#viktor arcane x you


Viktor: kisses

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Viktor has many types of kisses, all depending on how flustered he is in the moment and what’s the occasion. 
  • His favourite are the quick pecks you leave on his face when both of you are busy or focused on something important, yet still crave the affection. There are moments when he doesn’t even notice you approach and the warm kiss you leave on his forehead is a pleasant distraction from his newest project. 
  • He loves to pepper you with those kisses too, especially in the morning when the world is still blurry and vague, and the only real part is your warm body pressed into his own. Viktor would be careful not to wake you up if he opened his eyes first. He’d kiss your shoulders and neck, taking his time to feel the softness of your skin. 
  • He’d press his lips gently to your eyelids and the tip of nose, and his heart would ache when you woke up with a smile.
  • There are also more ‘awake’ kisses, taken with full intention of stopping the time for a moment. Nothing really matters anymore when Viktor feels the press of your lips on his and you lean into his touch. He has a habit of cupping your cheek before the kiss and a small sigh sometimes escapes him when you lean into it.
  • Viktor loves to leave those kisses along your collarbone or at the base of your neck. He is so close that he can feel your pulse fluttering and knows it’s because of him. He can press his tongue onto your skin and feel you shiver.
  • And there are also kisses he can’t control but doesn’t mind it, where all that’s important is to be close to each other. Where hands roam the bodies pressed together and lips open in silent invitation. 
  • Viktor might moan into the kiss if you run your fingers through his hair or grab his shoulders. He loves the way your hands shake, erratically looking for purchase. 

Viktor: lazy days 

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Viktor finds himself the happiest when he’s focused on a complicated project, preferably one that requires sleepless nights, copious amounts of caffeine and stacks of notes scribbled in half-mad writing.
  • Sure, it might not be the healthiest in the long run, but what a joy it is to finally find the perfect solution to a problem plaguing his mind for weeks. It is both joy and pride and makes all the trouble feel worth it.
  • Every time Viktor achieves it, he gets understandably exhausted, despite his annoyance and constant urge to find another project to focus on.
  • But no matter how hard he tries to negate it, Viktor (or at least his body) needs the time to recover. If you want him to rest, the crucial part is to convince him to just sit down with you, maybe eat something you’ve prepared for him and he’d feel bad about turning down. 
  • Once Viktor finally eats a proper meal (first in a while) and talks about something other than his project, he’ll start calming down and his weariness will make it more and more difficult to keep his eyes open. He’d slowly lean further back if he’s on a couch, to make his aching joints more comfortable. It usually doesn’t take him long to fall asleep, but once he’s fully unconscious, don’t expect him to wake up anytime soon. 
  • His record is 15 hours straight, and you had to check on him multiple times to see if he’s still breathing.
  • Throughout the years you’ve been together, you’ve found quite a number of spots to spend a few calm hours at. One of Viktor’s favorites overlooks a river and during the especially hot summer days, the breeze and shadow from the city walls bring a pleasant reprieve. He enjoys the way the sun sets over the river, painting it all shades of red and gold. Even though Viktor is fully aware of just how contaminated the water is, it’s nice to forget about the sad reality for a few hours.
  • Sometimes, the two of you would stay there late into the evening, not really caring about the passage of time. When Viktor has no ongoing projects and can finally just enjoy himself, he’d often ask you to stay with him and look at the stars. At the very edge of the city, the artificial lights would be left far beyond the walls, making the sky clear and beautiful. 
  • On his lazy days, Viktor wouldn’t mind going out with you somewhere closer to the city center either. During his years spent at the Academia, he got familiar with more shops, bakeries and food stands in the area than he could count. Without the time pressing on him, Viktor enjoys taking a leisure stroll through the food stands, picking a coffee there, a cinnamon bun there, or trying out whatever was new and smelling delightful. There’s a certain pleasure in surrounding himself with a crowd of chattering and bickering people, all focused on their own lives, but being part of something bigger than themselves nonetheless. 
  • Crowds are dangerous for his balance though, so Viktor doesn’t mind you holding him steady. It both makes him walk easier through the cobblestone streets and brings a smile on his face. 
  • His lazy days are enjoyed in the mornings too, especially after he’s finally out of his coma-like sleep. Viktor loves to see you next to him when he first opens his eyes. He doesn’t mind spending a few hours just cuddling with you and talking about the little things. 

