#uzui x reader


he hates that you’re embarrassed of your facial expressions when he’s pleasuring you. when your hands cover your face in embarrassment he detaches his lips from around your nipple and looks at you unamused. he had prepared for this. the cuffs that he attached to his headboard came in handy. with your hands successfully restrained he goes back to work on your nipples.

“never hide your pretty face from me.” he mumbles against your chest.

GOJO, osamu, EREN, SUNA, getou, LEVI, diluc, iwaizumi, uzui, NANAMI, ayato, zhongli

Little Runaway /// Uzui Tengen x Male reader (18+)

✧ClickHere for Fem version✧


Summary:A debilitating injury leaves you bed-bound at the Butterfly estate as you recover from your injuries alone, or so you thought

This is a continuation of Little Slayer

Word count: 5.5K

Warnings/tags:!Some Spoilers from manga! Somnophilia, dubious consent, Exhibitionism, Reader is bisexual, Poly ship, Facesitting, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Spanking, Group sex, He/Him pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only



“It does not look too terrible,” Aoi mumbled, her fingers running our the large bandages covering your arms, “In a few weeks it will barely even be noticeable.

You do not bother to hide your trembling lip from her, “How can I be a slayer with useless arms? I cannot even feed myself let alone lift a sword.”

She sighed, putting away the excess cloth, “You will have to stay here a few more weeks to recover, and then you should be mostly back to normal. Even though Shinobu managed to create an antidote, the poison tore up the veins in your arms. It is going to take your body some time to heal.”

“I should be out there helping, not sitting in this bed,” small tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. You have already been recovering for two weeks, the thought of being trapped in this bed any longer was going to drive you mad.

Aoi awkwardly rubbed your back, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you assisted in taking down two powerful demons. Even if you had not been injured you deserved a break, we were all beginning to wonder if you ever slept.”

“I have slept plenty, I am ready to get back out there,” You lift one bandaged arm, trying to ignore the pain the movement caused to examine the damage. “Are you sure there is no way to speed the healing up, I am willing to try anything?”

“No slayer, the only thing that will make you better is rest and food. Thought if you would like to recover more efficiently I do have one suggestion.”

Your upper body lurches forward, your nose almost touching Aoi’s face, “What, what is it?”

“Well, you are not the only slayer I am caring for at the moment, this means you do not get the full attention you need to heal quickly. If you knew someone who could care at all times your body would heal much faster.”

You groan falling back to the bed, “Not this again.”

“All I am saying is you should tell them what happened,” Aoi grabbed a washcloth and brought it towards your face, “I know they would come in a heartbeat to help with your recovery.”

“I already told you, I don’t want them to see me like this, I look pathetic.”

“You look like someone who was injured slaying a demon, there is nothing pathetic about that.” She wrings the water out of the cloth and wipes down your chest, “What is pathetic is to continue to write them pretending nothing is wrong because you are too scared of rejection.”

Your upper lip curls up, “What makes you so sure they would come to care for an injured slayer.”

Aoi scoffed, lifting your arm to bring your wrist to your face, “Last time a checked Uzui does not gift a gold bracelet to every slayer that visits his house to recover.”

You could not wiggle your arm free from her hold, the muscles still too weak to respond to your commands, “It was a parting gift, nothing more.”

“A parting gift really?” She pulls your arm closer to her face examining the intricate engraving on the gold band, “A gold band that is a match to the gold bands on his arms is only a parting gift.”

“Yes,” you growl trying fruitlessly to pull your wrist free.

She rolls her eyes, releasing your arm, “You are so deep in denial. Are you really able to convince yourself that they feel nothing for you? They practically begged you to become theirs, the only reason you are not recovering in their bed right now is that you are too scared to ask.”

“You can’t know that for sure,” you mumble, looking at the stack of letters by your bedside.

“Really, then let’s test my theory,” She pulls one of the blank sheets of paper off of the small table and hands it to you, “tell them what happened to you and where you are staying, you do not even need to ask them for help. I guarantee by tomorrow they will all be here fighting for the chance to take care of you.”

“And if you are wrong?”

She rubs the bottom of her chin, “Hm, If I am wrong I will clear my schedule and wait on your hand and foot until you are fully recovered.” A sly smile spreads across her face, “But if I am right you must buy me a new hair clip, a nice one, not one of those cheap ones at the market.”

“I feel like this is a lose-lose situation,” you groan, squeezing your eyes shut.

“Nu-uh, you have nothing to lose because they will come to take care of you. Well, you will be out at least five yen, the hair clip I want does not come cheap.”

“How is this not extortion,” you growl, trying to find a way out of this.

“Oh please, you can so dramatic. All you have to do is write a short letter telling them you were injured and will not be able to see them for a few weeks. Don’t you think they deserve an explanation for why you have not been visiting?”

You open your eyes to glare at her, “that was a low blow.”

“Well I am tired of hearing your whining, it was pathetic a week ago, not it is just sad.” She throws the rag into the bowl of water, “I am trying to be sympathetic but honestly you are being dull. They are in love with you, they want you. The only reason you are alone is that you are acting like a coward, and that is coming from me.”

“What if they had changed their mind while I was gone? I could not handle going back to being nothing to them.”

Aoi’s eyes softened, she reached out and laid her hand over yours, “And this is better? You only ever speak to them in letters, exchanging small talk about demons and the weather. I cannot guarantee they have not changed their minds but can you really lie there and tell me it is not worth it to ask?”

You open and close your mouth, you could not argue with what she was saying. Truth be told they were worth the risk, even a day with them would be worth a lifetime of pain but a small ounce of self-preservation still held you back, “I’m scared,” you whisper, “I don’t think I could survive their rejection.”

“Uzui already told you how they felt, the only reason they are not at your bedside right now is that you have not told them you are injured. They would drop everything and travel here, all you need to do is ask, I promise they will not say no.”

“Aoi,” you whimper, “please can we drop this.”

She gave your hand one gentle squeeze, “Fine, I will drop it, for now, you are due for your meds anyways.”

Fuck, “Do I really need to take all of those? They make my head feel funny.”

She laughed, “Trust me, the only reason you are not screaming in pain is because of these meds, your nerves are still very inflamed from the venom, missing even one dose will make you wish you had let the demon finish you off.”

“Here,” she raises the small cup to your lips, “drink up.”

You hold your breath and open your mouth letting the bitter liquid slide down your throat. “Ugh, that is terrible.”

“It tastes awful but there is nothing we have found to even be half as effective.” she stands up, wiping her pants, “You make sure to call for assistance if you need something, this medication has a strong impact on the level of consciousness, some people report dreamlike states where-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you wave off her speech already having heard it a dozen times. “Don’t stand up by yourself, don’t sign anything, don’t talk to strangers, make sure you are not hallucinating before you go to the bathroom.”

“Alright I’ll check on you in a bit,” She points her finger, her lip curling up, “But so help me if I find you out of bed, I refuse to have a slayer injured on my watch.”

You nod, too weak to even think about leaving the bed the medication already making the world around you spin. With nothing else to do you work on controlling your breathing, each small breath allowing you to lessen the effects of the drug in your system.

The sky outside your window darkened leaving you in complete darkness, you try to fight off the heaviness of your eyelids but each blink was a battle. Soon you had no choice but to allow them to close, your mind finally resting.

You used to love sleep, allowing your mind to turn off was heavenly. But ever since you left the Sound estate you found your mind wandering places it should not. Tonight was no different once sleep finally overtook you.

The dreams always started out the same, you would arrive at the large estate exhausted and starving. Each member would swarm around you, now having the routine down you were in a warm bath only moments later while food was being heated.

When your skin was clean and hair groomed they would listen to your adventures as you eat, Suma flinching whenever you even mentioned a demon getting too close. Hinatsuru would ask about the places you got to see while traveling and Makio would want to know all about the demon you slew. Tengen always ended up pulling you into his lap after you finished your meal, gently rubbing your thigh as you talk with the girls.

When your eyes grew heavy and your head starts to nod forward Tengen would gently guide you back to their room. Your breathing would grow haggard, already trembling with excitement, the exhaustion fading away.

You bring your hand down your stomach, there was no harm in letting yourself feel pleasure as you dream, after all, no one has to know what you are doing while you think about a married man and his wives.

Dreaming was your only escape from the cruel world you lived in, here your arms were not injured and you were surrounded by the people you love.

Tengen would be the first in this realm to take charge, using his hand to position you exactly where he wanted. Your legs were spread open wide, one knee held by Suma whose eager eyes watched as Tengen’s lips traced up along your thigh avoiding your obvious need.

“Tengen,” you whine, your voice cracking, “Please don’t tease me.”

“Shh little slayer, I want to savor my meal,” Tengen groaned, using his tongue to tease your other thigh. Your dreams always felt so real but tonight was different, before his touch felt muffled, as if someone was touching you through a sheet. As his hot tongue runs up your inner thigh its warm wet heat nearly has your back arching off the bed.

Your head falls back, now resting in the lap of Makio. “Relax,” she muttered, her hands trailing down your chest to latch onto your swollen nipples, “We have all night.”

“Have to take my time with you,” Tengen cooed, one finger slinging down the length of your cock to circle around your tense hole, “Your pretty hole needs to be nice and stretched if it is going to take my cock tonight.”

His spit slick fingers circle around your entrance, giving you a moment’s warning before breeching your tight ass. Your thighs shake, your muscles working to close but Hinatsuru joins in holding you open, leaving you completely exposed to Tengen as he got to work.

“My, my, one finger and you are already leaking,” He tsks his tongue, “Such a needy boy, how long have you been walking around with the mess?” His curious red eyes gazed at the erect cock before him, admiring how your hole twitched around one finger.

“Is it our fault you are this messy? Were you thinking about us on your walk here naughty boy?”

“Tengen, don’t talk like that,” you order weakly, barely able to speak your cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

His lips curled into a devilish smirk, “You don’t have to pretend with us,” the finger inside you curled up. The entire room could heat the vigorous thumping of your heart against your chest, nearly ribbing from its cage. “Relax your legs, little slayer, let us see this sweet ass.”

You could deny him nothing, your thighs fell open completely. You were breathing heavily, too nervous to be in control as they all admired your pulsating cock. Your fearful eyes scanned each member, watching their reaction carefully.

“Fuck,” Suma moaned, her hands gripping your knee tightly, “It is not fair you get him first Tengen.” Her mouth was already drooling at the sight of such a beautiful man spread open in front of her, a beautiful just waiting to be feasted on. She was half tempted to push Tengen out of the way and fulfill her craving.

“Wait your turn Suma,” Tengen growled, adding another finger to tease you, “little one will need your tongue to clean up the mess I am about to make.”

You want to bring your hands up to hide your face too embarrassed to focus on but for some reason, you could not move the appendages so you had to settle on looking up at the ceiling. Only that proved to be even worse as Makio’s full breasts now filled your vision.

“Hey there,” she smiled, her fingers pinching your nipples and pulling on them until they grew stiff, “Like the view.”

Your train of thought crashed at her teasing smile, you look down only to see Hinatsuru slip off her own dress, her blush rose nipples hardening when exposed to the air. Taking advantage of your distracted mind Tengen’s clever tongue flickered across your tender head of your sex, cleaning away the precum that had gathered. Your body jumps shocked at the immediate pleasure his mouth brings.

He seemed to enjoy your flavor, his hand settling under your hip so he can tilt it up giving him even easier access. He breathed in the scent of your arousal, preening as the sounds of your moans filled his ears, your head thrown back in pure bliss.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Suma trail one hand down her own abdomen, circling her small clit frantically as she watched Tengen lap up your cum.

“Oh, it feels so good,” you pant, your back arching up as he sucks the tip onto his mouth, widening his tongue to drag across the underside.

