#venus gemini



Observing Venus - 1

Please do not take what I say personally. If something does not apply to you, then it doesn’t apply to you. Not everything on your placement will apply to you. Birth charts will do that.

These are my own interpretations and observations on the placements. Do not recommend my shit on TikTok. Do not plagiarize or repost my content.

“Imagine being loved by me…”

- Talk by Hozier


  • It’s blinding.
  • It’s like getting a puppy and all you see is them. You want to spend every moment with them. You think everything they do is cute, when they mess up, howl, break shit. Your heart makes it’s loving pitter patter and all you could say is awww. It’s a childlike forgiveness, to say sorry and never do it again. It’s not being able to hide your emotions, it’s seeing them all over your face. It’s innocent.
  • They have a fierce loyalty, kinda like a watch dog. Will defend you with their claws and teeth if they call you their loved one.
  • They…They’re a lot in love. They can rush into it headlong.
  • LMAOOOO they like to tell themselves, “I won’t rush into the next relationship. I won’t rush things with this person. Slow and steady.”
  • Then they see someone they like and it’s heart eyes all the way. Until that feeling begins to fade.
  • It always fades and for this, people think they’re non-committal and they’re not serious in love. Not everyone’s definition of commitment is the same because not everyone needs the same things from relationships.
  • An Aries Venus needs the excitement, needs to experience new things in love. The world is so big and there is so much to experience, why would you want to settle?
  • You don’t wanna go go-carting or bungee jumping or have a spicy wing eating contest? Our bodies will wither away and when they truly do, and you can’t walk the way you used to, do you not want amazing memories?
  • A lot of them are okay being by themselves. They love their personal space and their stuff. If you’re ever in a relationship with them they’re like, “That’s yours and this is mine.” You can honestly set boundaries with them and they’ll respect it.
  • They can’t hide their emotions for shit. It’s all over their face, especially when they like someone, they’ll start doing and saying some alien shit.
  • They’re so curious. They’re absolutely enamored by people who can keep their composure and hide their feelings. They want to melt their heart.


  • It’s growth.
  • It’s planting a seed and learning everything you possibly can to take care of it and nurture it. It’s giving it everything it needs, watching over it, making sure it’s in a good environment. It’s grounding, humbling. It’s marvelling at the mountainside, at nature. It’s sitting in the sun and soaking up its light. It’s always there.
  • Taurus Venus individuals are reliable and solid. So much so that people always expect them to be around no matter how much you mess up with them.
  • Even though Taurus is ruled by Venus, there’s a lot of misconceptions that their love is freely given, they’re affectionate, blah blah blah. It’s so generalized.
  • They’re not going to be affectionate with just anyone. They’re not going to just give anyone their love. They’re selective with it. They’re selective with the relationships they nurture, and because of this they come across as a friendly stoic.
  • Taurus Venus individuals don’t even like being touched or shown affection unless they like you. It’s a thing with them. Unless they have feelings for you, if you come at them with gifts or affection or words of affirmation, they actually get a bit put off by it. They see it as sort of manipulative.
  • “What are you trying here buster?”
  • No, but lemme explain why. If you give a Taurus Venus a gift, you’re basically professing your love to them. They also look at the kind of gift you got them. If it’s extremely thoughtful, like freakishly thoughtful, in their mind it’s like “This person wants to marry me. Do I feel the same?”
  • It can be materialistic, and they can be materialistic, but it’s only because they understand how exchanges and money work.
  • They’re the kind of person who makes a point to always pay for themselves. They won’t want anyone else to spend unnecessary money on them besides them. Once you get them something, they’re always going to remember it or they’ll try to pay you back in some way.
  • They have their guard way the fuck up.
  • They’re nice to strangers, but that’s all you getting. They’ll keep what they have for themselves and those they care about.


  • It’s the unexpected.
  • It’s reciting your favourite childhood cartoon moments. It’s eating cereal any time of the day because why the hell not? It’s a burst of energy to suddenly do something. It’s a million conversations in one. It’s electric. It’s seeing the relevance in everything. It’s change.
  • It’s not that they don’t commit. I’ve met plenty of Gemini Venus individuals who stick with a partner for the longest time, in the monogamous sense. However, the kind of people they stick with are so mysterious and spontaneous. They’re always learning something new about them, and this is regardless of their Sun sign.
  • My grandmother had a Cancer Sun with a Gemini Venus and she was married to my grandfather for more than 30 years and she didn’t even know his real name. She only found out after he passed on and they had his funeral and they were referring to him by his birth name and she was like, “Tf are they talking about?????”
  • So, yeah, they don’t really care to know all that deep shit. If they vibe with you, they vibe with you.
  • They like to be kept on their toes in love.
  • They like complex people. They find them interesting and yeah, they can get bored easily but if you’re charming and you’re communicative you can easily woo them.
  • They love, love, love to have conversations. Stimulate their mind and you’ll stimulate something else. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.