Viktor: asking you out

Fandom: Arcane 

  • Viktor was fully aware that the longer he waited with asking you out, the harder it would get. He thought about it multiple times already, tried to find the most fitting words, predict your answer, prepare for the possible rejection and yet - he was still nervous. 
  • His hands would shake more than usual whenever his mind circled back to what he wanted to do. He’d known you for so long it felt like a lifetime, and by then the lab never felt the same without you somewhere close. He was (almost) sure that the feelings he had for you were mutual. 
  • So why was it so difficult to just open his mouth and ask?
  • Jayce would notice his distress and (if you weren’t around to hear them) offer to help. Viktor was pretty sure that getting a wingman would make the whole ordeal even more embarrassing than it already felt. Besides, he wanted to make that move himself. He owed it to you.
  • Viktor would wait until there were only the two of you in a room (Jayce would wink at him before slipping out with some half-assed excuse) before clearing his throat to pick your attention. 
  • It worked. And he forgot what to say.
  • With your eyes on him and that soft smile playing on your lips, all the polished words Viktor had prepared went into the void. For a moment that felt like an eternity, he’d just stare at you, desperately trying to remember how to speak. 
  • He’d stutter and it would take him a few tries to ask the question right. His hands were ice cold when he waited for your reaction. He has never been more grateful for his cane - it made his panicked grip look almost natural, even with his knuckles gone completely white. 
  • Viktor would be so relieved once you agreed that he’d sway on his legs. He’s never felt so happy, despite his throat drying out and his heart skipping a few beats in his chest. 
  • You’d opted for a walk, which sounded like a good idea in the middle of the day, and more like a rookie mistake once it got dark, cold and slippery. The thin rain that fell during the day turned into a slippery mess once the temperature dropped. Viktor didn’t expect that.
  • What he also didn’t expect was your arm sneaking its way around his and securing him on the side where he didn’t use his cane. 
  • You were warm. Or maybe it was hus rapidly beating heart that made him feel like boiling.
  • You were close enough to secure him whenever Viktor lost his footing. It made the whole walk much more pleasant than Viktor had anticipated. For once he didn’t mind the length of the bridges or the uneven stones of the walkways. 
  • Deep in the conversation, Viktor didn’t even realize how fast the time had passed and he almost regretted not taking an even longer path. 
  • His regrets melted away pretty quickly when you wished him a goodnight with a peck on his cheek and a promise of more walks in the future.

