#venus in gemini


- A s t r o l o g y n o t e s - p a r t 5

■ mars in pisces love to have a good time when having sex so it’s very common for them to throw some jokes here and there. They really adapt to whatever their partner is into. Out of all the signs, these ones love to give way more than receiving.

□ venus in sagittarius are afraid of committment. They just want to have a good time and are attracted to those who are as free as themselves. Once in a relationship, they are devoted for as long as love and excitment lasts.

■ aries moon are such sweet hearts. They have this fun child-like energy that fire signs have but with an extra touch of anger and impulsiveness.

□ capricorns and leos are actually very alike and that’s why they either love or hate each other. Never in between. They both want power and love to take the lead.

■ you usually resonate the most with someone who has the same moon sign as you!

□ pisces and gemini risings are the type to look like everyone which makes it very easy or very hard to spot them.

■ gemini risings have a baby face.

□ capricorn venus/mars have a hard time getting into relationships bc their mind is already set to something they want or like. Very stubborn when it comes to love.

■ Leo venus loves being praised. They can never date someone who makes them feel ordinary.

□ mars in pisces would literally love you and still leave you. They’re always afraid of how much they can feel for someone, they run away from it. It’s scary to think it can never be mutual.

■ virgoes are so willing to serve it’s c r a z y !

□ one’s moon sign it’s always reflective of the relationship they have with the mother.

■ Taurus love the idea of ‘closure’. They can never end something by ghosting, there’s always a goodbye.

□ aries moon really don’t fck with many people, they do their own thing and have a hard time making new friends (even tho they are well liked)

cancer, leo & pisces placements are the worst ex’s to have! Cancer can never seem to let go, Leo cannot stand you leaving them and will make everything in their hands to make you love them always, and Pisces will literally be the embodyment of karma.

□ another venus / mars in sagittarius. When in love, they will start making future plans with you! They would tell you about a place they want to visit with you, or include you in family gatherings or tell you about their family. They don’t like to open up as much about private things so when they do… they’re yours (for a little, enjoy it while you can)

■ venus in scorpio has high standards because they meant to love forever. This is why jealousy is they’re whole theme but don’t think they can not be players.

□ venus in gemini are not only smooth talkers but they have the ability to adapt to any preference! Everyone has fallen or will fall for this placement at least once in their life, be cautious.

■ Moon in aquarius people are great leaders. People always seem to follow them and trust them very easily!


ps: this post refers to this Venus placement alone; the house, other sign placements + aspects to Venus will obviously affect it.

© Possesses a deep inner restlessness. Their fundamental question when relating is “Who am I?”.

© They relate to and understand themselves through a reactive process. This means that they constantly put themselves (or think about it) through experiences that lead to self-awareness and self-knowledge. This is a perpetual process since Gemini is a mutable sign.

© They’re constantly asking themselves “What does this mean¿ If I do this, what will I learn¿ Do I really believe this¿”, which in itself is a kind of restriction so they won’t allow EVERY experience to change them.

© These people may go through periods where they’re seeking all kinds of experiences, taking all classes, reading all kinds of books & movies, etc. They eventually get sick of it, though, since they need time to process all they just experienced.

© That’s why Gemini Venus are usually not straight since they have an intense inner curiosity and want to experience as much of themselves and life as possible, relating to others very openly (I have 3 bisexual friends with this placement).

© They’re attracted to anyone who symbolizes new experiences or knowledge. They ask good questions and are great communicators. Their key skill is drawing people out of their shell.

© Since Gemini is an air sign, these people associate feelings = whatever they’re thinking. They understand their own and others’ feeling nature through intellect. They gotta know where you’re coming from, mentally, to understand your intentions.

© Sexually, these people may at least give the impression of being open to all sexual possibilities. They may be specially interested in phone sex, sexting, or just talking through sex (as long as it doesn’t get too emotional). This mental orientation induces a certain detachment from the sexual experience, which could create frustration from more emotionally oriented partners.

