#4th house


astrology notes

-those with saturn square part of fortune may have some bad karma (maybe from a past life)

-pisces mars can victimize themselves and not even realize it. they just have that mentality

-your ascendant persona chart’s ascendant should be thought of like a second ascendant

-7th house sun/moon/mercury can fall into a very negative head-space if their relationships aren’t to their definition of perfection

-somebody with 8th house in gemini might be very closed off emotionally because of their fear of intimacy

-havingpluto in the 1st house can make somebody seem intimidating

-venus in the 2nd house might be scared of being seen as unattractive or awkward

-lilith in the 4th house may feel as if they never had a ‘place’ at home

-those with jupiter in the 4th house could have been spoiled as a kid

-somebody with moon square pluto can see right through somebody’s facade

-people with chiron to venus aspects are the biggest culprits of downplaying pain and ignoring their problems

-negative jupiter to saturn aspects can hold somebody back from happiness or their ability to fully enjoy things

-sagittarius placements are quick to cut people off and often end relationships unexpectedly

I’m researching and writing about Vertex in astrology, and I realized that there’s such a generalization for the houses especially the 4th house. I also think there’s a bit of a confusion here too.

4th house is often called the house of home. but it’s really the house of personal space. especially because it’s the direct square of your 1st house, the house of personal self. the opposite of the 1st house is 7th house and that’s the house of relationships and partnerships beyond the self. the opposite of 4th house and the direct squares of 1st and 7th house is the 10th house, the house of public self. These are the angles of your birth chart.Do you see the connection there?

the point of the 1st house is  called AC

the point of the 7th house is called DC

the point of the 4th house is called IC

the point of the 10th house is called MC

4th house is often associated with home and family and while that’s true on a high level perspective it really deals with the personal space around you and the one’s you’re willing(or unwilling) to invite into your inner being. There’s a reason why the 4th house is considered the lowest point of a birth chart. because it’s the deepest parts of the person.

It’s a “dark” house. Sounds similar to 12th and 8th house now, right?

but 12th house deals with trauma, rejections, the hidden. 4th house is your hideout from when your 12th house is being activated.

8th house deals with contracts, obsessions, transformations, deep soul bonds, anything that sticks long term. this is why death is associated with 8th house because nothing is more permanent than that. soul possessions. 4th house deals with what a life lived, the life inside the life. the inner life of a person.

I want to touch on 2nd house because it’s the opposite of 8th house and therefore can be confused with 8th house.

the 2nd house is about money, possessions (different from obsessions) that is temporary and fleeting, earthy possessions. such as a physical home.

in relation to the 4th house(of often associated with belonging), 11th house is the houses of community and belonging, but the 4th house is belonging with your inner self, connecting yourself to your inner self. without a strong awareness of your 4th house, it can leave you feeling “empty” no matter how many friends and happiness you have.

a lot of soulful artists carry a strong 4th house or a planet in their 4th house.

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astrolocherry:Birthday Moon in the 4th House - Mama Said There’d Be Moon Phases Like This.. writte


Birthday Moon in the 4th House - Mama Said There’d Be Moon Phases Like This..

written by astrolocherry

Her bloodline is of ancient Matrilineal Aristocracy. Her blood is made of 90 percent Lunar amniotic fluid. She does not travel anywhere to learn and perform enchantment. Instead she is the very state of Natural Magic. She is the magic that happens. Although the line to the Divine is vague, the individual is deeply tethered to world’s beyond. The powerful connection between individual and Mother Goddess is tightly bound for a lifetime. 

This is a sensitive position for the Moon, and her lunar songs are symphonic in her own Cancer ruled house. The attachment to home, family, and loved ones is physically, spiritually, and emotionally binding. Stability is important, although her childhood may have involved a lot of moving around and change in residence. The core is gentle, emotional, and loving with Moon in the 4th. Healthy experiences during the upbringing prime empathy, appreciation, and soothing lifelong memories. But, if the earliest expression of emotion were invalidated by the parents, the individual can struggle longterm with emotional lability, instability, and dependency. Much of her coping skills centre around developing emotional resiliency and the ability to self comfort. The individual is a safe guarder and the nature is defensive and protective. She dips her mermaid tail in the moon lagoon, the water in her spirit, and she frequently drifts into fantasy and comforting reverie. Remarkable memory retention can be a blessing and a curse. 

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Astrological Households

People with 1st Houseplanets need the freedom to be the author/authority of their lives

People with 2nd House planets prefer a small/trusted circle so not to be used for their resources

People with 3rd House planets were often the teachers of younger siblings

People with 4th House planets need a strong connection to their cultural/ancestral origins to feel belonging

People with 5th House planets are inner child healers

People with 6th House planets confront multiple superiors who are less qualified/competent 

People with 7th House planets must to participate in their own self-development; or risk the cycle of a relationship repeating itself indefinitely

People with 8th House planets confront multiple scenarios in life that force the choice between their integrity, or making money

People with 9th House planets need to source a deeper meaning, Divinity, & mythology in life,or risk catching feverish ideologies

People with 10th House planets are subject to a lot of self-annihilating comparison to the lives and successes of others against their own

People with 11th House planets have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up with their ideas, visions, & theories

People with 12th House planets deal with a lethargy caused by physical energy being dispensed in unseen/invisible/dream realms

- Cherry


1st house: This is who I am.
Keyword: Identity

2nd house: This is what is mine.
Keyword: Personal

3rd house: This is how I share.
Keyword: Communication

4th house: This is where I came from.
Keyword: Support

5th house: This is what I make.
Keyword: Pleasure

6th house: This is how I struggle.
Keyword: Service

7th house: This is how I give.
Keyword: Sacrifice

8th house: This is how I progress.
Keyword: Transformation

9th house: This is how I learn.
Keyword(s): Separation of self

10th house: This is what will optimize my potential
Keyword: Goals

11th house: This is where I integrate myself to a population
Keyword: community

12th house: These are the difficulties which have been molded through each of my lifetimes.
Keyword: Expose

Moon Transiting through the houses

*Check your transit chart to see what houses your natal planets are in right now and bear in mind that aspects and signs will affect this.

