If you see this, big changes have happened. I FINALLY MADE IT TO POLAND! I never in my life thought I could do this, traveling this far. But I did for my husband. Who I’ve missed so damn much it’s absolutely insane. So the deal is is that I’m staying for a little while. Living polish life, which mean obviously I’m not able to take pictures in game. So for now hiatus for a few months. I’m so excited to explore and be with him so I’ll see you guys soon!
