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Astro Musing No. 12

Those With Jupiter in Their 10th House

 enjoy lots of luck at work. They can find themselves quite fortunate when it comes to finding a job, making connections, or even just getting recognition at in their careers without having to try too hard. They achieve fame or there’s at least tremendous potential for the former [the sign Jupiter is in will indicate what this fame might manifest as]. Moreover, people will just know things about these natives. The downside of this is that, because of their larger-than-life persona, they can attract nosey types. Like a celebrity, they might find their personal life the topic of gossip. Better thicken up that skin and be prepared for haters to hate.

A Man’s Lilith

not only shows who he is secretly attracted to, but if heterosexual, the type of woman he views as his rival equal. The less secure types might treat this woman off that bat in a guarded and even hostile manner. He fears she will “eat” him. Black widow style. Still, often he will find himself having an insatiable sexual desire for her. She’s everything he feels he shouldn’t have. Forbidden fruit in the truest sense of the word.

Expounding on Lilith: in synastry, if a man’s Lilith is in your 12th and Venus or Mars are involved, it can indicate that he wishes to have secret affair. You might turn him on sexually and he can think of doing unspeakable [12th house] things to you. All his repressed desires [Lilith] are sort of projected onto you. Think “secret pornos in the basement or attic”.

1st House Ruler

conjunct midheaven/ in the 10th can make one hyper career focused. The ones who work through holidays. Being the corporate “big wig”. However, if squaring the sun, it can indicate authority issues or even “imposter syndrome”. Like who you want the world [MC] to see you as [1st house/rising] is at odds [square] with your real identity [Sun].

9/10, someone with Saturn on the Nadir

will have had a strict upbringing or an upbringing where they were forced into a mindset or lifestyle they may not necessarily see as true to their path.

Chiron in the 4th involved pain surrounding the home life or family. However, since this is Chiron, if the native plans on becoming a parent themselves, this is where they can heal themselves and even break generational curses. Often they make the best parents because they go out of their way to avoid causing their offspring the same pain they’ve gone through.

Chiron in the 9th struggle with their faith. They may constantly ask themselves the age old question “what is the meaning of life?”. Things get very philosophical/existential with this placement.

Chiron in the 10th have perfectionists tendencies. Yes, even more than Virgo. This is because the wound is about “recognition” . If they are not the best/ the most disciplined/or the most hard working they can beat themselves up.

If You Have 12th House Placements Or Mars in the 8th in Your Solar Return Chart

Don’t fret. This doesn’t mean that you’re marked for death or anything horrific. It typically means that during that time, you may be incredibly insular as opposed to other years. Mars in the 12th might mean that your drive is a bit stifled that year. You may find yourself a homebody. Perhaps you’re not exercising. Maybe you’re working remotely or your sex life is more in your fantasies than happening in real life. Venus in the 12th in the solar return can indicate you might have an affair that year. You may even deal with some self-worth issues or maybe you’re keeping a lover a secret. Speaking of the 12th, a Pisces rising in your solar return might mean you could be very sensitive that year or idealistic. Careful to set boundaries for yourself. You might find that you’re giving others too much of yourself and feel a bit like a martyr. 

Moon in the 8th or 12th but harshly aspected might mean the native may deal with heavier emotional or mental health issues that year. Seeking counseling and more treatment are remedies they should look into [being pre-emptive]. Mars in the 8th in the solar return might mean you’ll be more sexually active that year. All that being said, It’s VITAL: to look at progressions, transits, as well as the return regarding predictive astrology. Otherwise, you could make yourself shook for no reason.

8 Degree Planets in Astrology

Aren’t necessarily bad. In reality, astrological symbols, as well as degrees, are neutral. The reason it brings apprehension to those who incorporate ‘degree astrology’ into their study is because the 8th degree is seen through Scorpio energy. 8= 8th house [death, taxes, karma, etc.] This means that there are potential lessons, karmic lessons the degree will bring into your life and hopefully the ones you are ready to heal. You will be transformed with planets at that placement and will feel their energy very strongly. But by no means is it all doom, gloom, and cataclysm. 

Mercury in Aries like when others get straight to the point. Long Winded lectures, classes, sermons or just basic conversations irritate them. They prefer you jump to the punchline.

Similarly, Mars in Virgo, as detail oriented as this mutable Mars is, can be very short with explanations. They’d prefer to say it just once and hate repeating themselves.

Jupiter in Aries

enjoy learning on their own. They prefer to work independently. They’re most likely the kid who tells their parents “Mom or Dad! I can do it myself!”

Jupiter in the 4th or Mercury in the 4th can indicate people who were homeschooled while Sagittarius 5th houses or 4th house Sagittarians are the people who traveled a lot when they were younger. Parents maybe had jobs that made the family move around a lot. Mom or dad had nomadic vibes or they might’ve been “missionary” kids [Jupiter/Sagittarius rules religion/higher mind, travel and philosophy. ] I often find that natives with this aspect even have families from multiple backgrounds. Lots of 3rd culture kids, etc. Jupiter also rules abundance so many with this placement can also have very large families or produce lots of offspring themselves. These are the families with double digits. On both sides.

Mars or Jupiter in the 5th often indicates a person who has a lot of sex. They aren’t typically traditional with their methods which means there doesn’t always need to be a ring involved. In layman’s terms? Here you find the “players” lol. Doesn’t matter which sex.

Virgo placements typically excel in Careers focused on logistics. So taking a filing entry job or working in customs which requires data logging as well as meticulous attention to law and code might be their Forte.

Moon in Aquarius

rarely chase friendships. Though the sign rules the 11th, ironically these natives just don’t have the same desire as everyone else to form these tight bonds. Another manifestation of this placement is the type of person to have a friendship/relationship end and not really bat an eye. Very easy for them to cut people off at the drop of a hat if they feel the other person is fucking up their Feng shui. It’s because of the detached and unpredictable nature of Uranus that keeps their emotional center very “no strings attached.”

Speaking of Moving On. Those with Leo Stelliums

[especially involving Venus] are famous for moving on extremely fast. Though the sign is fixed, it’s also a fire sign. Verrrry rare for them to stay pining forever. So don’t think you’re ever gonna catch these natives simpin’ on you for long. In addition a Leo stelliums kryptonite is lack of attention/being ignored. They’ll do everything in their power to avoid it. Here you’ll find the serial are daters. The ones who always has a significant other.

Most Competitive Placements Are

  • Sun in the 5th
  • Sun in the 1st
  • Aries Mars
  • Taurus Sun
  • Aries moons
  • Leo suns
  • Mars in the 1st
  • Mars In the 6th [sport and drive are part of their daily routine]
  • Leo Mars
  • Taurus Mars [especially in the 10th- competitive at work]
  • Scorpio Mars’
  • Capricorn Sun [goats like to climb]
  • Capricorn Mars
  • Capricorn Risings
  • Scorpio Suns
  • Sun conjunct/square/opposite Mars
  • Mars in 10th
  • Mars as the most elevated planet
  • Sun as the most elevated planet

Now, the aforementioned are typically “physically” competitive as well as professionally. However, when speaking of mentally competitive you’re wanting to look at :

  • Mercury in the 5th
  • Mercury in the 1st
  • Gemini Mars
  • Mercury in Gemini
  • Mercury in Scorpio
  • Mercury in Aquarius [these ones especially love a good opinionated debate]
  • Aquarius Sun’s
  • Virgo Mars [they will often cut you with critique and poke holes in your arguments for fun.]
  • Gemini 3rd housers
  • Mercury in Aries [these might not back their arguments up with fully researched empirical data, but they’ll make damn sure they have the last word.]
  • Mercury conjunct/trine/squaring Pluto [will be the ones to “mind fuck” you. Play very intelligent psychological games. In their more twisted state, think “John Kramer A.K.A Jigsaw,Hannibal Lecter, or even Light Yagami From Death Note.]

Virgo Ruling the 2nd house can make a native a good food critique or a food critique or a food critic. This is because the 2nd house has to do with the throat and is rolled by Venus which rules Food and luxury. They could make good money taking up a career in this or even writing a cookbook. In fact, many food bloggers have this placement.

Mars [war] in the 11th [friendship] will be the types to fight for their friends. Not in a figurative sense- they will literally throw bows for you. Help you fight your bully. Same with those with Mars ruling the 11th.

Speaking of what people will do for their fiends, 3rd house Capricorns, 11th and 12th house Plutonians as well as 8th house Mercurians are the best secret keepers. Don’t have to worry about these natives "snitching” on you. Pluto rules the depths and things that are hidden and 12th house is the house of secrets. Capricorn is earth and typically only speak when absolutely necessary. They are also very measured [Saturn/regiment] with their communication. So often, they are hard pressed to let things “slip”. If you commit a crime and they’re asked to testify on the stand? Consider yourself exonerated.

Gemini 4th house

can indicate a family where twins [fraternal or identical] run rampant.

Mercury in Sagittarius and Sagittarius moons

curse quite often. Nessus in the 3rd might enjoy profane use of language as well.

Your Music Tastes

can often be found by looking at:

  • 1st house [the head, what goes in the ears]
  • Your Mercury
  • Your Mars [drive]
  • Your 12th House [Neptune/art music]
  • Your Venus {what you appreciate/art]
  • 2nd house [of values]
  • 3rd House [of communication]

For example, I’ve noticed many with Aries/Mars/Scorpio dominant [on any of the aforementioned placements] enjoy rock/metal/rap. Saturnian doms lovethem some heavy metal. While those with Gemini or mutable placements can adapt to all kinds of music and have playlists that are quite eclectic. That’s why people like Kanye west [Mutable air] get people from all different walks of life to feature in his music I.E. Bon Iver, 30 seconds to Mars, Marilyn Manson. His Best friend turned rival, Rapper Jay-Z is a mutable Sag and worked with alternative rock band Linkin Park on a best selling collaboration tour. [Check overlays in synastry and composite to see how your tastes relate to someone else’s].

Your 12th House Can be Like a Reverse Mirror of Erised.

Especially if afflicted, will illustrate the kind of nightmares you have. [Pay attention to hard transits as well]. If in the sign of Cancer- losing family [think Molly Weasley’s Boggart]. Pluto here can be the worst especially I’ll aspected. All kinds of creatures can appear. Aries/Mars here, your dreams may often contain blood or broken bones. Pisces can equal water or nightmares can involve water/drowning. Libra, it can involve love or being betrayed by a lover. Taurus can involve finances/losing wealth. Insomnia can be found here if the with is full or if Mercury/moon live here.

Speaking of the 12th

Wherever Neptune is…

can show you what you daydream about/your wishes. In the 2nd you can daydream about what you would/could do with a lot of money. Neptune in the 9th means you dream about places you’ll travel. In the 6th, the “perfect” body. In the 8th, wishing for the sweet release of death [I know it got kinda dark there, but gotta keep it real], The 1st, wishing people would understand you or just wishing you could understand yourself better. Neptune in the 7th, the dream relationship. Neptune in the 4th, the “perfect” family, etc.

Mars in Virgo or Venus in Virgo are usually attracted to “model” types. They are attracted to “perfection”. These are also the type of people who enjoy activities like hiking/rock climbing. Anything that keeps them fit and healthy many personal trainers and Doctors have this placement.

Now that we’re on the topic of attraction: I’ve probably mentioned this before but your Venus sign is the type of lover you might find yourself attracting. If your Venus conjunct someone else’s ascendant or Sun, you’ll admire them. They’ll just seem like the only person in color while everyone else is in greyscale.

Air signs in or on the 6th house are typically ambidextrous. 3rd house Gemini’s and 3rd house Aqua’s as well.

Your money houses in earth signs often indicate those who wind up quite wealthy. Money/income Is solid and enduring. While money houses in fire signs often indicate those who make money quickly. Often have many careers. Do well in sales, trading, these folk need to be sure to save up and not blow through earnings too quickly.