Viktor: how he expresses affection

Fandom: Arcane

  • Viktor has a difficult take on affection. On one hand, he’s completely enamored with you, and the feeling only grows in strength as time goes on and your relationship progresses. And he loves all the small touches you give him, or kind words or those smiles that make him weak.
  • He’d love to do the same for you. 
  • But how can he praise you when his voice shakes and his mouth dries out? How can he touch you when his hands are always too cold or too sweaty or covered in dust and oil from working on his newest mechanism? 
  • Viktor gets flustered very easily whenever he tries to be affectionate and something doesn’t go as planned. He laughs nervously both because well, he screwed up again and because he tries to hide his embarrassment.
  • Things get better the more you convince him it’s fine and kiss his reddened cheeks. 
  • He starts small, trying out extremely small gestures and observing your reactions. Viktor wouldn’t keep notes on his observations (or at least never admit to them), but he’d definitely keep a track of what makes you happiest. 
  • He enjoys sitting close enough to you to almost touch shoulders or legs. When you’re so close, it feels natural to speak softly, and even such a small thing as bumping his shoulder into yours whenever you make him laugh feels much more intimate.
  • Holding your hand is something he wasn’t initially used to (especially since he has to hold his cane with the other one) but eventually warmed up to. He feels guilty whenever that makes the one to hold the books or notes.
  • The sight of you sitting somewhere with your back to him is a bulletproof way of getting Viktor to leave a kiss on your neck or to ruffle your hair when he walks by.
  • Speaking of which - Viktor doesn’t care much about his hair other than brushing it the way he always did. So when you ask if you can do it for him at the end of the day, he doesn’t mind.
  • It feels different when you do it, though. You’re careful about the tangles he makes when he runs his hands through the strands in frustration, which happens frequently in the lab or when a particularly annoying equation he’s working on just doesn’t make any sense.
  • You take your time detangling every piece while Viktor tries his best to sit still. It feels amazing enough to make him sigh and lean into your touch more. 
  • He’ll melt if you massage his scalp, especially after the stressful day.
  • Viktor would let you do anything to his hair - he doesn’t care much about it after all. But it just happens that he’d keep the short braids or pretty clips you’d put there. He’d often put his head in your lap when he needed someplace quiet to think.
  • When it comes to hugs, Viktor is a big fan of how comfortable you feel pressed against him. He understands that his bony physique might not be the nicest for you, but once you said it was more than fine, Viktor would plaster himself to you and there would be no turning back after that point.
  • Are you standing somewhere, minding your own business? Now you have a Viktor pressed against your back, resting his chin on your head or shoulder. 
  • Are you laying down on a couch or the bed, reading something quietly? It won’t take long before a tired Viktor plops down next to you and drapes his long limbs around your midriff.
  • But as much as Viktor enjoys the physical aspect of affection, he also makes sure to tell you what’s on his mind through words. 
  • Viktor is quick to compliment you and make sure you know how happy and proud he is of your achievements, no matter how small they might feel for you. He might not always find the smoothest words, but he does his best to convey his love for you.

Just a Quick Break

Fandom: Arcane

Warnings: smut

The Piltover Academy, though built to impress and show the grandeur of the city, was in its depths a labyrinthine place, full of corridors leading supposedly nowhere of importance, and rooms once used for storage and promptly forgotten.

It retained its charm though, especially during the busy days when all Viktor wanted was a few quiet moments to gather his thoughts. Even in the laboratory wing, swarming with academics and their projects, a few rooms had been conveniently forgotten over the decades.

Viktor often found reprieve in one of them. 

It was the size of a closet and all it could store was a dusty floor-to-ceiling bookshelf against one wall and an ancient desk on the other, with a tall, narrow window spilling light in between. The day was bright enough to paint the dust gliding lazily through the air gold. 

Viktor quieted his cough, but had no intention of leaving. When he leaned on the edge of the desk, the bottom shelf in front of him was the perfect height to rest his leg on and bring some relief to the pain he’d been walking with throughout the day. 

Most of the books tightly packed there were ancient enough that the ink had become unreadable, and many others were written in languages Viktor couldn’t even name. Still, Viktor enjoyed the quiet hours spent learning something new and completely outside his usual field and the sheer randomness of it.

The door creaked open. Viktor froze.

“Oh, dear,” you smiled and slipped inside the room. “And here I was, promising Heimedinger his favorite assistant was busy rechecking the calculations.”

Viktor closed the book in his hands. “They won’t be any different whether I do that three times or three hundred. The fault must lay in the quality of the materials used, but I don’t have access to that.”

“He never listens, huh?" 

You leaned on the desk next to him, taking the book he held. The room was tiny enough that it put you shoulder to shoulder with Viktor. 

"Not when it comes to his own projects,” he shrugged. He could feel the warmth seeping through your clothes. 

Viktor tore his eyes away from you.

“So you decide to busy yourself reading an outdated agriculture manual?”

“It’s better than going through the same numbers again and hoping for a different result.” He waved his hand. “The word insanity comes to mind for some reason.”

The sound of your laugh sent the butterflies in his stomach flying. 

You’d known each other so long he must’ve heard it a thousand times by now, but Viktor doubted he’d ever get used to it. He still had to remind himself that somehow you ended up together.

