#usb be bloggin


I do in fact claim ownership over brook’s character because I too am a lonely skeleton

I do in fact claim ownership over brook’s character because I too am a lonely skeleton

posting about windows XP is evidently a really good way to get a minor demographic out of your notes

whew than god for shirts

someone whould preform some community service and mod Hatoful Boyfriend to have Alternate Gender and Pronouns

ough to rationalize the concept of asking for more on my commission sheet

I don’t have a flag to bare or a name to call my own I’ve concluded. Depersonalization has won.

one day my face blindness and inability to remember names will lead to a grave mistake

euphoria moment this evening?, rare drop in Warframe? and a funny cuddly cat? oh this Saturday AM spoils me so

i have a take rn that would lead to alot of discourse and would defend some absolute scum in the process

one interesting good thing I noticed today for pride stuff . ..

I’m kinda unsure the last time I felt like ecstatically (slightly less strong of a word might be more apt) happy with another person or as myself but I also kinda don’t care? not in a bad way, but more in like a “eh okay” idk I think lingering too long on my life stuff is a good way to feel like shit but I’m doing okay for once even if I have no one irl, friend or partner to really share that feeling with… i want to be myself with another person and i want to be by myself with another person and i want to be with another person as myself

can people send me uquizes / tests/hypothetical along the lines of “am I trans” “am I gay” or whatever, this is for a podcast btw

Red Garden (2006)

Song is ‘Jolly Jolly’ by 'JiLL-Decoy association’

how’s the vibe tonite

man I’m so out of the fucking loop

man I need to make my own shit because I just watched the wholesome game presentation and I just feel like none of these capture what wholesomeness feels like to me

marrying a geo guesser chart topper so I can make sure that I can live in the most non descript place possible

artists can rejoice! with the introduction of DALL-E the asshole who asks you to draw them something after explaining your artist status unprompted and for free now has a toy of a website that does exactly that.
