#vexahlia cr


jesus i am suuuuper fucked up over her tiny “vax?” as she tentatively starts to hug him back,,,the initial vehement rejection of the possibility that he could be alive that comes from a place of self-preservation, a place of knowing that she Won’t survive if she gets her hopes up and loses him for a second time,,all swiftly and inevitably replaced by this naive, uncontrollable hope that it’s real and that she somehow got her brother back

“it’s a trick, it’s a trick of the feywild” I Am Screaming And Crying Right Now

the way vex is just sitting on the ground, staring at nothing and spiraling. the way percy has to say her name twice to get her attention. the way she looks at him and you can see the quiet tired “what is it dear” in her eyes, even if she can’t find the strength to say it out loud. the way he is so gentle with her in response.

i’m so hashtag depressed over the way vex is normally a decision-maker, a leader, someone who takes control, and keyleth is normally the spell-caster asked to clear the fog, melt the ice, heat the metal, transport the party, and both of them are just. catatonic. barely able to muster a few questions and a cantrip. holding each other and a set of empty armor.

not matt specifically waiting for vex to ask “where’s vax” to end the episode. that motherfucker

vex: are we really going to pledge allegiance to a bunch of different gods?

grog: that could be cool

keyleth: do we each get, like, different suits? like matching suits but in different colors? like god powers? maybe rings, so when we all combine them–

grog: no. you’re taking it too – just relax a little,,

i didn’t make a post about this earlier but i am making a post about it now because i’m still thinking about the way percy came down and saw the love of his life hugging a man that should be dead, and then firmly but so so gently asked her to step away from him. looked her in the eye and said with his whole heart poured into his voice, “if he’s not fine, you will not survive this. you know that.”

vex trying a tiny bit to poke a lil fun at keyleth and for once, just this one time, keyleth does not have the energy to be good-natured about it. “fuck all of you. for a fucking second just tell me what is going on.” because this is not a joke she Will Not come back from this if she isn’t careful and fuck everyone for thinking she can take a joke right now

grog: how the fuck do i get in that damn door?

vax: have you not crawled on all fours before?

percy: you should try it if you haven’t. it’s quite delightful.

grog: are you lying?

percy: no! for once i’m not.


