#vil make brain go brrrrrrrrr


Beautiful Letters


What exactly was beauty?

To some beauty was in the form of nature, to others it was in the form of looks, and to a few it was in the form of trinkets that shined or shimmered in the light. There were many interruptions of the word, many forms of it, but for you beauty was in the form of the one who you loved most in the world.

Beauty was in the form of Vil Schoenheit.

But not in the way that many people would believe. Granted Vil was a beautiful man, with sharp, elegant amethyst hues and porcelain pale skin that glowed in the sun. With pale blonde hair tipped with lavender and sharp facial features and an air of dignity and regale and elegance he was in a way the definition of beauty. However none of those things were what you associated with beauty. No for you Vil’s beauty came from his inner self, it came from his kindness and dedication and his hard work. It came from his compassion and his willingness to help those who needed it and never asking for anything in return.

Vil Schoenheit’s beauty was in the form of the very person that he was in your eyes.

Perhaps that was why you’d fallen so hard for him. Why you’d found yourself dreaming about him, wanting him to glance in your direction. You hadn’t realized until very recently just how in love with him you were, when you’d truly caught a glimpse of the man underneath the natural beauty. It’d been a normal day for you, the same mundane routine going to school and existing quietly amongst your classmates. Invisible in a way to those around you, when you’d stumbled upon a scene that you probably shouldn’t have seen. Vil Schoenheit, the Pomefiore dormitory leader was sitting alone by the wishing well, gently holding a small bird on his finger.

“Are you hungry little one? You’re in luck because I have some food leftover from lunch.”

The man said softly, his voice gentle and kind as he interacted with the small creature. The bird chirped happily when it was given a few crumbs to munch on, hopping from Vil’s finger and into the palm of his hand, while Vil watched over it quietly like a silent but tender guardian. It was surreal in a way to see Vil holding something so small and look so at ease within that moment. Whenever you’d seen the dorm leader he was usually somewhat serious and unapproachable in a way but now in the private moment that you’d stumbled on, the once unattainable and distant man you’d once known was now a kind and gentle one who seemed to enjoy feeding a small little bird.

You watched the small moment your heart doing a funny little pattern in your chest as you took it in. The smile on his face, sincere and untroubled, the gentle warmth in his eyes and in that moment you realized just how deeply in love with him you were. After that you began to see so many glimpses of the beautiful man, in moments when he’d interact with his underclassmen Epel and his vice dorm leader Rook to tending to his flowers near the Pomefiore dormitory. With each moment you fell deeper and deeper in love with him. With each moment the urge to tell him grew stronger, to let him know what you saw in him. However you were much too shy to go up to him and blatantly confess.

So you became content to watch him from afar, admiring him and quietly pining over him. And for awhile it worked for you, until your friend Yuu found out. Once they found out about it suddenly the once content existence you lived was completely wrecked. Yuu bless them tried to slowly get you and Vil to interact with one another more, however you would quickly make an escape when your shyness and flustered state became overwhelming. Often times leading to some embarrassing moments.

“(Y/N) you’ve gotta do something at least! This whole pining thing isn’t exactly healthy.”

The prefect said as they scolded you over another failed attempt at actually talking to Vil. You bowed your head slightly like a kicked puppy.

“I’m sorry Yuu it’s just so difficult to talk to him…..”

You said softly your (H/L) (H/C) hair covering your face slightly. Yuu gave you a small pitying look, knowing that this was rather difficult for you. You weren’t the most sociable person, easily getting flustered and shy and awkward whenever too much attention was on you. The Ramshackle dorm leader quietly pondered in their thoughts while you chewed on your lower lip nervously at their silence. You about jumped out of your skin when Yuu suddenly snapped their fingers together in an epiphany.

“I got it, how about instead of directly talking to him you write him a letter?”

Yuu asked training their gaze on you. You stared at your friend in slight confusion.

“A letter….?”

You asked earning a nod from the prefect.

“Yeah a letter. You can send something to him anonymously and tell him your feelings until you can gather the courage to actually talk to him.”

Yuu said satisfied with their solution. You pondered this going over the pros and cons of this. If you wrote a letter you could finally tell him your truest feelings, without the shyness you display whenever you were around him. You could finally let him know what was slowly eating away at you without him ever knowing it was you. However if you went through with this and Vil found out that you were the sender……….

You felt an small sense of dread hit you at the possible outcomes. Each one more horrid than the last one. You were getting so stuck in the imaginary scenarios that Yuu had to snap you out of it.

“Just think about it okay? If you don’t want to then we’ll try another way to get you guys to interact more.”

Yuu said softly rubbing your shoulder soothingly. You gave a shaky nod and the two of you went quiet only speaking about mundane things. Yet your mind was a million miles away.


Writing letters was a lot harder than you thought it was. You didn’t even know where to begin. Staring at the sheet of paper in front of you, you thought about how to possibly start. The gentle light shining from your desk lamp illuminated your bedroom in a gentle glow as you pondered. As you did this your thoughts drifted back towards Vil himself and with him came a few memories. Your mind replayed one these memories, of one of the few times you’d managed to actually speak to him somewhat. You’d been sitting in the courtyard by yourself near the flowers, the scent of lilacs and lilies surrounding you as you enjoyed the blossoms. Vil had came to join you wondering if you were alright. After telling him that you were fine the two of you had managed to start a conversation.

It was somewhat awkward for you but you managed to speak to him despite your heart pounding and your thoughts racing. You remembered saying something and the amused chuckle that you’d received from the dorm leader along with the smile.

‘He has the most beautiful smile…..’