If the Signs Were Languages…

Aries- Spanish. Full of life. Fire. Passionate.

Taurus- Arabic. Strong. Earthy. Guttural. Written reflects the beauty of Venus. Why calligraphy is a thing.

Gemini- English. Speedy. Full of dry wit. Ubiquitous /everywhere, like quicksilver.

Cancer- Tamil. Ancient. Warm. Oldest spoken language. Full of emotion and ancestry.

Leo- Italian. Theatric. Full of drama, boldness and flare.

Virgo- Japanese. Clear. Clean. Precise. Archives and annals of words.

Libra- French. Flowery. Melodious. Sweet. Love letters you write in cursive.

Scorpio- Latin. Ancient. Dead. Haunting. Powerful. You summon spirits with it.

Sagittarius- Greek. The language of scholars. Expansive. Full of wisdom.

Capricorn- Mandarin. An institution. Structured. Direct. As old as father time.

Aquarius- Basque. No one knows where you come from. No related language group. Captivating. Unusual. Language of rebels.

Pisces- Icelandic. Ethereal. Sing-songy. Sounds Elven and amaranthine. Otherworldly.

Astro Musings No. 1Astro Musings No. 2Astro Musings No. 3Astro Musings No. 4Astro Musings No. 5Astro Musings No. 6Astro Musings No. 7Astro Musings No. 8Astro Musings No. 9Astro Musings No. 10Astro Musings No. 11

October Forecast

Happy October, stargazers. We’re that much closer to the end of the year. Now, you all know we’re currently in the beginning stages of Mercury Rx. Your emails are probably acting wonky, your Amazon Firestick just won’t cooperate and now you can’t binge that Rom-com marathon you had planned for the weekend. Maybe you’ve witnessed a fender-bender or 5… or perhaps that ex you’d never thought you’d see again has darkened [or brightened] your doorstep? Whatever it is, we’re all feeling blindfolded and swimming in this cosmic pool of the unexpected.

So here’s a sneak peak at what we can expect coming our way this month:

Oct 6th- New Moon in Libra

Libra’s scales and knack for diplomacy make this an auspicious time to restore balance to existing relationships. It will bless us with objectivity which can help with managing disagreements/reconciliations.

Pluto goes direct in Capricorn

This transit ends the miasma of dense energy we’ve been sitting in.

October 7th- Venus enters Sagittarius

This is a lively time. Sag’s energy is all about good humor and benevolence. Forgiveness as well. All of us who have a hard time with the latter [Fixed signs and Scorpio placements, I’m talking to you ;) ] will get a little help from the universe here. This is also a great time for adventure and flirtations. Go ahead and text your new crush. The pay off could breed a spicy new love affair. However, making strong commitments isn’t the best idea at the time. Feel free to play the field and keep things light.

October 10th- Saturn goes direct in Aquarius

This is a key time for major change for the collective as a whole. Don’t be surprised if social justice topics and issues come to the forefront at this time. Aquarian energy always brings these things to the forefront.

October 17th - Jupiter goes direct

Are you Irish? If not, no worries, luck might still be on your side during this time. Jupiter’s energy will be at full-throttle again and fortune as well as expansion returns. You can resume your travel plans safely around this time. Mercury retrograde will be at its tail end as well. Breathe easy.

October 19th- Mercury goes direct in Libra

Let out that sigh. You can now finally hook up to your internet network with out any difficulties. That, and you can reflect upon the lessons of this past retrograde. What have you learned?

October 20th- Full moon in Aries

Always a good time to keep your wits about you when the planet of war is running amok. Those of you ruled by Mars/Martians, take heed. Stay level headed during this time of conflict and agitation. Like the saying goes, “A thousand years of regret made in a second of anger.” In layman’s terms? Watch your fucking mouth, lol. Don’t react. Don’t engage. Even if you want to, don’t get baited into something that can easily be avoided with a little maturity and discernment.

October 23rd -The Sun enters Scorpio

It’s Scorpio szn beetches! Death will rule and Halloween, though a few days later will pretty much be running the show. Time to celebrate, arachnids.

Just a PSA that Mercury retrograde is doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. Reveal and remove.

Astro Musings No. 13

When Someone’s Saturn is Forming a Harmonious Aspect to Your Mars…

(trine or sextile) they will undoubtedly know how to calm you down. This is because Saturn is the planet that rules grounded logic and the most developed form of maturity. When forming a smooth aspect to the planet of action, they can make even the most volatile of tempers see reason. They’ll be the ones who say

 “focus on the things you can control”.

As a result, you may find yourself having separation anxiety when they’re not around.

On the Other Hand, When Someone’s Saturn is Squaring Your Sun, Moon, or Your Mars…

you may experience getting your feelings hurt quite easily by them. It may often feel as though they are criticizing you or picking on you for shits and giggles. Always finding fault in what you do or making you feel as though what you do isn’t good enough. It’s important to have a strong sense of self if you have this in synastry with someone (platonic, familial, or romantic) otherwise, your self-worth could be affected.

I Feel Like This Isn’t Talked About Enough But Uranus Squaring Personal Planets…

Especially in synastry, can make two people have erratic responses to each other. Getting easily triggered or wanting to curse someone out when Uranus makes a square to the inner planets is very common. When Uranus is making a square to personal planets natally, this individual might be someone who has random outbursts. With Mars, it may have something to do with the temper. When the moon is involved, it may have something to do with their emotions. The fickle lover or the angry one moment, happy the next individual. To the Sun, this is the quintessential impulsive individual who cannot resist moving to the beat of their own drum. 

Capricorn Moons

Will use sarcasm to woo their love interest. The more they pick on you, the more they like you. Trust me.

Those With Uranus in their 11th house

might find themselves switching friend groups quite often throughout their lives. Consistency is not associated with Uranus the way it is with planets such as Saturn. As a result, this might be the social butterfly or the type to cut someone off at the drop of a hat.

Aries Moons

At their most underdeveloped can be the most insufferable brats. Often this is the person who was spoiled or coddled as a child and thinks it’s okay to have random outbursts or temper tantrums. The funny thing is, they’re over it in about a week or two. These individuals need to be careful, not everyone has such a short memory and they can find themselves alienating friends/loved ones and burning bridges at warped speed. 

Hurting Saturnian Dominants is NEVER a Good Idea

Why? Because Saturnian dominants are ruled by Lord of Karma. If you find yourself getting on one’s bad side, it might be a good idea to see where their Saturn falls into your houses, this is where you’ll be affected the most. 1st house and your sense of self will be where you’ll reap what you sow. 2nd house, your coins might take a hit. 6th house, work, and routine might suffer or your health might decline. 8th house- YIKES. finger’s crossed they’re not vindictive. 10th house, welp, better protect your rep. Your public image may be at stake.

Leo’s With Their Sun at an Aquarian Degree [11°, 23°]

I’ve observed like to do things alone. As social as the sign ruled by the Sun is, at a Uranian degree, they will often prefer to be solo dolo. Concerts, traveling, etc. This is the individual that will bite off their left arm before they have a roommate.

Though Virgo’s are notoriously known for their detail-oriented habits..

If their 6th house is in Pisces (and/or afflicted), they can actually miss many details in their Sun placement should make them naturally inclined to. These are the folks who can be very lax when it comes to work and routine. Head in the clouds. “I’ll do it later” types. Some may even be quite lazy.

An Aries 6th House on the other hand…

Might find themselves very “high functioning” regarding work and routine. With Ram energy running the show, they hate to wait. Needs things done yesterday. And God forbid you dawdle around them. They will bull-rush you out of the way to do it themselves. 

Sagittarian Moons (and Occasionally Suns)

Need you to keep it light. If you’re to categorize your friends, these are the types you party with first and share deep heart to hearts with last. Not that they’re incapable of depth but more so they function better when they’re able to laugh and enjoy the free-spirited aspects that life has to offer. They are quite uncomfortable with the heaviness of darkness and deep emotion and you might find them trying to change the subject just to stay upbeat. If these natives sense any “depressive” energy, they will split immediately.

Taurean Placements

Though ruled by the most sensual planet Venus, I’ve observed can be quite repressed when talking or expressing their sexual sides. They prefer to keep that under lock-and-key. If they trust you, however, they’ll be more expressive about it. I find these sun/moon/and rising’s BIG connoisseurs of erotica and NSFW fanfiction, lol. They are also kings and queens of poker faces/RBF.

In addition, Taureans tend to be hyper-focused on money. Not in a 

“let’s take over the world, Pinky” kind of way like Capricorns, but more so, worried they’ll never have enough (especially if one’s Chiron is in Taurus. Then finances/the material is where one wears their “deepest wound”.) Security is quite important to these folk. 

Back to Sagittarians

 if you hear a big booming voice or laugh, check to see if the culprit has their 2nd house, 3rd house, or Mercury in Jupiter’s sign. Jupiter rules expansion and if he’s touching the “voice” then he’ll likely expand it. A lot of singers, even if they’re soft-spoken, if they have Jupiter anywhere near their vocal cords will “project” more than normal. For example, Hayley Williams of Paramore fame has her Mercury at a Sagittarian degree. In addition, Jared Leto of 30 Seconds to Mars has his Mercury in Sagittarius. Just listen to “From Yesterday” or “The Kill”- you’ll see what I’m talking about.

Capricorn Venuses

Appreciate gifts. Both giving and receiving as their love language. In fact, most earth signs appreciate things of the material when it comes to their love languages. Solid things. Tangible. Very much about the senses. Something they can clock and document. They will know the price of everything you buy them. Not in a facetious way, they’ll literally google the shit you buy to see how much it costs. How much you spend on them, in their minds, reflects how much you ‘value’ them.

Gemini Moons

LOVE to chat (if underdeveloped that chatter will warp to gossip). They know everything. About everyone. If their moon is squaring their mercury, never tell them a secret, ever. However, if their moon is forming a harmonious aspect to Pluto, they may like to hear the Gossip but are better at keeping their mouths shut.

On a positive note, a Developed Gemini Moon is typically the smartest person in the room.

This is because their curiosity expands across many borders, kinda like Hermes/quicksilver himself. They are walking encyclopedias. Their minds are mutable which makes them masters of knowing a little bit about this and a little of that. A Jack of all mental trades, if you will.

Gemini’s in General

Tend to have very long and lithe fingers. Perfect muses for art/paintings. For example, Naomi Campbell is a Gemini and her features are quite aquiline. Angelina Jolie’s hands are quite prominent. I find them standing out (yes, even before her lips) in photographs. Michelle Pfeiffer of Scarface fame has a Gemini rising and her waif-like figure became the go-to-physique of thousands of women in the 80′s.

Having Plutonian Synastry with Someone…

But you’d prefer to keep things strictly platonic can be extremely difficult. This is because Pluto never likes to keep things surface level. That’s Venus’s job. Superficiality and the like. Pluto rules house 8. Death. It’s all about the depths. here. Typically, the plutonic relationships that omit anything romantic or sexual tend to take on a Psychologist/chiatrist-patient dynamic. Maybe you won’t fuck them, but you’ll kinda become their therapist (or vice versa)

In addition, Plutonic synastry might make you feel an unnerving attraction to someone you’d NEVER think you’d be into. You know in your gut you don’t want them/they’re not your type but any sign of them desiring someone else and you become territorial. 

Pluto’s like that.

Plutonic synastry between parent and child could make the Parent obsessed with their kid. Yes, to some level, most parents are obsessed with their babies but strong (conjunctions, squares, or oppositions) between a parent’s Pluto and a Child’s inner planets can make the parent overbearing, hyper-involved, or weirdly psychic to the child and their needs. Healthy boundaries are important.