“Fuck,” He mumbled, releasing the suction. “I could feast on you for hours. Your taste is divine.” His hot breath fanned against the tender flesh. “How does that sound, do you think you could handle me for a few hours?”

You shake your head, already at the end of your rope.

‘Mmh, shame, we will have to work on building up your endurance,” he lowered his mouth again, adding another finger to your ass loving the vice grip you had around the digits. Fuck his cock was already throbbing at the idea of your pretty hole spasming around his length as he stretches you out.

“T-Tengen, please, I-I think I am going to come,” you screamed, your back arching off the bed.

Makio pushed down on your shoulders, holding you steady as your legs started to shake. Having no mercy Tengen increased the pace of his fingers now scissoring inside you as he worked throbbing cock with his lips. It was not long until the strong tingle in your abdomen rapidly spread throughout your body.

You could feel your hole clench around his fingers as your body convulsed, your mouth open in a silent scream. Tengen continued to milk the pleasure from your exhausted body, only stopping when you fell limp under him.

The only sound in the room was your frantic breathing. You always woke up like that, startled awake by what you had been dreaming about. Only tonight was different because instead of waking up cold and alone you were surprisingly warm.

“I know you are awake little one, open your eyes already,” a deep familiar voice laughed.

Immediately your eyes slammed open but nothing could have prepared you for the sight you encountered. Tengens’ lips were glistening, his eyes full of hunger you have never seen. On each side of you were Suma and Hinatsuru holding open your limp legs. Your head falls back onto a pair of soft thighs.

“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wake up,” Makio laughed from above you, her hands on either side of your head.

“W-What is happening?” you look down at the unimaginable sight of Tengen in between your spread thighs, your mind nearly breaking as you try to piece together everything.

“Aoi sent us a letter saying you were injured,” Hinatsuru brushed her hand up your thigh, “We rushed here as quickly as we could once we heard the news. We did you not tell us sooner you were hurt we would have been here the day you arrived?”

“You were here for a week and you did not bother to let us know you were hurt,” Makio growled from above you, the lust decorating her face now gone. “Were you ever going to tell us?”

“I-I,” your breathing starts to grow frantic, what in the hell was happening? One minute you were dreaming and the next your dream becomes a reality. “I don’t understand what is happening,” you mumble your mind fuzzy, “When did you all get here? Why are you in between my legs?”

“Shh,” Suma moved up from her place at your legs and grabbed one of your bandaged hands, “I know you are probably really confused so let me explain.”

You nod, eager to understand the world around you.

“We arrived here less than thirty minutes ago, we all rushed here when we heard the news of your injury from Aoi’s letter,” she paused to give you time to process the information. “When we got here you were sound asleep, Aoi said you would not be up for hours, we were going to take turns watching over you, but when Tengen tried to leave to get some food you yelled out for him to stop teasing you.”

Your breathing stops, your mind replaying the events of earlier, “I spoke out loud,” you whispered.

Tengen snorts, “You did more than speak little one, you begged me to touch you.”

Your mouth falls open in horror, “What happened after that?”

Tengen looked down at your exposed sex, “Well, we tried leaving, wanting you to get some rest but we are only human, how could we resist those little whimpers begging for more?”

“Y-You mean-”

“That I sucked your cock while you begged me for more?”

A startled squeak left your lips at his confession, “You did?”

A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Oh yes darling, I did.”

Your face was so hot you were sure you could fry an egg on your cheeks, “You mean my dream was real, it all really happened?”

“Regretfully I cannot see into your beautiful mind but judging by what you were whimpering I would say your flamboyant dream matched pretty well to what we were doing.”

You wanted to bury yourself in a hole, the noises you had been making were mortifying, the idea that anyone heard them, let alone the four people at your side was enough to make you combust.

“Don’t look so embarrassed,” Hinatsuru cooed, “Watching you find pleasure was beautiful, I could watch it every day and never grow tired of that sight.”

Tengen hummed in agreement, “And the flamboyant sounds you made were enough to nearly push me over the edge, if not for my training I would already be staining the sheets with my seed.”

“Wait, you all arrived here to help with my recovery after Aoi sent you a letter telling you about my condition?”

Hinatsuru nodded, patting her hand gently against your, “We left as soon as we heard, we were so worried, she told us how close you were to-to dying.” She choked out a sob, “Why would you not call for us,” her lips pressed into a thin line, “Did you not want us to come here?”

“No,” you try to reach out but your arms could not respond, “That is not it at all,” You look down wishing you had on clothes, you already felt so exposed, “I did not want to bother you.”

“Bother us?” Tengen echoed, lifting himself up into a sitting position between your legs. “Is that what you think you are? A bother.”

You take advantage of his move, pushing your thighs together to gather some privacy, “Not exactly-”

Tengen runs his hand through his loose hair, “I thought I took care of your doubt the night you left but it seems you still have some doubts where you stand in this relationship.”

He looks over at the woman by your side with a new, darker look in his eye, “Darlings would your hold his legs for me please, I believe we need to teach the little runaway here his place.”

“Hey wait,” you try to scramble away but Suma and Hinatsuru locked onto your legs anchoring you in place.

“Hm,” Tengen’s hand rested under his chin, “On second thought flip him around, I want that flamboyant ass in the air.”

“Ah,” you squeak as you are tossed in the air and gently flipped around, landing on the bed with your arms held behind your back, your cheek squished against the mattress.

“W-What are you doing,” you try to look over your shoulder but the position they place you in prevents you from being able to see anything.

“I have tried being a patient little one, I waited weeks for you to finally confess your feelings, and what is my reward for this? A letter telling me how you almost died. Can you even imagine how that made us feel? You almost died having never been ours.”

His large hand runs up your slick thigh, “And now you lie here in the bed speaking about not wanting to bother us!” His large hand comes down across your ass laying a sharp spank. “I refuse to believe the only reason you did not ask for our help is that you did not want to be a bother.” Another sharp sting spreads across your ass as his hand descends, “So tell me the truth, why are you running away from us?”

“I-I can’t” you sob, burying your face into the sheets.

“Wrong answer,” Another precise slap arrives on your skin, the sharp tingle spreading through your body, lighting your skin on fire.

“Please tell us why you do not want to be with us,” Hinatsuru whispered, her lips kissing away the tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, “What did we do wrong?”

“Nothing,” you sob, “you did nothing wrong, it’s me that is wrong.”

“What is wrong with you?” Makio asked, shoving Hinatsuru out of the way, “Because from my viewpoint you are perfect.”

“I’m not,” you turn your face to bury your head onto the mattress needing to hide, “And one day you will see that and want nothing to do with me. And then what,” your chest heaves, too tired to resist letting it all out, “I will be left all alone.”

“Darling,” Tengen cooed, his hand running up your naked back where your loose shirt had ridden up, “Do you really think we would leave you?”

You nod your head, your throat too tight to let you speak.

“But that is not true, I could never get tired of you!” Suma yelled, pushing Hinatsuru out of the way for her turn. “The way you hold me when I cry, and how you make sure Hinatsuru will buy my favorite food when at the market. The way you make sure that each of us feels included, can’t you see we will never get enough of you?”

Tengen’s hand settled on the flaming skin of your ass, massaging the sore tissue, “If you think for one minute I am ever letting you go then I have failed at making you feel appreciated.” His hand stops at the back of your neck, gently squeezing the column, “Because this is something I could never live without. Your smile, your kindness, your love, your flamboyant attitude, I need all of it.”

His bodyweight presses over you, his long erection settling in between the cheeks of your ass, “Now little one, I am going to show you how you belong to me,” the head of his cock slides down to settle on the outside of your entrance, “After this, there is no question you belong to us do you understand?”

You glace back in shock, watching helplessly as his hips thrust forward, the large head piercing into your tight hole.

A small whimper leaves your throat as the burning stretch nearly becomes too much, he was so fucking big that even with his fingers stretching you earlier there was no way he was going to be able to fit all of it inside you.

“Fuck,” he hissed from above you, his hand braced against your tailbone as he sank into your warmth. “You are so tight.”

Your hands reach out looking for something to hold onto and two warm hands answered your call, their fingers intertwining with yours.

“You are doing so perfect,” Hintsuru hummed, kissing your knuckles. You squeeze down around their hands as hard as you could, your legs trembling as another inch slides inside.

Just when your thought It would all become too much his cock finally kissed the end of your hole. He froze for a few seconds giving your poor ass time to adjust to his intrusion. This gave Makio just enough time to fulfill her plan.

Manipulating your body she adjusts your arms until your weight was settled onto your hands, your elbows locked and your ass in the air where Tengen was buried to the hilt. With the help of Suma she carefully lifted your body until she could easily slide under you, her mouth now directly under your dripping cock.

“H-Hey,” you whine, Makio’s pussy now directly under your face, her breasts pressing against your upper thighs, “What are you doing?”

“This,” She groaned, using her fingers to wrap around your length and guide your sex right into her waiting mouth. You nearly fall forward, the combined attack overwhelming.

Tengen, not one to be outdone drew his hips back, his cock slowly withdrawing from your abused hole only to slam back in. The strength of his thrusts had his balls collide with the top of Makio’s head but she did not seem to mind, in fact, it seemed to egg her on, she grew even more aggressive in bringing you pleasure. Her cheeks hollowed as she sucked on your length, her evil tongue tracing your leaking slit.

The tongue on your sex vibrated as Makio let out a low groan. Tengen continued to plow into you in a purposeful rhythm, each thrust well aimed to nail the upper part inside your hole making black spots appear in your vision each time he hit it.

Your fingers dig into the sheets as you hold on for dear life.

“You feel that,” Tengen growled, his entire length now stuffed inside your hole, “Feel how deep I am?” His hand came down to slap your ass, “This hole is mine little one, not yours, mine, and if you think you can keep me from this then I will have to fuck you until you are too tired to argue.”

“Tengen,” you sobbed, your head falling forward. Suma shifted forward, giving your head a comfortable place to rest your head on her thighs as the pair behind you worked to drive you even higher. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, as the throbbing in your cock started to spread. Your chest grew too tight for you to even breathe.

Tengen kept his movements steady while Makio’s tongue worked wonders on your length, sucking on the tip whole flicking her tongue. It was not long until your mouth opened into a pitiful moan, your entire body tense as you come all over Makio’s face, your cum coating her tongue as you convulse.

Makio greedily lapped up the mess as you continued to come in her mouth, the pleasure too strong to let you relax until another mind-shattering sensation overtook you. This time the tingling spread to your head making the world begging to grow hazy as your breathing stopped. You were sure you were screaming but you could hear nothing over the sound of your own pounding heartbeat.

With the high gone your breathing decreased slightly but Tengen was still going, his fat cock continuing to stretch your clenching hole. You lie there and let him lay his claim, too tired to even speak.

When it almost became too much mercifully his cock started to pulse and seconds later his hot cum began to fill you, leaving no inch uncovered. Only when he was sure every drop had emptied inside you did he pull his hips back, admiring how your gaping hole clenched around nothing, his cum already leaking out.

Makio’s magical tongue gave one last long lick up your slit before she shuffled out from under you. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to collect your bearings while the world around you spun. One strong arm wrapped around your waist, gently manipulating your body until you were settled on your back.

You did not even jump when a soft tongue began to clean your throbbing sex, lapping away the mess Tengen had created. Another careful pair of hands brought your head into their lap, their fingers tracing the lines of your face. The last pair of hands dragged a warm cloth across your drenched body.

You snuggle into their hold, letting them each care for you in their own unique way. Only when the cloth grew cold and the tongue on your cock stilled did you crack open one eye.

“How are you feeling?” Hinatsuru asked, wringing out the wet cloth into a basin.

