#updates sort of


Hey everyone ! Long time no see lol

I’m pretty sure no one is paying attention to this page anymore, but this year has been chaotic for me and i suddenly wanted, at 5:30 in the morning from my ipad, to vent and ramble a little.

So last october i had a minor incident that led me to the hospital, where they found had i had something not so minor xD They found out I have a fairly rare autoimune disease. Basically, I have a severe anemia and iron deficiency because my stomach is fucked. As a result I spent three weeks unable to move or eat, I would faint whenever I’d go out. Then I spent one week in the hospital, and another bedridden. I lost about 25kg in four weeks ! Now I’ll have a lifelong treatment with injections and iron transfusions each months. What makes me sad is that it screw up my studies and I failed uni. Between the appointments with several doctors and the chronique fatigue (if i do something one day like go out, my body needs the next two days to recover ). its been hard to juggle with everything.
Add to that some harsh betrayal and colossal heart break, loneliness and major depression and I’m currrenrly surviving more than I’m living lol I still try to draw but it’s been complicated.

I’m trying to spend less time on social media, and lately I’m mainly active on my personal Instagram account Parsifon. Follow me if you’d like !

Anyway I’m sorry for the long text, tldr life’s been tough for me lately but I’m trying my best. Love and kisses, and see yOu soon !