Speaking of Boundaries…

Heavy Neptune in Romance (5th, 7th, 8th, 12th ) houses or touching Venus can make someone lack boundaries in love. This is the person who will text your boyfriend knowing he’s been with you for 5 years or might make up stories about all their romantic conquests knowing full well they’re a virgin. Adversely, people may find themselves victims of people lacking boundaries with them if they have Neptune in any of these houses. 

Neptune in the 2nd

can make one have trouble seeing their value.

Virgo Stelliums get revenge by picking you apart.

In addition, Virgo Mars men can easily appear emaciated. As hyper-focused as this sign is on health and wellness, they are naturally prone to thinner builds and might have to work overtime to bulk up or maintain weight.

Sex With Your Opposite Sign Can Be Life-Changing or Traumatizing.

Mars opposing Mars typically works well in the bedroom even if two people clash everywhere else outside of it. Though it’s a common conception that Mars in hard aspect to Mars would cause body rhythms to mismatch, the tension can make sex quite cathartic. Squares may take some time. this is not the soft, gentle type of love. It would be more hard and fast.

Moon Opposite Neptune

in the natal chart can make someone a class A daydreamer. The type to come up with the Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks level ideas and stories. This is an ideal placement for anyone wanting to go into the arts as a profession or even art/tech school like RISD or MIT. However, it can also cause someone to deal with lots of doubt and paranoia. The key to reconciling this energy is remembering to check that neptunian fog. Consciously realizing Neptune is debilitating your mindset and actively overcoming the illusory nature of this placement, and you’re halfway there. 

Moon opposite Neptune can cause lots of self-deception as well. I find it helps to step back and evaluate. Talk to yourself like you would someone else in the same situation. Document things that occur/bother you in a journal the way they happen, not the way you perceived them to happen. Doubt and insecurity die when truth/facts are present.

Gemini Midheaven’s at Taurean Degrees [2° 14° 26°]

Often come across as very practical. These natives will not just write a book with Mercury ruling their 10th house, they’ll write a series. The earth degree (and their Virgo Rising) aids them with consistency that Gemini’s often lack. 

Those With Pluto in Hard Aspect to Lilith in The Natal Chart

Need complete freedom to express their sexual urges and instincts. They are formidable people who can often intimidate, whether they mean to or not. The drive is extremely powerful and these natives can have some of the highest libidos bar none. However, there can be a lot of trauma associated with sex. Often I’ve found that some of these natives have either been abused, have violent fantasies projected onto them, or can even be innocent when seeking love, but people/others taint or pervert things for them. If any of you watch HBO’s ‘Euphoria’, Jules’ character definitely has Pluto in hard aspect to Lilith (likely the square or opposition). 

Mars in the First House

in a female’s chart can add a masculine or “tougher”/”harder” exterior to their appearance. A sharper jaw, more muscle on the physique.

Whereas Venus

in the first house in a male’s chart, can soften or add a more effeminate touch to their appearance. Longer lashes, smoother skin, less hair, etc.

Men With Mars in Libra

cannot stand to fight. Will try to find the diplomatic route before they ever through a punch. However, if said Mars is afflicted or squaring Pluto or Saturn, this “diplomacy” can take the form of cruel Justice. 

Cancer Suns 

can actually be intimidating. I think it’s a common thing to say Astro sites comment on how “nurturing” or “sweet” a Cancer is, but Crabs first instinct is to “protect”. First and foremost, themselves. Which means they may be hard to get to know at first. Can be mistaken for their cousin’s, Scorpios. I’ve often found there is an intense connection with the mother/mother figure as well. for example, 50 Cent is a Cancer and if any of you have watched his show “Power” or “Raising Kanan” (all based loosely on his life) there is a common thread where the main character is unusually close to their mother. To the point where the mother is privy or even an accessory to the protagonist’s crimes. There’s also an element of “I’ll kill to protect you.” 

Those With Cancer Midheavens

Can often wind up in careers where “security” is a theme. I.e “trust and safety”, ADT or executives at “Ring”. Many may even take jobs as police officers to “protect and serve”. Cancer’s mantra.

When it Comes to Sense of Humor…

Check to see whose Sun or Mercury forms a harmonious aspect to your Jupiter. Jupiter rules humor. In addition, Sun conjuncting or trining Mercury or Venus could indicate the same tastes regarding what makes you happy or what stimulates the mind.

Though Taureans are Earth Signs and Ruled by Venus

many of them do not like to be touched unless you have a close relationship to them.

Water Mercuries

 or those who have Mercuries in a water degree [ Cancer 4° 16° 28°, Scorpio 8 °, 20 °, or Pisces 12° 24° ] have very seductive voices. Haunting and kinda slick/silvery. For example, Michelle Pfeiffer’s Mercury is at a Scorpio degree, Penn Bagley (Joe from You)’s Mercury is in Scorpio.

Mutable Mercuries (Virgo, Gemini, Sagittarius)…

I’ve found are very good at imitating accents

Those with Aries Venus or Moons 

love people fighting over them romantically. The competition [Mars] makes them feel desired. Everyone thinks Gemini or Leo is the least faithful, but I’ve often found Arians are more likely to cheat. Especially once they get bored.

Those with Venus in Scorpio or Venus Aspecting Pluto

Can find it difficult to feel good sexually if they are in the middle of one of their plutonic transformations. Let’s say something traumatic has happened, it can go one of two ways- either they will abstain from sex completely and find it hard to even self-please OR they will use sex as a conduit for their grief.

If Virgo

is in the mix, this might manifest as difficulty desiring intimacy if they have gained (too much) weight or lost (too much) weight.

Speaking of Weight…

I was quite surprised by this sample from my research, but I’ve found that men with Mars in Libra are very into weight-lifting/bodybuilding. I surmise it has something to do with the “scales” if you will and Venus being about aesthetics/attractiveness. Mars is action and Libra is about equilibrium and symmetry. Translation: Mars [Body, drive] + Libra [balance, beauty]= gym rat.  

Contrary to Popular Belief

As opposed to the 11th house, you might be better off looking at your 4th house sign or ruler of your 4th when it comes to friends. Your 4th is typically the sign where your most unexpected friends will come from. Your soul family. 4th House sign in Aquarius? Give a chance to your local Uranian Alien. 4th in Aries? Martians will probably come to your defense at the drop of a hat. It’s the “kinship” theme of the 4th.

Since We’re On The Topic Of The 11th

You can look to this house to see what attitude your admirers will take towards you. Virgo 11th and your admirers will analyze and dissect your or your work. They will drink in you/your creative property and memorize it like broadway script lines. Aries 11th and your admirers will go to war for you. Leo 11th and your admirers will boast about you. Worship you like you’re Apollo himself. 11th House in Gemini and your admirers might flirt with you, want to chat with you always, or send you constant messages/letters. They will always want to communicate with you somehow. 11th House in Capricorn and your admirers may try to pay for things for you. Take care of you. Keep you financially stable. 11th house in Taurus, they’ll probably feed you or buy you gifts, etc.

12th House Composite Planets

Can make people unsure of why they’re drawn to each other, they just know that they are. They can even feel ashamed or fear the attraction they feel for the other person. Like this unconscious guilt about it. This is because 12th house rules fear.

Saturn in the 5th

can make someone the referee amongst their peers/friends. They are usually the one’s breaking up the rumbles

Venus in harmonious aspect to Saturn

(and especially if forming a midpoint/aspecting the rising)  is often indicative of someone who will age like fine wine. Very gracefully.

Mercury and Pluto Combined Can Make People Very Popular.

 I know this doesn’t seem like a thing and these two planetary energies combined may seem more loner, but popularity doesn’t always have to mean “well-liked”. Even if they are well liked, it’s possible there is a fascination with everyone wanting to get to know this person. Digging deep (Pluto) for intelligence (Mercury) on them. Mafia Boss John Gotti had his Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Gemini and was the most popular Don in the underworld. People loved him and hated him and even my mother to this day whenever he shows up on television spits off random trivia about the guy.

Those Who Have the Majority of their Inner Planets in the Last Decan of the Signs

are probably the people who come off as “mature for their age” or “old souls”. The babies that barely cried or the children who started speech early.

Aries Sun, Mercury and Rising are ELITE  at holding their own in an argument.

In a woman’s chart, I’ve observed Moon (reproduction) squaring Saturn (restriction/blockage) being and indicator of fertility issues.

Composite Pluto in the 2nd

 Usually indicates a couple that is possessive of each other. Not in the 1st house way where they want to consume you/your body but in a “you belong to me/ you’re my property” kind of way. It will be less toxic if the aspects to Pluto are harmonious but if there are afflictions to the house or the planets involved, two people may see each other as “trophies” as opposed to people. Lots of addiction and gluttony here.

Pisces 5th House or Moon in the 5th or 4th in the Composite

is quite sweet and dreamy. People will have a pure sacrificial love for each other.

If Saturn is in Your 1st House

you might come off with the temperament of  a Cap rising and only feel good about yourself if you are conquering or excelling somewhere in life. No phlegmatic energy here. Owning your own business might be a life long dream and where you get your self-esteem.

Having Your 4th House in a Fixed Sign

can be an indicator of wanting to control your home environment. It could be that you like things impeccably clean, or you could like everything to stay in the place you found it, even if things are messy. Fixed 4th house likely inherited this trait from a parent (usually the mother.)

Asteroid Eros or Asteroid Amor on your rising or touching any angle

Can make people fall in love with you quite easily. The Sun in the first house is also a culprit behind people being fascinated or obsessed with your “light”.

Men with harsh aspects to Lilith can be abusive towards women because they see the female as a natural “enemy”.

Fixed 10th houses

 likely have a desperate need to control how they are publicly perceived.

I see a very common trend of people marrying/ winding up with

 someone who’s has their Sun or Rising in the sign of the other person’s Venus, descendant sign, Juno or opposite sun sign.

So we know that Jupiter returns every 14 years to have you reflect on your growth and maturity and Saturn every 28-30 to reflect on your accomplishments and your goals but the Lunar Nodes are rarely spoken about…

The Lunar Nodes meet up every 18 years to press the restart button your trajectory in life. You’ll sit a a proverbial crossroads and begin to get all Socrates about your life. You’ll question everything. What you thought life was about may be completely shaken up. At 9 years, it’s the mid point of this return and the transit NN links up with transit SN. It’s a literal soul check and can feel quite unnerving. But you come out of it with a whole new outlook. Examples could be, thinking you’re one orientation at one point then realizing you might subscribe to another. Realizing you don’t want to live in the same country anymore. Your belief system/religion might change. Your career may take a whole new life of it’s own. Nodal returns can be mistaken for a Plutonic level transformations so be sure to clock them in your life/chart to see what might be in store.

Astro Musings No. 1Astro Musings No. 2Astro Musings No. 3Astro Musings No. 4Astro Musings No. 5Astro Musings No. 6Astro Musings No. 7Astro Musings No. 8Astro Musings No. 9Astro Musings No. 10Astro Musings No. 11 Astro Musings No. 12

December Astro Forecast

Happy Sagittarius season, Stargazers! We’re only 29 days from the start of the new year and the energy of Jupiter/Saturn’s run through the zodiac will be a doozy. You might already be feeling the effects with the eclipse energy permeating the skies. So without further ado, let’s take a look at what these next few weeks have in store for us.

December 1st — Moon Enters Scorpio and Neptune Goes Direct

Now, when Neptune’s Retrograde, this causes veils to be lifted and a few unsavory reality checks to hit you. So, during the time he was retrograde, things like the sleeping state/somnia cycles, altered states of mind including but not limited to: being high, drinking, catatonia, etc. Were all things many of us might’ve been struggling with. When he’s asleep those monsters under your bed come out to play. However, now that Poseidon’s clocked back in again, we may be able to catch those precious Z’s we’ve been missing out on. Temperance and moderation regarding spirits [libations not entities, lol] could be more in check for you, and synchronicities from the universe could be harassing you incessantly now. Don’t be surprised if soulmate stuff [including your friends] come about now that Neptune’s energy is back to normal.

