

Been thinkin’ bout vamparigo…

Vamparian is such a brat…

Vamparian: [gently bites Hugo’s arm] 

 Hugo: Awww… he’s showing affection–



Hugo living with Vamparian and RUDDI so he always has bite marks on him… people are like “I see u get out often ;;;;;;)” and he’s like “no I just live with a deranged vampire and a rabid raccoon” “What?” “What?”

Also Varian doesn’t really draw his blood without permission because it can be very draining for a person,, he just likes biting for fun!  HE DOES IT TO BE A DICK TOO… Vampires can lick wounds and it instantly seals them so he always does that just to be sure he doesn’t die or anything from blood loss incase he accidentally hit a vein.. he just likes watching Hugo screech…

wanna make a 7k Halloween piece later but until then vamparian doodles