Moon transiting through the 1st House - You will feel and appear more emotional than usual. Emotions may be slightly harder to control and you could be feeling more confident during this transit. Be careful not to act on impulse during this time and make sure you think before you act. This is a great time to get a lot off your chest and this transit will also give you the motivation to get things done, especially anything you feel strongly about. If you have harsh aspects to your transit moon, be careful that you don’t lose control of your emotions and act in ways that you will later regret.

Moon transiting through the 2nd House - You will be thinking more about your income and job, shopping for materialistic items and anything that could comfort you in some way. This is a great time to buy some new items, practice your talents and focus on your job. Be aware that harsh aspects could make you more impulsive with spending right now so make sure you won’t regret your spending spree later. Singing and delving deep into your talents will be a great way to balance your emotions right now. You may be more emotional about your job and income right now so take it easy. Taking a bubble bath with some scented candles might be a good idea right now. Anything that stimulates the senses or that comforts you may be of interest to you right now and is a great way to relieve emotional stress.

Moon transiting through the 3rd House - Your mind will be quicker than usual. You may find yourself thinking about different topics or you may have a thirst for knowledge during this transit. This is a great time to learn something new and do some research. Taking short trips might help you to relieve any emotional buildup you might be experiencing. This is a good time to connect with siblings and you might feel closer to your siblings and maybe cousins during this time.

Moon transiting through the 4th house - You will want to stay at home during this transit. Emotions could be heightened and you could find yourself thinking more about your family. You might feel closer with your mother right now and you will feel more empathetic and sensitive to the needs of her, as well as your family. You might feel more emotional in family settings. This is a great time to spend time with your mother and your family as it is a great time to strengthen your bond with them. This is also a great time to complete any plans associated with the home as you feel closer to matters of the home during this time. You may feel like exploring your heritage and roots during this time, and feel more emotionally connected to your ancestors. Harsh aspects to transit moon can cause problems within the home and emotions towards the family and mother.

Moon transiting through the 5th house - You will feel more creative during this transit. You will be more involved in your hobbies and possibly even children. You could be thinking about having children especially if you are in a relationship and you may be more emotionally involved in your love interests during this time. This is a great time to get started on a creative project, start a new hobby or do something fun. You be a little bit more dramatic in your emotional displays, especially if you have natal moon in leo or have aspects to natal 5th house planets, so be careful not to overdo it.

Moon transiting the 6th house - You will want to get stuff done and work will be something that you will be thinking about more during this transit. You will be feeling closer towards your pets during this time as well as co-workers. You will be thinking more about your health during this time and problems with your emotional health are more likely. Health problems are also more likely to come to the surface. You could be more health conscious right now, sensitive to anything that may be affecting it. Meditation, exercise and healthy eating is a great way to keep your mental and physical health in check and make sure you pace yourself! This is also a great time to get work done.

Moon transiting the 7th House - You will be thinking and feeling more in your one-on-one relationships with others. You will be more sensitive to any problems in your relationships. You may feel the need to be in a relationship or find yourself starting to feel emotionally involved in any new relationships. Confrontations with enemies may come up.

Moon transiting the 8th House - You may feel more emotional and sensitive during this time. You may find yourself being more interested in taboo subjects such as sex and death, or you may even be more sensitive about these topics. You may feel even closer to the people you have strong emotional ties to and this is a great time to be intimate with others right now. This may be a time where you’re more likely to be given an inheritance or if you aren’t careful debts (check for harsh aspects). This may be a time where you can borrow money from somebody, even if this isn’t the case shared-finances may come up more. You may feel more psychic during this time and have the ability to enter parts of your mind that you can’t usually. You may feel slightly moodier and more solitary, or you may come across this way to others and even though sex and deep connection and intimacy is more likely it’s not always the case.

Moon Transiting the 9th House - You are more likely to be more interested or involved in politics and religion. You may be more interested in travelling and you may feel like booking a holiday during this time. Interactions with foreigners are more likely and you may find yourself more interested in different cultures or spiritual practises. You may feel closer to your religion, or maybe you will find yourself more active in this area during this time.

Moon in the 10th House - You will start to care more about your public image and career during this transit. Expect interactions with your father, or anything associated with your father to come to light, especially when it comes your emotions. You may start to be more interested in others with a good career or public image or maybe your public image and career may cause you some emotional issues. You will be able to focus more on improving your public image or career during this time, although harsh aspects could cause your emotions to get in the way of this.

