#vampire akkox mls diana


A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @tracedinairlwa who really reallywanted to see Akko suffer. Also thank you to everyone who really seem to like this dumbass concept! Wahaha :’> Have a cheeky, tired Diana. Exhaustion do be making people act weird. Sorry if it feels OOC ;-;. Sorry if it- idk. It’s just me writing diakko being dumb flirty lovers.


~Shintori Khazumi

A Bloody Relationship Chapter 2: Feeding Time

“… Why are you curled up on the floor like that?” Diana asked skeptically, gazing upon her lover and wondering what she had done thistime.

“…Your reaction is so weak. Is that it? After seeing your girlfriend huddled in pain like this?” Akko groaned, rubbing her side with a pale hand. “Can’t you at least be like… ‘Wah! Akko! Are you okay?! What’s wrong, sweetheart?!’ -Or something along those lines?” She complained, mimicking Diana’s usual accent and tone of voice with that tiny hint of bitterness from how she was feeling and how Diana was reacting to her current situation.

Diana sighed at the childish, and somewhat worrisome display. Sure, maybe she was responding halfheartedly, and yes, Akko did look like she was in a lot of pain. However, Diana would like to think that she’d known Akko enough to be able to distinguish when the vampire was in any form of serious danger, and when things were just the foolish consequences of her own actions.

“What did you do?” She asked, crossing her arms as she squatted down beside Akko.

“Why do you say that as if you think this is myfault?”

Because I do.’ Diana’s deadpanned gaze and raised brows were all Akko needed to see to actually ‘hear’ Diana’s response in her head.


“Did you try to wear my jewelry again?” Diana started to list all the usual possibilities off, too tired-again-to entertain Akko’s shenanigans. Again.

“What- no! That stuff burns!” She replied.

“So does the sun. Did Amanda ask you to go jogging with her this afternoon then?”

“Huh? No!”

“Did Lotte insist you bath with the shower? Did you start smelling?”

“What? No!” Akko exclaimed horrified. “D-do I ever?”

“I guess not.” Diana shrugged, before looking very serious.

Somehow, Akko knew she was anything BUT that at the moment.



“Diana, whatever you’re thinking, I don’t think it’s that.”

“Did Sucy ask you to read her Bible-”


And Diana finally cracked, breaking into a grin as she giggled, raising her hands in surrender.

“I knew you were shitting with me. Fine, Fine! Take your stress out on me!” Akko moaned with a pout, rolling onto her back, limbs splayed out as she exposed her stomach to Diana who gently reached down to rub it.

Already, Akko was starting to feel better as she sighed in contentment.

Thank youuuu.” She purred, taking Diana’s free hand to place a soft kiss to her palm in gratitude.

“You’re very welcome, dear.” Diana chuckled, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on Akko’s stomach.

They sat in the quiet of their living room, the afternoon birds providing them soft background music as they lived in that one moment of peace and rest.

“So was it Ramen or Garlic bread?”

Sometimes, Akko wasn’t quite the one who broke said peace.

“…garlic bread.”





“You should have left some for me.” Diana said, pinching Akko’s side enviously.


“Huuuhhh?? You know I don’t like it cold!” Diana whined, laying herself over Akko’s stomach.

TOAST IT, woman!” Akko complained back. “At least I left you some!”

“When you put things like that in the refrigerator, the texture becomes strange, even after toasting!” Diana frowned, shifting herself so she now lay parallel atop Akko, chin resting on Akko’s chest. “Where did you get it?”

“You’re really gonna buy a new loaf? Just because you don’t like the texture?”

“Yes.” Diana’s response was so quick, Akko rolled her eyes.

“You can be oddly petty.”

“Says you.”

“Says me, indeed.” Akko stuck her tongue out at Diana, only for the woman to do so back. “Oh my gosh. The esteemedDiana Cavendish just poked her tongue out childishly, towards the innocent, pained me. Dear Lord, this child was raised without manners!” Akko mocked.

Diana slapped Akko’s cheeks lightly, pressing them together as she frowned at the teasing.

Akko’s eyes shone with mischief, daring Diana to release her so she could make some other foolish comment.

Diana hated that she was curious.

“Stick your tongue out again.”

“So that you can make fun of me? No, thank you.” Diana huffed, turning her head away and pressing her ear to Akko’s chest instead, searching for a non-existent heartbeat.

“Oh come on, please? It’ll be quick. I swear I won’t do it to tease you.”

Diana shifted her head, looking into Akko’s eyes, searching for any trickery in them. Upon finding none, she relented with a nod, hesitantly allowing her tongue to peek out from between her lips-

Only for it to be taken between Akko’s as the girl initiated a rather deep kiss, wrapping her arms around Diana’s slim waist and pulling her closer.

Diana felt the corners of her mouth tip up into a smile as she pressed back, allowing her tongue to explore Akko’s mouth, carefully swiping over her sharp fangs and feeling a tingle of pleasure run down her spine at the sensation.

Akko bit on her lower lip lightly, teasing with those same fangs, making Diana wonder if she’d go so far as to puncture them- actually, low-key wanting Akko to, she shamefully acknowledged.

She made a disappointed noise when it didn’t happen, and she pinched Akko’s arm when the girl laughed into the kiss knowingly.

Running her tongue along the roof of Akko’s mouth, she internally grinned in triumph at the moan she was able to coax out. Her hands began to run along the curve of Akko’s neck, drawing random shapes down to her collarbone.

Diana’s breath hitched when she felt a finger slip under her blouse, immediately pulling away as she swatted Akko’s hands off, and sat up to recover all the air she’d lost in those few moments.

Akko grinned at her, not at all breathless. Diana was a little bitter about that fact, frowning at Akko’s easygoing demeanor after what she considered an intense session.

“I have school tomorrow.”

“No, you don’t.” Akko grinned wider. “You gave me a copy of your schedule, right?”

Diana huffed, annoyed at her smugness. “Then what about your upset stomach?”

“Hmm?” Akko tilted her head, pretending not to know anything. “Oh, this little thing?” She asked, pointing to her belly. “Psh, all better.” She waved the issue away with her hand. “Definitely better… especially after that.” She murmured, eyes lidded and voice dropping low.

Diana felt her face flush, suddenly unable to look Akko in the eye.

“Y-You… is it… feeding time?”


Diana caught Akko blinking dumbly, before she burst into a fit of giggles.

“Crap, ahahahaha, okay. Okay, that was awkward and endearing as hell. Hahahahaha!” Akko wiped a tear from her eye, as Diana continued to grumble embarrassedly.

“You don’t have to laugh so hard.”

Akko calmed down, sitting up as she embraced Diana gently, before quickly picking her up bridal style, and marched in the direction of the bedroom.

“A-Akko?!” Diana’s flustered voice cracked, and once more, Akko laughed at her adorable girlfriend’s expense, planting a gentle kiss on her nose, before cheekily stating the obvious.

“Yes, love.

It’s feeding time.”