  • It’s a mother’s love.
  • People shy away from it, but they have so much to give. It’s being reminded of a time when they were far too dependent on another. It’s strange, not having to do anything and just being loved for being alive. It’s gentle, knowing smiles. It’s hair being tucked behind your ear or lint being picked off your clothes. It’s asking why you’re upset. Have you eaten? What do you want? Are you okay? It’s making certain you’re getting everything you need. It’s comfort.
  • They have a reputation for being clingy. It’s really blown out of proportion. They wear their heart on their sleeve and they really like to understand their loved ones. They go out of their way for them and they want to be involved in their lives.
  • They just meet people when they’re younger who are like, “Oooh boo hoo, fuck feelings. Blah blah blah. Don’t need them. Blah blah blah. I’m so hardcore.”
  • Then a Cancer Venus sees this and thinks, “I can change them.”
  • They learn the hard way that you can’t make someone love you. You can’t make someone put in the effort. Love is not something that you can force on someone. You just need to let people who want to leave, leave. Focus on those who want to stay because they’re a lot better for you.
  • It’s a hard lesson to learn, but you really see how a Cancer Venus flourishes after they start applying it in their life.
  • They’re so secure in themselves. They’re not crying all the time when someone leaves and most of all, they don’t shut themselves away after a heartbreak. They keep loving and they keep living.
  • They’re honestly like the stereotypical view society has on marriage material, at least that’s how I see this placement.


  • It’s prideful.
  • It’s holding hands in public and letting everyone know this person by your side is your person. It’s standing together as a united front. It’s wearing each other’s clothes. Remembering romantic, cheesy movie lines and quoting it to each other like inside jokes. It’s screaming your favorite song together at the top of your lungs. It’s remembering the first words you said to each other. It’s unashamed.
  • A Leo Venus will never be ashamed of their partner, no matter what. They are so fiercely loyal, like Aries Venus. They will start to look at your relationship like it’s you against the world if it ever comes to that.
  • It’s due to the fact that they trust their heart. They trust what they feel with you.
  • It’s not always like this, everyone goes through a learning curve in love but that’s just life. When a Leo Venus does get to a healthy understanding of what they want in a partner, they pick people they know will never leave them with egg on their face.
  • They can be so blindly loyal that in the past they would never question what their partners do or say, no matter how shady or questionable it might be. If anyone else tries to point it out to them, they’ll just bite their head off only to find out the hard way they should’ve heeded the warnings they got.
  • It happens, as unfortunate as it may be. I really admire how they always leave their heart open to love. It’s what they want. They want joy and happiness and someone who values what they value.


  • It’s attentive.
  • It’s calendars filled with firsts. First time you watched a movie together. First time you met their family or friends. First time you tried a new ice cream together. It’s memorable, and wanting to celebrate every day, no matter how small. It’s taking mental notes of the things you say and do. The sauces you reach for, the faces you pull when you’re reading or watching something. Your daily rituals. It’s learning and observing, so if there’s ever a day you need anything from them, they’ll know exactly what it is. It’s planning ahead.
  • Virgo Venus becomes like this over time, but when you first meet them? You would honestly think that they hate you.
  • You ever seen a cat pissed off? They’ll raise themselves on all fours and puff their fur out? Yup, that’s them. They’ll hiss at you.
  • I dunno why, but the Virgo in Venus peeps I’ve met seem to be mad when they’re in love. Like, they’re so grumpy about it at first.
  • “Why does it have to be this motherfucker? They don’t even type right. Ffs they’re wearing open toe sandals with jeans, how damn embarrassing. I can’t fucking deal.”
  • Literally will give themselves a headache over you. They have so many concerns.
  • They’ll start observing you and comparing you to this perfect version of a partner they have for themselves in their mind.
  • A lot of the time the person they fall for don’t tick a goddamn box and then they decide to take you on as a pet project and “fix” you.
  • They usually end up giving up. They just try and try and try but you’re just gonna keep being you and they can’t believe they’re admitting this to themselves but they love this you.
  • Then they’ll throw caution to the wind and just let you into their heart. That’s when you see the Virgo Venus who goes above and beyond for you, who remembers every little detail about you, who wants to shower you with affection in their own way.
  • Getting you things you say you need, being practical like running errands with you or doing research on something together. They might even try different lifestyles with you.
