#user thebibliosphere






[ID: a tiktok by @/christiantheshowm, with a caption that reads “Millennials/Gen Z’s as Therapists:” and is a conversation between a therapist and his patient. The therapist is a black man with a beard, wearing a suit and round glasses. the patient is a black man lying down on a couch with one hand resting on his head. he is also wearing a white hoodie. the hoodie is up and the drawstrings are pulled tightly so that only his eyes, nose, and mouth are shown.]


Therapist: So how have things been?

Patient: Maybe I was just put on this earth just to die.


Patient: Like I’m not meant to find love or be happy.

Therapist: I got you.

Patient: Like I’m just supposed to die.

(the patient turns to the therapist who nods. the camera zooms in.)

Therapist (putting a pen up by his mouth): It do be like that sometimes.

Patient:It do be like that sometimes.

(the camera zooms in more)

Therapist:But not all the time.

That actually made me feel better.

Why did this like bring a tear to me eyes