Moon In the 11th House - You may be thinking about your friends more than usual. You may think about being a part of a group or organisation. You may feel really strongly about a certain cause and you may feel the need to speak up about certain problems in the world. Hopes, wishes and dreams may be intensified and your emotions may help you to be more motivated to achieve your goals. This is a great time to speak up about something that you feel strongly about and to make a change in the world.

Moon in the 12th House - This tends to be a time when any emotional problems you’ve been facing will hit you like a truck, especially with harsh aspects. You will be more likely to try and keep your emotions hidden during this time and you may be more creative. For some you may feel more fearful and scared during this transit and others will feel like they are stronger emotionally. You will feel a lot more sensitive to the feelings of others and you may also feel more sensitive emotionally during this time. This is a great time to write your thoughts and feelings down in a diary, spend some quality time to yourself, play music, practise self love and one of the best of all with this transit is to delve into your creativity. You may find ways to explore the subconscious mind, delving deep into your emotions.

Tips with coping with the pandemic at home ~ using astrology

*Part 1 - randomised order of water, fire, earth and air signs + houses

*Somenon-professional advice to those who are struggling to cope with staying at home using astrology

Planets in the 4th House/Cancer

*Explore your roots*

- Tap into your role of the mother/nurturer whether that is online or in your home. You might have the ability to help people who are struggling emotionally during this time.

- update and improve your living environment

- Rearrange your furniture and items at home

- Contact family members over phone, video call or social media. You could even start a family group chat.

- Start exploring your family history/ancestry online

- Create a Photo album full of photos of your memories, whether that is photos of memorable times with your family, parents or anything that makes you smile

- Be mindful and appreciative of anything that makes you smile in your present environment, it could be a sentimental item, just being appreciative of your home or someone you live with.

Planets in the 5th House/Leo

~ Get Creative ~

- Blast some music and throw yourself a party at home alone or whilst facetiming friends/get involved with an online party (video chat).

- create mini creative movies, dance videos or fun, silly videos

- Watch creative videos on youtube

- Start a youtube channel showing off your creative talents

- binge watch netflix or throw yourself a movie night

- Choreograph your own dance routine

- Try and fit in your hobbies at home, find creative ways of taking part in hobbies at home

- Learn how to play a musical instrument or a creative skill at home by researching or watching videos online

Planets in the 6th House/Virgo

*Be of service*

- Be of service somehow, to yourself and others. Volunteering to help out in the pandemic or helping your friends and people online or over phone who are struggling to cope with it all. Make sure you are practising self care too.

- Work from home

- Write a to-do list or create a planner to start a healthy routine and work-schedule

- Work out, meditate and practice yoga or pilates at home / watch videos online to help you do this

- Watch health videos and read about how to stay healthy at home

- Find some books to read (this could be online) of your interest.

- Look after your pets

- Research accurate information online and post advice online for others to stay healthy and well during this time.

Planets in the 11th House/Aquarius

~ be a part of an online community~

- Join an online chat room

- Join an online community, meet people online that share similar interests to you

- call and facetime friends / video chat more than one person

- start writing down your positive hopes and wishes for the future in a notebook

- spread awareness on how to help others suffering from the pandemic or maybe even get involved in helping people suffering from the pandemic through being a part of an online community helping others who are struggling.

- Keep up to date and conscious with what’s going on around the world and let your voice be heard

- Research and look up charities and organisations to be a part of online or in the future.

We will get through this together

bless you all i hope this has helped


Sun in water houses is creative, visionary, a trendsetter. Is limitless, deep, sometimes even extravagant, this individual ignores trends and social expectations, they live in their own reality, acting on their own self-created concepts.


the IC or 4th house is, between many things, also about your family roots and dynamics. its about understanding what makes you feel safe, where you find comfort & where you feel at home 

IC in Aries: aggressive or demanding parents, might have gotten into sports as a child even if they didn’t want to, lack of identification with the rest of the family, wishes to have their individuality more respected, if the child had siblings there was a lotof fighting, controlling tendencies from a young age
IC in Taurus: parents had financial stability and provided well for the family, the child didn’t engage in many arguments and was often the peacemaker in the house, needs routine to feel safe and in control, not many arguments, calm energy in the house
IC in Gemini: family might have lived in many different houses or places, talkative and sociable parents that might have worked/works with education/communication somehow, a lot of silly arguments in the house, the child enjoyed talking to their parents/siblings 
IC in Cancer: very attached to the family, protective parents and a very strong mother figure, the mother might have provided for the family alone, the family was united no matter what, possible emotional manipulation in the home, a lot of resentment runs in the house, nostalgic feelings
IC in Leo: the typical “perfect family”, lots of arguments regarding ego, competition between siblings, parents might have been known/popular somehow or have a status, the child felt a lot of pressure to succeed and couldn’t stand to fail, were possibly spoiled, the family had a lot of fun in general
IC in Virgo: overprotecting parents, felt suffocated in the house, the child wished to be more heard, a ‘goody goody’, extreme fear of failing, the child worried a lot about their adult life, parents were not very affectionate and were very critical of the child’s attitudes
IC in Libra: also peacemakers in the house, actually enjoys talking and spending time to their own family, parents were very sociable and diplomatic, absolutely couldnt stand fighting, sensitive and ambitious child, might have had the pressure to please everyone and to not express their own individuality
IC in Scorpio: very misunderstood by their family, child were independent and free and also not very affectionate, parents might have manipulated or kept secrets from the child, parents didn’t had many guests in the house, strong happenings that changed the family, possible tragedies 
IC in Sagittarius: didn’t had strong emotional attachments to their home or family, like gemini might have also traveled a lot, a lot of good memories from the childhood, felt a little misunderstood by the family, parents might have been too optimistic or even reckless, anywhere is home, finds security in freedom, parents were likely not demanding
IC in Capricorn: parents were overbearing and serious, the child didn’t felt free enough to be silly around the family, a very private and grounded family that might follow traditions, everyone in the family needed their own space, the child could have loner tendencies, felt pressured to succeed from a very young age
IC in Aquarius: the home felt unstable and excentric somehow, the child were independent just like everyone else in the family, didn’t felt the need to be around family all the time, parents couldnt get the child to do something they didnt want, curious child, unconventional family, parents had a lot of acquaintances/friends
IC in Pisces: the child couldn’t affirm their own individuality in the house, might have felt lost/kept in the dark, came to have realizations about the family in their teenage years, didnt understood a lot of things, artistic and creative child, family member could have had substance abuse problems, foggy memories about their childhood

