


HP characters and politics:

Harry votes for Tony Blair. Generally a Liberal, believes in liberal institutions, and reduction of poverty through welfare. Also a war hawk (Harry would most definitely be a war hawk)

Ron votes Labour because it’s family tradition, like being a Gryffindor

Hermione is Elizabeth Warren, generally based and very much a wonk. Kooky ideas about what causes inflation though (yeah yeah she’s American I know and idc)

Snape doesn’t vote because he thinks it’s “useless” like any other dipshit western leftist, but unlike them he walks the walk and actually does terrorism, be it right wing or left wing

James Potter is Margaret Thatcher. Rich, wants to lower taxes, Fights against dictatorships.

Sirius votes Labour to piss off his family

Peter is Alt-Right

Lupin is a Lib-Dem. Nice, but mostly rather useless.

Hard agree, except:

Peter tells everyone he’s voting Labour, but secretly he’s voting for UKIP



When I say that James Potter as an adult has a Black and White worldview of the world, lacking nuance (the nuance Harry later learns), I mean that he sees the world basically like this:

When he’s fighting against a group as cartoonishly evil as the Death Eaters and under the command of a competent and very benevolent (for war leader standards especially) general like Albus Dumbledore this isn’t much of an issue, but I could very easily see that being twisted into something much darker and more damaging if the leader of the Order of the Phoenix had been more malevolent. James is someone that given his nature and background I don’t see being a Death Eater… but he could very well have been a tankie. Self righteous, brave, convinced in the righteousness of his cause and that his enemies are Evil, that he is Doing What Is Right. Loyal.

That’s the Dark James Potter I’d be interested in reading. Shame that Harry Potter as a series doesn’t really have an example of a villain organization that isn’t modeled on the far right in some way, but it could be explored in fic, so far I’ve only seen one (very good!) fic do it.

Or another way that this flaw could lead to tragedy, without having him go tankie. James Potter, survivor of the first war against Voldemort, and beloved British war hero is an anti-fascist. He believes the way to fight against fascism is through force. Suppose he learns of a cabal of dark wizards, who rule over a territory in say, South America. He’s eager to fight against Evil. Why should anti-fascism be limited to our borders, he reasons?

And that’s how you get James Potter the military hawk, using his wealth and influence in the Ministry of Magic to justify an invasion to liberate the people of Brazil from the dark rule of their evil wizard cabal.

I would legitimately be interested in reading that. A story showing the dangers of self-righteousness, arrogance, black and white thinking, and the belief that violence is a solution to all problems.



This statement:

“Tonks will be perfectlysafe,”(emphasis mine) said Lupin. “She’ll be at her parents’ house.” (…) “She’ll be perfectly safe there, they’ll look after her,” said Lupin.


“At the same time that they were smashing up the wedding, more Death Eaters were forcing their way into every Order-connected house in the country. No deaths,” he added quickly, forestalling the question, “but they were rough. They burned down Dedalus Diggle’s house, but as you know he wasn’t there, and they used the Cruciatus Curse on Tonks’s family.

are contradictory. And I suspect that Lupin knows that, deep down. Really reminds me of Lupin lying to himself about how Sirius was supposedly using Dark Magic to get into the castle, when he knew full well how he was doing it lol. The self hatred must be on overdrive during that convo lol.

Related to my previous post, but Lupin has a habit of using James’s memory to get Harry to do what he wants when he’s doing something he knows James would disapprove of (self hatred!). During the PoA scene Harry doesn’t notice, but during this scene he does.

“She’ll be perfectly safe there, they’ll look after her,” said Lupin. He spoke with a finality bordering on indifference. “Harry, I’m sure James would have wanted me to stick with you.”

‘Well,’ said Harry slowly, ‘I’m not. I’m pretty sure my father would have wanted to know why you aren’t sticking with your own kid, actually.’

(I had removed this sentence from the OP because it wasn’t relevant at the time)
