#very important vulcan info









OnApril 5th 2063, within minutes of the Vulcan ambassadors’ arrival to Earth, the Wikipedia page for The Fermi Paradox was edited to include the words “was”, not “is”.

Given how fast wikipedia updates I can see that happening. Maybe. Assuming that one of the potential Very Fast Updaters of the future lives in a place with reliable enough internet access post WW3.

There’s a heated argument in the discussion section between people who haven’t heard yet.

The page gets rolled back and then updates again by a guy who’s been waiting for their signal strength to increase and actually got to the page first.

Someone asks if these ‘Vulcans’ are really aliens or just cosplayers, starting a whole new discussion argument.

Meanwhile, on Vulcan, some poor sod has to update their wikipedia-equivalents page on humans, and wonders how to possibly phrase ’S'chn T'gai Solkar kissed the first human to travel at warp’ without it sounding illogical.

Logipedia editor, updating the First Contacts page with an image of The Handshake: computer, render SolkarTheSlut.jpg

Hordes of scandalised Vulcans: delete this

what’s the Vulcan equivalent of “alexa play despacito”

Alexa = short form of Alexandra

Alexandra = feminine version of ‘Alexander’

Alexander: To defend/help

T'Veran = Vulcan name meaning ‘lady support’

Despacito = 'slowly’

The Vulcan equivalent of Alexa play Despacito is, as best as I can translate:

T'Veran, play Vohris.