December 4th — Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

This shit right here. Right here this shit. This behemoth celestial occurrence has probably been running roughshod over you all already. Collectively, we’re likely feeling tired, dehydrated, moody, and this weird little thing with your libido might be overactive. More than a few of you might’ve noticed tensions high at work, customers or clients sounding agitated or patience running thin. Don’t try to run from it and you’re certainly not alone. Just remember you are still in control of your decisions and how you respond to what comes at you. Everything is a choice and Sag/Jupiter is the ruler of wisdom. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of what’s naturally available to us during this time. In addition, don’t be afraid to open yourself up to things you might’ve written off. Might be a good time to respond to that guy/girl you left on “read” in your DM’s or take that staycation/vacation you’ve been putting off.

December 12th — 12/12 Portal

Another portal opening. This gateway will open up a much needed cleansing of old ways. A time for letting go and sacrifice. In tarot, the number 12 is the card of the Hanged Man who represents letting go and release. You’ll find that this day is pretty much a magnet for manifesting. Lots of luck here.

December 13th — Mars Enters Sagittarius

Mars enters the jolly but philosophical sign of the Archer for the next six weeks. Get ready to get a cosmic injection of thrills and ragers. Seriously, Mars in this sign is what Dreamworks action/adventure films are made of. You might find yourself fueled by wanderlust and passion. You might even download Duo-Lingo and try your hand at that foreign language you’ve always wanted to learn. Just be mindful not to be too impulsive. As Mars is a fire planet and Sag is a fire sign, our drive might burn to strong to quickly. Use Jupiter’s wisdom to think before you act. 

December 18th — Full Moon in Gemini 

Gemini energy ruling the moon here means you might find your mental faculties going a mile a minute. Everything will interest you and everyone will be a source of curiosity. Very friendly/social energy. Since Mercury is the ruler of Gemini, you’ll intellectualize your emotions today and everything will be quite cerebral. You might even find you’re a chatty Cathy. Just don’t dry snitch on yourself. Not everyone needs to know your business. Those of you who practice/who plan on doing full moon rituals might find that spells regarding the mind or just increasing cleverness might be ideal during this time. In addition, those of you who may have natal placements in Gemini, pay attention- you might find this energy quite potent that day.

December 19th — Venus Retrograde in Capricorn and Chiron Direct

Venus takes a sabbatical in the Earthy and Saturnian sign of the seagoat. During this time, you’ll find that there will be a bit of internalization of everything the planet stands for. Themes tend to play out inwardly and affect psychological states. Therefore, expect matters related to the five senses, financial and material possessions, love, fertility in the literal and figurative senses, harmony and justice, aesthetics, relationships, and negotiations to be at the core of your thoughts. However, this is also a time to use discernment [which may be easier since Saturn is all about rationalization as apposed to emotion]. Sense and sensibility. Now is the time to set healthy boundaries with the people you love. It’s okay to say “No."  It might be a challenging time for relationships but you are not responsible for other people’s feelings or their happiness. Now, this is not a free pass to be cruel but if you are labeled a “bitch” for sticking up for yourself and your mental health, so be it. Be a bitch. Do what you want. You’ll get more respect but laying down the law and taking care of you.

December 21st — Winter Solstice [Sun in Capricorn]

Blessed Yule to those who celebrate! Solstice is a time when the sun rises on the exact same latitudinal (declinations) degree. So this is the only time of the year that the sun actually stops it’s movement northward and or southward in our sky. It makes sense that time is literally stopped when Father time, AKA, Saturn starts running the show. Make that wishlist for 2022 because Father Karma will be blessing us with what we discipline ourselves with/focus on moving forward. The work we’ve done or have been doing we’ll be reaping the rewards for. In addition, what you haven’t been taking care of or what you’ve neglected might catch up to you so take care to tighten up wherever you’ve been slacking. Huge activations in consciousness. Turn your focus towards our long term goals, career, public image and prestige. 10th House things, which Saturn/Cap rule.

December 23rd — Saturn Square’s Uranus

This time brings restrictive change or unexpected changes. Can be a frustrating time when these two outer planets are at odds. Stay open minded. Stay patient and flexible, what may seem like a challenge at first might actually be an opportunity cloaked as a ‘headache’. Use this time to rid yourself of things that are limiting you in life. Delete those numbers. Mute/block/restrict/unfollow whoever you have to. You may also realize what bad habits or outdated belief systems are blocking your forward progression. Don’t force change- just try to adapt. This time in particular isn’t the time to overreact to or resist things that come at you. Creativity may also feel blocked at this time so utilize a well-thought out, methodical and calculated approach to things.

December 25th — Venus Conjunct Pluto

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate! During what should be a merry time, we have Venus retrograde in Capricorn conjuncting transformative Pluto for the third and final time [there will also be a conjunction between these two planets on Dec 3rd and 11th.] Those of you with this natal placement might know exactly what to expect >:). For the rest of you, expect intense and obsessive feelings to come to the forefront, especially in matters regarding love. There can be a strong boost in the sex drive but some clinginess and possessiveness as well coming from or being projected onto you. Exes may come back confessing their wrongs or an old flame who may not have graduated to significant other may contact you for some cold hard lovin’. Choice is yours.

 December 28th — Jupiter in Pisces

Jupiter in it’s home sign of Pisces [Yes, I said that right- Jupiter is the ancient ruler of the fishes] will bring good luck and opportunities through creativity, intuition and compassionate energy. Random acts of charity could come back to you ten-fold. Pay it forward at the coffee shop or give that homeless man on the turnpike the other-half of your sandwich. ‘Tis the season, you know? Idealism, and tenderness will be rewarded richly. Plus, Altruism is good for the complexion ;).

December 30th — Mercury Conjunct Pluto

Time for deep talks. Those topics you’d never though you’d be able to discuss with anyone. Serious topics while at the same time getting to the bottom of what really fuels you and what your goals are. Why you’re ambitious about what you’re ambitious about and all that that implies. This is also a good time for detective work as these two planets fusing together energetically are the stalker investigative placement, lol. Just be curious, not invasive ;).

Full moon in Pisces September 20th, stargazers. You may have already been feeling the effects. Full moons, especially in water signs where the moon feels the most comfortable, are said to be times of illumination and revelations, It is also a time of ripening, completion and release [those with water placements on inner planets or Pisces placements in inner placements will want to pay extra close attention.] Since Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, this full moon is the culmination of a full moon cycle. You’ll be feeling it’s effects most intensely today through the 24th.

What you can expect

  • Lucid/Vivid dreams/premonitions
  • Periods starting earlier than normal [sorry]
  • Sudden bursts of emotion that seem to come out of nowhere
  • Heightened sensitivity [within yourself and others]
  • Feeling more introverted
  • Feeling extremely sensual
  • Someone might admit to how much they love you- expect confessions of love or admiration from someone. You can also expect apologies during this time.
  • Sudden bursts of imagination/creativity [Neptune rules this sector, be sure to jot down those million dollar ideas!]
  • High Pitched Ringing in the ears [Neptune rules spirit world so the veil is a bit thinner]
  • More rain. More cloudy overcast days.
  • Intuition on overdrive/being eerily accurate [Don’t ignore your gut feelings during this time]
  • Situations with lovers or friends reaching full circle moments. This could be a long overdue ending to a toxic partnership or cutting ties with people/bonds that no longer serve you. 
  • Healing from connections that’ve ended before this full moon cycle. [releasing resentment, anger, frustration, need for control-etc. Scorpios, Taureans and fire signs, I’m talking to you ;).]
  • The urge to indulge in mind altering states. Please drink/partake responsibly. Be safe.

How to Handle This Energy

  • Engage in creative writing or artistic projects. The time is ripe for broadening your consciousness and perception.
  • Meditate, specifically doing 2nd Chakra Work which is the Chakra that Jupiter rules. Jupiter is the ancient ruler of Pisces. Having sounds of rain and the ocean can helps as well.
  • 3rd eye Chakra work which rules intuition
  • Drink Mugwort, Chamomile, or Lavender teas
  • Get connected with Water [Go swimming in a pool in the evening and just let yourself float with your face towards the moon]- It might still be warm enough for you to do so.
  • Take a hot bath [not shower]. Throw whatever herbs or oils you want in them
  • Drink Wine [responsibly please, lol.]
  • Cry. Don’t try to be a tough guy about it, just let it out.
  • Charge your decks, crystals/stones and/or cleanse your tools
  • Put an end to unhealthy habits or addictions. I know it’s tough to go cold turkey but sometimes you must.

Astrological Apects to note

  • Grand trine in air- Mars, Saturn, & North Node: Focused deliberate and disciplined energy. This will assist with effective communication to follow through on plans and goals.
  • Cardinal T- Square- Mercury opposing Eris [planet of discord] & squaring Pluto: Possibility of potential power struggles that can lead to some nasty fights or communication that can wound. Be sure to use your words to heal not harm.
  • Yod- Venus at the Apex, Chiron and asteroid Ceres as the base: Prime aspect for profound healing as well as hurting. However with Pisces moon in the mix, healing may take precedence.
  • Venus in Scorpio/Mars in Libra in mutual reception-Venus in Scorpio conjunct asteroid Toro and Opposing Uranus: Protect your boundaries. Be strategic. Stand your ground. Stick up for yourself. Remember, you deserve sugar, not salt. Don’t let bitches try you and never let an F-Boy prosper.

If you’ve been feeling too critical, too much rigidity, or overwhelmed with stressors out of your control as of late, this lunation can aid in letting you release many of those psychological and emotional burdens. Full moons [and in Pisces in particular] symbolize release, rest & rejuvenation. You’ll feel more at peace. Connect with the energy, don’t fight it. Step out of your rational mind for a moment and let your intuition guide you. Whatever triggers you during this period is just revealing to you what you need to heal. Look at what house Pisces rules and pay attention to which planets or points the fishes are sitting in for you, this is where you’ll be affected the most. Whatever comes, let it. Whatever goes, let it.

Aphrodite No. 1388

Have you ever found yourself inexplicably fascinated with Hollywood sex symbols, fashion, arts, or general glamor? You’ve probably chalked it up to your Venus placement or stellium in the 2nd or 7th [The houses Venus rules] but what if I told you that might not be the only reason?

Yes,Asteroid Aphrodite No. 1388 is the placement you may want to peep. Especially if she’s making prominent placements or aspects to your inner planets. Note: Pay attention to conjunctions/squares/oppositions the most and orbs within 0-3 degrees. Trines and sextiles are of note but only if they are respecting inner planets, the ascendant, and at the aforementioned degrees.

So let’s get into it:

Aphrodite in Mythology

was the goddess of sex, love, beauty, passion, fertility, prosperity, and procreation. She was also patron goddess of prostitutes and believed no one should leave this world a virgin. She was wife of the god Hephaestus, god of blacksmiths and fire but also the most notable lover of Ares [her ‘Soul mate’. So what does she represent in the birth chart?

All of the above.

Asteroid Aphrodite in her elevated expression is all about love, beauty, talent, and sex appeal. She is compassionate and generous. Independent, strong in her femininity, and charming. This asteroid has the ability to see beauty in everything and has an innate knack for creativity and artistic talents. A developed and healthy expression of sexuality and passion [not the toxic kind but the kind true love stories are made of]. She’s all positive pleasure and sensuality. Body positivity and healthy expressions of sex.