A Deeper Look at the 4th House/Imum Coeli

The 4th house is commonly known to be associated with family, roots, upbringing and our home in both a physical and emotional sense. The 4th house cusp is called the Imum Coeli or IC. It’s the lowest part of the Natal Chart, it is the most private and personal to us, and it creates the foundation for the rest of our chart. The condition of the 4th house describes our childhood upbringing and the home environment we grew up in. This is the part of our lives in which we learn to satisfy our most basic needs regarding safety and comfort. What we learn during childhood (and our caregivers) has a deep influence over our psychological basis and how we form emotional responses throughout our lives.

What can be built on a weak foundation? Surely you could not have a successful career (10th house) without a bed to sleep in at night? How can you have a fulfilling relationship (7th house) if you don’t know what you need to feel nurtured and secure? The stronger our roots are, the more we can build onto our foundation. Arguably. the 4th house could be considered the most important house… if we have nowhere to call home, nowhere to feel safe, and no family to call for help, the other 11 houses become rather insignificant.

But what is “home”? I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying “home is where the heart is.” The concept of home goes beyond a physical sense. Home is a feeling. When we feel at home, we feel like we can be our most authentic selves. The 4th house is the base of our consciousness and our emotional center. It is your ability to feel at home with not only your physical surroundings but to feel at home with the SELF on a deep emotional level. The ability of our 4th house and the way it is able to function is dependent on our ability to retreat into our inner world and form a strong connection with the deepest parts of our psyche. Who are you when no one is watching? The 4th house is how we access that part of ourselves, that quiet space that exists within all of us and allows us to feel centered and grounded. That is what home is really all about, if you feel at home with yourself then you can create a home anywhere you go.

Take for example, someone with an Aquarius IC… their ability to feel the most at home and comfortable in their environment is going to be tied to their ability to feel independent and celebrate their individuality, maybe even having the space to rebel! They would not be able to feel deep emotional fulfillment if they were deprived of the space to function freely as an individual and to think/act outside of the box of what is considered normal. This would be an emotional need for them and without it they would not feel like they have access to their true selves. Freedom, change, and individuality could be the tools they use to “come home” and feel grounded and safe to express their true nature.

Or someone with Sun in the 4th house… Many tend to assume that someone with Sun/Moon in the 4th house is going to be someone with deep ties to their family and home, maybe even a homebody type. But this isn’t always true. Someone with Sun in the 4th house, the expression of their ego and identity is going to be reliant on their emotional foundation. If this person tries to neglect their emotions, is uncomfortable with the reality of their emotional needs, doesn’t have a safe and comfortable space to call home, their ability to shine is going to be greatly weakened. But when they have plenty of access to privacy, comfort, and stability, their self-expression will be energized and they can really shine for everyone to see! It doesn’t mean that they spend all their time at home, but they need the resources of the 4th house in order to be their radiant selves. This is true for any 4th house placement, the resources of the 4th house are going to be a crucial aspect in the planet’s expression. And it works vice versa, the planet in the 4th could also be considered a tool in which one may call upon this deeper understanding of the self. So with this placement, not only would the 4th house provide the resources the Sun needs to shine, but the Sun would in return shine that light onto the 4th house and lead to emotional fulfillment and comfort when is expressing their personality.

How are your 4th house planets functioning? If you have your Venus there, are you able to connect with others and do things that bring you pleasure? If you have your Mars there, are you able to initiate new things, do you have the willpower to achieve your goals and assert yourself when necessary? If not, your foundation may need some tending to. Spend some time alone, call upon your 4th house resources and tools to get closer to yourself! The 4th house is your safe space. This is where you can truly be yourself and access the deepest parts of your inner world. So use it! The rest of your chart will thank you for having that strong, stable, beautiful foundation to rest on.

click here for more from twelvehousemoon 

Signs in the Fourth HouseThis placement is where the Mother Moon feels at home, hence it is the doma

Signs in the Fourth House

This placement is where the Mother Moon feels at home, hence it is the domain of Cancer. Being the house for emotions and the past, it has powerful psychological and emotional influence on human beings. In Roman mythology Diana was the Goddess of the Moon, children, animals and women - her Greek name was Artemis (though they differ in certain parts.) The Goddess in both interpretations was depicted as sort of a guardian of innocence - light in the dark. Therefore there are these themes of “guarding” and “security” we stumble upon with this house. This is the house which tells us about our mothers, family life, our home, our inner voice, and our ancestry to a certain point but it is arguable.  