“Fuzzy,” you mumble, turning your head to bury your face deeper into Makio’s lap.

“Do you understand now?” Tengen hummed, his callused fingers rubbing across the back of your injured hand. Do you understand how much we love you little one?”

“I-I,” you press your lips together, how could you make them understand what you were thinking. They all knew early in life they would belong to each other forever but they have barely known you for a year.

“I want to,” you whisper, “I want to believe more than anything that you love me.”

You press your thighs together wincing at the ache in your ass, “But I don’t think I will ever be sure of your feelings for me. It is just too good to be true.”

Tengen barked in protest but you continued, “But the one thing I am sure of is my feelings for all of you. The days I was able to spend with all of you were the happiest of my life and I want nothing more than to give you all of my days. I am yours.”

Hinatsuru shot forward her arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you into her chest. “We love you so much,” she sobbed, burying her face in your shoulder, “And we will spend all of our time making sure you never doubt that.”

Suma joins in on the hug, her body pressing against your back, “I won’t let go until you believe us.” She declared, tightening her arms even more.

Makio laughed, pushing Suma to the side so she could have room to join in, “I think it will be fun to convince you our feelings are permanent, I love a good challenge.”

“Hm,” Tengen’s large hand settled ontop of your head, urging it back until his gaze was able to meet yours, “I agree Makio, getting little one to believe us sounds like a very interesting challenge,” he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your forehead, “One I am happy to spend the rest of my life on.”

Little Runaway /// Uzui Tengen x Fem reader (18+)

✧ClickHere for Male version✧


Summary: A debilitating injury leaves you bed-bound at the Butterfly estate as you recover from your injuries alone, or so you thought

This is a continuation ofLittle Slayer

Word count: 5.5K

Warnings/tags:!Some Spoilers from manga! Somnophilia, dubious consent, Exhibitionism, Reader is bisexual, Poly ship, Facesitting, Oral sex (giving and receiving), Spanking, Group sex, She/Her pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only



“It does not look too terrible,” Aoi mumbled, her fingers running our the large bandages covering your arms, “In a few weeks it will barely even be noticeable.

You do not bother to hide your trembling lip from her, “How can I be a slayer with useless arms? I cannot even feed myself let alone lift a sword.”

She sighed, putting away the excess cloth, “You will have to stay here a few more weeks to recover, and then you should be mostly back to normal. Even though Shinobu managed to create an antidote, the poison tore up the veins in your arms. It is going to take your body some time to heal.”

“I should be out there helping, not sitting in this bed,” small tears gathered in the corners of your eyes. You have already been recovering for two weeks, the thought of being trapped in this bed any longer was going to drive you mad.

Aoi awkwardly rubbed your back, “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you assisted in taking down two powerful demons. Even if you had not been injured you deserved a break, we were all beginning to wonder if you ever slept.”

“I have slept plenty, I am ready to get back out there,” You lift one bandaged arm, trying to ignore the pain the movement caused to examine the damage. “Are you sure there is no way to speed the healing up, I am willing to try anything?”

“No slayer, the only thing that will make you better is rest and food. Thought if you would like to recover more efficiently I do have one suggestion.”

Your upper body lurches forward, your nose almost slamming into Aoi’s face, “What, what is it?”

“Well, you are not the only slayer I am caring for at the moment, this means you do not get the full attention you need to heal quickly. If you knew someone who could care at all times your body would heal much faster.”

You groan falling back to the bed, “Not this again.”

“All I am saying is you should tell them what happened,” Aoi grabbed a washcloth and brought it towards your face, “I know they would come in a heartbeat to help with your recovery.”

“I already told you, I don’t want them to see me like this, I look pathetic.”

“You look like someone who was injured slaying a demon, there is nothing pathetic about that.” She wrings the water out of the cloth and wipes down your chest, “What is pathetic is to continue to write them pretending nothing is wrong because you are too scared of rejection.”

Your upper lip curls up, “What makes you so sure they would come to care for an injured slayer.”

Aoi scoffed, lifting your arm to bring your wrist to your face, “Last time a checked Uzui does not gift a gold bracelet to every slayer that visits his house to recover.”

You could not wiggle your arm free from her hold, the muscles still too weak to respond to your commands, “It was a parting gift, nothing more.”

“A parting gift really?” She pulls your arm closer to her face examining the intricate engraving on the gold band, “A gold band that is a match to the gold bands on his arms is only a parting gift.”

“Yes,” you growl trying fruitlessly to pull your wrist free.

She rolls her eyes, releasing your arm, “You are so deep in denial. How can you possibly convince yourself that they feel nothing for you? They practically begged you to become theirs, the only reason you are not recovering in their bed right now is that you are too scared to ask.”

“You can’t know that for sure,” you mumble, looking at the stack of letters by your bedside.

“Really, then let’s test my theory,” She pulls one of the blank sheets of paper off of the small table and hands it to you, “tell them what happened to you and where you are staying, you do not even need to ask them for help. I guarantee by tomorrow they will all be here fighting for the chance to take care of you.”

“And if you are wrong?”

She rubs the bottom of her chin, “Hm, If I am wrong I will clear my schedule and wait on your hand and foot until you are fully recovered.” A sly smile spreads across her face, “But if I am right you must buy me a new hair clip, a nice one, not one of those cheap ones at the market.”

“I feel like this is a lose-lose situation,” you groan, squeezing your eyes shut.

“Nu-uh, you have nothing to lose because they will come to take care of you. Well, you will be out at least five yen, the hair clip I want does not come cheap.”

“How is this not extortion,” you growl, trying to find a way out of this.

“Oh please, you can so dramatic. All you have to do is write a short letter telling them you were injured and will not be able to see them for a few weeks. Don’t you think they deserve an explanation for why you have not been visiting?”

You open your eyes to glare at her, “that was a low blow.”

“Well I am tired of hearing your whining, it was pathetic a week ago, not it is just sad.” She thors the rag into the bowl of water, “I am trying to be sympathetic but honestly you are being dull. They are in love with you, they want you. The only reason you are alone is that you are acting like a coward, and that is coming from me.”

“What if they had changed their mind while I was gone? I could not handle going back to being nothing to them.”

Her eyes softened, she reached out and laid her hand over yours, “And this is better? You only eve speak to them in letters, exchanging small talk about demons and the weather. I cannot guarantee they have not changed their minds but can you really lie there and tell me it is not worth it to ask?”

You open and close your mouth, you could not argue with what she was saying. Truth be told they were worth the risk, even a day with them would be worth a lifetime of pain but a small ounce of self-preservation still held you back, “I’m scared,” you whisper, “I don’t think I could survive their rejection.”

“Uzui already told you how they felt, the only reason they are not at your bedside right now is that you have not told them you are injured. They would drop everything and travel here, all you need to do is ask, I promise they will not say no.”

“Aoi,” you whimper, “please can we drop this.”

She gave your hand one gentle squeeze, “Fine, I will drop it, for now, you are due for your meds anyways.”

Fuck, “Do I need to take all of those? They make my head feel funny.”

She laughed, “Trust me, the only reason you are not screaming in pain is because of these meds, your nerves are still very inflamed from the venom, missing even one dose will make you wish you had let the demon finish you off.”

“Here,” she raises the small cup to your lips, “drink up.”

You hold your breath and open your mouth letting the bitter liquid slide down your throat. “Ugh, that is terrible.”

“It tastes awful but there is nothing we have found to even be half as effective.” she stands up, wiping her pants, “You make sure to call for assistance if you need something, this medication has a strong impact on the level of consciousness, some people report dreamlike states where-”

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” you wave off her speech already having heard it a dozen times. “Don’t stand up by yourself, don’t sign anything, don’t talk to strangers, make sure you are not hallucinating before you go to the bathroom.”

“Alright I’ll check on you in a bit,” She points her finger, her lip curling up, “But so help me if I find you out of bed, I refuse to have a slayer injured on my watch.”

You nod, too weak to even think about leaving the bed the medication already making the world around you spin. With nothing else to do you work on controlling your breathing, each small breath allowing you to lessen the effects of the drug in your system.

The sky outside your window darkened leaving you in complete darkness, you try to fight off the heaviness of your eyelids but each blink was a battle. Soon you had no choice but to allow them to close, your mind finally resiting.

You used to love sleep, allowing your mind to turn off was heavenly. But ever since you left the Sound estate you found your mind wandering places it should not. Tonight was no different once sleep finally overtook you.

The dreams always started out the same, you would arrive at the large estate exhausted and starving. Each member would swarm around you, now having the routine down you were in a warm bath only moments later while food was being heated.

When your skin was clean and hair groomed they would listen to your adventures as you eat, Suma flinching whenever you even mentioned a demon getting too close. Hinatsuru would ask about the places you got to see while traveling and Makio would want to know all about the demon you slew. Tengen always ended up pulling you into his lap after you finished your meal, gently rubbing your thigh as you talk with the girls.

When your eyes grew heavy and your head starts to nod forward Tengen would gently guide you back to their room. Your breathing would grow haggard, already trembling with excitement, the exhaustion fading away.

You bring your hand down your stomach, there was no harm in letting yourself feel pleasure as you dream, after all, no one has to know what you are doing while you think about a married man and his wives.

Dreaming was your only escape from the cruel world you lived in, here your arms were not injured and you were surrounded by the people you love.

Tengen would be the first in this realm to take charge, using his hand to position you exactly where he wanted. Your legs were spread open wide, one knee held by Suma whose eager eyes watched as Tengen’s mouth licked a trail up your thigh, collecting the juices that had covered them.

“Tengen,” you whine, your voice cracking, “Please don’t tease me.”

“Shh little slayer, I want to savor my meal,” Tengen groaned, using his tongue to clean your other thigh. Your dreams always felt so real but tonight was different, before his touch felt muffled, as if someone was touching you through a sheet. As his hot tongue runs up your inner thigh its warm wet heat nearly has your back arching off the bed.

Your head falls back, now resting in the lap of Makio. “Relax,” she muttered, her hands trailing down your chest to latch onto your swollen nipples, “We have all night.”

“Have to take my time with you,” Tengen cooed, one finger slinging through the middle of your slick folds, “Your pretty hole needs to be niced and stretched if it is going to take my cock tonight.”

His slick fingers circle around your entrance, giving you a moment’s warning before breeching your tight cunt. Your thighs shake, your muscles working to close but Hinatsusu joins in holding you open leaving you completely exposed to Tengen as he got to work.

“My, my, one finger and you are already creaming all over me.” He tsks his tongue, “Such a needy girl, how long have you been walking around with the mess?” His curious red eyes gazed at the pussy spread before him, admiring how you twitched around one finger.

“Is it our fault you are this messy? Were you thinking about us on your walk here naughty girl?”

“Tengen, don’t talk like that,” you order weakly, barely able to speak your cheeks flaming with embarrassment.

His lips curled into a devilish smirk, “You don’t have to pretend with us,” the finger inside you curled up. The entire room could heat the vigorous thumping of your heart against your chest, nearly ribbing from its cage. “Relax your legs, little slayer, let us see this sweet pussy.”

You could deny him nothing, your these thighs fell open completely, your puffy lips spreading to reveal your tight clit. You were breathing heavily, too nervous to be in control as they all admired your pulsating cunt. Your fearful eyes scanned each member, watching their reaction carefully.

“Fuck,” Suma moaned, her hands gripping your knee tightly, “It is not fair you get her first Tengen.” Her mouth was already drooling at the sight of such a beautiful woman spread open in front of her, a beautiful pussy just waiting to be feasted on. She was half tempted to push Tengen out of the way and fulfill her craving.

“Wait your turn Suma,” Tengen growled, adding another finger to tease you, “little one will need your tongue to clean up the mess I am about to make.”

