#vigilante fanfiction



-summary; adrian can’t understand why you keep staring at his hands.
-warnings; injury, angst, blood.
-a/n;Mary Ruefle, The Cart

You sat across from Economos, staring at your laptop. You had totally zoned out, too occupied with the recon work you were doing. Your research was far too important to be distracted now. You didn’t hear the commotion as the rest of your task force stumbled into the office. You kept your eyes trained on your work until a masked Vigilante fell against your desk, dripping blood all over your notes.

“The fuck?!” You moved your papers out of the way, standing to force Adrian into your chair. “Jesus Christ, Chase.”

He pulled his mask off and sent a lopsided grin your way. His teeth were coated in blood. His nose had stopped bleeding, the rest of the blood didn’t belong to him. You pulled a stool over and stared at him. He flung his hand into your lap.


You scoff at him. You take his hand into yours, moving it. It’s not broken, probably sprained. His knuckles are bruised and bloodied. You open a drawer in your metal desk to pull out the medical supplies you keep there. You begin to clean his hand and he watches you.

“Why do you like my hands so much?”

“What?” You don’t look at him, eyes trained on the bandages you’re wrapping around his wrist.

“I see you staring at them all the time.”

“I stare when I zone out, Adrian,” you sighed, avoiding the question.

“This is different.”

“How so?”

“I dunno,” he exclaims, exasperated. “You look, like, flustered, I guess.”

You sighed again. You just continued to wrap the gauze around his hand, over his knuckles, between his fingers, back around his wrist. You focused all your attention on his hand. Adrian watched you carefully. When you were done, you looked around the office. The rest of your team had gone home. It was dark outside, and you were all alone, with Adrian still staring down at you.

“Buddy,” he whispered.

You cringed at the nickname.

Adrian didn’t know why he was whispering. It was so quiet in the office. It was so… intimate. Adrian was scared he would ruin it if he spoke too loud. You looked so perfect, eyes trained on his knuckles. You looked so good below him, fixing him, healing him. He wanted to kiss you, and Adrian didn’t know why.

You began to roll your stool away. Adrian reached out. He grabbed your hand and you stopped. You looked up at him, confused. He gazed back at you with a pleading look. Adrian moved his hand to cradle your cheek. You wrapped your own fingers around his wrist and pulled it away from your face. You sandwiched his hand between both of yours and stared at him.

“hands are so unbearably beautiful,” you whisper to him. “they hold things. They let things go.”

Adrian didn’t know how to respond. So he fisted his free hand into the collar of your shirt and pulled you into a kiss. It was forceful, excited, and a little sloppy. It was very Adrian. He poured himself into the kiss, he didn’t know what to say and so he just kept kissing. When you pulled away you opened your mouth. You tried to say something. Adrian just pulled you back against his lips. He knew he wouldn’t respond, he couldn’t. He simply wasn’t able to. Words were lost to him.

You dropped his hand as he pulled you to your feet. His hands scrambled to your waist as he pressed you up against your desk. You whimpered into the kiss and he swallowed it down, desperate for more.

“adrian,” you mumbled. “Let me go.”

His hands left your waist. You missed his touch as soon as it left you. He stared at you sadly. He wanted to lean back into you, to crowd you against the desk. He wanted to hold you and kiss you and never stop.

“We can’t do this, Adrian,” you said sadly. He just looked at you, didn’t move, didn’t speak. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Vigilante.”

Adrian watched you go and still he was stuck. Wouldn’t move, Wouldn’t speak.


Adrian Chase x Reader

Summary: During a drunken night with the 11th Street Kids, you say some things you normally wouldn’t. But will you regret it when you’re sober? Reader uses she/her pronouns.

Warnings: Fluff

Word Count: 3024

A/N: A few months ago, my friend and I watched Peacemaker solely for this man right here and boy am I glad we did. I’ve been obsessed with this dorky murderer ever since <3

“You did not beat up Superman,” Harcourt says with a tired expression on her face.

“Yes I did! You just didn’t hear about it ‘cause he was too embarrassed,” Peacemaker says, defensively. He takes another drink from his fourth beer of the night. “The guy’s not even that tough.”

You watch the interaction and laugh before taking a drink yourself. You had just finished a long day’s work when the team received a message from Amanda Waller. She demanded that you send her a detailed report of the last mission and a summary of what intel you had gathered on the butterflies by the morning. It was too much work for one person to do so the whole team stayed to work (although Chris had to be convinced to stay).

You had gone about one hour of doing the work before both Adrian and Chris started complaining that they were bored. When the rest of you refused to acknowledge them, Chris came up with the brilliant suggestion to ditch the work and get drunk instead. Adrian obviously backed this idea. You, Harcourt, John, and Adebayo all complained that you were too tired to go to a bar, which is when Chris brought out a secret cooler he had stashed in a supply closet.