♈︎Aries / Mars in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy fire sign influences in her chart. She is a leader and she is very assertive. She might be on the more aggressive side but as easily as she gets angry she is also quick to turn into a more bubbly mood. She is self-confident but to the point of insisting she is the only one who has valid points in this World. The house the native grew up in, involved a lot of arguing between the parents which seemed to spark out of nowhere. The most extreme case would be domestic violence being present in the home. The family might have had problems concerning their homes. Somethings always seem to break down inside the house. The individual might have some resentment towards the family. Looking back at her childhood can bring some anger to the surface. With a family life that is lacking peace, the person’s inner voice can be on the more aggressive side. The person has no patience for understanding themselves, therefore the emotions are all over the place. Patience with ones-self and the family is key here.  

♉︎Taurus / Venus in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy Venusian influences in her chart. She is beautiful and graceful but can be a little lazy. She had a great influence on the home environment, she seemed to be the source of comfort for the family. The family life was overall nice but might have had been boring. The family is close-minded compared to the native of the chart. Even though the family is talented in the arts they are not that open to the “new”. The family may find it hard to accept the quirky side of the person, but they are comforting in certain ways. The house the native grew up in was very beautiful and they did not move around a lot. The food prepared in the house is of amazing taste. Perhaps the native has spent most of their lives in the same family home. An extreme case could be that certain members of the family (could be especially the mom) were too self-indulgent and prefer material stuff over emotional comfort. However, the individual thinks fondly of their past within the family home maybe because they choose to remember only the nice things about it. The person might seek material stuff to feed their emotional needs like the mother which can lead them to be shopaholics or binge eaters. They prefer to be realistic about their emotions and they are patient about their ups and downs.

♊︎Gemini / Mercury in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy air sign influences in her chart. She is very intelligent but also a trouble maker when she does not have an outlet for displaying her intelligence. The family life was kind of turbulent and restless, something was always happening but nevertheless, it was very fun too. The natives learned a lot from the family and especially the mother who was like a sister to them more than a mother. The mother is very vocal about her emotions and hid nothing from the chid. In an extreme case, the mother exposed the child to too much of life’s reality when the child was not yet ready. The roles of the parents in the family might be reversed. The family was constantly on the move, never wanting to settle down on one house. In another scenario, the house was always full of people (maybe with questionable intentions) This amount of exposure to adult conversation from an early age lead the natives to have a very anxious inner voice inside their heads. They might always be in the need to communicate even when it is not necessary. They are very intelligent when it comes to addressing certain issues though and are very understanding of their and others’ emotional needs. They are not afraid of talking about deeper things.  

♋︎Cancer / Moon in the 4th House:

The moon has a heavy influence on the mother’s chart. She is very emotional and nurturing. She was definitely meant to be a mother and was accepting of the child’s emotional needs. The family life can go either way, it was either very secure or there were certain troubling things that lead the mother to be extra protective over the child. The family might have had some secrets that the native still does not know about. The house the native grew up in could have had been near the sea or a lake of some sort. With a mother that was very protective of them, now they are also very protective of the mother. There is a deep bond with their mother which gets stronger as they both age. The native is a very nostalgic person who tends always to come back to reflect on the past. The past always has a heavy influence on the person which can make it harder for them to let go. Even though they are very emotional they prefer to keep it to themselves and their mother only.  

♌︎Leo / Sun in the 4th House:

The sun has a heavy influence on the mother’s chart. She is a person who is in the foreground - a very optimistic and fun personality. The native looks up to the mother and is very important for them. The mother might have a child-like attitude towards life leading the child to be more mature than them or take care of the mother when it is supposed to be the other way around. No matter what the mother is highly creative and so is the family. The family of the native has a strong influence on them when it comes to their self-identity. Growing up, home life was very dramatic but fun at the same time. Big mistakes were made which were easily forgiven by the members. The house was very important for the family, so they were in constant search of the best house for them and when it was finally found it was magical. With a very creative and dramatic family life, the native is the same when it comes to their emotions. They are very child-like and innocent and they give themselves the space to make mistakes. Depression is not very common for these natives to have since they always find ways to light themselves up. Nostalgia is a medicine for them.

♍︎Virgo / Mercury in the 4th House:

The mother might have Virgo or Earth sign influences in her chart. She might be a workaholic who was very strict about having certain rules around the house. If that wasn’t the case, great anxiety was caused by the mother since she was not very emotionally open to her children. She might have had been a very critical person who was hard to please. The family environment was very focused on being “perfect” and this caused a lot of stress for its members. There might have had been a certain chronic illness that a member of the family suffered from. All of this lead the native of this placement to feel a certain dictate towards the past. But the family past is not a subject they avoid thinking about even though it wasn’t the greatest. They like to analyze their past and their mother’s actions. They always try to be logical when it comes to their emotions, always trying to understand what it is they are feeling. When they cannot understand it causes them great anxiety.

♎︎Libra / Venus in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy Venusian or Air influences in her chart. She is a beautiful lady who is very concerned about the way she comes across. She is a perfectionist when it comes to her family. She probably had a lot of say when it comes to house rules and its decorations. She was a very just and kind person but kept her emotional side behind closed doors even from her children and maybe her husband. Only “good vibes” were allowed to be expressed. This has caused the native of this chart to be concerned with other people’s emotional needs and neglect their own since they always wanted to know what their mothers were going through or since they were taught to keep their emotions on a leash. They are very good at keeping their emotions intact. They love to learn about what other people are going through and helping them out. They are especially very nourishing and caring toward their partners. Taking care of the partner leads them to forget about themselves. They love nostalgia and tend to collect retro stuff.