© They should be more discriminate in their experimentation since not Every experience will contribute to their self-knowledge. Through self-analysis, they can learn much more about themselves than through outside experiences.


Observing Venus - 1

Please do not take what I say personally. If something does not apply to you, then it doesn’t apply to you. Not everything on your placement will apply to you. Birth charts will do that.

These are my own interpretations and observations on the placements. Do not recommend my shit on TikTok. Do not plagiarize or repost my content.

“Imagine being loved by me…”

- Talk by Hozier


  • It’s blinding.
  • It’s like getting a puppy and all you see is them. You want to spend every moment with them. You think everything they do is cute, when they mess up, howl, break shit. Your heart makes it’s loving pitter patter and all you could say is awww. It’s a childlike forgiveness, to say sorry and never do it again. It’s not being able to hide your emotions, it’s seeing them all over your face. It’s innocent.
  • They have a fierce loyalty, kinda like a watch dog. Will defend you with their claws and teeth if they call you their loved one.
  • They…They’re a lot in love. They can rush into it headlong.
  • LMAOOOO they like to tell themselves, “I won’t rush into the next relationship. I won’t rush things with this person. Slow and steady.”
  • Then they see someone they like and it’s heart eyes all the way. Until that feeling begins to fade.
  • It always fades and for this, people think they’re non-committal and they’re not serious in love. Not everyone’s definition of commitment is the same because not everyone needs the same things from relationships.
  • An Aries Venus needs the excitement, needs to experience new things in love. The world is so big and there is so much to experience, why would you want to settle?
  • You don’t wanna go go-carting or bungee jumping or have a spicy wing eating contest? Our bodies will wither away and when they truly do, and you can’t walk the way you used to, do you not want amazing memories?
  • A lot of them are okay being by themselves. They love their personal space and their stuff. If you’re ever in a relationship with them they’re like, “That’s yours and this is mine.” You can honestly set boundaries with them and they’ll respect it.
  • They can’t hide their emotions for shit. It’s all over their face, especially when they like someone, they’ll start doing and saying some alien shit.
  • They’re so curious. They’re absolutely enamored by people who can keep their composure and hide their feelings. They want to melt their heart.


  • It’s growth.
  • It’s planting a seed and learning everything you possibly can to take care of it and nurture it. It’s giving it everything it needs, watching over it, making sure it’s in a good environment. It’s grounding, humbling. It’s marvelling at the mountainside, at nature. It’s sitting in the sun and soaking up its light. It’s always there.
  • Taurus Venus individuals are reliable and solid. So much so that people always expect them to be around no matter how much you mess up with them.
  • Even though Taurus is ruled by Venus, there’s a lot of misconceptions that their love is freely given, they’re affectionate, blah blah blah. It’s so generalized.
  • They’re not going to be affectionate with just anyone. They’re not going to just give anyone their love. They’re selective with it. They’re selective with the relationships they nurture, and because of this they come across as a friendly stoic.
  • Taurus Venus individuals don’t even like being touched or shown affection unless they like you. It’s a thing with them. Unless they have feelings for you, if you come at them with gifts or affection or words of affirmation, they actually get a bit put off by it. They see it as sort of manipulative.
  • “What are you trying here buster?”
  • No, but lemme explain why. If you give a Taurus Venus a gift, you’re basically professing your love to them. They also look at the kind of gift you got them. If it’s extremely thoughtful, like freakishly thoughtful, in their mind it’s like “This person wants to marry me. Do I feel the same?”
  • It can be materialistic, and they can be materialistic, but it’s only because they understand how exchanges and money work.
  • They’re the kind of person who makes a point to always pay for themselves. They won’t want anyone else to spend unnecessary money on them besides them. Once you get them something, they’re always going to remember it or they’ll try to pay you back in some way.
  • They have their guard way the fuck up.
  • They’re nice to strangers, but that’s all you getting. They’ll keep what they have for themselves and those they care about.


