
We saw a fully grown adder just starting to emerge for the spring. A fairly rare sighting, this is t

We saw a fully grown adder just starting to emerge for the spring. A fairly rare sighting, this is the UK’s only venomous snake. It was very cold and probably wondering what had happened to the lovely sunshine it had had yesterday…as were we!

#adder #snake #snakes #venomoussnake #uksnakes #raresnakes #britishwildlife

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Gaboon Vipers (Bitis gabonica) may be deadly, but they sure are cute also! Credit: Shannon Culp gabo
Gaboon Vipers (Bitis gabonica) may be deadly, but they sure are cute also!

Credit: Shannon Culp

gabonica s s idae s snake reptile pets lovers etology s
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Vogel’s pit viper (Trimeresurus vogeli) feeding closeup. Credit: Julian Clare‎ > For more pics, v

Vogel’s pit viper (Trimeresurus vogeli) feeding closeup.

Credit: Julian Clare‎

> For more pics, videos & articles visit: herpkeepers.com

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Amazing leucistic monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia) Credit: Christian Hassmann > For more pics, vide

Amazing leucistic monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia)

Credit: Christian Hassmann

> For more pics, videos & articles visit: herpkeepers.com

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Amazing close up of a Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros). Credit: ‎Cody Conway‎ > For more pics, vid

Amazing close up of a Gaboon viper (Bitis rhinoceros).

Credit: ‎Cody Conway‎

> For more pics, videos & articles visit: herpkeepers.com

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Beautiful common adder (Vipera berus nikolskii). Credit: Serban Gabriel > For more pics, videos &

Beautiful common adder (Vipera berus nikolskii).

Credit: Serban Gabriel

> For more pics, videos & articles visit: herpkeepers.com

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