You want to bring your hands up to hide your face too embarrassed to focus on but for some reason, you could not move the appendages so you had to settle on looking up at the ceiling. Only that proved to be even worse as Makio’s full breasts now filled your vision.

“Hey there,” she smiled, her fingers pinching your nipples and pulling on them until they grew stiff, “Like the view.”

Your train of thought crashed at her teasing smile, you look down only to see Hinatsuru slip off her own dress, her blush rose nipples hardening when exposed to the air. Taking advantage of your distracted mind Tengen’s clever tongue flickered across your tender clit. Your body jumps shocked at the immediate pleasure his mouth brings.

He seemed to enjoy your flavor, his hand settling under your hip so he can tilt it up giving him even easier access. He breathed in the scent of your arousal, preening as the sounds of your moans filled his ears, your head thrown back in pure bliss.

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Suma trail one hand down her own abdomen, circling her small clit frantically as she watched Tengen lap up your juices.

“Oh, it feels so good,” you pant, your back arching up as he sucks the bud onto his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to draw small circles.

“Fuck,” He mumbled, releasing the suction. “I could feast on this cunt for hours. Your taste is divine.” His hot breath fanned against the tender flesh. “How does that sound, do you think you could handle me for a few hours?”

You shake your head, already at the end of your rope.

‘Mmh, shame, we will have to work on building up your endurance,” he lowered his mouth again, adding another finger to your cunt loving the vice grip you had around the digits. Fuck his cock was already throbbing at the idea of your pretty pussy spasming around his length as he stretches you out.

“T-Tengen, please, I-I think I am going to come,” you screamed, your back arching off the bed.

Makio pushed down on your shoulders, holding you steady as your legs started to shake. Having no mercy Tengen increased the pace of his fingers now scissoring inside you as he worked throbbing clit with his lips. It was not long until the strong tingle in your abdomen rapidly spread throughout your body.

You could feel your hold clench around his fingers as your body convulsed, your mouth open in a silent scream. Tengen continued to milk the pleasure from your exhausted body, only stopping when you fell limp under him.

The only sound in the room was your frantic breathing. You always woke up like that, startled awake by what you had been dreaming about. Only tonight was different because instead of waking up cold and alone you were surprisingly warm.

“I know you are awake little one, open your eyes already,” a deep familiar voice laughed.

Immediately your eyes slammed open but nothing could have prepared you for the sight you encountered. Tengens chin was glistening, his eyes full of hunger you have never seen. On each side of you were Suma and Hinatsuru holding open your limp legs. Your head falls back onto a pair of soft thighs.

“I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wake up,” Makio laughed from above you, her hands on either side of your head.

“W-What is happening?” you look down at the unimaginable sight of Tengen in between your spread thighs, your mind nearly breaking as you try to piece together everything.

“Aoi sent us a letter saying you were injured,” Hinatsuru brushed her hand up your thigh, “We rushed here as quickly as we could once we heard the news. We did you not tell us sooner you were hurt we would have been here the day you arrived?”

“You were here for a week and you did not bother to let us know you were hurt,” Makio growled from above you, the lust decorating her face now gone. “Were you ever going to tell us?”

“I-I,” your breathing starts to grow frantic, what in the hell was happening? One minute you were dreaming and the next your dream becomes a reality. “I don’t understand what is happening,” you mumble your mind fuzzy, “When did you all get here? Why are you in between my legs?”

“Shh,” Suma moved up from her place at your legs and grabbed one of your bandaged hands, “I know you are probably really confused so let me explain.”

You nod, eager to understand the world around you.

“We arrived here less than thirty minutes ago, we all rushed here when we heard the news of your injury from Aoi’s letter,” she paused to give you time to process the information. “When we got here you were sound asleep, Aoi said you would not be up for hours, we were going to take turns watching over you, but when Tengen tried to leave to get some food you yelled out for him to stop teasing you.”

Your breathing stops, your mind replaying the events of earlier, “I spoke out loud,” you whispered.

Tengen snorts, “You did more than speak little one, you begged me to touch you.”

Your mouth falls open in horror, “What happened after that?”

Tengen looked down at your exposed sex, “Well, we tried leaving, wanting you to get some rest but we are only human, how could we resist those little whimpers begging for more?”

“Y-You mean-”

“That I ate your little pussy while you begged for more?”

A startled squeak left your lips at his confession, “You did?”

A wolfish grin spread across his face, “Oh yes darling, I did.”

Your face was so hot you were sure you could fry an egg on your cheeks, “You mean my dream was real, it all happened?”

“Regretfully I cannot see into your beautiful mind but judging by what you were whimpering I would say your flamboyant dream matched pretty well to what we were doing.”

You wanted to bury yourself in a hole, the noises you had been making were mortifying, the idea that anyone heard them, let alone the four people at your side was enough to make you combust.

“Don’t look so embarrassed,” Hinatsuru cooed, “Watching you find pleasure was beautiful, I could watch it every day and never grow tired of that sight.”

Tengen hummed in agreement, “And the flamboyant sounds you made were enough to nearly push me over the edge, if not for my training I would already be staining the sheets with my seed.”

“Wait, you all arrived here to help with my recovery after Aoi sent you a letter telling you about my condition?”

Hinatsuru nodded, patting her hand gently against your, “We left as soon as we heard, we were so worried, she told us how close you were to-to dying.” She choked out a sob, “Why would you not call for us,” her lips pressed into a thin line, “Did you not want us to come here?”

“No,” you try to reach out but your arms could not respond, “That is not it at all,” You look down wishing you had on clothes, you already felt so exposed, “I did not want to bother you.”

“Bother us?” Tengen echoed, lifting himself up into a sitting position between your legs. “Is that what you think you are? A bother.”

You take advantage of his move, pushing your thighs together to gather some privacy, “Not exactly-”

Tengen runs his hand through his loose hair, “I thought I took care of your doubt the night you left but it seems you still have some doubts where you stand in this relationship.”

He looks over at the woman by your side with a new, darker look in his eye, “Darlings would your hold her legs for me please, I believe we need to teach the little runaway here her place.”

“Hey wait,” you try to scramble away but Suma and Hinatsuru locked onto your legs anchoring you in place.

“Hm,” Tengen’s hand rested under his chin, “On second thought flip her around, I want that flamboyant ass in the air.”

“Ah,” you squeak as you are tossed in the air and gently flipped around, landing on the bed with your arms held behind your back, your cheek squished against the mattress.

“W-What are you doing,” you try to look over your shoulder but the position they place you in prevents you from being able to see anything.

“I have tried being a patient little one, I waited weeks for you to finally confess your feelings, and what is my reward for this? A letter telling me how you almost died. Can you even imagine how that made us feel? You almost died having never been ours.”

His large hand runs up your slick thigh, “And now you lie here in the bed speaking about not wanting to bother us!” His large hand comes down across your ass laying a sharp spank. “I refuse to believe the only reason you did not ask for our help is that you did not want to be a bother.” Another sharp sting spreads across your ass as his hand descends, “So tell me the truth, why are you running away from us?”

“I-I can’t” you sob, burying your face into the sheets.

“Wrong answer,” Another precise slap arrives on your skin, the sharp tingle spreading through your body, lighting your skin on fire.

“Please tell us why you do not want to be with us,” Hinatsuru whispered, her lips kissing away the tears gathered in the corner of your eyes, “What did we do wrong?”

“Nothing,” you sob, “you did nothing wrong, it’s me that is wrong.”

“What is wrong with you?” Makio asked, shoving Hinatsuru out of the way, “Because from my viewpoint you are perfect.”

“I’m not,” you turn your face to bury your head onto the mattress needing to hide, “And one day you will see that and want nothing to do with me. And then what,” your chest heaves, too tired to resist letting it all out, “I will be left all alone.”

“Darling,” Tengen cooed, his hand running up your naked back where your loose shirt had ridden up, “Do you truly believe we would leave you?”

You nod your head, your throat too tight to let you speak.

“But that is not true, I could never get tired of you!” Suma yelled, pushing Hinatsuru out of the way for her turn. “The way you hold me when I cry, and how you make sure Hinatsuru will buy my favorite food when at the market. The way you make sure that each of us feels included, can’t you see we will never get enough of you?”

Tenge’s hand settled on the flaming skin of your ass, massaging the sore tissue, “If you think for one minute I am ever letting you go then I have failed at making you feel appreciated.” His hand stops at the back of your neck, gently squeezing the column, “Because this is something I could never live without. Your smile, your kindness, your love, your flamboyant attitude, I need all of it.”

His bodyweight presses over you, his long erection settling in between the cheeks of your ass, “Now little one, I am going to show you how you belong to me,” the head of his cock slides down to settle on the outside of your entrance, “After this, there is no question you belong to us do you understand?”

You glace back in shock, watching helplessly as his hips thrust forward, the large head piercing into your tight hole.

A small whimper leaves your throat as the burning stretch nearly becomes too much, he was so fucking big that even with his fingers stretching you earlier there was no way he was going to be able to fit all of it inside you.

“Fuck,” he hissed from above you, his hand braced against your tailbone as he sank into your warmth. “You are so tight.”

Your hands reach out looking for something to hold onto and two warm hands answered your call, their fingers intertwining with yours.

“You are doing so perfect,” Hintsuru hummed, kissing your knuckles. You squeeze down around their hands as hard as you could, your legs trembling as another inch slides inside.

Just when your thought It would all become too much his cock finally kissed the end of your hole. He froze for a few seconds giving your poor pussy time to adjust to his intrusion. This gave Makio just enough time to fulfill her plan.

Manipulating your body she adjusts your arms until your weight was settled onto your hands, your elbows locked and your ass in the air where Tengen was buried to the hilt. With the help of Suma she carefully lifted your body until she could easily slide under you, her mouth now directly under your dripping cunt.

“H-Hey,” you whine, Makio’s pussy now directly under your face, her breasts pressing against your upper thighs, “What are you doing?”

“This,” She groaned, using her fingers to spread open the lips of your pussy and latch onto your throbbing bundle. You nearly fall forward, the combined attack overwhelming.

Tengen, not one to be outdone drew his hips back, his cock slowly withdrawing from your abused hole only to slam back in. The strength of his thrusts had his balls collide with the top of Makio’s head but she did not seem to mind, in fact, it seemed to egg her on, she grew even more aggressive in pleasing you. Her tongue lashed across your clit as she sucked on the tender bud.

The tongue on your cunt vibrated as Makio let out a low groan. Tengen continued to plow into you in a purposeful rhythm, each thrust well aimed to nail the upper part inside your pussy making black spots appear in your vision each time he hit it.

Your fingers dig into the sheets as you hold on for dear life.

“You feel that,” Tengen growled, his cock kissing the end of your hole, “Feel how deep inside you I am?” His hand came down to slap your ass, “This pussy is mine little one, not yours, mine, and if you think you can keep me from this pussy then I will have to fuck you until you are too tired to argue.”

“Tengen,” you sobbed, your head falling forward. Suma shifted forward, her hands giving your head a comfortable place to rest on Makio’s thighs as the pair worked to drive you even higher. Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, as the throbbing in your clit started to spread. Your chest grew too tight for you to even breathe.

Tengen kept his movements steady while Makio’s tongue worked wonders on your clit, sucking on the tight bud whole flicking her tongue over the tip. It was not long until your mouth opened into a silent scream, your entire body tense as you come all over Makio’s face, your sweet juices coating her tongue as you convulse.

Makio greedily lapped up the mess as you continued to come on her face, the pleasure too strong to let you relax until another mind-shattering sensation overtook you. This time the tingling spread to your head making the world begging to grow hazy as your breathing stopped. You were sure you were screaming but you could hear nothing over the sound of your own pounding heartbeat.

