#val and irenar were also there


Summary of events as I remembered them what will be yesterday post session
The party ran into the rich guy we were supposed to take care of. Leona decided drawing her sword and saying “I want your head” in broad daylight at the entrance to the town was a good idea. She got laughed at.

We ended up finding the house of Rich Guy (Named Howard for future reference) after a baker pointed it out. The party started arguing on how to do that, and Kobold got distracted from that and decided to sneak into the house and wait for Howard to arrive. He got a nat 20, which combined with his stupidly high stealth bonus meant he basically vanished instantly to the rest of the party with that stealth roll.

He finds that the house is staffed exclusively by weird scaly constructs with many limbs and no faces, wanders into the bedroom, and hides under the bed for 2 hours waiting for Howard to show up. He does, and starts talking about the demands being placed on him by some other person, and then an hour later falls asleep. Kobold goes to stab him, but is interrupted by a brief “should I REALLY kill this guy?” before he remembers Howard isn’t being forced into this job, he could stop working for mysterious scam ring leader at any time as far as he’s aware, and decides to stab him in the throat. Luckily, him being unconscious and prone qualifies this attack as a Coup De Gras, which allows him to bypass both a roll to hit, and the 4-6 nat ones (don’t remember the exact number) I rolled for the damage portion of the roll. He instantly hears an unknown obnoxious sound.

Kobold briefly considers using the window to escape, before realizing he’d probably die from the second story fall, on account of being very small, but not small enough to have a terminal velocity low enough that he’d be okay, so he leaves the way he came, finding that all the constructs have just… stopped…
