

So, Vertex is where you find your karmic patterns and a meeting with destiny. It is the chart’s fifth angle, so to speak, less important than the other angles. It’s the energy that repeats themselves over and over again without much control. It also represents innate qualities that are not being used. It’s a karmic point that needs activation to bring out and harness its power. Three things can activate the vertex: transits, other people (synastry), and places. Vertex is represented with Vx is some charts or something similar to a plus sign.


House of self: Must work on first impressions and self appearances. There’s a perpetuation of fresh starts and can lead a person to never really work on personal long-term goals. Gathering leadership skills and allowing constructive criticisms from loved ones to help you grow into your full potential is key.


House of possessions: Working on general life skills and developing a strong sense of personal needs. Have confidence with your senses like taste, sound, touch, and smell. Anything that develop your senses to the physical world and being consciously aware of your environment helps take control of your karmic patterns.


House of communication: Working on controlling your thoughts through meditation and being consciously aware of what you speak. This is not to say you shouldn’t speak in fear, but to speak from both the mind and the heart. Remembering that even negative words can still come from both the mind and the heart, not just positive words. You learn valuable information through others and being open to any form of education will help take control of your karmic patterns.


House of inner self: It’s the house of “home” so nurturing your personal space from your bedroom to your closet to your bathroom. If you have no control over these things, seek a place that feels like home. I know people who use a library as their safe space. People with this placement often use cafes as their “space”. Usually this placement carries a lot of baggage and nourishment beyond the physical aspect. Certain people will bring out your nurturing side.


House of love and pleasure: Needs to be mindful and practice self-love, may lose themselves in chasing other people’s love. May even neglect themselves chasing love. Be aware and accepting of the love given by those you hold dear. You fall in and out of love trying to look for that special person when that special person is you.


House of daily routines: Highly psychic but is rejected. must develop a strong sense of care for your body, mind, and soul. strong need to be of service to others but needs to learn that you can help if you can’t help yourself first. Going with your intuition and feelings and listening to your inner guidance is key to taking control of your karmic patterns.


house of relationships:  Karmic lessons finding peace and balance independently of relationships and others. learning to balance relationships with personal needs. feel lost without partnerships and will look constantly look for partnerships, may even leave one for another. taking control of your karmic patterns through gathering strong independence is key.


house of transformations: Known as the mystic because of the strong karmic ties with the energy of Scorpio. There’s an undercurrent of strong psychic abilities, physical and sexual power. Certain actions that you take make you change in dramatic and, powerful ways. You’ll find yourself facing occasional periods of difficulties especially in regards to money. Finding your inner self while creating a positive self-concept will help you take control of your karmic patterns. With Vertex in the 8th house, you’ll be forced to evaluate your image of self-worth many times.


house of travel: Known as all things in personal evolution- whether that’s traveling to new lands or new ideas. By looking at this house, you understand what might inspire you. Through expansion both psychically and mentally will help you gain control of your karmic patterns. International travel, meeting foreign people, learning new languages, and seeking higher education will help break karmic patterns especially within the family. Consider leaving from your ordinary life as a form of expansion, evolution, and inspiration.


house of career: So with Vertex in the 10th house, your public persona and career will be where you find your karmic patterns. it tells you of your ideal purpose & career path. Similar to north nodes being a life purpose, your 10th house is your public destiny. The vertex here indicates what people first see or understand of you when they initially meet you. Pay attention to the 10th house  if you’re seeking to break free from your karmic patterns in relation to your career.


house of friendships: Pretty straightforward, there’s some karmic patterns associated with your friends especially those made on social media. There’s power in the collective as well as creativity generated by the group. Banding together will help you create more and do more of what you want to do. You find freedom within these groups. Through them you are able to take control of your karmic patterns.


house of the subconscious: house of the subconscious: Vertex in the 12th house is the place where your pursuit with art helps take control of karmic patterns. It rules all things imagination such as creativity, art, the subconscious mind, and secrets. It’s not just art that will help take control of your karmic patterns, however. Dealing with uncovering mysteries and using psychology to take control of these karmic patterns will do the job. The vertex in this house puts focus on helping those uncover their own subconscious mind through your work. It also compels you to seek closure in a spiritual way as an aid to positive growth.

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I’m researching and writing about Vertex in astrology, and I realized that there’s such a generalization for the houses especially the 4th house. I also think there’s a bit of a confusion here too.

4th house is often called the house of home. but it’s really the house of personal space. especially because it’s the direct square of your 1st house, the house of personal self. the opposite of the 1st house is 7th house and that’s the house of relationships and partnerships beyond the self. the opposite of 4th house and the direct squares of 1st and 7th house is the 10th house, the house of public self. These are the angles of your birth chart.Do you see the connection there?

the point of the 1st house is  called AC

the point of the 7th house is called DC

the point of the 4th house is called IC

the point of the 10th house is called MC

4th house is often associated with home and family and while that’s true on a high level perspective it really deals with the personal space around you and the one’s you’re willing(or unwilling) to invite into your inner being. There’s a reason why the 4th house is considered the lowest point of a birth chart. because it’s the deepest parts of the person.

It’s a “dark” house. Sounds similar to 12th and 8th house now, right?

but 12th house deals with trauma, rejections, the hidden. 4th house is your hideout from when your 12th house is being activated.

8th house deals with contracts, obsessions, transformations, deep soul bonds, anything that sticks long term. this is why death is associated with 8th house because nothing is more permanent than that. soul possessions. 4th house deals with what a life lived, the life inside the life. the inner life of a person.

I want to touch on 2nd house because it’s the opposite of 8th house and therefore can be confused with 8th house.

the 2nd house is about money, possessions (different from obsessions) that is temporary and fleeting, earthy possessions. such as a physical home.

in relation to the 4th house(of often associated with belonging), 11th house is the houses of community and belonging, but the 4th house is belonging with your inner self, connecting yourself to your inner self. without a strong awareness of your 4th house, it can leave you feeling “empty” no matter how many friends and happiness you have.

a lot of soulful artists carry a strong 4th house or a planet in their 4th house.

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Vertex Edge S15 Silvia @lifesteezemedia #farmofminds. . . . . #vertex #vertexjapan #silvias15 #s15

Vertex Edge S15 Silvia @lifesteezemedia #farmofminds
#vertex #vertexjapan #silvias15 #s15 #nismo #nissansilvia #s15シルビア #stance #stancenation #speedhunters

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♡ Cecil (Elf Village) - Vertex

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I really want to go back and play dragon’s crown again. Tiki was an awesome little guide :3 Ch

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