#venus everywhere



Venus is one of the most played out planets in the Solar System. It’s like someone saw a picture of some bitch creeping up out the sea foam and just decided, yes. Goddess of Love. Let’s get a grip. “Love” and “Relationships” barely begins to cover what this beautiful planet is really all about.

Venus is responsive. Shit happens, Venus gets on it. Immediately. She’s a judgmental bitch - she’s gonna have an opinion. It’s because she’s all about your values. Venus helps you understand what matters to you. What do you do when you come across something that matters to you? You respond to it.

Think about it this way: Venus rules Taurus and Leebs. Why? Well. It‘s not because Taurus is trying to buy itself an edible arrangement or because someone told you Libra is useless outside of a relationship. It’s because Venus helps you decide what from your past is meaningful and valuable (Taurus), and Venus helps you keep the bigger picture in mind so you can approach any situation looking for a positive outcome(Libra).

Yes - Venus is a lovely planet, but it’s not because she’s out here looking to get fucked. It’s because she represents your valuesandhow you respond to them. And you only respond to the shit that you’ve decided is worthresponding to (thanks again, Taurus). Venus is emotional, reactive, responsive and she wants to connect - not only person to person, but experience to experience, past to present, and present to future. Venus gives your life order, structure and sense. And that’s as beautiful as it gets. Show some respect!!

For your personal pleasure:

VENUS IN THE FIRST (1) thesecharming, intuitive hoes are looking for meaning within themselves - they find the value in every human experience, project their own sensibilities into everything they do, and are working to develop a positive self-image. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: beautiful cold blooded master manipulators. Use that allure for good, bitches.

VENUS IN THE SECOND (2) thesewarm, poetic hoes are looking for meaning from their past, social or family circle, and place in time -they find their worth in being a center of influence for their selected crew because they wanna exemplify the values of their group. Like a little spotlight. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: social pressure killing them slowly + low self esteem = fake as fuck. You have more power when you’re real, bitches.

VENUS IN THE THIRD (3) theseintuitivelyorganized, quick thinking hoes are looking for meaning in every single relationship between every single thing -they find their value in their ability to make connections. Babies are so tapped into their surroundings that they can look around at a bunch of chaotic shit and identify the hidden patterns and structure immediately. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: narrow-minded as fuck, dogmatic viewpoints, socially acceptable methods only. Ball up and start backing your own shit, bitches.

VENUS IN THE FOURTH (4) thesefocused, low key intense hoes are looking for meaning in their core values - they find their worth in reinterpreting and redefining traditional values and ideas. They want to establish their little feelings and their roots in significant, real ways. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: extremeemotional introversion. If you don’t respect your feelings you won’t establish anything that’s actually satisfying, bitches.

VENUS IN THE FIFTH (5) theseready, high key intense hoes are looking for meaning in all experiences that trigger their feelings in a big way - they find their worth in achieving their individual goals, or going out there and seriously representing their chosen crew. The intensity of their (not so) little feelings gives these babies mad creative potential and power. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: shit gets ugly, can feel like they’re living a 100% meaningless life, out of control ego-mania thinking they’re the World Savior. Deal with yourselves, bitches. Please.

VENUS IN THE SIXTH (6) thesesensitive, spiritual hoes are looking for meaning in changes - they find value in all processes of growth and transformation, even the most whack, uncomfortable ones. They can sail through serious, life-altering shit with class, understanding and even pure appreciation because they got the big picture in mind. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: grade A victim, zero sense of self, blown around by other’s desires. Recognize your own shit and check yourselves, bitches.

VENUS IN THE SEVENTH (7)these soft, open hoes are looking for meaning in all human relationships - they find their worth by participating in relationships at a feeling level. No feelings, no good. They need to feel like they’re worth something to others. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: fake as fuck, confusing relationships with no trust holding that shit together. Stop creating meaning where is this none and hold out for the real shit, bitches.

VENUS IN THE EIGHTH (8) thesecreative, driven hoes are looking for meaning in any form of sharing - they find value in reorienting themselves towards deeper, spiritual values and increasing the scope of their connections with others. These babies use meaningful relationships to redefine their connection to themselves. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: personalfulfillment at any cost, will use force, will use others for personal gratification. Find a give and take and have some respect, bitches.

VENUS IN THE NINTH (9)theseimaginative, visionary hoes are looking for meaning in their chosen spiritual and social values - they find value over time, from their own experiences. These babies can look at their lives and really appreciate the beauty in how situations and relationships have played out, layered on each other and expanded over time. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: their way is the only way, every other truth is worthless. You isolate yourselves, bitches.

VENUS IN THE TENTH (10)thesepowerful, sociable hoes are looking for meaning in collective experiences - they find their worth in bringing people together, exploring the power in social dynamics, and bringing new feeling and definition to cultural and artistic pursuits. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: seriouslyrigid valuesand mindset start making certain types of people feel alienated and excluded from the crew. Pretending like you don’t affect everyone around you doesn’t mean you don’t affect everyone around you, bitches.

VENUS IN THE ELEVENTH (11) thesebrilliant, influential hoes are looking for meaning in social attitudes and beliefs - they find value in social structures that are emotionally sound. Shit can’t just look good, it’s also gotta feel good. These babes can use their strong social awareness to be on the cutting edge of social trends anddirect public opinions. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: ugly ass view of themselves leads to social isolation. Set the norm, don’t follow it, bitches.

VENUS IN THE TWELFTH (12)thesemysterious, magnetic hoes are looking for meaning in big energy, big feelings, and big ideals - they find value in tapping into and expressing next-level feelings that stimulate their crew to look for new ways to get shit done and think differently about their lives and relationships. When they’re out of touch with their feelings: tapped out from reality, can only express large, ambiguous feelings in traditional, unhealthy ways. Find another way, bitches.

Let Venus guide you towards the shit you actually care about!! Happy charting, bitches.