It took some convincing, and you all had to beg Harcourt to join, but eventually everyone agreed. Fuck Waller, you deserved a break.

Which is how you find yourself currently sitting atop your desk with your third (or was it your fourth?) beer in your hands. You, Chris, John, and Adebayo were all drunk while Harcourt was only a little tipsy. Adrian remained sober as he claimed he would be patrolling later on that night.

“Drunk patrolling is way more dangerous than drunk driving,” Adrian had said to you earlier. You had felt the urge to argue, but then realized who you were talking to and decided against it.

As your mind begins to wander, so do your eyes as you look at Adrian sitting in a chair not too far from your desk. His cute glasses sit perched on his nose and you smile as you watch him laugh, his face beaming. He looks so beautiful. You want to tell him that but you can never get the words out. You almost find the courage to do so now when—

“Let’s play a game!” Leota says rather loudly, shaking you from your thoughts.

“How about truth or dare?” Adrian suggests with a smile. He’s always smiling. He has a beautiful smile.

“What are you, 12?” John shoots back, causing Adrian’s smile to falter. You frown and glare at John before someone else speaks up.

“Never have I ever?” Chris says.

“Boring,” Abebayo says. Then her face lights up. “What about fuck, marry, kill?”

“Aren’t you already married?” Harcourt questions.

“Yeah but this is just pretend,” Adebayo says, gesturing around with her beer bottle. All of you then agree to play.

“I’ll go first!” Chris yells.

“Um actually I wanted to—” Adebayo tries to argue but Chris interrupts her.

“Economos! Fuck, marry, kill…Harcourt, Adebayo, and Y/N,” he says with a cheeky smile. You’re surprised to hear your name and turn to see John’s face pale.

“Uh, aren’t we supposed to go in a circle?” John says nervously, trying not to meet any of the girls’ faces.

“There are no rules, just pick,” Chris says, leaning back in his chair. All three of you stare at John awaiting his response. He stutters, looking between all of you. “Come on man, it’s not like you got a shot with any of them anyway.”

John glares at Chris but Chris just smiles. “Okay fine,” John says, his face heating up. “If I had to choose…I would, marry Adebayo, fuck Y/N, and kill Harcourt.” The words quickly rush out of his mouth but everyone still heard him.

“Thank you,” Adebayo says at the same time as Harcourt says, “What the fuck?!”

Your mouth drops open for a second before blushing. Your drunk mind finds this amusing and you chuckle.

“He made me choose!” John says.

“Why the fuck would you kill me?” Harcourt says with a heated glare. Maybe if she were in a more sober state, she wouldn’t have cared as much. But right now she’s pissed.

“Because you scare me! I wouldn’t be comfortable having sex with you or marrying you,” he argues. Harcourt considers this and seems content with his answer.

“I never knew you had the hots for me John,” you say giggling. You throw a wink his way which only bothers him more.

“I didn’t—I don’t—I thought this was just a game!” he throws his hands up in the air and everyone laughs. Except for one person.

“How about someone else goes?” Adrian says with a frustrated voice. You look over and see him looking tense with a frown on his face. You struggle to comprehend what upset him and when you’re about to ask, someone else speaks.

“Okay I’ll go,” John says, determination on his face. A smug smile creeps onto his face. “Harcourt, fuck, marry, kill…Peacemaker, Vigilante, and me.”

“Are you serious?” Harcourt demands while the rest of you giggle.

“Answer the question, Harcourt,” Chris says with a stupid grin on his face. Harcourt sighs deeply.

“Fine,” she says. “Fuck Peacemaker, marry Economos, and kill Vigilante.” The room once again erupts into giggles and playful taunting.

“I knew you wanted me,” Chris says, a satisfied look on his face. Harcourt immediately glares at him

“Shut up.” Though you’re secretly glad you didn’t have to imagine the idea of Harcourt fucking or marrying Vigilante, you’re also a bit confused as to why she would want to kill him. To you, he’s the best option. You clearly aren’t the only one dissatisfied with the answer because—

“What the fuck?!” Adrian yells from beside you. The group turns to face him. “You would seriously kill meoverEconomos?! Have you met the guy?”

“Hey!” John speaks up, not liking how this got turned around on him once again.

Harcourt shrugs, clearly not taking this game too seriously. “I think John would make a good housewife.”

Fuck you guys,” John says, causing the rest of you to chuckle at his red face. You try to throw him an empathetic smile, you never liked the gang teasing John too much, but you’re too drunk to pay much attention to it.

“And no offense Adrian, but I wouldn’t want to kiss you, let alone fuck or marry you,” she says. You look over to see a frown form on Adrian’s face which causes you to frown. You hate seeing him upset. Unfortunately, your intoxicated mind takes this thought and tries to fix things.