“You better be careful,” he said. “Someone might hear us and ruin our little break.”

“You’re the one slacking off!”

“As if you weren’t supposed to practice before your presentation tomorrow.”

You gasped dramatically. “How dare you say I can’t do that half an hour before the meeting, as I always do. Someone’s getting rude…”

Shivers ran down Viktor’s arms when he noticed the smile playing on your lips. He’d learned everything about it throughout the years.

Viktor glanced quickly at the door that was thankfully still closed when you squeezed yourself between him and the bookshelf. The light from the window erased the shadows from your face when you leaned in to look Viktor in the eyes. Your hands traveled up and down his thighs, sending goosebumps over his skin. 

Viktor cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Love, I don’t think this is a good place for—”

You hushed him with a peck on his lips. “Of course it is. You just need to stay quiet.”

Viktor yelped when you caught him under his knees and pushed him further onto the desk. His shoulders hit the wall and his cane rattled slightly, but stayed in the corner by the window. He didn’t need it for once, though, not with his aching knee being in a surprisingly comfortable position—

Viktor’s thoughts scattered when you slipped between his legs, and he suddenly found you very, very close. His sweaty palms were braced behind his back, thankfully beyond your reach.

Your eyes dipped to the blush spotting his cheeks. Viktor could’ve sworn the rapid beating of his heart could be heard in half the Academy. 

“What a curious reaction,” you whispered, placing a feather-soft kiss over his cheekbone. “I wonder what you might be thinking about, dear.”

There were very few things on Viktor’s mind when your hand squeezed his thigh and moved slowly upward, as if drawn precisely to the spot his pants felt the most uncomfortable.

With his mouth completely dry, even swallowing proved a difficult task. Viktor eyed the door again, trying his best not to moan when your hand brushed over his bulge. It wouldn’t be the first time the two of you decided to have a little fun in the middle of the day, but certainly the riskiest so far when it came to the choice of a spot. 

Viktor liked it.

The fear of being caught was surprisingly thrilling. Viktor caught himself shivering as you undid the buttons of his pants one by one and had to cover his own mouth when you freed his length. 

“Someone’s getting impatient,” you whispered in his ear, pumping him lazily with your fist. He was almost hard.

Viktor groaned when you kissed down the tense column of his neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps lingering in every place you touched. His cock twitched when he felt you smile against his pulse. His heart threatened to burst from his chest, every beat faster than the last.

Viktor took a deep breath, trying to regain a semblance of control.

Somewhere beyond the wall, in the spacious but old laboratory, a door opened and two voices broke the silence. 

Viktor tensed, listening to the people moving some equipment, unaware of being so close, and yet so far away from the rather intriguing scene. They talked about things Viktor couldn’t hear, their words mixing together. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the second pair of doors, the ones half hidden at the far wall. All it took was for one of the students to notice them and open out of curiosity, just like Viktor did when he first noticed the tiny storage room all those weeks ago…

You pinned his hips down with your free hand, holding him firmly in place when he shivered. Your grip on his cock tightened, making Viktor see the stars. A droplet of precum slid down his length and over your hand.

“Careful,” you whispered. “We don’t want them to hear, after all.”

Viktor was in no shape to argue, especially when you nipped at his earlobe, moving your hand further down. He felt his soul leaving his body when you slipped your hand inside his tucked down pants, massaging his balls in precisely the spot you knew worked on him like magic.

A moan slipped from his lips before Viktor caught himself, fretfully glancing at the doors that stayed mercifully closed. He was vaguely aware of people still walking around the other room, but couldn’t focus on what they were doing - not when his pulse was drumming in his veins and ears, bringing him closer to the edge with each movement of your hand. His breathing was labored, and the sweat rolled down the back of Viktor’s neck. Nothing had ever felt so good as the moment you took your lips away from his neck and closed them around his tip.

Your mouth was delightfully warm and wet. Viktor felt your tongue explore the underside of his cock, licking down the precum that leaked before. Your hand moved to the base of his cock, pumping him in tune with your mouth. 