  • It’s the unexpected.
  • It’s reciting your favourite childhood cartoon moments. It’s eating cereal any time of the day because why the hell not? It’s a burst of energy to suddenly do something. It’s a million conversations in one. It’s electric. It’s seeing the relevance in everything. It’s change.
  • It’s not that they don’t commit. I’ve met plenty of Gemini Venus individuals who stick with a partner for the longest time, in the monogamous sense. However, the kind of people they stick with are so mysterious and spontaneous. They’re always learning something new about them, and this is regardless of their Sun sign.
  • My grandmother had a Cancer Sun with a Gemini Venus and she was married to my grandfather for more than 30 years and she didn’t even know his real name. She only found out after he passed on and they had his funeral and they were referring to him by his birth name and she was like, “Tf are they talking about?????”
  • So, yeah, they don’t really care to know all that deep shit. If they vibe with you, they vibe with you.
  • They like to be kept on their toes in love.
  • They like complex people. They find them interesting and yeah, they can get bored easily but if you’re charming and you’re communicative you can easily woo them.
  • They love, love, love to have conversations. Stimulate their mind and you’ll stimulate something else. Wink wink. Nudge nudge.


  • It’s a mother’s love.
  • People shy away from it, but they have so much to give. It’s being reminded of a time when they were far too dependent on another. It’s strange, not having to do anything and just being loved for being alive. It’s gentle, knowing smiles. It’s hair being tucked behind your ear or lint being picked off your clothes. It’s asking why you’re upset. Have you eaten? What do you want? Are you okay? It’s making certain you’re getting everything you need. It’s comfort.
  • They have a reputation for being clingy. It’s really blown out of proportion. They wear their heart on their sleeve and they really like to understand their loved ones. They go out of their way for them and they want to be involved in their lives.
  • They just meet people when they’re younger who are like, “Oooh boo hoo, fuck feelings. Blah blah blah. Don’t need them. Blah blah blah. I’m so hardcore.”
  • Then a Cancer Venus sees this and thinks, “I can change them.”
  • They learn the hard way that you can’t make someone love you. You can’t make someone put in the effort. Love is not something that you can force on someone. You just need to let people who want to leave, leave. Focus on those who want to stay because they’re a lot better for you.
  • It’s a hard lesson to learn, but you really see how a Cancer Venus flourishes after they start applying it in their life.
  • They’re so secure in themselves. They’re not crying all the time when someone leaves and most of all, they don’t shut themselves away after a heartbreak. They keep loving and they keep living.
  • They’re honestly like the stereotypical view society has on marriage material, at least that’s how I see this placement.


  • It’s prideful.
  • It’s holding hands in public and letting everyone know this person by your side is your person. It’s standing together as a united front. It’s wearing each other’s clothes. Remembering romantic, cheesy movie lines and quoting it to each other like inside jokes. It’s screaming your favorite song together at the top of your lungs. It’s remembering the first words you said to each other. It’s unashamed.
  • A Leo Venus will never be ashamed of their partner, no matter what. They are so fiercely loyal, like Aries Venus. They will start to look at your relationship like it’s you against the world if it ever comes to that.
  • It’s due to the fact that they trust their heart. They trust what they feel with you.
  • It’s not always like this, everyone goes through a learning curve in love but that’s just life. When a Leo Venus does get to a healthy understanding of what they want in a partner, they pick people they know will never leave them with egg on their face.
  • They can be so blindly loyal that in the past they would never question what their partners do or say, no matter how shady or questionable it might be. If anyone else tries to point it out to them, they’ll just bite their head off only to find out the hard way they should’ve heeded the warnings they got.
  • It happens, as unfortunate as it may be. I really admire how they always leave their heart open to love. It’s what they want. They want joy and happiness and someone who values what they value.