♏︎Scorpio / Pluto in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy Pluto influences in her chart. She is a mysterious and intense woman who tends to be very controlling over the family and the house. She was passionate about her hobbies or work and probably was not shy about talking about intense topics with the family but always keeping her mysterious exterior. The house the native grew up in had a certain dark-vibe to it which was hard to pin down, it is advised for the native to check the ruler of Pluto in their charts to understand better. There is a karmic bond with the mother, perhaps a sense of revenge or an intense desire to prove themselves to them. The native has a love/hate relationship with their past and also with their emotions. They go through stages in life which involves high ups and very low downs concerning their emotional needs. They are very passionate about the past and love to dig deep down to the throat of their childhoods.    

♐︎Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy Jupiterian influences in her chart. She is a bubbly character who was pretty much the Zeus of the house. Perhaps she was born in another country and or another culture than where the native of the chart was born. She might have had influenced the family with her different background (religion/culture/philosophy). The house the native grew up in was either very big or full of different kinds of people who they never really got to know personally. Also, this can indicate that In their later years the chart owner may move into a foreign country. The family life was full of adventure and random family trips which the native goes back to from time to time. They are big on nostalgia, forever wanting to keep their memories close to their hearts. The mother was a very emotionally open person which allowed the natives to allow themselves to understand their own and others’ emotional needs. This also has made them a very intuitive person. Whenever they listen to their emotions they make the right choices but if they betray their intuition, big problems arise.

♑︎Capricorn / Saturn in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy earth sign or Saturn influences in her chart. The mother might have had taken the role of the father or the father was more motherly than the mother herself. The theme of having a “family business” is heavy with this placement where the female figures are lucky with being successful. But on the downside, this has to lead the mother figure to be out of touch with the home life. The mother was too busy with their career hence the time that they spent with the child was very limited. In another scenario, the mother was not emotionally nourishing the child. This has caused the native of this chart to be afraid of their emotions and made it harder for them to be more open on a deeper level. They try hard to avoid their emotions and consult to logic which can cause depression on their parts. Remembering things from the past causes them melancholy.

♒︎Aquarius / Uranus in the 4th House:

The mother might have heavy Uranian influences in her chart. She is a weirdo who is peace with that but this might have caused the natives to not quite understand the mother. The mother has made some shocking decisions in her life so the native always expects the unexpected from her but of course, this has also caused them to feel unsafe especially emotionally. The family life and the places the family called home went through a lot of changes. Many of the changes were unwelcomed. The family is very open-minded and there is a sense of freedom to talk about anything but there is a tendency of trying to make logical sense out of emotions. The unstableness of the family life has caused the natives to be emotionally unstable as well. They might cry or laugh in the wrong places. But the number of surprising emotions will teach the natives to be open about them as well. They are highly intelligent when it comes to addressing deep issues and non-judgmental about what other people are feeling.

♓︎Pisces / Neptune in the 4th House:

The mother might have a heavy water sign or Neptunian influences in her chart. She was a selfless woman, you can call her mother Teresa if you will, or she was a totally confusing person for the native of this chart. She was an idealist and a dreamer who had influenced the chart owner a lot when it comes to their own dreams and ideals. In an extreme scenario, she was a person with a horrible addiction and influenced the native in that way. Nevertheless, there is a fascination with the mother on the native’s part. They might idolize or victimize her, sometimes they feel both of these things towards her. The family might have had lived near the ocean or the sea. The native always dreams about having the ideal family and the home, not being satisfied with the one they had as a child. The emotions the native feels tend to confuse and scare him therefore always seeking alcohol or something tangible for comfort. This might be a big secret they have. They tend to keep their emotions hidden away, even from themselves just to come across these feelings in random places and times.

(Art:“Diana and Endymion” by Francesco Trevisani)

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Hey everyone , I’ve been gone forever a while, Miss Corona got us all f-up, lol.

Anyway, I just came here to bring you an astral note I found out recently;

The 4th, 8th and 12th houses placements, are feelings, hard to perform, hard to talk, hard to grab.

You just feel them.

How can you show a feeling in its core? Feeling. It.

Mercury in any of these water houses will find it it difficult to *speak* their mind. They could possibly wish they could telepathic say stuff.

Sun: Could even be a lazy or sidereal personality, it stamina and natural form sees and feels itself as an emotion […]More that an physical realm.

Venus: a great place to be, but how can I show that I love you?

What are my tools? Idk, I just feel It.

Using the aspects connected to that planet is the only option… or??

Drugs or alcohol are considered (by me) as a bridge to feel. Because feelings and vulnerabilty are mostly covered by our ego, which overlaps our subconscious self.

✨Astro note:

Pay attention to the opposite house of your Sun’s house, it may be what you unconsciously are trying to personally accomplish in your life.

For example: Having the Sun in the 7th house points you to look for individuality, to look for your true identity, since this one points to the 1st house.

Now, the good aspects that go from the sun, closer to that house (the opposite), help you to achieve the goal easier; the hard aspects make things a little harder but not impossible.

