#victim shaming


TW: child abuse

I’m dmn TIRED of child abuse victims and just abuse victims in general who have the privilege of getting therapy and meds WHO THINK IT’S OKAY TO SHAME OTHER VICTIMS WHO DON’T HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE!!

I’m tired of seeing the

“ I didn’t stay in my victomhood, I became a survivor! not a victim!”

“ I didn’t stay stuck in my victimhood! ”

“ ptsd is for victims not survivors!”

Like no no no no

You are a person who can afford therapy that’s it!

You are a person who was helped by therapy and isn’t harmed by your ptsd as much because a therapist taught you ways to cope and you probs got some meds to help like which is cool for you


People who are still living and struggling with their PTSD are just as strong and survivors.

I’m glad that you got all this help but don’t you dare shame people who are handling this sht all by themselves.

They are handling it all without the privileges that you have and they are beyond any words of strong.

Also shut your traps about

“ PTSD is for victims not survivors!! ”

PTSD is for people who are surviving through trauma..

People living with PTSD are survivors.

You’re just promoting rpe culture by shaming victims for living with PTSD.

Not everyone can afford therapy and meds..