  • It’s attentive.
  • It’s calendars filled with firsts. First time you watched a movie together. First time you met their family or friends. First time you tried a new ice cream together. It’s memorable, and wanting to celebrate every day, no matter how small. It’s taking mental notes of the things you say and do. The sauces you reach for, the faces you pull when you’re reading or watching something. Your daily rituals. It’s learning and observing, so if there’s ever a day you need anything from them, they’ll know exactly what it is. It’s planning ahead.
  • Virgo Venus becomes like this over time, but when you first meet them? You would honestly think that they hate you.
  • You ever seen a cat pissed off? They’ll raise themselves on all fours and puff their fur out? Yup, that’s them. They’ll hiss at you.
  • I dunno why, but the Virgo in Venus peeps I’ve met seem to be mad when they’re in love. Like, they’re so grumpy about it at first.
  • “Why does it have to be this motherfucker? They don’t even type right. Ffs they’re wearing open toe sandals with jeans, how damn embarrassing. I can’t fucking deal.”
  • Literally will give themselves a headache over you. They have so many concerns.
  • They’ll start observing you and comparing you to this perfect version of a partner they have for themselves in their mind.
  • A lot of the time the person they fall for don’t tick a goddamn box and then they decide to take you on as a pet project and “fix” you.
  • They usually end up giving up. They just try and try and try but you’re just gonna keep being you and they can’t believe they’re admitting this to themselves but they love this you.
  • Then they’ll throw caution to the wind and just let you into their heart. That’s when you see the Virgo Venus who goes above and beyond for you, who remembers every little detail about you, who wants to shower you with affection in their own way.
  • Getting you things you say you need, being practical like running errands with you or doing research on something together. They might even try different lifestyles with you.


Dating the signs would include…

use mars and venus

Aries: Play fighting, waking up in the middle of the night to watch the stars, holding hangs in public, tickle fights, hickeys, back scratches, hot showers together

Taurus: Baking together, going out to eat, snuggles in bed, fingers running through your hair, long car drives, dancing in the kitchen

Gemini: Love notes, taking pictures, reading to each other, passionate debates, showing each other music, rebelling together, going shopping together, food fights

Cancer: Small gifts, emotional talks, going on walks together, going to museums, matching shoes, licking food off each others fingers, eskimo kisses

Leo: Compliments, passionate sex, discovering things together, getting drunk/high with each other, partners in crime, singing to a song together, pranks

Virgo: Learning new things, bettering yourself, trying new restaurants, playing with food, baths together, being spoiled, reading old notebooks, looking through old pictures

Libra: Taking pictures, going to amusement parks, trying new things, long hugs, endless laughs, fancy events, extravagant gifts, staying up all night

Scorpio: Sex sex sex, experiencing things together, always having someone to talk to, thigh kisses, sensual massages, clubbing, smoking, drinking, dancing, watching the city on a roof

Sagittarius: Traveling, drinking buddies, legs intertwined in bed, waking up to kisses and breakfast, tickle fights, meeting all of their friends, ass slaps

Capricorn: Shoulder kisses, good advice, walking around cities, home cooked dinner, teaching each other new perspectives, long talks, no secrets

Aquarius: Spontaneous road trips, childlike wonder, traveling, drawing together, soft kisses, make up sex, massages, winks from across the room

Pisces: consuming love, cooking together, crying together, going on hikes, piggybacks, writing each other notes, doing chores together, picnics


Ways they say “I love you”

♡  Venus in Aries
Bringing you alongside their adventures, asking if you feel safe, holding your hand when you are overwhelmed and can’t keep up, takes heed and respect of your advice 

♡ Venus in Taurus
Ensuring you always have a safe place to go, checking in to make sure you’re okay, being motherly - keeping you nourished and nurtured, attempting to take the stress of life from you  

♡ Venus in Gemini
Putting their phone away to give you their full attention, engaging in your opinions and subjects of interest, always has time to talk to you and remains eternally fascinated with your stories 

