

“In assessing the health of the nation, the Democrats fetishize ‘the economy’ without specifying who benefits from it. Marcia Fudge, the secretary of Housing and Urban Development, recently bragged on Twitter that 'the United States is the only major economy in the world where the economy as a whole is stronger now than before the pandemic’.

"But whose economy?

"Google has provided its highest paid employees, who were already working remotely, with a $1,000 device so they can also perform rapid Covid tests at home. Meanwhile, shift workers must spend hours waiting to be tested for the virus they are much more likely to have been exposed to.

"As the ruling class has worked safely from home, having goods delivered by human shields, their wealth has increased because they are extracting value from the viral underclass, who are paying with their time on lines, their pathogenic work, and, sometimes, their very lives.”