Viktor’s legs twitched when he came, and for the moment even the pain of his knee was forgotten. He had no idea if he made any noises when you kept on working him until he was spent and exhausted. His breathing hitched when he saw you lick your lips with a devilish smile and enough satisfaction to put more blush on his face. Viktor was happy he was already sitting.

“Enjoy your break, love. Remember about Heimedinger’s project,” you cooed before straightening up and squeezing out from between Viktor’s completely limp legs and the bookshelf. There was only silence coming from the other room by then, so you creaked the door open and quietly left before anyone from your team missed you. 

Viktor closed his eyes, but it did little to calm him. 

With a groan, he moved off the desk, trying his best to put himself together with shaking hands. He had no idea how he would look people in the eye once he left his little hiding spot. 

Still, he couldn’t stop the half smile working its way onto his own lips. He didn’t think of himself as prioritizing fairness in most areas of his life, and yet he couldn’t stop wondering how he would repay your favor. 

Imagine Viktor helping his s/o sleep

Fandom: Arcane

Request: Hi their, I was just wondering… how would viktor help their s/o sleep, like if they have nightmares or can’t sleep at night how would he tackle that

  • Viktor suffers from a poor sleeping pattern himself, so he isn’t surprised when you explain your situation. He might even joke that you caught it from him.
  • Viktor rarely tries to fight his own sleeping issues, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t know any general tips and tricks.
  • He remembers someone suggesting a cup of warm milk to be drunk before heading to bed, so he’d share that advice with you too. He’d even prepare it for you himself, and add a little bit of honey to it.
  • If the results weren’t satisfactory, Viktor would offer to go for a walk with you before sleep. The evenings in Piltover are almost always beautiful regardless of the weather. There are countless streets to take and visit a random part of the city. It is a good way to get a little tired while not realizing it because of the thrill of adventure. 
  • Viktor enjoys spending time with you, so he’d quickly get used to those walks. He knows he has to take breaks from work too, and this is a good way of helping the both of you. He knows Piltover better than most, or at least the Academia grounds and surrounding, so he could find plenty of places to visit with you. 
  • His leg wouldn’t be much of a problem on a leisure walk, and his muscles do need stretching anyway after all the hours spent bent over his lab table.
  • If that wasn’t enough either, Viktor would probably offer to bore you to death with his rambling about his newest project and all the setbacks he’s trying to fix. 
  • Viktor doesn’t mind it. He’s realized long ago that sometimes, the best way to solve an issue is to try explaining it to someone else. It changes the perspective of looking at the problems, and allows much needed reiteration of how things are supposed to work and why. The less you understand from his rembking the better, because it might successfully bore you into sleep.
  • There’s a couch in the lab Jayce and him had brought in years ago. Its purpose was to mainly assist during the (almost) sleepless nights spent on their projects back during the school days, but even now it can serve its purpose.
  • It’s a good enough place to sit you down, all warm under a blanket, and just talk. 
  • Viktor likes to watch your eyelids grow heavier and eventually close. Once he’d make sure you were asleep, he’d most likely get back to the lab table. There wasn’t a way for him to move you back to his rooms, so he wouldn’t try, in fear of disturbing you.