With the high gone your breathing decreased slightly but Tengen was still going, his fat cock continuing to stretch your clenching hole. You lie there and let him lay his claim, too tired to even speak.

When it almost became too much mercifully his cock started to pulse and seconds later his hot cum began to fill you, leaving no inch uncovered. Only when he was sure every drop had emptied inside you did he pull his hips back, admiring how your gaping hole clenched around nothing, his cum already leaking out.

Makio’s magical tongue gave one last long lick up your slit before she shuffled out from under you. You close your eyes for a few seconds, trying to collect your bearings while the world around you spun. One strong arm wrapped around your waist, gently manipulating your body until you were settled on your back.

You did not even jump when a soft tongue began to clean your throbbing sex, lapping away the mess Tengen had created. Another careful pair of hands brought your head into their lap, their fingers tracing the lines of your face. The last pair of hands dragged a warm cloth across your drenched body.

You snuggle into their hold, letting them each care for you in their own unique way. Only when the cloth grew cold and the tongue on your sex stilled did you crack open one eye.

“How are you feeling?” Hinatsuru asked, wringing out the wet cloth into a basin.

“Fuzzy,” you mumble, turning your head to bury your face deeper into Makio’s lap.

“Do you understand now?” Tengen hummed, his callused fingers rubbing across the back of your injured hand. Do you understand how much we love you little one?”

“I-I,” you press your lips together, how could you make them understand what you were thinking. They all knew early in life they would belong to each other forever but they have barely known you for a year.

“I want to,” you whisper, “I want to believe more than anything that you love me.”

You press your thighs together wincing at the ache in your sex, “But I don’t think I will ever be sure of your feelings for me. It is just too good to be true.”

Tengen barked in protest but you continued, “But the one thing I am sure of is my feelings for all of you. The days I was able to spend with all of you were the happiest of my life and I want nothing more than to give you all of my days. I am yours.”

Hinatsuru shot forward her arms wrapping around your shoulders, pulling you into her chest. “We love you so much,” she sobbed, burying her face in your shoulder, “And we will spend all of our time making sure you never doubt that.”

Suma joins in on the hug, her body pressing against your back, “I won’t let go until you believe us.” She declared, tightening her arms even more.

Makio laughed, pushing Suma to the side so she could have room to join in, “I think it will be fun to convince you our feelings are permanent, I love a good challenge.”

“Hm,” Tengen’s large hand settled on top of your head, urging it back until his gaze was able to meet yours, “I agree with Makio, getting you to believe us sounds like a very interesting challenge,” he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your forehead, “One I am happy to spend the rest of my life on.”

Little Slayer /// Uzui Tengen x Male reader

✧ClickHERE to read Fem version✧


Summary: After a difficult slaying you find yourself stumbling to a familiar mansion to be taken care of for the night

✧Clickherefor part two✧

Word count:4k+

Warnings/tags:!Some Spoilers from manga!Exhibitionism, reader is bisexual, Poly ship, Oral sex (giving), He/Him pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only



Being one of the newest demon slayers meant being sent on missions no one else would ever consider. On your way home for a very taxing slaying, you depend on your crow to guide you to the safe house for somewhere to sleep for the night as you were in no condition to defend yourself. Stumbling your way through a dense forest you nearly sobbed when you were able to see the brilliant purple flowers surrounding a familiar mansion.

Barely able to stand let alone walk you use your blade as a cane, hobbling down the dirt trail that opened up to the estate. You wander through the maze of wisteria trees leading to the arched entrance, not having enough energy to stop and admire their beauty.

The stone path to the house was hard to navigate using your sword as a cane, the small gaps in stone trapping your sword when you pressed your weight down. This made the short journey take longer than you wanted to admit.

The mansion ahead was built in the traditional Japanese style letting you see light through the shoji. When you squinted your eyes you could see vague shadows moving around in one of the rooms near the center of the house. You let out a sigh of relief knowing at least someone was still awake to let you in.

When you reach the steps leading into the home you immediately strip off your blood-soiled outer clothing not wanting its stench to get anywhere near the inside of their home. You fight back tears bending down to remove your zori and bandages covering your legs. The rush of surviving another demon has worn off leaving you to feel every cut and bruise marring your skin.

You could hear mumbling inside the home but did not want to yell out your arrival just yet, needing to take a minute to gather your emotions. The last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of them.

“Tengen!” A loud feminine voice yells inside the home, “Someone is at the door, are we expecting visitors.”

You could hear nothing else inside the house before the door slammed open revealing the retired Hashira. He was wearing his night robe, his hair free around his face. Despite the pain you smile weakly, happy to see him again, “Sorry for the interruption.” You wince, pressing your hand to the wound on your abdomen, “But I need some assistance.”

Behind him, three pairs of eyes peek around his body. You could hear a quiet gasp as they take in the state of your body. Before Uzui can open his mouth to respond six hands immediately descend onto your body.

“What happened!” Makio yelled, gently poking the blood-soaked bandages around your left arm.

“You look awful, how long have you been out on your own?” Hinatsuru questioned at the same time. Her gentle hands grab ahold of your upper arm and lower back to help you support your weight.

Poor Suma already had fat tears rolling down her cheek, wailing as she fell to her knees to wrap her arms around your waist. You use what little strength you had to pat her on the shoulder and try to reassure all of them.

“I am alright, it looks worse than it really is,” You coo, plastering another weak smile on your face, though you were sure it looked more like a grimace.

Uzui scowled looking unconvinced. He walked over to where the four of you were huddled and crossed his large arms over his chest as he looked down at you with one eye, his other covered by a jeweled patch. You shift your weight under his gaze, ignoring how small you felt around him. He towered over all of you, your head not even coming to the middle of his chest.

He bends, tilting his head as he takes you in, “How long have you been traveling in this condition?”

You cough to clear your throat, “I’m not sure,” you wince at how gruff your voice sounded, “The demon I was sent after was much stronger than was expected.” You gesture to your bloody clothing, “It took a few days to take him down.”

Uzui’s lips lift into a snarl, “If the demon was stronger than your level you should have aborted the mission and had another slayer complete it instead of putting yourself at risk.”

Your gaze falls to the ground, your eyes growing heavy with unshed tears, “I thought I could handle it.”

Soft reassuring words were mumbled around you as his wives tried to bring you comfort but he was right. The second you lost the fight the first time you should have sought reinforcements. If the demon had not slipped on your blood when running towards you there is little chance you would still be on this earth.

He sighed, his shoulders slouching, “I will ready a bed for you for the night,” He turns and enters his home without another word. You bite your inner cheek to prevent yourself from letting the tears fall.

“He is just worried about you,” Hinatsuru said, petting your back, “When you left the last time we were all so worried. Every night we made sure to have one of us stay awake in case you were to find your way here again.”

Your heart swells, knowing they cared so much about you was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Your first visit to the retired Sound Hashira’s estate had been much less eventful than tonight. You were returning from a small mission taking out a newly turned demon. Your crow insisted you take the rest of the night off, leading you to the estate. You would have never guessed how one little action could have changed the entire course of your life. The nights you spent with them were some of the best of your life.

Hinatsuru had made sure to cook for you every night, she claimed it was to get your strength up but you were almost positive she enjoyed watching you eat as much as you enjoyed eating her food. When you were not eating Makio was testing you, constantly finding new ways to improve your skills. All the while Suma never left your side, attached to your hip as you explored the estate.

Uzui watched all of this with amusement, even taking the time to show you a few of his own moves when Makio was taking a break. At the end of each day, you all gathered for dinner, telling each other stories and listening to Uzui reminisce about his time in the demon slayer corps.

When dinner had long finished and talking turned into yawns you retired to your room, saying goodnight to your hosts as they filed into their shared room. When you laid your head to sleep you never got any rest, instead, you were blessed with the sounds of rapture emitting from the room next to you.

Makio, always so eager, was usually the first to initiate their lovemaking. Her rough and aggressive nature fell away as she begged her lovers for attention. Suma, so eager to please would answer her calls first, taking the time to bring Makio pleasure while the other two also worked each other up.

After the first round of cries died down it was not long until the entire house filled with moans once more. Uzui, always the overachiever, made sure each of his wives was screaming out his name before he let out his own groans of pleasure.

The first night you were able to resist the temptation to bring your hand down and stroke your needy cock but listening every night for weeks broke down your will to resist until your soft moans started to bled with theirs, making a beautiful symphony.

But when it was all died down and the unique family held each other close you rested alone, the feeling of emptiness suffocating. How you wished someone loved you how they loved each other.

Your days continued as normal, the five of you falling into a schedule leaving little time for you to dwell on your single status but when the time came for you to be called away for another mission you instantly were filled with dread. You did not want to leave the safe paradise you had come to privately call home.

You waited to tell them about your departure until dinner that night, not wanting the last day you had with them to be full of tears. In the morning when it was time to leave the wives helped you pack your bag making sure you had plenty of food and bandages. Makio had even insisted she would come with you to assist but thankfully Suma and Hinatsuru managed to talk her out of that idea.

Saying goodbye was unbearable, they each held you tight in their arms taking the time to say a private goodbye. When it was Uzui’s turn to bring you into his arms he pulled you close, resting his hand on the back of your head. “Do not do anything foolish while you are gone,” he brought his hand around to settle under your chin, “Be sure to return here after you finish this mission.”

You smile, “Is that an order?”

He smirks, squeezing the fat on your cheek, “Yes I, the God of flamboyancy, command you to return to me once your mission is complete. After all, there is still much I must teach you about being flamboyant, you are still only a beginner.”

You laugh bowing slightly, “Oh mighty one your wish is my command.”

They all waited outside the house as you left, only going inside when you were long gone. Three months would pass before you would find your way back to their home covered in blood.

“But he is right,” you mumble, thrusting yourself back into the present, “I should have called for help earlier, the only reason I am even alive right now is that the demon slipped when he ran after me. It was a freak accident that kept me alive not skill.”

Makio laid a punch onto your unbandaged arm, “That is ridiculous! It still took skill to take down a demon. So what it slipped and fell, you still had the mind to use the opening to make your move.”

“She is right!” Suma cried, wiping the tears off her cheeks, “You are a skilled slayer, anyone can see that.”

Hinatsuru hemmed in agreement, “While it was not the best move to pursue a demon much stronger than yourself, it does speak to your skill that you are still alive.”

You slouch your head, “I guess,” you look to the door, “Do you mind if I have a bath before bed I do not want to soil your sheets.”

“Of course,” Hinatsuru gently guided you into their home, the other two following close behind after gathering your belongings.

They each file into the small bathroom, helping you remove the stick bandages as well as the rest of your clothes. You were too tired to care as they removed your clothes until all that was left was the fundoshi they mercifully left in place.

At the sight of the many cuts to your skin Suma once again began to sob, “We should have let Makio go help,” she cried, helping the others gently scrub the dried blood from your skin.

“If the demon was not already dead I would rip its head off with my hands,” Makio growled, scrubbing the skin of your leg aggressively. “How could any being be willing to hurt someone as sweet as you.”

Hinatsuru took to washing your hair, her delicate fingers patiently working out the filth that had gathered in the strands. Your eyelids grow heavy with each soft touch as the women lavished you with attention. Soon each blink was a small battle your head falling forward, too heavy to hold up.

“Don’t fight it,” Hinatsuru gently ordered, letting you rest your back against her chest, “We will take care of you while you rest, you are safe now.”

You weakly bring your hand up to brush your fingers across her cheek, appreciating the care she gave. She brought her own hand up to meet yours, intertwining your fingers to hold them there a moment longer. “Sleep,” she placed her hand back down on your stomach, “we will all be here when you wake up.”