In her base or lower expression, she’s a bit like a toxic Lilith. She’ll manifest as using attractiveness for underhanded means. Infidelity, repression of the sexual drive, callousness in love or arrogance based on vanity, vanity in general, sexual manipulation, fickleness, fixation of impossible standards of beauty, or superficiality regarding aesthetics. [Basically everything wrong with fashion and beauty today.] She can also manifest in the 6th house and/or ill-aspected as those who suffer from body dysmorphia or those who suffer from eating disorders due to these impossible beauty standards. Physical perfection becomes an obsession.

Now, if you have this particular asteroid prominently based in your chart, you may find that you value beauty, pleasure, and romance. There might be a taste for refined aesthetics and/or one can just be naturally gifted with creativity and art. Career-wise, one could find themselves drawn to jobs that revolve around fashion, interior design, modeling, make-up, photography, cooking, etc. If she’s touching Mars or in the 8th, one could find themselves making sex work a part of their career as well.

Aphrodite in the signs

Aries: Two words: Sexuality promiscuous. Like the sign of Aries, the fire burns hot then goes out. Freedom and independence are paramount and they value those who see things similarly. Getting too emotionally invested in others is not appearing to them in any way, here for a good time, not a long time. Sporty aesthetic. Athleisure. Sex will likely be hard and fast.

Taurus:Love of the material. Base-level treasure seekers. However, they are typically quite attractive and even look pleasant when they don’t put much effort in. Follow trends and keep up with the day-to-day fashion world. Most likely an Instagram fashion influencer. Love of glitz and glam. Shinier the better. Diamonds are their best friend.

Gemini:Serial fuckers. Literally, this aphrodite placement will have a full black book of names. A thousand notches on the belt. A million notches on the bedpost… well, you get the idea. Very charismatic and uses their intelligence to seduce. Sapiosexuals. Stimulate their mind and you might keep their attention… for an hour as opposed to 15 minutes like the rest. Will know everyone and everything about everyone. Life of the party and will charm with their wit.

Cancer:The emotional lover. Don’t let this food you though, hurt them and they’ll pull out their pincers. This Aphrodite placement loves to be nurtured and taken care of and will often do the same. Mood affects appearance. Charms using one of two things: their hard to get energy [Crabshell] or their love of family and togetherness [4th house]. No in-between, really.

Leo:Worship me vibes. Lovers of attention. This placement is very prideful. They don’t like to share [their lovers] at all. Typically though, because of their love of the spotlight, their fashion sense is impeccable. They are hard to miss and will usually light up a room. Ignore them and you’ll wound them.

Virgo: Immediate/outwardly “perfect” appearance. Because of this sign’s attention to detail, they are often very pristine in their approach. Clean sex- the type in the shower or when one is freshly groomed around the genital area. Will use their “perfection” to pull the cream of the crop in the dating pool their way. This placement can go far in the fashion world and may even become designers. Often do well as dancers or some sort of aesthetic career that involves “precision”.

Libra: Serial Flirt. With Aphrodite here, it’s like getting a double shot of Venusian energy. Pleasant, charming… naturally beauties not unlike Taurean Aphrodite’s. Don’t mind casual sex or casual flings but prefer relationships. Very focused on aesthetics and, like Virgo Aphrodites could go far in their fashion world or make-up pursuits. Can be very superficial.

Scorpio: Alluring vibe. They WILL fuck a lot. It’s in their nature. Will be loyal if they are in a committed partnership though. Can give off scary vibes or RBF but they feel things deeply. Their aesthetic is dark colors, black as elegance, an intimidating style that appears edgy. Artistically may enjoy all things Tim Burton.

Sagittarius:Vagabond vibes. Eternal traveler. Eternal nomad. Epitome of promiscuity here. However, quite laid back. Their aesthetic probably has something to do with maps or cartography. Bohemian energy with pictures or fabrics from the far east or even Africa. Most likely has a buddha head somewhere in their home. Speak to them in an accent or different language to turn them on.

Capricorn: Independent vibes. These aphrodite placements are not keen on sharing their lives too much with others. Very business-like. Sexually though, they are insatiable. Machines. They like things to but black tie or button up. This does not mean they aren’t laid back, they just like things to be all work with very little play until said work is done. Name brands and expensive suits/dresses? They’re all about that. It’s a status symbol thing. What Caps are famous for.

Aquarius: Avant-garde vibes. This placement will cut their hand off before they lose their freedom. More vagabond-esque than Sag tbh. Will love a style that shocks you or is out of the ordinary. Not traditional in any sense. Their sex will be kinky or they’ll prefer it to have some sort of spice. Missionary? Nope. Expect a toy or ten. Pansexuals. Free love. Don’t try to get them to commit unless they’re ready.

Pisces: Subtle vibes. Subtle style. Dreamy style. Sexually they need to be emotionally connected. May find themselves falling in love often with the idea of someone than the reality of them. Lovers of the grunge and druggy era. 90’s vibes are their aesthetic with a touch of the ethereal. Messy art studios, messy hair, even messier love lives. Might attract co-dependent types. Day-dreamy.

Astro Musings No. 11

Venus/Jupiter aspects in the natal chart…

Will make someone generally likable, charming, generous, and agreeable- especially if it’s a conjunction, trine, or sextile you’re working with. They’ll be the person who might be incredibly popular or someone whose creativity [Venus] is magnified [Jupiter]. They might be very beautiful or well known for their good looks. However, throw a square to Chiron in the mix and this individual might have a hard time believing it. Since Chiron is the place in our chart where we wear our inner wound and a square indicates conflict, the pain to either of these planets has to do with beliefs, how we’re educated, and the overall philosophy of life. One could perhaps have a lot of doubt as to whether they are truly attractive.  They could be bullied or hated for their attractiveness or popularity. On the other hand, Jupiter Squaring Chiron can make someone have severe wounds concerning their spiritual beliefs. It’s common to see this aspect in charts of people who were forced into a particular belief system or religion. In addition, it’s also an indicator of those who were abused by organized religion. Often the case/in charts of those in the LGBTQ community who were perhaps shunned by conventional western religious constructs.

12th House Synastry is a bit like Russian Roulette…

Not to scare any of you with significant placements within this house synastrically or in composite, but remember what I said in Astro Musings 1 about Neptune? Wherever he is, there’s going to be a feeling that something is hidden. Deception will be a big factor or just naivete or idealism. More so if the aspects in this house are squares/oppositions. With the Trines and Conjunctions, the energy here can feel incredibly spiritual and binding. [Don’t bust out the champagne yet, I said FEEL binding- it doesn’t mean it necessarily will be]. Sorry. North Node/Neptune might make you two dream of each other or have this strange 6th sense concerning them and their energy. Moon and Neptune will make two people have an uncanny knack for knowing what the other is thinking. It will feel downright Soul-Mate-esque. The same if Mercury and Neptune are joined.

Now, if the aforementioned aspect is afflicted, two people will Pinocchio the fuck out of each other.

The lies will be endless. Now this might not even be malicious, it’s more so two people don’t want to disappoint each other, so they put on an act they think the other will appreciate/wants to see. There’s a lot of pressure to live up to the other person’s expectations. Most of the time, the mask will inevitably fall off and bitter feelings may ensue. Choose honesty first.

Aspects to the ruler of the first house will have a similar vibe to aspects on the ascendant.

That’s because your chart ruler and it’s planet are leading your entire chart in energetic expression. By proxy, whatever happens to it [ruler of the 1st], wherever it is in your chart, will be magnified and displayed. For example, if you’re a Scorpio rising but Pluto is in your 3rd house, it might be very apparent to others that you speak and think deeply. Your communication can feel very “psychiatric" and probing. It might be the first thing people notice about you. If you’re a Sag rising and your Jupiter is in your 10th House, you could make a career out of travel or be famous. Everyone will notice your larger than life persona.

Aquarius Moon in the 5th just like these other aspects, can be an indicator of one who might have a fear of motherhood or pregnancy in general. In addition, One with a Cancer Lilith in the 6th might choose career over motherhood. In a woman’s chart, it can also be an indicator of someone who has reproductive [4th house/moon] issues [especially if there are afflictions].

Lilith in the 6th house may feel that they give more than they get. They might also reject the idea of daily work and routine or general discipline. There can be scandal’s at work as well. Wherever Lilith is, you can guarantee that there’s going to be some ‘taboo’ energy involved. Since 6th house is one of the money/career houses, it can indicate that this taboo will be related to whatever you do for a living.

Placements for those who love animals

  • Will be Neptunian placements ftw. Neptunians/Piscean placements tend to have a monopoly on the “beast whisperer” thing. That’s because Animals sit between the physical and the spiritual world. They see shit we can’t. So they’ll often take to those with strong “veil” energy. 
  • Cancerian’scome in at a cool 2nd. This is because their heightened sensitivity make animals feel them quite strongly. They also have strong nurturing energy which will draw pets to them.
  • Leos at No. 3- Leonine placements have an uncanny love for animals due to their playful and warm energy. Being ruled by the sun, they’ll be literally “beacons of light” for furry friends.
  • Virgo is ruler of the 6th house of work and routine. Because of their natural capability towards order and discipline, I often see this sign as pet owners. Often these natives have more than one. They’ll be the sign that has Fido trained and operating like clockwork. 

Speaking of animals, the signs I’ve seen to take to cats more than canines are Scorpio and Capricorn. Because of these two sign’s affinity towards introversion, it’s no surprise that one of the most introverted breed of animal feels right at home among them. On the flipside, I’ve seen on numerous occasions where dogs become quite obsessed [Pluto] with Scorpios, on the occasion where they’re not scared of them. 

In a female’s chart, Having asteroid Aphrodite squaring her Lilith

will mean her beauty will have a forbidden fruit vibe to it. Her charm will be directly tied to her wild femininity. However, there may be struggles in how she expresses it. Typical placement for someone whose kindness or mild flirtation will be received as overtly sexual. Her charm and grace might have a playboy or pornstar vibe or she may get her value from expressing herself sexually. It can also indicate one who is just oversexed in general. Be sure to keep those Trojans on hand and get those yearly check ups. Nothing wrong with expressing yourself in such a way but Lilith can also indicate diseases of the venereal nature, especially if in the sign of Scorpio or afflicted in the 8th House

Talent in Fashion Design in the Natal Chart will be

  • Sun in Libra [Andre Leon Talley]
  • Venus in the 10th
  • Taurus 10th House
  • Libra 10th House
  • Venus in Virgo
  • Venus in the 6th
  • Moon conjunct Venus
  • Venus in the 2nd House
  • Mercury in harmonious aspect to Venus
  • Neptune in Libra
  • Venus in Sagittarius [Expansive/creative mindset/abundance]
  • Neptune in harmonious aspect to Venus [Anna Wintour]
  • Talent in Libra
  • Scorpio Stelliums [Pluto rules the underworld where jewels and finery reside- Gianni Versace and Anna Wintour have this in their charts- So does Grace Kelly]

Having Nessus in Capricorn can indicate that the father figure in your life might have been a bit abusive or a source of pain.

HavingAsteroid Talent in the sign of Gemini might make one very well adept at wordplay. They could have a talent for writing or have hardcore skill at wit. In the 12th house might make them very skilled at writing fantasy or even writing for film/fiction.

Uranus in the 1st can make someone unusual looking, they may look androgynous or dress in a ‘rebellious’ or ‘avant-garde’ way. I’ve also seen 1st house Uranians have flat affects. They can have a demeanor that comes off as detached or in general RBF.

Speaking of Uranus, if you had an absentee father figure…

check to see if your 4th house has Aquarian or Uranian influence. In addition, see if your Sun is inconjunct to your Uranus or squaring it. 9 times out of 10 when I’m analyzing a birth chart, I have a native tell me their father skipped out or split from life very early. There’s always a story there.