Viktor: dominance

Fandom: Arcane

  • Viktor is a complex person. He is intelligent, but not only when it comes to scientific research. 
  • Back when he lived in the Lanes, he had to learn from a very young age how to survive and how to avoid danger - including the man-made danger. As a disabled child, he was often overlooked and underestimated, which allowed him to get away with a lot. 
  • It also allowed him a very close look at the way the “respected” people of the Lanes talked and behaved. How they manipulated. How they faked their confidence and lied so smoothly no one ever suspected a thing.
  • Viktor has never been a fan or a master of manipulation - but as he grew up, he learned to pay attention to the subtle details. 
  • There’s a quiet sense of confidence in Viktor that isn’t noticeable at first. A lot of the time Viktor prefers to listen first and let people speak around him. It allows him time to understand them and check if it’s even worth arguing. 
  • When Viktor finally decides to speak though, he knows how to make himself heard.
  • He doesn’t have to raise his voice or gesture wildly to earn all the attention in the room. When Viktor has something important to say, he will speak slowly, deliberately choosing very concise yet still polite words. There is something in the tone of his voice that puts just enough pressure on people to not even think of interrupting. 
  • His brows furrow slightly and there’s steel behind his eyes when Viktor talks down a person clearly in the wrong. He is never rude, but more often than not, the sheer weight of his gaze is enough to shut up idiots.
  • When Viktor speaks, he does slight movements with his free hand. It isn’t anything aggressive, but still catches the attention of others, prompting them to stay focused. 
  • Viktor doesn’t think of himself as a dominant person and to a point, he isn’t. 
  • It isn’t an effect of his conscious choices, but there are times when Viktor (regardless of his true intentions) appears confident and in charge enough to put a blush on people, especially younger students seeking him out for help with their projects.
  • There is something in the way Viktor rolls up his sleeves before approaching the lab table, with his eyes already focused on the issue presented to him. These are the moments when his crutch doesn’t feel like it’s holding him back, and new strength fills his body.
  • There are also moments when people find Viktor in an old armchair tucked at the corner of one of the offices, with the sun that comes through the high windows erasing the soft shadows from his face. He might look asleep, but his eyes are usually cracked just a fraction and a soft smile plays on his lips as he enjoys the warmth. He is leaning comfortably back on the cushions, and his legs are spread just in the right position to best relieve his muscles. 
  • Viktor doesn’t move first when he’s approached there. Instead, he slightly turns his head to face the visitor and observes them from beneath his thick lashes. There is quite a lot of space to be crossed from the door, and if not prompted, Viktor won’t break the silence. His crutch is within his reach and if he wanted to, he could stand up. 
  • But he waits.
  • And let them come to their own conclusions.

It’s my birthday tomorrow.

I wish I wasn’t so fatigued all the time but am so grateful doctors are close to answers for why I’ve been ill for so long, and why it’s worsened recently; having been predominantly bedridden for two months now. Answers would be an excellent birthday present, tbh.

I miss writing regularly and have so many requests that I’m steadily working through. I also have so many plans for my Viktor x Reader Bakery AU; and need to start writing my sequel to Indelible Lines after plotting it out these past two months.

Indelible Lines (part two??) is the cruelest slow burn that pays off, okay? It follows Viktor and Reader compete for valedictorian with elements of the masterpiece of slow-burning that is Jane Austen’s Emma. It includes this (draft) confession from Viktor to Reader in one of the final planned chapters, after he gets drunk at an Academy Gala event:

“I had a plan — to better the lives of people living in the Undercity through my inventions. To proveto Piltover that someone from the Undercity, someone from the place they look so down upon, someone like me, could succeed when given the chance. That weare as much deserving of life as those who inhabit Bluewind Court. That are we deserving of life.

But you had to go and ruin it. With your stupidly stunning eyes. Your stupidly rapacious lips. Your stupidly charming smile. Your stupidly intelligent brain that has reduced me to the basest, rudimentary language in your presence.

I have thought of you while calculating the conservation of energy. Your voice, your very presence makes my heart ricochet. Your words have plagued me while calculating Hooke’s Law. And when we were nearly arrested at the docks? Well. I, eh. I have never been so enamoured with you than when we were avoiding arrest for the possession of illegal fireworks.

(Y/N). You set out what you planned to do, months ago. The only thought in that splendid brain of mine is you.
Andonlyyou. And it’s your fault.”

Or when Viktor visits his parents and is convinced he’s ill (“There’s something wrong with my heart”) and they sign (say) to him that it sounds like he’s in love. And Viktor’s just incredulous because this wasn’t part of the plan.

Goodness, I can’t wait to share it all with you. But it’s just a matter of having the energy.

TL;DR — I miss writing regularly and hope my health improves soon.