You close your eyes, only for a second but when you open them again you are in a completely new room. Feeling surprisingly warm for your condition you try to lift your upper body and look around the room but a heavy weight on your chest stops you. Squinting you could make out the soft black hair of Suma as she rested her head on your chest. Turing your head to the right you also have another presence behind you. Judging by the length of the hair you were almost positive it was Hinatsuru.

You try to keep your breathing calm, ignoring how your heart pounded against your chest. They were just making sure you were ok that is all, there is nothing weird about this. They do not really want to share a bed with you, this is all just a sweet gesture from friends.

You needed to escape before your thoughts started down a path of no return. Maneuvering out of their hold was nearly impossible. Suma when you started twisting to move down wrapped her surprisingly strong arms around your waist anchoring you in place.

Hinatsuru was no better, her hands were wrapped around your upper arm and tightened with even the slightest movement. There was another hand settled across your hips but the blanket prevented you from making out who it belonged to.

You lift your head to peek over her shoulder and your heart nearly stops. Uzui was lying on his side, his arms resting around Hinatsuru’s waist. You follow the large arm and your heart nearly burst out from your chest. The large warm hand resting on your hips belonged to the retired sound Hashira.

Your chest started to rise and fall rapidly, wheels in your mind moving so fast they created smoke. This could not be happening. You squeeze your eyelids closed trying to rationalize what was happening. This is normal right? You were sure they were just making sure you were alive, after all your wound had looked rather scary.

Yeah, that’s it. They were not cuddling you for pleasure. But that did not mean you could not pretend for a minute? You relax into their hold and for a minute allow yourself to imagine a life where this was your normal.

A soft smile appears on your lips picturing how after every mission you would return to them. Suma would cry when she sees your wounds, taking the time to kiss every one of them insisting it will make you feel better. Hinatsuru would cook for you while Makio finished applying the bandages.

Tengen would watch this all with soft eyes, waiting for them to patch you up before taking you gently into his arms, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, and listening closely to your recollection of the slaying.

When you all finish dinner you would retreat to bed like you were now only it would not be to sleep. You wonder if Makio would beg you to touch her as she does to Suma, tightening her callused fingers into your hair as she lowers her hips to settle on your face, letting you use your mouth to tease her sweet cunt.

Tengen would join in on the fun, using his thick fingers to stretch your hole open for him while you were distracted smirking as you whine into Makio’s pussy.

Makio would squeeze her delicious thighs around your head while you explored her soft sex, using your nose to tease the engorged bud while your tongue thrusts into her hole, trying to focus as Tengen added yet another finger.

Hinatsuru would join next, bringing her soft fingers around Tengen’s length to pump her hand in time with the fingers in your tight hole watching as he stretches you open.

Suma would rest her head on Tengen’s other shoulder, her own fingers making lazy circles around her engorged clit watching you with fascination.

Only when he was sure you were relaxed enough would Tengen bring the head of his cock to your entrance, pressing into you slowly to give you time to adjust to his girth. When the base of his cock finally settled against your ass he would draw his hips back, watching his slick cock leave before slamming his hips forward his eyes hazy from pleasure.

Your moans would be muffled by Makio now grinding against your tongue, her juices coating your face as Tengen used your tight hole. There was no need for him to use his hand on you as he fucked you senseless, Makio’s eager fingers were already stroking your cock as she rode your face.

They would all watch you fall apart, your mouth falling open in a silent scream as your back comes off the bed. Tengen would continue to thrust into, only slowing when his fat cock finally released inside you, filling you to the brim with his cum while Makio convulsed above you.

He would not say in you for too long, his stamina higher than anyone in the room. Poor Hinatsuru was his next victim, her sweet high pitch moans filling the air as Suma cleaned your sloppy hole with her tongue while you recovered from having your world turned upside down.

A soft snore shot you back into reality. Fuck, you bring up one hand to cover your eyes, ashamed about your thoughts. You had no right to think about them like that, they had been nothing but kind to you, spending hours caring for you, feeding you, even clothing you. It was wrong to insert yourself into this complete family.

With renewed will you inch your way out of the entanglement of limbs, slipping down under the blanket where you could leave from the end of the bed. The cool air assaults your skin, your body already too cold from blood loss. Your heart ached, wanting to return to the warm safe cocoon you were in earlier.

You quietly scramble around the house, searching desperately for your soiled clothing. They had to be around here somewhere, you could not go into the freezing night weather wearing only a sheer robe.

You let out a sob of relief when you spot the clothing strung up over embers, clean from the blood that had stained it earlier. You did not deserve their kindness.

You fold the robe, place it on a chair so you can change into your uniform. Putting on the clothes of a demon slayer made it easier to dissociate from the fantasy earlier, it reminded you what your true life was like. You were not a housewife of a retired Hashira, you were an active demon slayer who needed to be on the top of their game.

Gathering your sword from the stand by the door you attach it to the wrap on your hip, ignoring how the added weight placed pressure against the wound on your hip.

Opening the door without making noise was a tricky task, you had to inch it open, sliding through the small opening you made. You push down the grief at leaving, this was for the best, nothing good could come from being around them.

“It is not very flamboyant for a guest to leave without thanking their hosts,” Uzui’s unmistakable voice chided from above.

You spin on your heels looking up to see him perched on the roof, his hand resting on his knee as he crouched. “The girls will be very upset tomorrow when they wake up to find you gone without a word.”

“I-I still need to complete another part of my mission,” you lie, looking down at the ground, “You all looked so peaceful I did not want to disturb your sleep.”

Uzui leaped off the roof landing directly in front of you, “Do not lie to me,” he brings his hand to under your chin forcing you to meet his gaze, “Tell me the real reason you are leaving and I will explain it to the girls when they wake up.”

You open your mouth to give another lie, one more believable but his all-knowing eyes stopped you in your tracks. Nothing you could say except the truth would get you out of this.

“I needed some air,” you finally answer hoping it was enough of the truth to satisfy him.

He stepped in closer, his body blocking out the entire world, “So why did you change back into your uniform and sneak out of the house?”

You try to look away again but his hand held you still, “I want the full truth little slayer.”

“Uzui,” you whisper hoping he will give you mercy, “please let me go.”

“Did it have something to do with your sweet whimpers from earlier?”

Time stands still, your mind racing to understand what he was saying. Your eyes widen in horror as you realize what he was talking about.

He laughs, “Don’t look so distraught, we all enjoyed listening to you while you had your little fantasy.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you screech, trying to back away from him.

“What a flamboyant dream that must have been to make you moan like that.” A large smile spread across his face. “Were you dreaming us? Imagining how we would each take turns playing with your delicious body making you sing our names over and over until you were too fucked to move?”

“I was not moaning, Uzui, you must have been hearing things”

“Tengen,” He corrects, “I want you to call me Tengen.”

“Tengen,” a shiver runs through your skin saying his first name for the first time, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Ah, little slayer that is the second time you have lied to me,” He points to his ears, “It seems you have forgotten who you are speaking to, lie again and I will have to remind you.”

You grow desperate knowing he can read into every small movement you made, “Tengen, please, I do not want to go down this path.”

“Oh but I do, this is the most interesting thing to happen since my retirement.”

“This is not a game,” you hiss wrapping your arms around your waist, trying to focus on your breathing.

“I know it is not a game,” his eyes soften, “Do you really think we would do all this for just anyone? You are precious to all of us. Suma sobs when you leave waiting by the door for hours hoping maybe you will come back. Makio spends hours training hoping to distract herself until your return. Hinatsuru will retreat to the kitchen, cooking foods she knows you enjoy to have ready in case you come back.”

Your chest squeezing making it hard to breathe, “And you?” you ask before you could stop yourself, “What do you do when I leave?”

He smiles weakly, “wait for your return. Sometimes I will join Makio in training, I have a reputation to uphold after all. Other times I will join Hinatsuru in the kitchen, she has taught me quite a few tricks in the kitchen.”

“Though when we all miss you the most is when we retreat for the night to the bedroom.”

Your breath hitches waiting for him to continue.

“Our lovemaking is not the same without you serenading us with your divine moans from the next room.”

“You could hear me?” you whisper, too entranced by his words to feel embarrassed.

“Yes little slayer, we could hear everything. Every little moan you tried to muffle with the pillow,” he smirks, “ You always gave up hiding it by the end of the night, it was always my favorite part, listening to you find your own pleasure.”

He steps in closer now only inches from you and leans over, his face now directly in front of yours, “If you were in my bed we would play with you for hours, listening to you cry out our names over and over again until your voice was too hoarse to speak.”

“Then when we are all too tired to move you would rest in our bed warm and safe. This is my dream little slayer, so tell me, what is it your desire?”

He was offering you everything you had ever wanted all you had to do was tell him the truth and yet when you opened your mouth to answer nothing came out.

“Tengen I-”

“You do not have to answer now, take some time to think about what you truly wish for because once we get a taste there is no going back. I will never let you leave my side again little slayer if you agree to become mine.”

He pulls a small bag out of his robe and lifts your hand placing it in your palm, “A small gift for your travels.” He closes your fingers around the bag, “Something to remember us while you are traveling.”

You look longingly behind him where the three others are resting. You did not want them to think you abandoned them.

“Don’t worry I will explain to them why you left,” he releases your hand “The sun is rising so you should be safe to travel but do not push yourself too hard.”

“I won’t,” you mumble, placing the bag into a small pouch on your belt.

You back away from him and bow unable to think of anything to say to show how you were feeling.

“I expect an answer soon,” he orders returning to his boisterous attitude, “and at least one letter a week while you are traveling otherwise I may have to refresh my tracking skills.”

For a second the image of Tengen hunting you filled your mind sending a tingle to your lower stomach, “I promise.” you choke out, your face burning once you realize he most definitely noticed the distraction.

His red eyes gleamed watching you squirm, “I will hold you to that.”

✧Clickherefor part two✧

Little Slayer /// Uzui Tengen x Fem reader

✧ClickHERE to read Male version✧


Summary: After a difficult slaying you find yourself stumbling to a familiar mansion to be taken care of for the night

✧Clickherefor part two✧

Word count: 4k+

Warnings/tags:!Some Spoilers from manga! Exhibitionism, reader is bisexual, Poly ship, She/Her pronouns, All characters are adults, SMUT 18+ Only



Being one of the newest demon slayers meant being sent on missions no one else would ever consider. On your way home for a very taxing slaying, you depend on your crow to guide you to the safe house for somewhere to sleep for the night as you were in no condition to defend yourself. Stumbling your way through a dense forest you nearly sobbed when you were able to see the brilliant purple flowers surrounding a familiar mansion.

Barely able to stand let alone walk you use your blade as a cane, hobbling down the dirt trail that opened up to the estate. You wander through the maze of wisteria trees leading to the arched entrance, not having enough energy to stop and admire their beauty.

The stone path to the house was hard to navigate using your sword as a cane, the small gaps in stone trapping your sword when you pressed your weight down. This made the short journey take longer than you wanted to admit.

The mansion ahead was built in the traditional Japanese style letting you see light through the shoji. When you squinted your eyes you could see vague shadows moving around in one of the rooms near the center of the house. You let out a sigh of relief knowing at least someone was still awake to let you in.

When you reach the steps leading into the home you immediately strip off your blood-soiled outer clothing not wanting its stench to get anywhere near the inside of their home. You fight back tears bending down to remove your zori and bandages covering your legs. The rush of surviving another demon has worn off leaving you to feel every cut and bruise marring your skin.

You could hear mumbling inside the home but did not want to yell out your arrival just yet, needing to take a minute to gather your emotions. The last thing you wanted to do was cry in front of them.

“Tengen!” A loud feminine voice yells inside the home, “Someone is at the door, are we expecting visitors.”