Asteroid Psyche touching your 10th house/MC might make you a very skilled Psychologist. Asteroid Psyche [16] is about the mind/soul. If it’s in the house of work/reputation/prestige, you might apply this asteroid’s energy to your career

Multi-planet oppositions in the natal chart

Will indicate a push-pull in your natal energy. You’ll be the person who struggles between two mindsets constantly.

If it’s between Gemini and Sagittarius you’ll struggle with the logical and philosophical. You may have constant existential crises. On a positive note, if you’re able to balance it, you’ll be able to see multiple sides of an argument. This is an ideal aspect for someone who debates, is in law, or journalism. If it’s between

Cancer or Capricorn you will deal with wanting to be self-sufficient but also have a deep need to nurture or be nurtured.

The Sign your Sun/Rising is in in your Solar Return Chart

Will usually indicate the energy you’ll take on for the year. In Aquarius your might be tech minded and quite detached. In Virgo, you may be especially detail oriented and cerebral. In Scorpio you may find yourself more emotionally sensitive, probing, or ruthless that year. InLeo, you may be more outgoing- self-centered, or unusually popular.

A Taurus Venus will like to feed you to show you they love you. Being Wined and Dined is how this Venus placement likes to demonstrate they care. They may also like to give you gifts to show you their admiration.

Sorry to break it to you, mutable gang…

But Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces are among the top signs found in Serial Killers. I.E

  • Ted Bundy- Sagittarius
  • Jeffrey Dahmer- Gemini
  • John Wayne Gacy- Pisces
  • Mary Bell- Gemini
  • George Chapman- Sagittarius
  • Charles Cullen- Pisces
  • Danny Rolling- Gemini
  • Marybeth Tinning- Virgo
  • Alton Coleman- Sagittarius
  • Kenneth Bianchi- Gemini
  • Andras Pandy- Gemini
  • Dean Carter- Virgo
  • Andrew Cunanan- Virgo
  • Richard Ramirez- Pisces
  • Randy Steven Kraft- Pisces
  • Terry Blair- Virgo
  • Timothy Krajcir- Sagittarius


Taurus Suns, 11th House Virgos, Cancer/Capricorn 5th Houses, and Libra 7th Housers are typically the “Parent/Mom/Dad” of their friend groups.

Believe it or not, when it comes to “jealousy” over material things, it’s not Scorpio. Taurean/Leo placements [typically risings and Suns and moons] and especially underdeveloped will be the types to hate on you for having something [Usually clothing, car, house, etc] they want. Scorpios, though famous infamous for the jealousy stereotype, will usually show this trait only in romantic entanglements. This is because Scorpio is a water sign. Their primary mode of operation has to do with the emotionalrealm.

Mars in the 10th House is usually seen in those who make athletics part of their career. 

Mars in Gemini have the most savage comebacks. They will make you feel so stupid if you argue with them. Mars is war and Gemini is wit. You’ll be hard pressed to win a battle of words with them.

I find those with Mars in Aquarius or aspecting Uranus will swing both ways sexually, regardless of how they identify.

Venus in Aquarius don’t really like to be touched/hugged. Picture Voldemort hugging Draco. Ironically, they will usually be the type of people to take up professions where they have to touch others. I’ve seen copious nurses with their Venuses touching Aquarius. Massage therapists as well. Might have something to do with the love [Venus] of helping others [Aquarius].

Those with multiple planets in the 12th House can make excellent actors. This is because their personality is in a mutable house. They can morph and chameleonize themselves very easily. Superb for taking on multiple personalities for their craft.

Men with Mercury in Leo, Capricorn, or harmonious aspect to Pluto tend to have very deep voices. There’s also a soothing vibe to them as well. James Earl Jones, Liam Neeson, and Anthony Hopkins all have these placements. 

Contrary to popular opinion, Gemini isn’t the only sign that can be a “jack of all trades”. In fact, Libra Suns often fit in in various roles/professions. This has a lot to do with their diplomatic nature. Because they are often the peacemaker and a bit passive than their cousins, they are often welcomed in many different circles. This allows them to excel with networking/social climbing.

Jupiter conjunct/Square Saturn and Capricorn 9th Housers

are the placement[s] I see the most in those who have a deep skepticism of Astrology. Their belief system can be rather rigid [Saturn] which makes it harder/ for them to be open minded [Jupiter] to other schools of thought.

Each Planet/Sign rules a day of the week. Whichever day you were born can inadvertently make you take on some of the traits of that sign, regardless of what your “big 3″ are. 

For example: If you were born on a Wednesday, ruled by Mercury, you can be especially cerebral or witty. Tuesday, ruled by Mars can make you fiesty, athletic and perhaps a bit impatient like Arians. Friday, ruled by Venus can make you extremely charming and friendly. Saturday, ruled by Saturn can make you extremely entrepreneurial-minded whereas being Born on a Monday [Moon] can make you security and family oriented.

Venus in Sagittarius, Sagittarius 5th House, 2nd House in Sag or Venus Aspecting Neptune in the sign of Sag might make one have an affinity for entertainment from foreign countries. I see these placements in the charts of those who enjoy anime, foreign film, or those who have a knack for languages [lot of trines to Jupiter is also an indicator of the latter.]

Asteroid Priapus… will make you want to uncontrollably merge with someone.

 [I’m not even kidding. I had this aspect with someone and my Priapus touched their Jupiter and I wanted to tear the kid’s clothes off. All my friends had no idea what I saw in him. To them, he was not my “type”- whatever that means.] The sign Priapus is in will give you a hint as to what turns you on. In Virgo, someone clean cut, organized or well-groomed might tickle your fancy. In Libra, someone fashionable and sweet-natured. In Aries, someone outgoing or athletic, Capricorn, there can be an affinity for someone older, someone accomplished, or a general “daddy” fetish. 

Sun conjunct Pluto or Sun Square Pluto…

will have gnarly authority issues. Same with Mars in the 1st or Mars in any of the career houses. They do not like being told what to do whatsoever. If you try to boss them around, they will do the opposite just to spite you.

In synastry, a Double Whammyof Sun/Pluto

energy will make two people addicted to each other. All their forbidden fantasies [Pluto] will be exemplified by the other person’s presence [Sun]. The sex will be on the rougher side and can make two people obsessed. However, if a break up were to occur, this placement will make it damn near impossible for two people to be friends again. There’s just too much passion involved.

Astro Musings No. 1 Astro Musings No. 2 Astro Musings No. 3 Astro Musings No. 4Astro Musings No. 5 Astro Musings No. 6Astro Musings No. 7Astro Musings No. 8Astro Musings No. 9 Astro Musings No. 10


New Moon in Scorpio on October, 27-28. To put simply, from there we start our personal revolution. That’s what we pushed to do when the energy of New Moon *** new beginning, initiation, setting intentions, releasing and preparing for new circle *** 

meets the energy of Scorpion 

*** intensity, drive for the deepest realization of self through transformation and self-destruction, trauma and the patterns of pain, search for deep connection, merging with someone as a way of healing and insight***

This spread is to sit with - slow and dense, not easy to handle.

Make yourself comfortable - take in your circle blanket, images of your ancestors, physical \ spiritual, the symbols empowering you and, for sure, good pot of tea. 

Set an intention before pulling the cards that you’re ready for that revolution, you’ll be open for any messages and you’ll not turn back. 

The positions of spread:

1 - Every revolution starts from the present moment when we just relax and start seeing… - what you don’t see in your current situation, what prevents you from seeing clear and understanding

2 - Let go - what doesn’t serve you any more and holds you back, your addictions and obsessions, this position is also about forgiveness and cleaning ancestral trauma

3 - Transformation - what aspects of your self or daily life need to be transformed, card in this position may offer insight in subconscious patterns limiting you

4 - My power revealed - what aspect of your self you need to integrate this Scorpio season, what hidden powers you’re accessing 

5 - Where it leads me - what you should know about the process of integration, where it’s leading you, what role it plays in your soul journey

6 - My life and death - this card is about your relationships with that special person who makes you alive \ dead, it might show what role this person plays in your new circle and how you can deepen your connection, or alternatively you might ask about any person in your life you wish to be a part of your new circle

Scorpio season is coming and we start feeling our roots - dark and powerful. The most entangled with our spirit fears and obsessions, weaknesses and sheer darkness, in all its forms. Singing inside. It seems we don’t care any more about light | love | compassion, spiritual candy floss, we wish one thing - to drink the blood of life and water of death. Every wound, every kiss, every journey, and go, go till the very end when there is nothing left, only complete destruction - to start again. 

Scorpio season makes it obvious, our powers are here but we’re so scared, our way is right in front of us but we’re still asking.

I love immensely Song of Ice of Fire \ Game of Thrones (till it was turned into Hollywood zomby project) *** for me it’s the story of our journeys into the darkness of this world and the way we fell swept into the oblivion life after life, to raise once more and try again. It’s our karmic stories and that’s why Song \ Game of Thrones got so popular. We’re facing the answer on that simple question — why we’re here. 

But we feel also the beauty all of that, touching our core. It makes us shiver, makes us so real that the dirt of earth turns into the sky and actually there is no difference any more. 

Our karma becomes a dark mother, the darkness we were born in, the path we search, it’s an answer and way.


I write this series for Scorpio season celebrating our darkness with all the powers \ answers \ light buried inside and transformation possible when we begin opening to that.

I’ll connect characters of Song of Ice and Fire and their stories with soul paths found in astrological natal chart - that’s a journey from the past shown in the position of South Node towards the new explorations and growth reflected in the position of North Node. 

North Node in Aries - South Node in Libra

Arya Stark


Once you were a part of family and the entire universe existed inside Winterfell walls, even you always knew that you were something more. Your dream was never fitting in the pattern of the world weaved around. You wished to escaped and curves of the road made you shivering. Trying to put your dream into the words - you dreamed the entire world where you’d walk your unique path. And you couldn’t wait for that, you were ready to carry your shield while still living in the children room. 

But when it happened and you faced the separation it was horrible, you realized that you were only a child and your sword was a needle, you wished to turn back and be again a part of the family, you hated the lonely road leading into the darkness. But you were chosen for that road and road for you. 

The Death was the first you encountered on that road - this is how the roads work, on the certain point you meet Death there -  and the Death asked you to be her child and as that time you were really just a child, you agreed easily. Your fascination with roads, travels and swords, your fire, your energy and determination, your never relying on other people’s words and opinions made you good daughter of Death. 

You learnt how not to be yourself and enter the houses of people and their markets and squares so they would always consider you were someone familiar to them - a girl selling fish, an acrobat, a beggar, their daughter’s friend - but they never would know you. You tried so many roles that you started losing yourself. And one day you said to Death that you wanted to leave, that it was getting to overwhelming. Death disagreed, for sure and you had to escape, only moonlight witnessed. 

Death followed and you were forced to disguise yourself and became a part of touring theater - that was happy time as if after the centuries of crumsy performing you stepped outside of arena and breathed in the purity of simple being. But Death found you there and you were again pushed to move. 

You’re still somewhere on the road - fighting your fears to be your dark (as you think) self and make the dream you carry in your heart happened, 

struggling with breaking from the comfort and security people’s homes and hearts ready to offer you, 

serving other people’s dreams and being afraid to stand alone, 

carrying the bunch of masks to wear as you’re still not sure what better protects you from Death, 

curled in the darkness as you can’t go further any more and can’t trust yourself any more.

Yet you are and in the end of day after all the wandering and fighting are finished, you stop to rest, and you kiss her and for a moment it seems you’re at home again.

To continue…

part 2


A gem among tarot spreads I lay down these days, it gives the similar feeling as interpreting astrological natal chart - you’re going to uncover huge volumes of information - patterns, life themes, biggest challenges and soul mission, 

it gives a shivering feeling of presence of your \ your querent higher aspect in the time you’re doing the reading, really - it feels like stars and planets are reflecting in the cards, and messages, no matter how difficult and uncomfortable on the surface, come from the level of calm and assuring energy - all is well, girl, this is why you’re here - to make that impossible real, and you’ll do that, just because you’re here means you will.