♡ Venus in Cancer 
Attempting to get themselves out of a bad or down mood when they are around you, ensuring that you are taking care of yourself, cooking your favourite meal when they can see you are struggling 

♡ Venus in Leo
Dressing up and beautifying themselves for you, playing up to your seductive vices, involving you in their interests and pleasures, trying to hug the sadness out of you, making a big celebration out of your birthday

♡ Venus in Virgo
Remembers your routine and schedule, and the little things that make you comfortable and content, pulling the blanket over you when you are cold, leaving the light on in case it gets dark

♡ Venus in Libra 
Considers your needs before making a decision, comments at length and emphasises your good qualities, talks about themselves in a pair - “we both had a great time”

♡ Venus in Scorpio
So protective that they would probably die for you, tells you secrets they have hidden from the world, refuses to let you settle for less than you deserve, comments about things you have never told them but they have observed, affectionate and responsive to you in their dark and down moods  

♡ Venus in Sagittarius 
Integrates you in their vision for the future - ‘when we travel here…’, ‘once we have done this…’, disagrees with your beliefs but respects them and explores them with you, can check in often out of fear you will run away 

♡ Venus in Capricorn 
Discusses your goals and desires at length and works with you to achieve them, considers your success as their success, affectionate and responsive to you when they have withdrawn 

♡ Venus in Aquarius 
Keeping you close when everyone else is kept at distance, being vulnerable and opening up about their feelings, recognising special and unique things about you and encouraging them to radiate 

♡ Venus in Pisces 
Knowing that you are in a bad mood before you know yourself, remembers your silent nuances and essentials - like how many sugars in your coffee, stays up late with you regardless of how tired they are 


Strongest to Weakest Chakras:

Throat - our ability to communicate, self-expression and feelings of truth, accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice, allows you to stand up for what you believe in.

Sacral - our ability to accept others and new experiences, sense of abundance and sexuality, passion and pleasure center, center of physical feeling and sensuality, allows you to live in the present.

Third Eye - our ability to focus and see the big picture, our intuition and imagination, spiritual reflection and contemplation, our ability to internalize the outer world and externalize our inner world, access to our inner guidance, developing an objective wisdom.

Base - our most basic primal instincts, survival issues, foundation of physical energy, allows us courage and resourcefulness.

Heart - our ability to love, our joy and inner peace, sense of caring and compassion, allows us to realize that we are part of something larger than ourselves.

Solar Plexus - our self-worth and self-confidence, ability to be in control of our lives, our center of willpower, self-discipline and personal power, allows you to meet life’s challenges, perseverance and responsibility.

* Crown chakra not included as it is technically unattainable until a human being has reached full enlightenment.

Gemini anthem

Damned if I do
Damned if I don’t
You know I got a girl back home
You got a man what you want, what you want
What these bitches want from a n—
On some DMX shit
I know them other n— love tricking
On some BMX shit
But not me
Now I’m sure you done heard about me
A black star, Mos Def, Kweli
Good southern bad hoes try me, they try me
This is Martin Luther King in the club
Getting dubs, with a bad bitch
In his ear sayin’ she down for whatever
In the back of his mind is Coretta

Venus secret

How to attract boys based on their Venus signs

Venus in Aries: you need to keep him curious, so firstly, try to pay attention to this guy because everybody loves to be noticed and then all of the sudden be as cold as possible. He will be confused and curious why did you act like that so that’s the moment you become interesting for him.

☕Venus in Taurus: this guy loves visuality: big boobs, aesthetic face and trendy clothes. He’s looking for classic relationship with somebody kind, well-mannered and feminine so no smoking or swearing. This type is one of the easiest to get because you can gain his love by delicious food.

