#v aftermath




“Don’t worry, most people don’t realise there actually is one,” she responded, moving out of his way so that he could turn and following him up towards the ramp. “It’s not exactly well-advertised.

“And I’m not on them often, but when I am it’s usually for sprains.” She gave a small shrug. “My ankles are weaker than they should be. I should be strengthening the muscles there regularly, but between my morning runs and dance workouts I don’t have the time to focus on my ankles. Which is bad. I need to fix that, really.” She winced.

“Ugh, I’ve been there. Actually taking care of your muscles between practice and working out is a nightmare,” Andrew remarked, reaching for the disabled acces button by the door. “You dance regularly then? Or is that what you’re studying?” 


“Getting milk,” he replied simply, with a little shrug. “At least, I’m on my way to get it. Visiting family for the holidays and my kid needs his bedtime cocoa from Grandma or he’s gonna cry himself to sleep and feel sick and tired come morning.” He shrugged a little.


“A dad’s gotta do what a dad’s gotta do.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And you?”

Sofia holds up her shopping bag. “Getting snacks,” she said, smiling faintly. “My partner’s having a rough night, so I’m stopping by. It’s kind of the only way I can help right now.” 

“How old is your kid?” she asked, admitting curiosity. She had always had a soft spot for little ones. 


“Bitch really had nothing better to do with her life except stick her bigass nose into someone else’s business.” Rosie took a sip of her own iced tea.


“Why did that cow think it was her business anyway? Last I heard, her bitchass self couldn’t even hold down a guy.”

“Exactly!” Josie said with a laugh. “Who cares which guy’s girls I hook up with? Bitch needs to hold onto a man to be in danger.” 

“Oh well, guess we’ll see if she learns that lesson, ey?” 




“With all her talk you’d think she’d at least’ve put up a fight,” Josie said with a laugh. “And here I was hoping for a scrap, bitch went down like a lead balloon!” 


“As if she’d dare to put up a fight. She’d have risked breaking a nail, to be honest.” Rosie snorted. “If she had, bitch had it coming anyway.”

Josie took a sip of her iced coffee, smirking. Rosie always just got her. Everyone deserved a hype-girl like her. 

“If the bitch had broken my nails, I’d have broken more than her nose! Serves her right for talking shit about someone else’s business.” 
