#uzui tengen headcanons



Characters: Kyojuro, Tanjiro, Uzui Tengen, Inosuke, Zenitsu

Tanjiro Kamado

Tanjiro loves the smell of Carnivals

  • It’s all so happy and all the sweets and other foods

He likes seeing the performers If there’s a circus type show

He can’t stand the smell of the big rides

  • Because with big rides comes nausea and nausea becomes vomiting and vomiting well the smell is horrible
  • So it smells even worse to Tanjiro
  • Though he does like riding a few of them
  • He really likes Ferris Wheel

Zenitsu Agatsuma

It’s all really loud to Zenitsu and he’s afraid to go onto the rides and into the haunted houses

  • Unless you ask him that is
  • He’d do anything for you so that includes big rides and haunted houses

He likes the sounds of the kids laughing and some of the music though

  • Sometimes the ride noises overwhelm his poor ears

Inosuke Hashibira

Loves the deep fried well anything and everything which is fried in oil

  • Corn dogs, pickles, you name any oil fried food from a carnival he’ll eat it

He likes winning those hammer to hit the bell type games

  • He always gives the prize to you
  • Sometimes you’ll win a prize and give him it back he really likes that

At first he thinks that the rides are living and he can challenge them

  • You show him that their not and that you just ride on them

So he really likes the big rides

  • Tried to stand on the Ferris wheel
  • Almost got in trouble from the staff

Kyojuro Rengoku

Eats everything at the carnival and thinks it’s delicious

  • Snacks the entire time
  • Somehow doesn’t end up puking

Rengoku likes going the rides with Senjuro

  • Has a lot of fun with you on rides too
  • Loves the Ferris wheel with you

Teaches Senjuro how to beat the games at the fair

  • Senjuro somehow loses his money with a fortune teller

Uzui Tengen

Thinks it’s Flamboyant to go on rides and try not to puke

One time was a strongman at a fair

Likes to eat the snacks

Gets his face painted like a kid would

  • Gets matching paint jobs with you and his wives
  • Like some sort of flower or something like that
  • Maybe they even get his scar painted over their eyes

Tengen likes to ride the scrambler with each of his wives (Which includes you) at least once

  • Hah he squishes them everytime
  • Like they got flung against him and into his side of the cart
  • Then he squished them back

Tengen Uzui Summer Headcanons


Series Masterlist

Tengen our flamboyant boy with three wives

  • He absolutely has a pool with a bar cause we know that he definitely has money and a big house
  • So with that he has a
  • POOL PARTY with the other Hashira of course
  • Sometimes other people too
  • He goes all out for these
  • Everyone is looking their best
  • His wives are for sure helping to prepare everything and he’s also helping of course
  • If you are good at cooking or just like to cook then you’ll be on snack duty
  • He also uses the barbeque at his parties
  • Will for sure throw you into the pool if you ask him to

Sanemi, Tengen, and Rengoku compete in who mows their lawn better

  • And who can mow the longest
  • And how many they can do it for

Both Kyojuro and Tengen wear Cowboy hats while they do hard labor like fixing stuff or renovating the deck in the summer

  • So does Senjuro

Tengen likes to sleep naked in the summer

  • Same with his wives
  • But only if your comfortable with that in the summer

He has a very open house so lots of big windows of course curtains

Summer home around a beach as well as his main house with the pool

Tengen and his wives and of course you if you would like to join them

  • They tan in a line on the beach
  • All five of you lay in a line then eventually Tengen drags you all into the water