Venus in Gemini: his perfect type is somebody smart and talkative who can be a part of every conversation whether it’s about sports or computer science. Funny and always cheerful. If you want this guy likes you than forget about all sad things and be the most positive person in the room

Venus in Cancer: this type is looking for real feelings with somebody who is kind and caring just like a mother. You need to make him feel like home so always ask how is he and show other signs of care. Also you need to be small&cute so he would want to hug you.

Venus in Leo: you can’t get attention of this guy without fashion clothes and glam makeup. You need to be the most beautiful, the most generous and the richest person in the room (or at least you need to look like the richest), moreover, you should act like you’re the queen: good manners, controlling your speech etc.

Venus in Virgo: this guy isn’t looking for feelings so be prepared to it. You should be smart and tidy. Remember that every detail is important so don’t show up in front of him if your hair is messy or if you have a pimple. Erudition is the most important criteria to him so read some science or historical facts if you want to make a good impression

Venus in Libra: this guy is looking for a nice company. For somebody who is cute, charming and doesn’t think too much about routine problems. Friendly and knows a lot about relationships so will be able to find compromises. Just be positive, polite and don’t be too smarty or serious.

Venus in Scorpio: you should have a bunch of secrets so be quite and don’t talk to much. He wants a partner whom he can solve like a detective story, that’s why you should get his attention like in mystic series: keep looking at him all the time without saying anything.

⌛Venus in Sagittarius: he loves exotic so try to add something foreign in your look if your appearance is not unusual. However, it’s not as important as your knowledge and wisdom. If you have never thought about why do we live or stuff like that what you two would talk about? Good sense of humor is necessary too

Venus in Capricorn: he’s looking for somebody who can be really comfortable. If he has a normal job then he probably needs somebody who can be a good housekeeper and baby raiser, or if he has no job then he’s looking for somebody rich. Just be as serious as all Capricorns to get his attention

Venus in Aquarius: this guy has no ideal type he’s just looking for somebody who would understand him and can become a truly friend. The only advice I can give is to be yourself and have fun around because this type loves jokes.

Venus in Pisces: this is the most interesting Venus of all because there’re some levels of it. Mostly this placement is looking for a muse who will inspire him and in this case, you’ll never know what his muse is exactly. But as for different Pisces level he’s looking for somebody who will perfectly suits him so you need to be just like him.



Believeslove should happen at first sight; likes independent, go-getters; enjoys chasing and being chased

Arguing and friendly competition is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by inspiring/encouraging suitors to pursue and “win” her/him

Flirtsby teasing and picking fights; 

Wantsto be #1 in the relationship (and in her/his partner’s life) or will lose interest quickly


Believeslove should come after a lot of long-term consideration; likes (and is impressed by) wealthy people

Rich, comfort foods, receiving massages, listening to music, and fragrances that smell like something edible (mmm vanilla!) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being emotionally stable and having consistent habits

Flirtsby providing physical comfort

Wantsto feel secure in relationships and “know where this is going”


Believeslove should mean never having to say, “I’m bored”; likes quotable, multifaceted people who have lots of diverse interests

Verbal/written expressions of love are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely entertaining

Flirtsby sharing thoughts & feelings and assigning pet names

Wants24/7 communication accessibility in relationships; variety, unpredictability


Believeslove should be nurturing; likes people who need mothering (or who are mothering) and are appreciative of her efforts

Emotional bonding and cuddling are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by making people feel cozy and sheltered; 

Flirtsby feeding and/or cooking for someone, remembering preferences, giving thoughtful tokens of affection

Wantsinterdependence in relationships


Believeslove should ALWAYS consist of romance, drama, fun, and loyalty; likes people who stand out in socially acceptable ways 

Receiving awe-inspiring gifts and positive, focused attention from an audience are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by playing up strengths and downplaying weaknesses, and inspiring chivalry

