#venus conjunct pluto


December Astro Forecast

Happy Sagittarius season, Stargazers! We’re only 29 days from the start of the new year and the energy of Jupiter/Saturn’s run through the zodiac will be a doozy. You might already be feeling the effects with the eclipse energy permeating the skies. So without further ado, let’s take a look at what these next few weeks have in store for us.

December 1st — Moon Enters Scorpio and Neptune Goes Direct

Now, when Neptune’s Retrograde, this causes veils to be lifted and a few unsavory reality checks to hit you. So, during the time he was retrograde, things like the sleeping state/somnia cycles, altered states of mind including but not limited to: being high, drinking, catatonia, etc. Were all things many of us might’ve been struggling with. When he’s asleep those monsters under your bed come out to play. However, now that Poseidon’s clocked back in again, we may be able to catch those precious Z’s we’ve been missing out on. Temperance and moderation regarding spirits [libations not entities, lol] could be more in check for you, and synchronicities from the universe could be harassing you incessantly now. Don’t be surprised if soulmate stuff [including your friends] come about now that Neptune’s energy is back to normal.

December 4th — Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This shit right here. Right here this shit. This behemoth celestial occurrence has probably been running roughshod over you all already. Collectively, we’re likely feeling tired, dehydrated, moody, and this weird little thing with your libido might be overactive. More than a few of you might’ve noticed tensions high at work, customers or clients sounding agitated or patience running thin. Don’t try to run from it and you’re certainly not alone. Just remember you are still in control of your decisions and how you respond to what comes at you. Everything is a choice and Sag/Jupiter is the ruler of wisdom. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of what’s naturally available to us during this time. In addition, don’t be afraid to open yourself up to things you might’ve written off. Might be a good time to respond to that guy/girl you left on “read” in your DM’s or take that staycation/vacation you’ve been putting off.

December 12th — 12/12 Portal

Another portal opening. This gateway will open up a much needed cleansing of old ways. A time for letting go and sacrifice. In tarot, the number 12 is the card of the Hanged Man who represents letting go and release. You’ll find that this day is pretty much a magnet for manifesting. Lots of luck here.

December 13th — Mars Enters Sagittarius

Mars enters the jolly but philosophical sign of the Archer for the next six weeks. Get ready to get a cosmic injection of thrills and ragers. Seriously, Mars in this sign is what Dreamworks action/adventure films are made of. You might find yourself fueled by wanderlust and passion. You might even download Duo-Lingo and try your hand at that foreign language you’ve always wanted to learn. Just be mindful not to be too impulsive. As Mars is a fire planet and Sag is a fire sign, our drive might burn to strong to quickly. Use Jupiter’s wisdom to think before you act. 

December 18th — Full Moon in Gemini 

Gemini energy ruling the moon here means you might find your mental faculties going a mile a minute. Everything will interest you and everyone will be a source of curiosity. Very friendly/social energy. Since Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, you’ll intellectualize your emotions today and everything will be quite cerebral. You might even find you’re a chatty Cathy. Just don’t dry snitch on yourself. Not everyone needs to know your business. Those of you who practice/who plan on doing full moon rituals might find that spells regarding the mind or just increasing cleverness might be ideal during this time. In addition, those of you who may have natal placements in Gemini, pay attention- you might find this energy quite potent that day.

December 19th — Venus Retrograde in Capricorn and Chiron Direct

Venus takes a sabbatical in the Earthy and Saturnian sign of the seagoat. During this time, you’ll find that there will be a bit of internalization of everything the planet stands for. Themes tend to play out inwardly and affect psychological states. Therefore, expect matters related to the five senses, financial and material possessions, love, fertility in the literal and figurative senses, harmony and justice, aesthetics, relationships, and negotiations to be at the core of your thoughts. However, this is also a time to use discernment [which may be easier since Saturn is all about rationalization as apposed to emotion]. Sense and sensibility. Now is the time to set healthy boundaries with the people you love. It’s okay to say “No."  It might be a challenging time for relationships but you are not responsible for other people’s feelings or their happiness. Now, this is not a free pass to be cruel but if you are labeled a “bitch” for sticking up for yourself and your mental health, so be it. Be a bitch. Do what you want. You’ll get more respect but laying down the law and taking care of you.

December 21st — Winter Solstice [Sun in Capricorn]

Blessed Yule to those who celebrate! Solstice is a time when the sun rises on the exact same latitudinal (declinations) degree. So this is the only time of the year that the sun actually stops it’s movement northward and or southward in our sky. It makes sense that time is literally stopped when Father time, AKA, Saturn starts running the show. Make that wishlist for 2022 because Father Karma will be blessing us with what we discipline ourselves with/focus on moving forward. The work we’ve done or have been doing we’ll be reaping the rewards for. In addition, what you haven’t been taking care of or what you’ve neglected might catch up to you so take care to tighten up wherever you’ve been slacking. Huge activations in consciousness. Turn your focus towards our long term goals, career, public image and prestige. 10th House things, which Saturn/Cap rule.

December 23rd — Saturn Square’s Uranus

This time brings restrictive change or unexpected changes. Can be a frustrating time when these two outer planets are at odds. Stay open minded. Stay patient and flexible, what may seem like a challenge at first might actually be an opportunity cloaked as a ‘headache’. Use this time to rid yourself of things that are limiting you in life. Delete those numbers. Mute/block/restrict/unfollow whoever you have to. You may also realize what bad habits or outdated belief systems are blocking your forward progression. Don’t force change- just try to adapt. This time in particular isn’t the time to overreact to or resist things that come at you. Creativity may also feel blocked at this time so utilize a well-thought out, methodical and calculated approach to things.

December 25th — Venus Conjunct Pluto

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! During what should be a merry time, we have Venus retrograde in Capricorn conjuncting transformative Pluto for the third and final time [there will also be a conjunction between these two planets on Dec 3rd and 11th.] Those of you with this natal placement might know exactly what to expect >:). For the rest of you, expect intense and obsessive feelings to come to the forefront, especially in matters regarding love. There can be a strong boost in the sex drive but some clinginess and possessiveness as well coming from or being projected onto you. Exes may come back confessing their wrongs or an old flame who may not have graduated to significant other may contact you for some cold hard lovin’. Choice is yours.

 December 28th — Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in it’s home sign of Pisces [Yes, I said that right- Jupiter is the ancient ruler of the fishes] will bring good luck and opportunities through creativity, intuition and compassionate energy. Random acts of charity could come back to you ten-fold. Pay it forward at the coffee shop or give that homeless man on the turnpike the other-half of your sandwich. ‘Tis the season, you know? Idealism, and tenderness will be rewarded richly. Plus, Altruism is good for the complexion ;).

December 30th — Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Time for deep talks. Those topics you’d never though you’d be able to discuss with anyone. Serious topics while at the same time getting to the bottom of what really fuels you and what your goals are. Why you’re ambitious about what you’re ambitious about and all that that implies. This is also a good time for detective work as these two planets fusing together energetically are the stalker investigative placement, lol. Just be curious, not invasive ;).

Venus-Pluto natal, synastry, composite

If he loves you, he loves you not

Be the one to leave him, baby don′t get caught

If he loves you, set your heart on fire

I hate to be the one to tell you he′s a liar

If he loves you

he loves you not
