#uranus in the 3rd house


asymmetrical/uneven face/features. may have features that resemble an alien or just unique in general. can have rare features, like two different colored eyes, a hole near your ears, dimples, etc. may be lazy eyed. i see long/oval faces here. body may be lean. average-tall. some may think you’re weird since you may seem distant, or have crackhead/hyper energy. usually knows how to take it easy, and be laidback. stands out, and not forgettable. may think rules are bs, and be a rebel. may not do well with authorities/older ppl, i’ve met ppl with this that were like that lol. may dye their hair, get piercings, and/or tattoos. enchanting

celebrities:Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, Johnny Depp, Kurt Cobain

might be disorderly with money. when you get money may be unpredictable. may like to buy rare, and weird things. may be attracted to people that look different than most, and may not care about race, body shape, etc. may love or hate beans, berries, foods from other countries, veggies, starches, edibles, etc. may like perfumes that smell like nature, and are soft on the nose. singing voice may be unique, and may be able to hit many notes. style may be odd, may wear mismatched items, the way you dress may be all over the place, or you may dress terrifically. i don’t see ppl here being the stingy type.

celebrities:Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Ryan Reynolds, John Mayer

may use words that aren’t usually used in everyday language, may have an accent, or speak many languages, i kinda see sign language here lol. may talk with iceyness and detachment. voice may be unique, and/or distinctive. the kid you probably wonder how they passed school lol. may haves went to many schools, missed many days of school, went to charter/private/other school, etc. either loves or hates math and/or science class. your siblings/cousins may view as unique, a rule breaker, aloof, friendly, and/or maybe even weird lol. siblings may have aquarius/11th house/uranus influence/placements. may not be that close to siblings/cousins, and may even be more close to friends.

celebrities:Britney Spears, Julia Roberts, Elon Musk, Harry Styles

another placement that may be distant with family, and probably dreads family reunions lol. you were probably weird as a kid ngl lol. may have been inventive, aloof, and friendly as a kid/growing up. aquarius/uranus/11th house influence ppl may make you feel warm, loved, and appreciated, esp the women unless the 4th house is afflicted. may have been raised by more than 2 ppl. family may have never stayed in one location. childhood may have been chaotic yet fun/never boring. family life may have rarely been stable, or just simple lol. mother may be friendly, open minded, logical, chill, and intelligent, but if afflicted/on the negative side can be cold, “fake”, unreliable, eccentric, and aloof/rude. may see your mom more as a friend or just may not have an emotionally close relationship with her in general. mother may have aquarius/uranus/11th house placements in their chart.

celebrities:Angelina Jolie, Cameron Diaz, Kanye West, Ben Affleck

most likely open minded, and has a sex positive vibe. may not like the idea of pregnancy that much lol, may prefer adoption or fostering. birth control is your bsf, unexpected pregnancy is common here lol. may have kids so random, i think of that show “i didn’t know i was pregnant” with this placement. children may have aquarius/uranus/11th house energy, esp/most likely the first child. on the bright side may be very open minded when it comes to parenting, and see things from their kids POV, may be besties with kids, and will most likely accept kids for who they are, but you may be detached as a parent, may be too much more like a friend than a parent, and may be too chaotic when it comes to raising kids. at parties may talk to many ppl, stay with friend group, or be distant in general lol. technology, social media, helping others, astrology, unusual sports, theories, and video games may be your hobbies. might like to go to places that help in some way as a date(protests, parties that raise money, donating blood, donating food, charities, etc).

celebrities:Halle Berry, Emma Stone, Will Smith, Jimi Hendrix

may get rare/uncommon illnesses and/or may get sick at the most random times. may get weird injuries also. not the type to have a routine, does whatever whenever. may exercise randomly. may have a distant or weird relationship w/co workers or that may be how you view them or vice versa. may charm co workers. when it comes to pets, may want or have unusual animals(hedgehog, tarantula, ferrets, etc) or self sufficient pets(cats, hamsters, etc). most likely has a realistic view on things.

celebrities:Lady Gaga, Selena Gomez, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley

most likely has a love hate relationship with aquarius/11th house/uranus influence ppl. enemies also may have aquarius/11th house/uranus influence. attracts these ppl a lot. attracts ppl that are open minded, standoffish, friendly, reserved/cold, intelligent, emotionally unavailable, and social. may not like the idea of marriage, or may get married at a random time(i smell las vegas). may just date someone for a long time. wouldn’t be surprised if someone with this ran off and got eloped or atleast thought abt it. could attract ppl from the internet/online relationships. may think timelines are dumb in relationships lol. may date friends. may also like being chased.

celebrities:Shakira, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Elton John

may have a toxic relationship w/aquarius/11th house/uranus influenced individuals. weird, and unusual kinks. experimental in the bed room/may not be turned off by anything/a lot of things lol. will probably fuck infront of ppl and/or friends lol. intuition may come unexpectedly. death may be sudden or may just have a weird cause of death lol. also a chance of living for a long time. if you’re a vagina owner, your labias may be asymmetrical, larger than the other one, etc. genitals may be unique. unexpected inheritances. probably a fan of mysteries. individualistic

celebrities:Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, Matt Damon, Orlando Bloom

your beliefs may seem “weird” to others. may have their “own” religion if that makes sense lol. their beliefs may not just be put into a category. most likely not religious, and i feel like ppl with this placement may be atheists. may love conspiracy theories. probably believes there are aliens out there. most likely will be a liberal. may like to learn. might go to college for medicine, science, technology, civil rights, and other aquarius/uranus themes. may switch up majors. accepting of others.

celebrities:Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, Brad Pitt, Paul McCartney

reputation may be that you’re intelligent, a wacko/weird/“on drugs”, unique, detached, charming, and open minded. may change jobs often. may have jobs that are weird/odd. computer engineering, scientists, social rights activists, lawyer, makeup artist, actress, author, director, video game designer, etc may be what you want to be when you’re older. self sufficient, and stands out among others. inventive, and may come up with something that will be different.

celebrities:Kendall Jenner, Tina Turner, Jim Carrey, Eminem

could change the world if wanted to, very creative ppl. activism vibes. makes friends easily, irl and online. charismatic. may attract uranus/aquarius/11th house influenced individuals a lot, romantically and/or platonically. may be in multiple friend groups/cliques. we’re the type of ppl to befriend someone even if their reputation is shitty, bc we’re open minded and would like to see if the person is really like their reputation/see from their perspective. indicates making a new friend every week/often. always tries to make time for friends. has more acquaintances than actual best friends though. most likely an humanitarian, and likes signing petitions, and donating. cares about society.

celebrities:Megan Fox, Kris Jenner, Steve Jobs, Tom Hanks

unique, and unusual mind. past life you were probably a doctor, scientist, social rights activist, etc. may do the dumbest, and most random shit when drunk or maybe even high. will talk abt how the moon landing was fake, and how the government is mostly lizards. may accidentally offended ppl when not sober lol, and steal. don’t ever let someone try to control you. it’s your world, do what YOU want. you may absorb other peoples vibes. may have dreams that foreshadow/prophetic dreams. may have dreams of a flying cow, dreams may be unusual lol. psychic. may be a private, and thoughtful individual.

celebrities:Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Martin Luther King Jr., Keanu Reeves