“I would,” you say. The room quiets down as all eyes turn to you in surprise.

“Seriously?” Both Harcourt and Chris say, at the same time as Adrian says, “What?”

You glance at his wide-eyed gaze before moving to address the group. “Yeah, I’d kiss him. I bet he’d be a great kisser!” you exclaim before hiccupping. “In fact,” you stand up, slightly swaying on your feet before balancing yourself. “I would also fuck and marry him. Who wouldn’t? He’s—he’s sexy, he’s cute, he’s fucking funny, and he has an awesome personality. Oh, and he’s hot.”

If you were sober, you would want the earth to simply consume you for saying that, not only in front of Adrian but in front of everyone. But you aren’t sober, so you don’t think anything of saying that. The truth slipped out so easily you barely processed saying anything.

The room is still silent as everyone soaks in your speech. Adrian’s face is beat red as he struggles to process what just happened. Then suddenly Adebayo begins to sing, “Y/N and Adrian sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G.”

Everyone laughs, including yourself, and the game continues on as normal. Or so you thought. What you don’t see, is that Adrian continues to stare at you in wonder and disbelief until someone snaps him out of his thoughts.

The night continues on and the game gets less personal and more fun, bringing in celebrities, random characters and even Amanda Waller which almost made Adebayo leave the room in disgust.

Eventually, the alcohol begins to weigh on you and everyone decides to head home. Adrian offers to drive most of you home as the only sober person. You happily sit in the passenger’s seat and sing along to whatever random song Adrian has on his playlist. He drops everyone off one by one until it’s just you and him. Your energy is slowly leaving you so the ride is mostly filled with the sound of Adrian’s voice, but you don’t mind seeing that it’s Adrian.

When you arrive at your place, Adrian helps you out of the car and then up to your door once you stumble and almost fall. Even having his arm around you makes your heart race. It takes you a while to find your keys and you’re almost disappointed when you do. You don’t want him to leave. But you also know that you’re not in the right state of mind to invite him in.

You place your key in the door and then hesitate. You turn around to see Adrian waiting there, making sure you get in safe. The thought makes you smile. “Thank you, for…for making sure I get home alright,” you say, wanting to talk to him one last time. As if you wouldn’t see him tomorrow.

“O-oh that? Psh, that was nothing,” he says, caught off guard by your sincerity. “All in a day’s work for a hero.” His wink causes you to laugh.

“My hero,” you say with a laugh.

“Don’t I get some sort of kiss as a thank you?” he asks, cheekily. “After all, you were practically begging for me back there.” Both of you know he’s teasing but there’s something truthful hidden in your conversation. And maybe this is only happening because you probably won’t remember this, but you decide to take advantage of it.

“You’re right,” you say. Adrian’s smile turns into a slightly opened mouth. You’re tempted to kiss him right then and there. You lean in and his breath hitches. You press your lips against his cheek, planting a small kiss there. When you pull away, both of your faces are red. But you act as if it doesn’t faze you.

“Goodnight,” you say with a smile, turning towards your door.

“G-goodnight!” Adrian manages to get out as you’re entering your place. You close the door and take a moment to calm your beating heart. Then your thoughts turn towards your bed and how tired you are and your night ends there.


You wake up the next morning with a pounding headache and a groan on your lips. You roll over in your sheets only to face your alarm clock, telling you you only have half an hour before work. Work.The thought of it makes your head ache even more but you know you have to go.

As you’re getting ready, memories of last night begin to click back into place and you freeze as you remember what you said. Oh. My. God. You start to shake your head, trying to erase the memory as if it never happened. But it did.

“Shit,” you say, taking a moment to sit on your bed. You can’t believe you practically admitted your feelings to Adrian in front of everyone. In front of him. God he is going to think you are such a freak

You focus on your breathing as your thoughts begin to spiral. Calm down, Y/N. Maybe he doesn’t remember? Oh who are you kidding, he was sober of course he’s going to remember. You fall back onto your bed as you absolutely dread showing your face at work. But after a few minutes of wallowing, you realize there’s nothing you can do but face the music. Taking a deep breath, you continue to get ready to leave.

Walking into work, you wear black sunglasses and hold a cup of coffee in your hands to help with your hangover. You thought you might be late and, though you are the last to arrive, everyone else doesn’t look like they’re doing much better than you. You guess there will be a minimal amount of work done today.

Ugh, my head is killing me,” Chris says as he leans back in his office chair.

“Obviously. You have a hangover,” Harcourt says, a little more fed up with him than usual. “What did you expect?”

“No way, you think a few little beers is enough to knock me off my feet?” Chris scoffs. Harcourt shakes her head. “My body is built to withstand gallons of alcohol, easily.”

“Yes, I’m sure you’re much more superior than the rest of us,” she says, her voice dripping in sarcasm.

