#viktor fanfic


Viktor: lazy days 

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Viktor finds himself the happiest when he’s focused on a complicated project, preferably one that requires sleepless nights, copious amounts of caffeine and stacks of notes scribbled in half-mad writing.
  • Sure, it might not be the healthiest in the long run, but what a joy it is to finally find the perfect solution to a problem plaguing his mind for weeks. It is both joy and pride and makes all the trouble feel worth it.
  • Every time Viktor achieves it, he gets understandably exhausted, despite his annoyance and constant urge to find another project to focus on.
  • But no matter how hard he tries to negate it, Viktor (or at least his body) needs the time to recover. If you want him to rest, the crucial part is to convince him to just sit down with you, maybe eat something you’ve prepared for him and he’d feel bad about turning down. 
  • Once Viktor finally eats a proper meal (first in a while) and talks about something other than his project, he’ll start calming down and his weariness will make it more and more difficult to keep his eyes open. He’d slowly lean further back if he’s on a couch, to make his aching joints more comfortable. It usually doesn’t take him long to fall asleep, but once he’s fully unconscious, don’t expect him to wake up anytime soon. 
  • His record is 15 hours straight, and you had to check on him multiple times to see if he’s still breathing.
  • Throughout the years you’ve been together, you’ve found quite a number of spots to spend a few calm hours at. One of Viktor’s favorites overlooks a river and during the especially hot summer days, the breeze and shadow from the city walls bring a pleasant reprieve. He enjoys the way the sun sets over the river, painting it all shades of red and gold. Even though Viktor is fully aware of just how contaminated the water is, it’s nice to forget about the sad reality for a few hours.
  • Sometimes, the two of you would stay there late into the evening, not really caring about the passage of time. When Viktor has no ongoing projects and can finally just enjoy himself, he’d often ask you to stay with him and look at the stars. At the very edge of the city, the artificial lights would be left far beyond the walls, making the sky clear and beautiful. 
  • On his lazy days, Viktor wouldn’t mind going out with you somewhere closer to the city center either. During his years spent at the Academia, he got familiar with more shops, bakeries and food stands in the area than he could count. Without the time pressing on him, Viktor enjoys taking a leisure stroll through the food stands, picking a coffee there, a cinnamon bun there, or trying out whatever was new and smelling delightful. There’s a certain pleasure in surrounding himself with a crowd of chattering and bickering people, all focused on their own lives, but being part of something bigger than themselves nonetheless. 
  • Crowds are dangerous for his balance though, so Viktor doesn’t mind you holding him steady. It both makes him walk easier through the cobblestone streets and brings a smile on his face. 
  • His lazy days are enjoyed in the mornings too, especially after he’s finally out of his coma-like sleep. Viktor loves to see you next to him when he first opens his eyes. He doesn’t mind spending a few hours just cuddling with you and talking about the little things. 