I like rearranging the cards to the end of reading to create the picture of my querent’s path - I place challenges and limiting patterns of past on one side, deep wishes and all the beauty which seems so unrealistic now on another side - and tools and ways to grow and explore in the middle. It’s nice to see the path!

The positions of Soul spread correspond with 12 astrological houses:

1 - House of Self: personality, ambitions, drives

2 - House of money and possessions: value system, material possessions, financial attitudes

3 - House of communication: the way you communicate and learn, siblings and neighbors

4 - House of home: your parents, your roots, your domestic life and family

5 - House of creativity and sex: creativity, your sexual nature, fun, social life

6 - House of service and health: job, responsibilities, work relationships, health

7 - House of partnership and marriage: work and romantic relationships, how you blend your personality with others

8 - House of death and regeneration: spiritual transformation, inheritance, psychic powers, occult knowledge

9 - House of mental exploration and long-distance travels: spirituality, religion, morals, higher education, long-distance travels

10 - House of career and public standing: public image and career, material success in life

11 - House of friend and hopes and wishes: friendships, hopes, goals and wishes

12 - House of secrets, sorrows and self-undoing: your inner self, dreams, the past, subconscious, karma

Better to pull the cards for this spread in the evening,

and don’t forget to supply yourself with favorite tea - it’s going to be rather long reading.


I’ll shortly describe and compare the characteristics of your zodiac sign to a certain type of drug - this post is a little more generalized than my others for the sake of making it easier to compare. This is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not an accurate representation of drug use, nor do I condone to any sort of drug use. Don’t be tempted!!

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karo

ꪖ᥅꠸ꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Crystal meth because you’re all over the place followed by the anger issues lol. The same way it can be ingested in a plethora type of ways reflects how the Aries sign can not only be spontaneous but also adaptable to everything and everyone. Meth affects the central nervous system which is also the ruler of Aries since Aries rules the head and brain. This drug can cause severe psychological issues, just like Arie- JK lol. Typical for both the sign and the drug is energetic, quick and rash effects which gives you a huge rush that gets you hooked instantly. But with time, the same way you get to know an Aries on a more personal level, you will feel stimulated with just the right amount of pleasure…. and hell. Even during hard times where the individual is absent, you will miss them like crazy. Once you crack, you never go back <3.

ꪻꪖꪊ᥅ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ecstasy because you get all the feels and molly is known as the drug of deep feelings and closeness to others. You are sensual and feel a strong sense of love for everything around you. This sign is capable of getting you in and out of both love-worthy and destructive situations. Being with this sign similarly to the drug will touch the deepest part of your mind and stimulate you in places you never thought could be spiritually touched. They’ll make you see things beyond your own perspective and see the light in even the darkest of individuals. It takes a lot for a Taurus to give up on you. This sign is able to nurture your inner child, just like the drug which can bring it out. The same way molly makes your body relaxed and sensitize you to empathy, you’ll feel the same enlightment being with a providing Taurus. You will never forget the part of you that Taurus could bring out and they will always have a special place in your heart.

ᧁꫀꪑ꠸ꪀ꠸ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Salvia because you’re indecisive, giggly and have a deep sense of love. Salvia tends to affect a person’s thinking and choices, similar to Gemini’s ruler Mercury. Easily obtainable, Geminis are very open people who are curious about life and perhaps even the spiritual realms. Their highs can easily put you in a better mood and relaxation. Their playfulness can make you laugh uncontrollably, be talkative, recollect your memory and bring out the inner child in you. In terms of love they’ll provide an out-of-body experience, although can quickly turn dark and give an overall sense of detachment or disconnection from one’s self and the environment which makes you vigilant. You will always remember the experience you had with geminis and they will never disappoint - unless you yourself lack coordination in life.

ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀ᥅ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

LSD because you’re loving and playful but gentle enough for the spiritual realm that follows. These sensory hallucinations can be accompanied by rapid and intense emotional swings, just like the cancer who can be unpredictable at times. LSD enhances the emotional empathy but impairs the ability to recognize fear, similar to Cancer. On the other hand, they have therapeutic potential and increase feelings of interconnectivity just like the Cancer. They have a very strong gut-feeling, similarly how the drug can produce crossover senses such as synesthesia. The love accompanied by these individuals will alter your sense of self and sense of time. When creating a deeper bond - it will reward you with euphoria. Regarding your experience with them, you’ll be much more aware of yourself and the depth of others’ emotions. It’s something you definitely need to get behind at least once in your lifetime.

ꪶꫀꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cocaine because you’re on top of the world and always in the center of attention. You’re able to create a very powerful aura around you that other people can instantly sense. They will make you feel happy, confident, excited and on top of your game. These people similar to the drug will at times make you so confident that you do things you wouldn’t normally do (which might be risky). Cocaine can also increase your sexual desires too, but we already knew Leos have high sex appeal ;) Being in love with these individuals will make you feel so alive, similar to the drug. They’ll make your heart beat faster and raise your body temperature. If you’re prone to staying closed off to the world - leos will help you be chattier, more animated and hungry for adventure. Their drive and high consciousness will make the experience unforgettable and is something you’ll take with you forever.

ꪜ꠸᥅ᧁꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Adderall because you’re always hyper focused and straight to the point. These individuals similarly to the drug will improve your focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Virgos will decrease your feelings of nervousness and restlessness around them - making them great partners who give plenty of support. They will elevate your mood by stimulating just the right senses as well as allowing you control over situations that you otherwise view as stressful. This property makes them highly addictive since power can be deeply rooted in egoism - which is something to watch out for because it can easily be abused, just like the drug. You will always remember them for their experimentalism and quiet power - which is addicting ;)

ꪶ꠸᥇᥅ꪖ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cannabis because you’re longing for balance. You can either be calm like the effects of CBD or energetic like the effects of THC. Getting high is really about being able to have different perspectives and seeing things differently than a sober mind would, I think Libras fit this narrative very well since they seek a calm and relaxing environment. Libras are diplomatic, versatile and easy-going people, cannabis fits the low-maintenance and low-risk category which really makes it accessible to lots of different types of people. Your experience with Libras will almost always be dependable on how you approach them, but you’ll always be impressed by their ability to adapt to situations no matter what.

ᦓᥴꪮ᥅ρ꠸ꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Heroin because you’re intense and addictive as well as very substance and taboo oriented which is a big theme for the narcotic itself. The drug gives very much all-or-nothing vibes, similarly in relationships with Scorpios the dynamic of ride-or-die is prominent. One dose of you and you’ll have anyone addicted. Scorpios are very tolerant, seducing and emotionally stimulating - which makes them dependable just like the drug itself. It’s hard to underestimate this sign due to their naturally intense nature. Scorpios being the sign most prone to extremities, I find heroin to be the most fitting drug for this sign. The intense rush of good feelings following by distorted feeling of pain and pleasure will make anyone feel drowsy. They are not for everyone but will definitely give you an out-of-the-box experience that will be hard to forget.

ᦓꪖᧁ꠸ꪻꪻꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

PCP because you’re free and full of energy. Not to mention that you’re perfect to mix and experiment with other substances which is fitting because you get along greatly with anybody in your life! This drug tends to alter your sensory perception, mood and thought pattern - similar to Sag themselves who have a very vivid imagination. This drug also rules learning and memory functions which fits sag since their ruling planet is Jupiter - planet of exploration and good fortune. On the other hand, in doses too high, can cause numbness and distortion which are prominent themes you’ll receive from a sag if you ever happen to disappoint them. In regards to love and relationships this sign will provide a sense of strength and invulnerability. Thinking back on a sag will make you miss their spontaneity and fearlessness.

ᥴꪖρ᥅꠸ᥴꪮ᥅ꪀ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ritalin because you’re focused and a perfectionist at heart. This drug makes you calm and attentive while also reaching euphoric highs which perfectly describes Capricorn and its emotional needs. This drug is often misused in high paying jobs and elite universities by making it making it easier to pay attention and stay alert. This reflects Capricorn’s ambitions and need for substantial success. They are extremely talented and will most likely always meet your standards. Similar to the drug, Capricorns can sweep you off your feet and make you dependent on them quickly. They are very expansive and generous with their love for you and the ritalin’s formality reflects that aspect quite well.

ꪖꪇꪊꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Magic mushrooms because you’re chaotic and quirky lol. Shrooms are like nothing else in this world and helps you feel like a child again in this boring world which fits Aquarians perfectly because they find interest in the abstract patterns of life. Your freedom and enlightenment is expressed in unconventional ways, just the same way shrooms can be slightly overwhelming for frivolous people. I find that Aquarius ruling planet Uranus reflects shrooms quite well because Uranus is known as the “awakener” since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. So can shrooms in the sense that you can go through a spiritual awakening, but that can quickly go dark and you could potentially experience ego death. This because Aquarians are the impostors for egoism (apart from Leos) coming from an elevated perspective.

ρ꠸ᦓᥴꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Valium because you’re calm and a downer but still get that buzz that you give off to other people. The drug provides instant relief from anxiety, similarly to Pisceans softness. Being embraced by a Piscean’s energy will soothe your anxiety and tension, they are highly spiritual beings and have the ability to beautify any room and soul. Pisceans tend to deal with stress relatively well compared to the other signs, similarly to the sedating effects of valium. On the other hand, valium users tend to be a little bit addicted to melancholy. They want to feel things intensely and there is a poignant side to sorrow that Pisces actually find pleasurable. Therefore Pisces tends to attract individuals who are vulnerable, needy and dependent.


' .

I’ll shortly describe and compare the characteristics of your zodiac sign to a certain type of drug - this post is a little more generalized than my others for the sake of making it easier to compare. This is purely for entertainment purposes only and is not an accurate representation of drug use, nor do I condone to any sort of drug use. Don’t be tempted!!

Do not copy, plagiarize or reword my posts, thank you! Give full credits if reposted - Karo

ꪖ᥅꠸ꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Crystal meth because you’re all over the place followed by the anger issues lol. The same way it can be ingested in a plethora type of ways reflects how the Aries sign can not only be spontaneous but also adaptable to everything and everyone. Meth affects the central nervous system which is also the ruler of Aries since Aries rules the head and brain. This drug can cause severe psychological issues, just like Arie- JK lol. Typical for both the sign and the drug is energetic, quick and rash effects which gives you a huge rush that gets you hooked instantly. But with time, the same way you get to know an Aries on a more personal level, you will feel stimulated with just the right amount of pleasure…. and hell. Even during hard times where the individual is absent, you will miss them like crazy. Once you crack, you never go back <3.

ꪻꪖꪊ᥅ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ecstasy because you get all the feels and molly is known as the drug of deep feelings and closeness to others. You are sensual and feel a strong sense of love for everything around you. This sign is capable of getting you in and out of both love-worthy and destructive situations. Being with this sign similarly to the drug will touch the deepest part of your mind and stimulate you in places you never thought could be spiritually touched. They’ll make you see things beyond your own perspective and see the light in even the darkest of individuals. It takes a lot for a Taurus to give up on you. This sign is able to nurture your inner child, just like the drug which can bring it out. The same way molly makes your body relaxed and sensitize you to empathy, you’ll feel the same enlightment being with a providing Taurus. You will never forget the part of you that Taurus could bring out and they will always have a special place in your heart.

ᧁꫀꪑ꠸ꪀ꠸ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Salviabecause you’re indecisive, giggly and have a deep sense of love. Salvia tends to affect a person’s thinking and choices, similar to Gemini’s ruler Mercury. Easily obtainable, Geminis are very open people who are curious about life and perhaps even the spiritual realms. Their highs can easily put you in a better mood and relaxation. Their playfulness can make you laugh uncontrollably, be talkative, recollect your memory and bring out the inner child in you. In terms of love they’ll provide an out-of-body experience, although can quickly turn dark and give an overall sense of detachment or disconnection from one’s self and the environment which makes you vigilant. You will always remember the experience you had with geminis and they will never disappoint - unless you yourself lack coordination in life.

ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀ᥅ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

LSD because you’re loving and playful but gentle enough for the spiritual realm that follows. These sensory hallucinations can be accompanied by rapid and intense emotional swings, just like the cancer who can be unpredictable at times. LSD enhances the emotional empathy but impairs the ability to recognize fear, similar to Cancer. On the other hand, they have therapeutic potential and increase feelings of interconnectivity just like the Cancer. They have a very strong gut-feeling, similarly how the drug can produce crossover senses such as synesthesia. The love accompanied by these individuals will alter your sense of self and sense of time. When creating a deeper bond - it will reward you with euphoria. Regarding your experience with them, you’ll be much more aware of yourself and the depth of others’ emotions. It’s something you definitely need to get behind at least once in your lifetime.

ꪶꫀꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cocaine because you’re on top of the world and always in the center of attention. You’re able to create a very powerful aura around you that other people can instantly sense. They will make you feel happy, confident, excited and on top of your game. These people similar to the drug will at times make you so confident that you do things you wouldn’t normally do (which might be risky). Cocaine can also increase your sexual desires too, but we already knew Leos have high sex appeal ;) Being in love with these individuals will make you feel so alive, similar to the drug. They’ll make your heart beat faster and raise your body temperature. If you’re prone to staying closed off to the world - leos will help you be chattier, more animated and hungry for adventure. Their drive and high consciousness will make the experience unforgettable and is something you’ll take with you forever.

ꪜ꠸᥅ᧁꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Adderall because you’re always hyper focused and straight to the point. These individuals similarly to the drug will improve your focus and reduce impulsivity by increasing dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain. Virgos will decrease your feelings of nervousness and restlessness around them - making them great partners who give plenty of support. They will elevate your mood by stimulating just the right senses as well as allowing you control over situations that you otherwise view as stressful. This property makes them highly addictive since power can be deeply rooted in egoism - which is something to watch out for because it can easily be abused, just like the drug. You will always remember them for their experimentalism and quiet power - which is addicting ;)

ꪶ꠸᥇᥅ꪖ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Cannabis because you’re longing for balance. You can either be calm like the effects of CBD or energetic like the effects of THC. Getting high is really about being able to have different perspectives and seeing things differently than a sober mind would, I think Libras fit this narrative very well since they seek a calm and relaxing environment. Libras are diplomatic, versatile and easy-going people, cannabis fits the low-maintenance and low-risk category which really makes it accessible to lots of different types of people. Your experience with Libras will almost always be dependable on how you approach them, but you’ll always be impressed by their ability to adapt to situations no matter what.

ᦓᥴꪮ᥅ρ꠸ꪮ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Heroin because you’re intense and addictive as well as very substance and taboo oriented which is a big theme for the narcotic itself. The drug gives very much all-or-nothing vibes, similarly in relationships with Scorpios the dynamic of ride-or-die is prominent. One dose of you and you’ll have anyone addicted. Scorpios are very tolerant, seducing and emotionally stimulating - which makes them dependable just like the drug itself. It’s hard to underestimate this sign due to their naturally intense nature. Scorpios being the sign most prone to extremities, I find heroin to be the most fitting drug for this sign. The intense rush of good feelings following by distorted feeling of pain and pleasure will make anyone feel drowsy. They are not for everyone but will definitely give you an out-of-the-box experience that will be hard to forget.

ᦓꪖᧁ꠸ꪻꪻꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

PCP because you’re free and full of energy. Not to mention that you’re perfect to mix and experiment with other substances which is fitting because you get along greatly with anybody in your life! This drug tends to alter your sensory perception, mood and thought pattern - similar to Sag themselves who have a very vivid imagination. This drug also rules learning and memory functions which fits sag since their ruling planet is Jupiter - planet of exploration and good fortune. On the other hand, in doses too high, can cause numbness and distortion which are prominent themes you’ll receive from a sag if you ever happen to disappoint them. In regards to love and relationships this sign will provide a sense of strength and invulnerability. Thinking back on a sag will make you miss their spontaneity and fearlessness.

ᥴꪖρ᥅꠸ᥴꪮ᥅ꪀ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Ritalinbecause you’re focused and a perfectionist at heart. This drug makes you calm and attentive while also reaching euphoric highs which perfectly describes Capricorn and its emotional needs. This drug is often misused in high paying jobs and elite universities by making it making it easier to pay attention and stay alert. This reflects Capricorn’s ambitions and need for substantial success. They are extremely talented and will most likely always meet your standards. Similar to the drug, Capricorns can sweep you off your feet and make you dependent on them quickly. They are very expansive and generous with their love for you and the ritalin’s formality reflects that aspect quite well.

ꪖꪇꪊꪖ᥅꠸ꪊᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Magic mushrooms because you’re chaotic and quirky lol. Shrooms are like nothing else in this world and helps you feel like a child again in this boring world which fits Aquarians perfectly because they find interest in the abstract patterns of life. Your freedom and enlightenment is expressed in unconventional ways, just the same way shrooms can be slightly overwhelming for frivolous people. I find that Aquarius ruling planet Uranus reflects shrooms quite well because Uranus is known as the “awakener” since its aspects and transits bring sudden changes and shocks. So can shrooms in the sense that you can go through a spiritual awakening, but that can quickly go dark and you could potentially experience ego death. This because Aquarians are the impostors for egoism (apart from Leos) coming from an elevated perspective.

ρ꠸ᦓᥴꫀᦓ ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

Valiumbecause you’re calm and a downer but still get that buzz that you give off to other people. The drug provides instant relief from anxiety, similarly to Pisceans softness. Being embraced by a Piscean’s energy will soothe your anxiety and tension, they are highly spiritual beings and have the ability to beautify any room and soul. Pisceans tend to deal with stress relatively well compared to the other signs, similarly to the sedating effects of valium. On the other hand, valium users tend to be a little bit addicted to melancholy. They want to feel things intensely and there is a poignant side to sorrow that Pisces actually find pleasurable. Therefore Pisces tends to attract individuals who are vulnerable, needy and dependent.


' .





Forthelongesttime,Istruggledtobelieve inmy intuition. Ihad ahard timewith it,Istilldosometimes! But afteralotofencouragementfromsome ofthemostimportantsoulsin my life, myRoyalSubjectshereatTumblr and obviously,myMotherDearest,Ihumblypresenttoyou:“Services atRoy’sArchives”.IrealizedthatIneededtostop doubtingandfearing everylittle thingIdidintuitively.Mightsoundfunny, but....Iam moreafraidofmyselfthanIamoftheunknown,or perhaps what Icouldindividually dowiththeknowledgeofit.

Soyes,I maybeafraidrightnowbutIneed to letmy soul’sLotusbloom.While Iletit grow,Ionlywishforit tohelpmefindmywayin this new journey. Ipromisetoloveit and care forit.Ipromiseto let itageandwitherwhenever it’snecessary.Witheveryother decay &blossom,I promisetoletinthe transformation it bringsme.I promise to useit to help othersgrow andtransform as well.

Asfor the onewho is reading this at themoment,happy tohave your beautiful presence here. If by chance youend up booking with me, my innerchild willprobably throw aparty for me, I think! But yes,more thanthat, I'll be grateful forthe factthat youplacedyour trust & faith in my intuition.

Come, let’s bloom together.✨.

Lotsof Love,Roy.











I’m so happy.

I literally just finished my first ever paid reading. And it was an Overseas customer as well! My inner child is bursting with joy!! Ahhh and I even cried during the reading it was so beautiful!!







Forthelongesttime,Istruggledtobelieve inmy intuition. Ihad ahard timewith it,Istilldosometimes! But afteralotofencouragementfromsome ofthemostimportantsoulsin my life, myRoyalSubjectshereatTumblr and obviously,myMotherDearest,Ihumblypresenttoyou:“Services atRoy’sArchives”.IrealizedthatIneededtostop doubtingandfearing everylittle thingIdidintuitively.Mightsoundfunny, but....Iam moreafraidofmyselfthanIamoftheunknown,or perhaps what Icouldindividually dowiththeknowledgeofit.

Soyes,I maybeafraidrightnowbutIneed to letmy soul’sLotusbloom.While Iletit grow,Ionlywishforit tohelpmefindmywayin this new journey. Ipromisetoloveit and care forit.Ipromiseto let itageandwitherwhenever it’snecessary.Witheveryother decay &blossom,I promisetoletinthe transformation it bringsme.I promise to useit to help othersgrow andtransform as well.

Asfor the onewho is reading this at themoment,happy tohave your beautiful presence here. If by chance youend up booking with me, my innerchild willprobably throw aparty for me, I think! But yes,more thanthat, I'll be grateful forthe factthat youplacedyour trust & faith in my intuition.

Come, let’s bloom together.✨.

Lotsof Love,Roy.











Tumblr, I’m gonna end up deactivating my account at this point with this engagement





Forthelongesttime,Istruggledtobelieve inmy intuition. Ihad ahard timewith it,Istilldosometimes! But afteralotofencouragementfromsome ofthemostimportantsoulsin my life, myRoyalSubjectshereatTumblr and obviously,myMotherDearest,Ihumblypresenttoyou:“Services atRoy’sArchives”.IrealizedthatIneededtostop doubtingandfearing everylittle thingIdidintuitively.Mightsoundfunny, but....Iam moreafraidofmyselfthanIamoftheunknown,or perhaps what Icouldindividually dowiththeknowledgeofit.

Soyes,I maybeafraidrightnowbutIneed to letmy soul’sLotusbloom.While Iletit grow,Ionlywishforit tohelpmefindmywayin this new journey. Ipromisetoloveit and care forit.Ipromiseto let itageandwitherwhenever it’snecessary.Witheveryother decay &blossom,I promisetoletinthe transformation it bringsme.I promise to useit to help othersgrow andtransform as well.

Asfor the onewho is reading this at themoment,happy tohave your beautiful presence here. If by chance youend up booking with me, my innerchild willprobably throw aparty for me, I think! But yes,more thanthat, I'll be grateful forthe factthat youplacedyour trust & faith in my intuition.

Come, let’s bloom together.✨.

Lotsof Love,Roy.











Tumblr, I’m gonna end up deactivating my account at this point with this engagement




Forthelongesttime,Istruggledtobelieve inmy intuition. Ihad ahard timewith it,Istilldosometimes! But afteralotofencouragementfromsome ofthemostimportantsoulsin my life, myRoyalSubjectshereatTumblr and obviously,myMotherDearest,Ihumblypresenttoyou:“Services atRoy’sArchives”.IrealizedthatIneededtostop doubtingandfearing everylittle thingIdidintuitively.Mightsoundfunny, but....Iam moreafraidofmyselfthanIamoftheunknown,or perhaps what Icouldindividually dowiththeknowledgeofit.

Soyes,I maybeafraidrightnowbutIneed to letmy soul’sLotusbloom.While Iletit grow,Ionlywishforit tohelpmefindmywayin this new journey. Ipromisetoloveit and care forit.Ipromiseto let itageandwitherwhenever it’snecessary.Witheveryother decay &blossom,I promisetoletinthe transformation it bringsme.I promise to useit to help othersgrow andtransform as well.

Asfor the onewho is reading this at themoment,happy tohave your beautiful presence here. If by chance youend up booking with me, my innerchild willprobably throw aparty for me, I think! But yes,more thanthat, I'll be grateful forthe factthat youplacedyour trust & faith in my intuition.

Come, let’s bloom together.✨.

Lotsof Love,Roy.