Flirtsby complimenting

Wantsemotionally-moving displays of appreciation and gratitude in relationships


Believeslove should involve making a commitment to take care of someone else; likes hard-workers who pay attention to details (conversely, is also attracted to flawed, disorganized partners that need fixing)

good hygiene, a neat appearance, and an orderly environment are aphrodisiacs 

Attractslove by handling all of the “dirty work” in a partner’s life

Flirtsby making analytical observations, self-deprecating humor, or offering self-improvement advice

Wantsto feel needed and useful in relationships


Believeslove should = 50/50 partnership + 24/7 romance; likes attractive, intelligent, and sociable people

The usual romantic clichés (such as rose petals on the bed and long, moonlit walks on the beach) are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being charming company, understanding and attentive

Flirtsindiscriminately for attention and popularity

Wantsequality, romance, and lots of attention in relationships; beauty, making plans as a couple 


Believeslove should be passionate, intense, and life-altering; likes to associate with powerful people whose sexuality comes in contradictory layers

A strong sex drive, instant chemistry, intensity, and loyalty are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by keeping a mate’s secrets, developing an emotional bond, and not wanting to share the partner’s affection

Flirtsthrough seduction

Wantsto have control and trust in a relationship


Believeslove should bring happiness, great times, and good luck; likes outgoing, intelligent, independent, adventurous people

Visiting exotic places, meeting foreign people, exploring foreign cultures, and different accents are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being friendly, fun-loving, generous, and free-spirited

Flirtsthrough friendly conversation and making someone laugh

Wantsfreedom, honesty, few expectations, and undefined commitment in a relationship


Believeslove should make people keep their word; likes responsible, successful people who can help with achieving aspirations

Knowing what’s coming next is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being dependable and loyal; shows affection by honoring commitments and not leaving the relationship; 

Flirtsby getting straight to the point, assessing a potential mate’s value, and showing off their dry wit as they feel more comfortable

Wantsa solid commitment from the right person in relationships


Believeslove should be dessert with friendship as the main entrée; likes free-spirited, eccentric people who aren’t afraid to go against the status quo

Discussing new, inventive ways to have sex is an aphrodisiac

Attractslove by being friendly to everyone

Flirtsby sharing unusual ideas and opinions

Wantsa best friend, intellectually stimulating company and emotional detachment in relationships


Believeslove should be a perfect blend of an intuitive, spiritual bond and romance; likes nonjudgmental, creative people who think and communicate in imaginative ways

Dreamy kisses that cause tingles, foot massages, bubble baths, and mind-altering substances or practices are aphrodisiacs

Attractslove by being infinitely compassionate and seeing the best in people

Flirtsby developing and acknowledging a special connection

Wantsempathy, kindness, and sensitivity in relationships

Venus in GeminiUnconscious ExpressionSelf-defeating habit: Preoccupation with a quick wit in social

Venus in Gemini

Unconscious Expression

Self-defeating habit: Preoccupation with a quick wit in social situations.

Result: You may unknowingly withhold from others your special ability for adding lightness and open communication. Neglecting to listen to others’ ideas leads to feeling a distinct lack of confidence in communicating with them at all. Indulging in flightiness in social relationships results in experiencing a lack of worth in yourself and others.

When you use your talent for communication to manipulate, to deceive, or to create a superficial excitement with glib wit, you are left without an experience of your own value. In trying to look good to others, it’s easy for you to get caught up in superficiality. This type of communication leads to feelings of insecurity and to being at the mercy of how others see you.

Conscious Expression

When you are willing to share your natural gift of lightheartedness, you cheer others. Your ability to listen to other points of view strengthens your capacity to contribute an appropriate optimistic insight to any social situation. Your talent for stimulating, elevating conversation can result in your experiencing a deep sense of your social self-worth.

When you see the larger picture of others’ viewpoints, you have the gift of communicating in such a way that their burdens are lightened. This leads to feeling a reaction of zest and satisfaction. You establish a firm sense of self-worth and confidence in social situations by cheerfully uplifting others.

–Jodie Forrest, Spiritual Astrology

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12th House Venus in Gemini be like… ✨✨
