#not a meme



Reblog this 

if you think OC muses should be treated with the same respect as canons. 

// Absolutely!

Btw, just wanted everyone to know that all three of my RP blogs are for OCs :3

When you’ve written replies to so many fluffy threads and you finally get to replying to the darker thread you have

Hey guys. Quick reminder that this blog does NOT under any circumstance accept smutty RP meme requests. Please do not submit anything of that sort in, or I am afraid I will have to start blocking people.


meant to post this a bit ago, but pain’s pretty bad today, so just gonna be lurking and rebalging memes ive made before. 

Day 4 of being bedridden bc of chronic illness flare-ups, thank you, body. So, super exhausted and not up for doing a whole lot here, but will be lurking over on my icons blog where I’ve been spending a good bit of time lately @rpiconsgalore. Poke me over there if you need me, I’ll be around ish for the night.

i vacuumed today.

I know that might not seem like a big deal to most people, but my brand of ptsd means that loud noises tend to send me into a severe panic attack. The last time I tried to vacuum, I only got about 3 seconds into the chore and had to stop because I was shaking so bad and freezing up to the point I could barely move. Today, I vacuumed the entire living room.

Wanted to share this… both because I’m proud of myself, but also because I wanted to offer hope out there to everyone else who’s struggling with triggers right now. It’s okay to go and heal at your own pace. Just don’t give up. You will be able to overpower the fear, ‘cause you’re a badass. Don’t forget that. ❤️


if you like the work i do here, and across my blogs, consider sending me a little tip?  even a dollar or two helps immensely, and helps support me.   of course, only do it if you want to / are able to!   a link to my ko-fi here



Medusa was kinda problematic  :/

She objectified a lot of people 


Zeus saved me from some bad guys, but only on the condition that I married him, which I did. We were also wearing the kind of clothing you’d see in a movie like The Ten Commandments for some reason.

This is very in character for Zeus.



I hate it when I talk wistfully about the ancient world and then people are like “you wouldn’t survive back then” yeah obviously I would die immediately but do you think achilles would be able to survive in the modern world if he had to send one polite email? no

congrats to these people on being funnier than me on my own fucking post




thinkin about that one guy who ran into Artemis out in the forest and she just turn him into a girl so she could join the hunt

transition speedrun strategy

Not sure that’s how things happened, but I approve of this alternate ending.


if i was sisyphus id eat a bit of dirt off the slope every time on my way up until the slope is no longer steep enough for the boulder to roll down. it would be end of suffering in 47 days




Come on founder/king of Athens, aren’t u gonna slay the Bull of Minos or not?






todays straight character of the day is:nobody

I’m calling bullshit Odysseus is clearly bisexual

This is a quality joke