“Maybe that’s why you want to fuck me so bad,” he says, smirking at her, extracting a loud groan from Harcourt. She opens her mouth to bite back a response when you hear—

“Oh my god, will you two please quiet down?” Adebayo says from her desk across the room. She’s also wearing a pair of sunglasses and is currently massaging her temples.

“Seriously,” John says from his desk beside her. He looks in rough shape, his face paler than usual. “It’s bad enough I had to come in today, I cannot listen to the two of you do your weird fight-flirting today.”

This elicits even more noise as Harcourt jumps to defend herself and Chris teases her. Between the two of them, stands the man you are afraid to see. Adrian. He’s currently laughing at the fighting, not getting as involved as usual. This is your chance.

You take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the conversation ahead. You take your sunglasses off and walk over to him. As you approach, you see him turn to you and smile. “Good morning,” he says in his usual upbeat voice. You’re not sure if he’s ignoring what happened last night or if he’s really chill about it. Either way, your nerves increase.

“Hey,” you reply, finding it hard to meet his eyes but smiling nonetheless. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” You gesture towards the hallway, obviously wanting to have this conversation in private. He agrees and you lead the way.

Once you’re far enough down the hall where the others won’t hear you, you stop to face him. Your words get caught in your throat and your courage disappears as you look at him. Come on Y/N, get it together. As you fidget with your fingers, Adrian takes this as an opportunity to start the conversation.        

“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” His face still offers no indication that he knows which makes this a thousand times harder. Deep breaths.

“I wanted to…to apologize for what happened last night,” you say with your eyes trained on the floor.

“Isthatwhat this is about?” His question makes you look back up at him. You tilt your head in confusion. What else would this be about? He only smiles. “Don’t worry about that, no need to apologize.”

“Wait what?” This is not how you thought this was going to go. You’re genuinely unsure of what his next words would be. Was he going to reject you? Maybe admit to similar feelings? Or would he—

“Yeah. I mean, everyone says things they don’t mean when they’re drunk.” Your heart drops. He still doesn’t get it. He’s going to make you say it again, isn’t he?

“Adrian,” you sigh, trying to find the words again. But he keeps talking.

“I get it, I’ve totally been there,” he says. “Like this one time, I was drinking with Peacemaker, and I got so drunk that I told him he has a sexier butt than Taylor Swift! Which is crazybecause obviously Taylor has—”

“Adrian,” you say firmly to cut off his ramblings. You look into his big innocent eyes. Here goes nothing. “I meant every word I said.”

His jaw drops and he does nothing but blink at you. “W-what?”

“I…look that obviously wasn’t how I meant to tell you but yeah.” There’s a small silence where you decide to keep talking. “I understand if you don’t feel the same way or if this makes things awkward between us but—”

And then this motherfucker has the gall to laugh. Like actually laugh. You’re so caught off guard that you stop talking.

“Seriously?” he asks you with a big smile on his face. Your face begins to heat up and you look back at the ground.

“There’s no need to laugh at me—”

“What? No, no, no, that’s not—I’m not making fun of you,” he says quickly. You grow confused. He’s still smiling. “I just…I can’t believe that you actually like me.”

“Is that so hard to believe?” you say, still feeling like he’s laughing at you.

“Yes!” he says. “I mean look at you! You’re the most gorgeous, badass, coolest person I know.” Your heart begins to swell. “You’re completely out of my league! Even Peacemaker thought so when I told him how I felt…”

Slowly you understand what he’s trying to say and while he’s still talking, you walk up to him. He only shuts up when you’re standing right in front of him.

“Can I kiss you now?” you ask softly, glancing at his lips. He quickly nods and you pounce on him, bringing his mouth to yours. He lets out a small moan and you smile, pulling him closer to you. The kiss is deep and messy, both of you so excited to finally do this that you want everything at once. Eventually you come up for air and you wrap your hands around his neck. He looks dazed and a goofy smile is stuck on his lips.

“Wow…” is all he says and you feel proud that you’ve rendered him speechless for once.

“Yeah,” you agree.

“In case it wasn’t clear, I really like you,” he says seriously, and you giggle.

“Mmm I hadn’t noticed,” you joke before looking into his eyes. “I like you too.” The smile he gives you turns your insides to jelly. You glance behind him as you’re suddenly reminded of the rest of the group. Luckily, you don’t spot any peeping eyes but you’re not sure how long that will last. “We should get back to the others.”

The thought of it puts a small damper on your mood. You’re so happy to finally be with the man you’ve been crushing on for months and the moment’s over.

“We could do that,” he says nodding. “OR, we could stay here and continue to make out?”

You smile at his optimistic looking face. “Yeah that sounds better.” His lips crash back down to yours as he backs you into a wall and you can’t help but smile at the trouble this boy is about to bring into your life.