You could hear nothing else inside the house before the door slammed open revealing the retired Hashira. He was wearing his night robe, his hair free around his face. Despite the pain you smile weakly, happy to see him again, “Sorry for the interruption.” You wince, pressing your hand to the wound on your abdomen, “But I need some assistance.”

Behind him, three pairs of eyes peek around his body. You could hear a quiet gasp as they take in the state of your body. Before Uzui can open his mouth to respond six hands immediately descend onto your body.

“What happened!” Makio yelled, gently poking the blood-soaked bandages around your left arm.

“You look awful, how long have you been out on your own?” Hinatsuru questioned at the same time. Her gentle hands grab ahold of your upper arm and lower back to help you support your weight.

Poor Suma already had fat tears rolling down her cheek, wailing as she fell to her knees to wrap her arms around your waist. You use what little strength you had to pat her on the shoulder and try to reassure all of them.

“I am alright, it looks worse than it really is,” You coo, plastering another weak smile on your face, though you were sure it looked more like a grimace.

Uzui scowled looking unconvinced. He walked over to where the four of you were huddled and crossed his large arms over his chest as he looked down at you with one eye, his other covered by a jeweled patch. You shift your weight under his gaze, ignoring how small you felt around him. He towered over all of you, your head not even coming to the middle of his chest.

He bends, tilting his head as he takes you in, “How long have you been traveling in this condition?”

You cough to clear your throat, “I’m not sure,” you wince at how gruff your voice sounded, “The demon I was sent after was much stronger than was expected.” You gesture to your bloody clothing, “It took a few days to take him down.”

Uzui’s lips lift into a snarl, “If the demon was stronger than your level you should have aborted the mission and had another slayer complete it instead of putting yourself at risk.”

Your gaze falls to the ground, your eyes growing heavy with unshed tears, “I thought I could handle it.”

Soft reassuring words were mumbled around you as his wives tried to bring you comfort but he was right. The second you lost the fight the first time you should have sought reinforcements. If the demon had not slipped on your blood when running towards you there is little chance you would still be on this earth.

He sighed, his shoulders slouching, “I will ready a bed for you for the night,” He turns and enters his home without another word. You bite your inner cheek to prevent yourself from letting the tears fall.

“He is just worried about you,” Hinatsuru said, petting your back, “When you left the last time we were all so worried. Every night we made sure to have one of us stay awake in case you were to find your way here again.”

Your heart swells, knowing they cared so much about you was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Your first visit to the retired Sound Hashiras estate had been much less eventful than tonight. You were returning from a small mission taking out a newly turned demon. Your crow insisted you take the rest of the night off, leading you to the estate. You would have never guessed how one little action could have changed the entire course of your life. The nights you spent with them were some of the best of your life.

Hinatsuru had made sure to cook for you every night, she claimed it was to get your strength up but you were almost positive she enjoyed watching you eat as much as you enjoyed eating her food. When you were not eating Makio was testing you, constantly finding new ways to improve your skills. All the while Suma never left your side, attached to your hip as you explored the estate.

Uzui watched all of this with amusement, even taking the time to show you a few of his own moves when Makio was taking a break. At the end of each day, you all gathered for dinner, telling each other stories and listening to Uzui reminisce about his time in the demon slayer corps.

When dinner had long finished and talking turned into yawns you retired to your room, saying goodnight to your hosts as they filed into their shared room. When you laid your head to sleep you never got any rest, instead, you were blessed with the sounds of rapture emitting from the room next to you.

Makio, always so eager, was usually the first to initiate their lovemaking. Her rough and aggressive nature fell away as she begged her lovers for attention. Suma, so eager to please would answer her calls first, taking the time to bring Makio pleasure while the other two also worked each other up.

After the first round of cries died down it was not long until the entire house filled with moans once more. Uzui, always the overachiever, made sure each of his wives was screaming out his name before he let out his own groans of pleasure.

The first night you were able to resist the temptation to bring your hand down and stroke your needy cunt but listening every night for weeks broke down your will to resist until your soft moans started to bled with theirs, making a beautiful symphony.

But when it was all died down and the unique family held each other close you rested alone, the feeling of emptiness suffocating. How you wished someone loved you how they loved each other.

Your days continued as normal, the five of you falling into a schedule leaving little time for you to dwell on your single status but when the time came for you to be called away for another mission you instantly were filled with dread. You did not want to leave the safe paradise you had come to privately call home.

You waited to tell them about your departure until dinner that night, not wanting the last day you had with them to be full of tears. In the morning when it was time to leave the wives helped you pack your bag making sure you had plenty of food and bandages. Makio had even insisted she would come with you to assist but thankfully Suma and Hinatsuru managed to talk her out of that idea.

Saying goodbye was unbearable, they each held you tight in their arms taking the time to say a private goodbye. When it was Uzui’s turn to bring you into his arms he pulled you close, resting his hand on the back of your head. “Do not do anything foolish while you are gone,” he brought his hand around to settle under your chin, “Be sure to return here after you finish this mission.”

You smile, “Is that an order?”

He smirks, squeezing the fat on your cheek, “Yes I, the God of flamboyancy, command you to return to me once your mission is complete. After all, there is still much I must teach you about being flamboyant, you are still only a beginner.”

You laugh bowing slightly, “Oh mighty one your wish is my command.”

They all waited outside the house as you left, only going inside when you were long gone. Three months would pass before you would find your way back to their home covered in blood.

“But he is right,” you mumble, thrusting yourself back into the present, “I should have called for help earlier, the only reason I am even alive right now is that the demon slipped when he ran after me. It was a freak accident that kept me alive not skill.”

Makio laid a punch onto your unbandaged arm, “That is ridiculous! It still took skill to take down a demon. So what it slipped and fell, you still had the mind to use the opening to make your move.”

“She is right!” Suma cried, wiping the tears off her cheeks, “You are a skilled slayer, anyone can see that.”

Hinatsuru hemmed in agreement, “While it was not the best move to pursue a demon much stronger than yourself, it does speak to your skill that you are still alive.”

You slouch your head, “I guess,” you look to the door, “Do you mind if I have a bath before bed I do not want to soil your sheets.”

“Of course,” Hinatsuru gently guided you into their home, the other two following close behind after gathering your belongings.

They each file into the small bathroom, helping you remove the stick bandages as well as the rest of your clothes. You were too tired to care as they removed your undergarments leaving you with nothing to hide your nakedness.

At the sight of the many cuts to your skin Suma once again began to sob, “We should have let Makio go help,” she cried, helping the others gently scrub the dried blood from your skin.

“If the demon was not already dead I would rip its head off with my hands,” Makio growled, scrubbing the skin of your leg aggressively. “How could any being be willing to hurt someone as sweet as you.”

Hinatsuru took to washing your hair, her delicate fingers patiently working out the filth that had gathered in the strands. Your eyelids grow heavy with each soft touch as the women lavished you with attention. Soon each blink was a small battle your head falling forward, too heavy to hold up.

“Don’t fight it,” Hinatsuru gently ordered, letting you rest your back against her chest, “We will take care of you while you rest, you are safe now.”

You weakly bring your hand up to brush your fingers across her cheek, appreciating the care she gave. She brought her own hand up to meet yours, intertwining your fingers to hold them there a moment longer. “Sleep,” she placed her hand back down on your stomach, “we will all be here when you wake up.”

You close your eyes, only for a second but when you open them again you are in a completely new room. Feeling surprisingly warm for your condition you try to lift your upper body and look around the room but a heavy weight on your chest stops you. Squinting you could make out the soft black hair of Suma as she rested her head on your chest. Turing your head to the right you also have another presence behind you. Judging by the length of the hair you were almost positive it was Hinatsuru.

You try to keep your breathing calm, ignoring how your heart pounded against your chest. They were just making sure you were ok that is all, there is nothing weird about this. They do not really want to share a bed with you, this is all just a sweet gesture from friends.

You needed to escape before your thoughts started down a path of no return. Maneuvering out of their hold was nearly impossible. Suma when you started twisting to move down wrapped her surprisingly strong arms around your waist anchoring you in place.

Hinatsuru was no better, her hands were wrapped around your upper arm and tightened with even the slightest movement. There was another hand settled across your hips but the blanket prevented you from making out who it belonged to.

You lift your head to peek over her shoulder and your heart nearly stops. Uzui was lying on his side, his arms resting around Hinatsuru’s waist. You follow the large arm and your heart nearly burst out from your chest. The large warm hand resting on your hips belonged to the retired sound Hashira.

Your chest started to rise and fall rapidly, wheels in your mind moving so fast they created smoke. This could not be happening. You squeeze your eyelids closed trying to rationalize what was happening. This is normal right? You were sure they were just making sure you were alive, after all your wound had looked rather scary.

Yeah, that’s it. They were not cuddling you for pleasure. But that did not mean you could not pretend for a minute? You relax into their hold and for a minute allow yourself to imagine a life where this was your normal.

A soft smile appears on your lips picturing how after every mission you would return to them. Suma would cry when she sees your wounds, taking the time to kiss every one of them insisting it will make you feel better. Hinatsuru would cook for you while Makio finished applying the bandages.

Tengen would watch this all with soft eyes, waiting for them to patch you up before taking you gently into his arms, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, and listening closely to your recollection of the slaying.

When you all finish dinner you would retreat to bed like you were now only it would not be to sleep. You wonder if Makio would beg you to touch her as she does to Suma, tightening her callused fingers into your hair as she lowers her hips to settle on your face, letting you use your mouth to tease her sweet cunt.

Tengen would join in on the fun, using his thick fingers to stretch your hole open for him while you were distracted, smirking as you whine into Makio’s pussy.

Makio would squeeze her delicious thighs around your head as you explore her soft sex, using your nose to tease the engorged bud while your tongue thrusts into her hole, trying to focus as Tengen added yet another finger.

Hinatsuru would join next, bringing her soft fingers around Tengen’s length to pump her hand in time with the fingers in your tight hole watching as he stretches you open.

Suma would rest her head on Tengen’s other shoulder, her own fingers making lazy circles around her engorged clit, watching you with fascination.

Only when he was sure you were relaxed enough would Tengen bring the head of his cock to your entrance, pressing into you slowly to give you time to adjust to his girth. When the head of his cock kissed the end of your hole he would draw his hips back, watching his slick cock leave before slamming his hips forward his eyes hazy from pleasure.

Your moans would be muffled by Makio now grinding against your tongue, her juices coating your face as Tengen used your tight hole. There was no need for him to use his hand on you as he fucked you senseless, Makio’s eager fingers were already stroking your clit as she rode your face.

They would all watch you fall apart, your mouth falling open in a silent scream as your back comes off the bed. Tengen would continue to thrust into, only slowing when his fat cock finally released inside you, filling you to the brim with his cum while Makio convulsed above you.

He would not say in you for too long, his stamina higher than anyone in the room. Poor Hinatsuru was his next victim, her sweet high pitch moans filling the air as Suma cleaned your sloppy cunt with her tongue, letting you recover from having your world turned upside down.

A soft snore shot you back into reality. Fuck, you bring up one hand to cover your eyes, ashamed about your thoughts. You had no right to think about them like that, they had been nothing but kind to you, spending hours caring for you, feeding you, even clothing you. It was wrong to insert yourself into this complete family.

With renewed will you inch your way out of the entanglement of limbs, slipping down under the blanket where you could leave from the end of the bed. The cool air assaults your skin, your body already too cold from blood loss. Your heart ached, wanting to return to the warm safe cocoon you were in earlier.

You quietly scramble around the house, searching desperately for your soiled clothing. They had to be around here somewhere, you could not go into the freezing night weather wearing only a sheer robe.

You let out a sob of relief when you spot the clothing strung up over embers, clean from the blood that had stained it earlier. You did not deserve their kindness.