Tip: if you wanna see what are your advantages and disadvantages when trying to accomplish them, just hold your chart from below the sun house, having the opposite house as a “Midheaven”, you will see what takes you there the closest.


The 4th House: roots, our past, ancestry, family bonds, the home, parents, childhood, inherited traits or patterns, hereditary, family environment, upbringing, the womb, programmed psyche, comfort, support, base/headquarters, protection, foundation, children, spirits, the connection between beginnings and endings, private/domestic life, buried emotions, nurturing, personal satisfaction OR personal security.

Talked to a friend about the complexity of moon in 4th house gemini for pisces rising. Came to strange realization.

The moon is in it’s own house when placed in the 4th. The reason why pisces rising are seen as fish going in opposite directions is because of gemini In 4th house. It’s the sign of the twins. Being adaptable. Learning. Taking information in. Using intuition. Maybe taking in to much and feeling overwhelmed. Indescive. Going in opposite directions due to information overload.

Do these sound like pisces rising traits? They come from gemini in 4th house.

the 4th house: the safety we need

“We are born with the bare bones of certain innate predispositions and expectations, but our experiences as children add layers upon layers of flesh to these.”

- Howard Sasportas

We can all agree that a firm foundation must be established before anything can be safe and secure in our lives. There must be a sense of consistency and assurance that what we are cultivating, be it relationships or habits, is rooted in emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. And when it doesn’t, it’s easy to see how our structures can tremble and eventually fall apart over time. When we begin to reflect on our childhoods, our foundations typically become unsteady as we are unearthing memories and experiences that we subconsciously could have buried for years. Were you allowed to decipher your values? Did your parents make you feel safe? Were they consistent in their routines? Did they hold high expectations for you and expect you to behave in specific ways that they were not doing themselves?

The 4th house is the nadir, the lowest point in our chart. It represents our home, value, family, roots, upbringing, heritage, ancestry, and traditions. It’s our private life, and even when we try to explain just how chaotic or bad things were growing up to others, it can feel like others don’t fully understand because it’s hidden from their perception. The 4th house is, “well, honestly, you had to have been there to understand,” energy. It’s opposite the very visible house of our career and reputation. We can see that Moon-Saturn Axis come to life as you cannot have stable and prosperous structures (10h) without emotional wellness (4h).

Howard Sasportas states:

“The 4th house represents where we go when we settle back into ourselves- the inner center- where our ‘I’ returns to rest before launching into activity again. It is the base of operations from which we meet life. As opposed to our public side, the 4th house describes what we are like deep inside. Becoming conscious of the origins of our attitudes allows for the possibility of changing them. Delving into the 4th house, which shows the archetypes activated in the early home life between ourselves and the parent in question, can greatly aid this process.”

When you look at the sign and planets in the 4th house, you can see both the positive and negative ways in which energy in your upbringing could have manifested.

For example, Gemini in the 4th house, could have parents who valued education’s importance and encouraged the child to learn. Still, on the other hand, the child could have felt silenced, like they were not able to fully express their opinions or originality, especially if planets such as Saturn are in the 4th house. The parent could have valued the child’s education and wit, but never when used to critique their forms of parenting. Pisces in the 4th house and the parent could have tried to be welcoming and nurturing but in very unhealthy ways. The way they parented could have completely dissolved boundaries between the parent and child. This could have profoundly impacted the child’s psychological development as the child now feels responsible for the parent, knowing they cannot entirely rely on them. Aquarius in the 4th house and the child could have faced rejection from the parental figures, feeling like the only way to “keep the peace” would be to conform and be like everybody else in the family, suffering in silence. Leo in the 4th house and your parents could have been overly dramatic and self-centered, more focused on how others saw the family in an unreasonable manner. Virgo in the 4th house and your parents could have been overly critical and emotionally unavailable. They could have spent more time judging others instead of focusing on self reflection.Aries in the 4th houseand there could have been constant chaos in the family and with siblings, your emotional needs could have been met with impatience.

cont:Sagittarius in the 4th houseand the parental figures could have been shallow in response to the child’s emotional needs, leaving the child feeling like their caretakers are too flighty and inconsistent. Cancer in the 4th house and the child could have felt like there was never a right time to express their needs or feelings; the parental figures could have been very touchy, moody, or constantly nagging. Capricorn in the 4th house and the child could have always been expected to be polite, mature, and responsible, never given the room to scream, cry, or truly express themselves. Scorpio in the 4th house and the parent could have been controlling and vindictive, making the child feel like they have to keep a tight leash on their own emotions, as their parent’s emotions were already overwhelming them a lot. Taurus in the 4th house, and the child could have always felt roadblocked when communicating emotional needs with the parent or family. It could have been expected in the family to pretend things never happened or not speak of them. Libra in the 4th house, and the child could have felt like there was always this need to keep up this image within the family and pretend like everything is lovely, fair, and peaceful even through the most hectic moments.

It is never too late to find healing from harsh or neglectful childhood experiences. When you confront these events, you will find the freedom necessary to establish yourself in other areas of your life and commit to holding space for your emotional needs. When you examine your fourth house with a magnifying lens, you can determine how to redirect this energy. For example, Gemini Saturn in the 4th house and you could feel like your voice and self-expression (Gemini) were silenced (Saturn). So now you must allow yourself to express yourself in all aspects of your life; even if at first it feels awkward or you’re scared to say the “wrong thing,” say it anyway. Practice journaling, writing poetry and stories, and creating with your hands in general (Gemini) to boost your voice. And watch how over time (Saturn), you will feel more confident and at peace. Suppose you find yourself running into people committed to misunderstanding you, yet these are people who cannot name one thing regarding your passion and talents, and ideas. In that case, conversations with them do not truly matter, do they?

