
Next up in our lineup of fearsome performers, we have Catherine Belmont making her first performance

Next up in our lineup of fearsome performers, we have Catherine Belmont making her first performance this year with us! What surprises does she plan to bring to A kon? You have to come to the show and find our yourself!






Decades ago, a fearless family known as The Belmont family wander the lands of Europe at night, ridding the world of unholy demons known as vampires. The most powerful vampire of them all, known as Dracula, resides inside the stone walls of his castle while commanding his undead army of unknown creatures. Despite his deep hatred towards the humans, Dracula fell in love with one woman by the name of Lisa, who bared a child thus began the reign of  Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș, but known to all as, Alucard. While joining alongside The Belmonts in the mission to end his relentless father, Alucard began to feel strange. An uncontrollable urge fell over him and soon a certain amount of…changes…began to take hold. What will become of this lust-filled dhampir?






Down the darkness of England in another time frame, a secret business known as the Hellsing Organization lies dormant under the rule of Entegra Hellsing. After the attempted murder from her jealous uncle, Entegra gained the alliance of Alucard, a ruthless vampire whose power limits are entirely unknown. One day, while fulfilling his duties, Alucard came across a horribly injured police girl, known as Seras Victora. However, after it is revealed she is a virgin, Alucard shows mercy and revives her as his vampire servant. Now Seras, while under Alucard’s wing, continues to train like a true ghoul slayer while fulfilling her duty to protect those in need. However…despite her new found power, she still falls weak to many normal urges such fallen upon a normal human..such as..arousal.

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