You fold the robe, place it on a chair so you can change into your uniform. Putting on the clothes of a demon slayer made it easier to dissociate from the fantasy earlier, it reminded you what your true life was like. You were not a housewife of a retired Hashira, you were an active demon slayer who needed to be on the top of their game.

Gathering your sword from the stand by the door you attach it to the wrap on your hip, ignoring how the added weight placed pressure against the wound on your hip.

Opening the door without making noise was a tricky task, you had to inch it open, sliding through the small opening you made. You push down the grief at leaving, this was for the best, nothing good could come from being around them.

“It is not very flamboyant for a guest to leave without thanking their hosts,” Uzui unmistakable voice chided from above.

You spin on your heels looking up to see him perched on the roof, his hand resting on his knee as he crouched. “The girls will be very upset tomorrow when they wake up to find you gone without a word.”

“I-I still need to complete another part of my mission,” you lie, looking down at the ground, “You all looked so peaceful I did not want to disturb your sleep.”

Uzui leaped off the roof landing directly in front of you, “Do not lie to me,” he brings his hand to under your chin forcing you to meet his gaze, “Tell me the real reason you are leaving and I will explain it to the girls when they wake up.”

You open your mouth to give another lie, one more believable but his all-knowing eyes stopped you in your tracks. Nothing you could say except the truth would get you out of this.

“I needed some air,” you finally answer hoping it was enough of the truth to satisfy him.

He stepped in closer, his body blocking out the entire world, “So why did you change back into your uniform and sneak out of the house?”

You try to look away again but his hand held you still, “I want the full truth little slayer.”

“Uzui,” you whisper hoping he will give you mercy, “please let me go.”

“Did it have something to do with your sweet whimpers from earlier?”

Time stands still, your mind racing to understand what he was saying. Your eyes widen in horror as you realize what he was talking about.

He laughs, “Don’t look so distraught, we all enjoyed listening to you while you had your little fantasy.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” you screech, trying to back away from him.

“What a flamboyant dream that must have been to make you moan like that.” A large smile spread across his face. “Were you dreaming us? Imagining how we would each take turns playing with your breedable body making you sing our names over and over until you were too fucked to move?”

“I was not moaning, Uzui, you must have been hearing things”

“Tengen,” He corrects, “I want you to call me Tengen.”

“Tengen,” a shiver runs through your skin saying his first name for the first time, “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Ah little slayer that is the second time you have lied to me,” He points to his ears, “It seems you have forgotten who you are speaking to, lie again and I will have to remind you.”

You grow desperate knowing he can read into every small movement you made, “Tengen, please, I do not want to go down this path.”

“Oh but I do, this is the most interesting thing to happen since my retirement.”

“This is not a game,” you hiss wrapping your arms around your waist, trying to focus on your breathing.

“I know it is not a game,” his eyes soften, “Do you really think we would do all this for just anyone? You are precious to all of us. Suma sobs when you leave waiting by the door for hours hoping maybe you will come back. Makio spends hours training hoping to distract herself until your return. Hinatsuru will retreat to the kitchen, cooking foods she knows you enjoy to have ready in case you come back.”

Your chest squeezing making it hard to breathe, “And you?” you ask before you could stop yourself, “What do you do when I leave?”

He smiles weakly, “wait for your return. Sometimes I will join Makio in training, I have a reputation to uphold after all. Other times I will join Hinatsuru in the kitchen, she has taught me quite a few tricks in the kitchen.”

“Though when we all miss you the most is when we retreat for the night to the bedroom.”

Your breath hitches waiting for him to continue.

“Our lovemaking is not the same without you serenading us with your divine moans from the next room.”

“You could hear me?” you whisper, too entranced by his words to feel embarrassed.

“Yes little slayer, we could hear everything. Every little moan you tried to muffle with the pillow,” he smirks, “ You always gave up hiding it by the end of the night, it was always my favorite part, listening to you find your own pleasure.”

He steps in closer now only inches from you and leans over, his face now directly in front of yours, “If you were in my bed we would play with you for hours, listening to you cry out our names over and over again until your voice was too hoarse to speak.”

“Then when we are all too tired to move you would rest in our bed warm and safe. This is my dream little slayer, so tell me, what is it your desire?”

He was offering you everything you had ever wanted all you had to do was tell him the truth and yet when you opened your mouth to answer nothing came out.

“Tengen I-”

“You do not have to answer now, take some time to think about what you truly wish for because once we get a taste there is no going back. I will never let you leave my side again little slayer if you agree to become mine.”

He pulls a small bag out of his robe and lifts your hand placing it in your palm, “A small gift for your travels.” He closes your fingers around the bag, “Something to remember us while you are traveling.”

You look longingly behind him were the three others are resting. You did not want them to think you abandoned them.

“Don’t worry I will explain to them why you left,” he releases your hand “The sun is rising so you should be safe to travel but do not push yourself too hard.”

“I won’t,” you mumble, placing the bag into a small pouch on your belt.

You back away from him and bow unable to think of anything to say to show how you were feeling.

“I expect an answer soon,” he orders returning to his boisterous attitude, “and at least one letter a week while you are traveling otherwise I may have to refresh my tracking skills.”

For a second the image of Tengen hunting you filled your mind sending a tingle to your lower stomach, “I promise.” you choke out, your face burning once you realize he most definitely noticed the distraction.

His red eyes gleamed watching you squirm, “I will hold you to that.”

✧Clickherefor part two✧

Tengen Uzui Summer Headcanons


Series Masterlist

Tengen our flamboyant boy with three wives

  • He absolutely has a pool with a bar cause we know that he definitely has money and a big house
  • So with that he has a
  • POOL PARTY with the other Hashira of course
  • Sometimes other people too
  • He goes all out for these
  • Everyone is looking their best
  • His wives are for sure helping to prepare everything and he’s also helping of course
  • If you are good at cooking or just like to cook then you’ll be on snack duty
  • He also uses the barbeque at his parties
  • Will for sure throw you into the pool if you ask him to

Sanemi, Tengen, and Rengoku compete in who mows their lawn better

  • And who can mow the longest
  • And how many they can do it for

Both Kyojuro and Tengen wear Cowboy hats while they do hard labor like fixing stuff or renovating the deck in the summer

  • So does Senjuro

Tengen likes to sleep naked in the summer

  • Same with his wives
  • But only if your comfortable with that in the summer

He has a very open house so lots of big windows of course curtains

Summer home around a beach as well as his main house with the pool

Tengen and his wives and of course you if you would like to join them

  • They tan in a line on the beach
  • All five of you lay in a line then eventually Tengen drags you all into the water

I desperately want to marry Uzui Tengen right here, right now. And play with his hair.


That’s what I want.


building a monster energy gun with tengen (GONE WRONG!!)

tengen x fem reader smut (pic creds to @/ringorenji88 on twt)

synopsis: just another tengen x reader except he’s a quirky art kid and you help him build a monster energy gun but of course this mess wouldn’t be complete without it becoming anti-child friendly, now would it?
word count:6.5k
tags/warnings: modern+college au, crack+smut treated seriously, squirting, cervix fucking, rough oral and rough sex, say goodbye to your walking abilities, #AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES
notes:i want tengen as a discord mod to throw a monster energy can at me. that’s all.

Keep reading

Holly molly tengen

A/N- I hoped everyone liked this series!

Part One|Part Two | Part Three

Gender: Gender Neutral Reader

Warnings: yandere, stalking, kidnapping, murder, obsession, manipulation, gaslighting, and more

Characters: Mitsuri Kanroji, Uzui Tengen, and Shinobu Kocho

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YANDERE MITSURI is a clingy and a harmless yandere, she is happy if you are happy and that’s what matters to her. Though she is hurt when you express to her that you are in relationship with a person, but she loves to see you smile and squeal with happiness. Still a little part of her hopes in the end you’ll choose her.

YANDERE MITSURI is like your best friend, you can tell her anything…but she’ll use that to get what she wants—like blackmail. If you refuse to cuddle her or show her attention, she’ll will “playful” say she’ll tell your crush that you like them. Sometimes that stuff turns into an argument, like her using your most sensitive and hurtful secrets to get at you. In the end she’ll apologize and make it up to you to see your smile again. She hates arguments but sometimes causes them without thinking.

YANDERE MITSURI wouldn’t dispose of anyone, like I said if that person makes you happy then so be it. But… If that person is being harmful then maybe she’ll get someone to do it for her [*cough* *cough* Obanai].

YANDERE MITSURI wouldn’t also kidnap you for the same reason, she would hate to see those bright eyes dull into sorrow. At most with her clinginess, it would feel like she is with you 24/7 and almost like she lives with you.

YANDERE MITSURI = no punishments. Punishments = you not being happy. If you wanted to distance yourself from her, then she’ll let you if it makes you HAPPY, but though I can see her turning into a stalker and leaving you litte notes or gifts.

YANDERE TENGEN is a fanatical and a possessive yandere, he is also bit of a self-indulgent yandere but just little. When this man spotted your flamboyant self, he is already at your feet begging for you to marry him. Claiming he is the god of festivals and listing the benefits of being married to him.

YANDERE TENGEN is a package deal! Not only do you get Tengen, you get his wives ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). It’s a team goal to make sure you are protected and loved—it like an orgy party of yanderes [LMAO]. Tengen is yandere for all his wives, but more with you.

YANDERE TENGEN would certainly abduct you, he is just taking what is his [and his wives]. After sometime of you rejecting them, they’ll take desperate measures and kidnap you. Ignoring your screams and cries until y'all reach his estate, that’s when they smoother you with affection and cooing soothing words.

YANDERE TENGEN and his wives would get rid of anyone who would get in the way of being with you and obviously a person who is a potential threat to you—they’ll take no chances you getting injured.

YANDERE TENGEN would allow you to go out to the village WITH the supervision of his and your now wives. If you start to behave badly, like throwing a tantrum or trying to escape, he is quick to snatch that freedom from you.

YANDERE TENGEN would punish you. He would break your leg/s if you tried to escape or maybe cut ya tongue if you continuously insult them, though he has to be feed up with you in order for him to do something that serious. Sometimes it just blows him away on how horrible you act towards them sometimes;they spoil you with gifts, affection [sexual or not], food…whatever your heart desired.

YANDERE SHINOBU is manipulative and isolating yandere. She’ll manipulate you into believing that she is the only one that loves you, using tactics to make you stay with only her and only loving her.

YANDERE SHINOBU would murder someone for you, she knows how to kill someone with people not thinking it’s her. She’ll poison one of your friends and when you find them slumped on the ground and barely breathing, you cry for her to help them. She will agree and ask you to leave so she can sit there and watch them gasp for air, then “sadly” break the news to you that your friend had died.

YANDERE SHINOBU as well would manipulate you into believing you are sick or hurt, so she can keep you high and dependent on her. She has a room in her estate dedicated to you, were she keeps you hidden from the world.

YANDERE SHINOBU wouldn’t necessary kidnap, more like take you at your most vulnerable times. If on a mission you get injured, Shinobu is there to drag you to her estate and take care of you. In actuality she is gonna keep you until she has you tamed and has you wrapped around her finger, you will never leave her.

YANDERE SHINOBU would poison you, not enough to kill you but make you sick, if you tried to escape. When you get up and try to leave, your now weak legs would cause you to fall to the ground and she’ll be there to catch you and tell you she told you so. “See my little butterfly, you’re too sick. I’m the only one who will take care of you!”

She had told everyone that you had died, they had fake funeral and all for you. She believes if you went back out into the world and figured it out, it’ll be too overwhelming for you. Why not stay somewhere you are feed, cared, and loved? Everyone in her estate knows you are there and is willing to keep you protected and a secret, it’s useless to run to them and rat on Shinobu—they’ll do nothing but tell Shinobu about your pleads for help.