Howard Sasportas emphasizes that the 4th house suggests the conditions surrounding our second half of life and that “What is most deep within us comes out at the end. The 4th house, like our past, always catches up to us." 

However, it is essential to recognize that the collapse of these structures should not be viewed as a defeat.It is okay when relationships or opportunities do not work out. Especially if, at the time, we were using coping methods that were no longer effective or healthy in our lives, and we didn’t know it yet. But afterward, we have the opportunity to apply our knowledge and improve things for next time. Being a healthy version of oneself is not synonymous with being a perfect version of oneself. This is impossible and ineffective. Healing means making room for all the previous versions of yourself and honoring them, accepting them, loving them and learning from them.

You can also look at your 4th house ruler to determine how you can establish these secure foundations that you might not have received in childhood. We always have the opportunity to reflect on our values and adjust boundaries. 

For example, 4th house ruler in the 7th house? Then make sure you establish healthy relationships where the energy is reciprocated, and it’s not just you doing emotional and physical labor for others. Your relationships have to feel SATISFYING, and if they don’t, you shouldn’t force yourself to keep toxic people around out of guilt. 4th house ruler is in the 3rd house, and you need to make sure that the neighborhood you’re living in and the people in your vicinity are not emotionally draining you. You need to make space to express your needs and ideas throughout the day as the 3rd house rules our conscious mind. 4th house ruler in the 9th house, and you can rely on spiritual and religious practices as forms of comfort. And you can also feel more secure the more you grow when it comes to your education. Your knowledge can liberate you. It could also be helpful for you to travel. 4th house ruler in the 8th house, and you can’t be afraid when it comes to acknowledging the darkest aspects of you, the thoughts you are ashamed of, and the relationships you have with your body, finances, and sexuality. Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for everyone else? Will that genuinely make you happy in the end? 4th house ruler in the 10th house would do you good to have conversations with figures you admire and respect who can provide you with sound advice. And so on. You know best how specific energy manifests in your own life and what you truly desire. 

Those ^ were some personal interpretations, but this site can provide you with more info about the 4th house ruler throughout all the houses. 


Which house is your Neptune? Do you have one of these negative aspects? Comment below!

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Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

in the 8th house your family grants you an inheritance. in the 4th house your family inherits you.


Note: Use Whole Signs

Aries AC/Cancer IC: You grew up stifled due to being told to stay in the comfort zone. You were taught to stick to what you always knew, stay safe, and not take risks. Now, you seek to take risks, be brave, and to be assertive with what you want.

Taurus AC/Leo IC: You grew up learning that gaining attention stabilized your foundation. You were encouraged to be charismatic and to focus on yourself. Now, you know how to seek stabilization without attention, for you truly know that stabilization starts within yourself.

Gemini AC/Virgo IC: You grew up learning that life consisted of a lot of work and attentiveness. You were taught to always work first. Now, you know how to live life playfully, and to communicate well with others rather than overthinking and over-analyzing.

Cancer AC/Libra IC: You grew up passively to keep the peace. You were taught to always be polite, well-mannered, and considerate. Now, you seek for your own comfort and familiarity, and realize that emotional comfort creates stronger bonds rather than just following social cues.

Leo AC/Scorpio IC: As you grew up, you were told to stay in the shadows and keep the secrets. You were taught that the world was dark. Now, you seek to illuminate your own light to the world, for you are able to handle any inevitable shadows coming your way.

Virgo AC/Sagittarius IC: You grew up exposed to the grandness of the world. The world was overwhelming, and it was hard to take root. Now, you seek to not miss a detail, for this is how you’ve learned to truly appreciate the world for what it is. Quality management is a priority.

Libra AC/Capricorn IC: You grew up quickly due to being exposed to the harsh, somber state of the world. Now, you seek to soften the harshness of reality by trying to create relationships with others so that nobody would ever have to face the world alone.

Scorpio AC/Aquarius IC: You grew up feeling alienated from the world. It felt as if you had to convince others you had power. Now, you realize that receiving and feeling such powers is a personal, intimate matter within yourself that will not require an arbitrary outside opinion.

Sagittarius AC/Pisces IC: You grew up in ambiguity with little to no grounding. Now, you have learned that as long as ambiguity is inevitable, so is opportunity. You explore the world freely, without a care about where you’re going because ultimately, you’ll be just fine.

Capricorn AC/Aries IC: You grew up quickly encountering conflict, aggression, and immaturity. The world was a battlefield. Facing conflict has helped you gain tougher skin, and you have realized that maturity and responsibility, not brute force, is the way to gain true power.

Aquarius AC/Taurus IC: You grew up encountering stagnancy and stubbornness. Being trapped in complacency has urged you to be the change, and you realize that one must always go out of the comfort zone if they want to truly create anything lasting and meaningful.

Pisces AC/Gemini IC: When you grew up, you were given the assumption that life has a certain logic and rationality. However, you witnessed inconsistencies, you eventually accept such inconsistencies, for you realize that the unknown is an inevitable part of life.

j’adore <3