Your heart fluttered at the memory of it and suddenly a stroke of inspiration hit you. You knew what you were going to write. Grabbing your pen you began to write your letter. You stayed up late into the night writing what your heart was telling you, putting your most sincere and heartfelt words into it in hopes that it would reach him. Hands stained in ink and a feeling of self satisfaction you folded your letter and placed it into the envelope to keep it safe. Once done you made your way to bed and curled up into the sheets and blankets settling in for the night.

'Please…..let this not blow up in my face.’

You pleaded before drifting off to sleep.


Mornings in the Pomefiore dormitory was some of the best kind in Vil’s opinion. The sun peaking over the vast forest trees and painting the gray castle walls and flowers in its bright reddish pink hues was a sight that he’d never get tired of. The dorm leader was making his way around the small flowers and vines in the gardens, his dark purple and golden robes painted in the morning rays, trailing behind him like a tapestry of rich purples. The dark red strings that hung from his belt swished gently with his movements as he strolled along taking everything in. It wasn’t often that Vil got a chance to have a peaceful moment such as this. Being the dorm leader of Pomefiore as well as an actor and model rarely gave him time to just stop and relax so the change was welcomed greatly.

Vil made his way to the stone bench near the lilacs and sat down closing his eyes and listening to nature begin to wake up. The sounds of birds chirping and squirrels climbing up trees filled the air, and a gentle yet chilly early morning breeze playfully moved his hair. The lavender tipped hues gleamed against his pale locks and bangs surrounding him in a golden halo of sorts. Vil took a slow deep breath in smelling the fresh morning dew, flowers and grass. A sense of calm washed over him as he sat there listening and existing.

'Nothing can ever compare to this.’

He thought as he hummed softly with fondness.

“Ah there you are Roi du Poison, I was wandering where you went.”

Rook’s voice called out to him breaking the peaceful moment. The dorm leader sighed and opened his eyes meeting the hunter green hues of his friend and vice dorm leader. Rook was smiling down at him with a somewhat fond look, his hat blocking the sunlight. Vil looked up at him expression blank and already stoic.

“I’m guessing it’s almost time to wake up the rest of the dorm. Go ahead and get started, I have to grab something from my room and then I’ll join you.”

Vil said already missing the peace he had momentarily. Rook gave a bigger grin and nodded.

“Oui but of course my beautiful queen, I’ll see you inside.”

The huntsman said before heading back towards the castle’s entryway. Vil stood up shortly after brushing down his robes and following suit. Before stepping through the vast entranceway of the Pomefiore castle Vil took one last look at the morning sun remorse fully and then proceeded inside to start his day. The castle was quiet as he stepped through the doorway, the only sounds being that of his heels as he made his way towards his bedroom to grab his things to start the morning beauty routine with his underclassmen. Passing by the fabric tapestries and porcelain vases filled with flowers he finally caught sight of the familiar door that lead to his bedroom. Reaching for the doorknob Vil went to turn it but paused when the tip of his heeled boat kicked something. Confused the teen looked down towards the ground and caught sight of an envelope.

Curiosity perked up as he bent down and picked it up, gently looking it over in his hands. There was no signature other than his name on the front of it written in ink. Keeping it in one hand Vil used the other to open the bedroom and stepped inside closing the door behind him. Making his way to his vanity he sat down in the plush chair and with slow cautious movements opened the envelope and pulled out the letter and began to read its contents.

“Dearest Vil, I’ve written this letter to let you know of my deepest feelings towards you. I’m not the best with words nor expressing myself but I can not continue on in silence any longer. For the longest time I’ve watched and admired from afar, wanting nothing more than to speak with you and be in your presence. However I’ve been much too shy to do so, so I’d decided that a letter would be the best approach for what I wish to say, that being that I have developed feelings for you. Whenever I’m near you my heart flutters and I become tongue tied. There’s so many things that I wish to say, so many things that you’ve most likely heard before from many others. I wish for nothing more than to express all of these feelings and my sincerity in how I feel about you, for you to know that you’re one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. Your strength, your kindness, generosity and determination, your hard working, never give up attitude. Your passion and your heart, these are just a few of the things that make me love you. Even if you don’t return my affections I’d be happy just knowing that I’ve finally gotten to say what I’ve been wanting to say since forever: that I am fully and completely in love with you and your beautiful soul. Love your secret admirer.”

Vil stared at the letter stunned. It wasn’t the first time he’d received a love letter and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. However this letter was different. A type of sincerity leaked out of the words as well as a type of affection. The person who wrote this not once mentioned his looks but rather him as a person. It was something that he rarely ever heard from admirers. Vil held the letter gently as if it was fragile as he tried to figure out who could have possibly written it. After coming up with nothing the prefect sighed and refolded the letter and placed it delicately back into its envelope. Standing up from his vanity Vil felt a fire begin to burn within him, fueling him with determination and a hardened resolve.

He’d find the author of this letter and hear from their own mouth everything they wished to say.

And perhaps if they were willing they could both discover something even more beautiful than words.

*Shows up several months later with a Starbucks in hand and an exhausted vibe. Sup bitches Vil Schoenheit has rotted my brain and ruined my life so I decided to write something for him lol. My love was reawakened by Vil forehead kisses and I regret absolutely nothing. Forgive me for the crummy love letter bit I’m not used to writing stuff like that lmfao. Also lowkey I like to imagine that Vil would probably enjoy nature to some extent because he enjoys beautiful things and nature can be hella beautiful bet. Sorry if he’s out of character I tried my best. The reader is ambiguous so y'all decide what gender they are lol. I don’t know if I’ll continue this. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!!!*
